The Existence of God Almighty

Just look up. Look at the stars for 5 min. Look at the symetry between the stars and the layout. Then you will come to know this is not just physics. There is someone who put them that way.

Not really, the universe is a giant game of billiards governed by the laws of physics and gravity. God may have started creation off, but he has no control over the consequent chaotic movement of matter. besides the existence or non existence of God does not validate Islam. As far as I am concerned God had no part in creating your religion.
Just look up. Look at the stars for 5 min. Look at the symetry between the stars and the layout. Then you will come to know this is not just physics. There is someone who put them that way.
There is no symmetry as you define it. One of the mysteries being probed by science is why there are large voids in the universe, absent celestial bodies.

Biggest void in space is 1 billion light years across - space - 24 August 2007 - New Scientist

Less Koran and more science.
I speak from the traditional knowledge in Islam.

There is belief and there is belief. There is one who says I believe in God, and there is one who really believes in God. The one who really believes in God, love of God fills his breast. Then comes the response of God, for if you approach God, He approaches you much better.
The Quran is not about love of Allah, it is about fearing Allah and obeying Muhammad.

[026:108] “Fear Allah and obey me!”
[026:110] “So, fear Allah and follow me.” [026:124] Their brother Hood said to them, “Do you not fear (Allah)?” [026:126] “So fear Allah and obey me!” [026:131] “Fear Allah and follow me!” [026:132] “Fear the One Who has imparted the knowledge you possess.” [026:135] “In fact, I fear that a torture of a severe day might come upon you.” [026:142] Their brother Saleh said to them, “Do you not fear (Allah)?” [026:144] “So fear Allah and obey me!” [026:150] “So fear Allah and follow me.” [026:161] Their brother Loot said to them, “Do you not fear (Allah)?” [026:163] “So fear Allah and obey me!” [026:177] When Shoaib said to them, “Do you not fear (Allah)?” [026:179] “So fear Allah and obey me!” [026:184] “And fear the One Who created you as well as the earlier generations.”
Belief in a deity does not prove its existence. Whether an individual is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Bahai, Shinto, or Jain (I exclude Budhism as it is more a philosophy that people bring their own religion into), their religion remains...a belief...not a fact. You can "believe" your particular religion is a fact, but it remains only a belief.
Humans once believed that the Earth was the center of the universe, we of course, now know through science that we are but one small blue and green planet circling on the fringes of an enormous galaxy, which harbors billions of stars and even more billions (or trillions) of exoplanets, of which, some must have other life forms. Humans once believed that a deity pulled the sun around the earth. Science obviously did away with such superstitions.
The Big Bang was recently proven and it occured billions of years ago. Prior to that, the universe still existed; the Big Bang just created that which we can visually discern within our technological capabilities.
Science remains the answer to that which we do not know and through its methods, is leaving less and less room for such things as deities.
The personification of God is a hoax. Quit looking at yourselves and start looking at the stars above and the dirt below. Therein does "God" lie. Get on about your lives and quit fucking with each other.
I am speaking from the Islamic perspective.

The proof that God exists is His act. Like footprints indicate a walker, His act indicates His existence. The rain that comes from the sky, the constellations of the Zodiac and the vast pathways above you in the sky point to the existence of a unique Almighty God.

This is pretty much what it boils down to. For thousands of years people have said, "something must have created us" or "there must be a creator".

But the truth is, there doesn't have to be a creator. Whatever created our universe probably created and creates other universes too. Always has, always will. Time and space may not have existed here before the big bang but it did somewhere else. Think of our universe like a lava lamp. Our bubble will last for a few billion years but eventually we'll be gone and another universe will form somewhere else. What will the new universe be made up of? Everything in our universe or another universe. Its too big to fathom. Even the distances between our sun and the next closest sun is unfathomable. At least it was before science. Now its fathomable but mind blowing. The more we know, the more silly your god character sounds. It is such a human invention. Wishful thinking. Used to teach people good and bad. Basically because you want to know what happens when you die and people hate not knowing. Plus religion is used to control the masses. Anyways, long story short is there is no god.

The other day I asked my dad, who says he doesn't believe in organized religions but like you says, "something must have created us", I said, "Dad, where is God?" and he started in on the organized religion bullshit of "maybe he's testing you. If you knew there was a god you would know to behave". Then I pointed out his belief in god is half "there must be a creator" and half "organized religion". I said "dad, if you don't believe in organized religions, why are you spewing that crap?" and he didn't even realize he was doing it. We've all been brainwashed from little kids. We need to stop basing our lives on a lie that was told 2000 or 7000 years ago and start over from scratch. To science, god makes no sense.

Do not tell a thinking smart person that 2000 years ago a virgin gave birth, god sent himself on a suicide mission or talked to Moses, Mohammad or Abraham. PLEASE! That is insulting our intelligence.

So, if you are a Muslim, you are not only going with your HUNCH that a god exists, based on your comment, you actually also believe god talked to Abraham and Mohammad? Then you are gullible.
Belief in a deity does not prove its existence. Whether an individual is a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Bahai, Shinto, or Jain (I exclude Budhism as it is more a philosophy that people bring their own religion into), their religion remains...a belief...not a fact. You can "believe" your particular religion is a fact, but it remains only a belief.
Humans once believed that the Earth was the center of the universe, we of course, now know through science that we are but one small blue and green planet circling on the fringes of an enormous galaxy, which harbors billions of stars and even more billions (or trillions) of exoplanets, of which, some must have other life forms. Humans once believed that a deity pulled the sun around the earth. Science obviously did away with such superstitions.
The Big Bang was recently proven and it occured billions of years ago. Prior to that, the universe still existed; the Big Bang just created that which we can visually discern within our technological capabilities.
Science remains the answer to that which we do not know and through its methods, is leaving less and less room for such things as deities.

Theists say atheists are arrogant for not believing in god. Actually I think it is the other way around. We look around the universe and see all the facts and realize all we are is one species on one planet. Maybe we are the smartest species we know of but so what?

In fact we may be too smart for our own good. Several times in human history great societies have rose and fell because of overpopulation, drought, volcanos, floods, viruses, diseases and not we're so smart we're going to cause global warming. That's ok though. The planet will be fine with 2/3 of all men gone. But we will take another step backward just like every other religious and arrogant warring society before us.
If there is a creator of this universe, he doesn't care what you do, did not make a heaven for you or a hell for Bin Ladin.

Perhaps if YOU were the creator of the universe - but the goat herder religions have a rather different view.

Lets say you hit the lotto and buy an island and you create a paradise. Do you care about one little ant on the other side of the island? Do you judge it when it dies and send it to heaven or hell? At least the ant has an excuse believing you are a god because it saw you once. What is your excuse that you are reading and swallowing an ancient book of superstition telling you that god use to visit but today deafening silence?
Lets say you hit the lotto and buy an island and you create a paradise. Do you care about one little ant on the other side of the island? Do you judge it when it dies and send it to heaven or hell? At least the ant has an excuse believing you are a god because it saw you once. What is your excuse that you are reading and swallowing an ancient book of superstition telling you that god use to visit but today deafening silence?

Again, your justifications for your views are irrelevant.

If there is an all powerful god as defined by the ancient Hebrew texts, then the Muslims will spend eternity in hell.

In this case, I am sad to say that I find the prospect of that so remote as to be absurd.

Basically, if the Muslim god Allah is real, then the god of the Christians and Jews is real too, and will cast Allah and his followers into a lake of fire for eternal damnation.
Lets say you hit the lotto and buy an island and you create a paradise. Do you care about one little ant on the other side of the island? Do you judge it when it dies and send it to heaven or hell? At least the ant has an excuse believing you are a god because it saw you once. What is your excuse that you are reading and swallowing an ancient book of superstition telling you that god use to visit but today deafening silence?

Again, your justifications for your views are irrelevant.

If there is an all powerful god as defined by the ancient Hebrew texts, then the Muslims will spend eternity in hell.

In this case, I am sad to say that I find the prospect of that so remote as to be absurd.

Basically, if the Muslim god Allah is real, then the god of the Christians and Jews is real too, and will cast Allah and his followers into a lake of fire for eternal damnation.

I heard a guy saying this exact same thing on religious tv the other day.

Don't worry, the Jews, Muslims, Christians, Eqyptians, Mormons, Greek gods were all made up by man. The more you learn about science the more you realize how made up it all is. I was re watching the Cosmos the other day and Neal D Tyson was telling about the first flood story told thousands of years before the Noah story.

God never talked to anyone. If "SOMETHING" created everything we see we don't know what it is yet and the more we learn the more it seems this god character was just made up.
I speak as a Muslim.

One who believes in God cannot lie, cannot cheat, cannot do wrong to anyone. One who believes in God loves everyone and everything, precisely because he looks at everything as the creation of the Creator. This is for one who really believes, not for one who thinks he believes. The common saying "I believe in God" is usually not true.
I speak as a Muslim.

One who believes in God cannot lie, cannot cheat, cannot do wrong to anyone. One who believes in God loves everyone and everything, precisely because he looks at everything as the creation of the Creator. This is for one who really believes, not for one who thinks he believes. The common saying "I believe in God" is usually not true.

I agree. Most people just say they believe. Ask them a few more questions and you'll see that saying "I believe" is a knee jerk reaction most of us have. I'm an atheist and the other day I told someone I was Greek. They asked me if I was Greek Orthodox and I said yes. Technically I am. I was born Greek Orthodox. And I didn't want to hurt his feelings on his god's birthday so I just basically lied to him because I don't even believe in god(s) anymore.

As a Muslim? Doesn't matter to me if you are Mormon, Scientolist, Jehova, Christian, Greek Gods, you worship the sun, etc. I lump you all in together. You believe in what does not exist. If you really looked into the history of religion and the history of the universe you would see man invented god(s). Did our ancestors lie or did they really believe? I say originally Abraham lied when he said god talked to him. So did Moses and the Adam & Eve stories are made up too. So is the Jesus myth and god didn't talk to Mohammad 500 years ago or Joseph Smith in the year 1800

But many people who believe in god lie. My grandmother was the biggest bible thumper and not only did she lie she stole. As far as Christians go, a lot of them think they can lie and still go to heaven. The people who invented Christianity knew to make it an easy club to join because most people won't do more than the minimum. So they made up a religion that says all you have to do is believe in Jesus and you get in. Brilliant huh?

Even Muslims. God told Mohammad to tell you to pray 500 times a day. He re negotiated with god and they settled on 5 times a day. What was his argument? He told god that humans would never do 500 times a day. Would you if the people who invented your religion told you to pray 500 times a day? I believe you would.

There are many true believers in ISIS that believe enough to blow themselves up. Please don't tell me that they don't really believe in god. Or are you saying they won't go to heaven if they do sin? Is that what the Muslim religion teaches? That's better than Christianity telling assholes they can be assholes and still go to heaven.

Every person cherry picks the rules they will abide by. You sound like someone who is more strict with yourself than most Christians. I believe you are wasting the most time of all of us then because you are praying to something that doesn't exist. Life is too short. Enjoy it while it lasts.
When one believes in God, if he holds earth in his hand, it turns to gold. When one believes in God, if he holds a burning firebrand in his hand, it won't burn him.

There are people who believe in God. It's not like those who say, I believe in God, and actually think they believe in God.
When one believes in God, if he holds earth in his hand, it turns to gold. When one believes in God, if he holds a burning firebrand in his hand, it won't burn him.

There are people who believe in God. It's not like those who say, I believe in God, and actually think they believe in God.

I would like to see you make gold out of earth and hold a burning firebrand. Have you actually tried this?
I speak as a Muslim.

Mere believing in God suffices to make one to live in bliss. First, you don't say "Oh My God" without Him reaching out to you. Second, you believe that everything that happens whether painful or pleasurable only comes from that great Almighty God. As such, you will take pleasure from every happening because you cherish the act of the Great Almighty God. Last, you believe that everything that happens to you will ultimately serve your best interest because an Almighty God is generous to His creature and well intentioned.

If one does not believe in God, still He is with him, even if he is not aware of it.

There are laws against stalking. YOUR god should mind his own business.

The statements you make are just an affirmation how stupid religious people really are.

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