The Expendables


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By: DrJohn

The Obama regime official story about the events that transpired on 9/11/12 continues to unravel, and despite Jay Carney’s insistence that it was “a long time ago” facts keep crawling out from under the rubble of the consulate. Testimony of …

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The Expendables | Flopping Aces

There are claims from the administration now that a stand down order was never given and all available resources were utilized.

It makes no sense to claim we needed permission from the Libyan gov't to fly our aircraft over the attack. Obama did not seek Gaddafi’s permission to bomb Gaddafi into oblivion, but Obama would need it to conduct a rescue mission? Nor did we ask permission to over fly UAV's which we did that very night.

Was it Hillary that orchestrated the Susan Rice race to lie about the Benghazi attack?
Obama blamed a video.
Hillary blamed a video.
Susan Rice blamed a video.​
They all lied.
IMHO the conspiracy involved in this cover-up boarders upon if not is a criminal act that this administration has perpetrated upon America. Obama should face the nation and admit he is responsible and resign from his presidency. He certainly has not lived up to his oath of office.

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