The Faces Of Pro-Lifers

Only 28 percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal after the first trimester.

That means a whopping 72 percent of Americans are against Roe v. Wade, including many "pro-choice" people who don't even realize it.
the poll numbers have been consistent for decades. There's nothing new here

Trimesters Still Key to U.S. Abortion Views

The issue is whether states should continue to be less restricted in outlawing ALL abortion through regulation based on ideaology rather than healthcare. Let's not make this discussion about something it isn't. If it were about safe, acessable 1st trimester abortions there wouldn't be an issue.

Its' not about Roe it's about a fundy Xtianity theocracy
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

It's hard to know when you are being straight-forward or when you are being sarcastic.

Is this comment straight up ?
Of course it's straight up. It's true.

What you call true is true to you.

I am certainly pro-life.

What I am not willing to do is make it the mass hysteria it is today.

Want to cut down on the number of abortions....fix families and get dad back in the home. That will help young women with self esteme (and other things).

If dad isn't a good role model....let's work on that. It does not help that our future dads are hooked on porn.
So now we need to get rid of porn so 'Dad' will be a better father?
You can "work on" the fact that over seventy percent of negro children are growing up in fatherless homes for the next hundred years. It won't change anything.
That's the reality.
Only 28 percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal after the first trimester.

That means a whopping 72 percent of Americans are against Roe v. Wade, including many "pro-choice" people who don't even realize it.
Let's not make this discussion about something it isn't.
Actually, that's exactly what this discussion should be about. We have let the extremists of both sides control the "discussion" for far, far too long.
Is G5000 pro-life? This I can't believe... What happened?

I don't have a problem with leftists aborting themselves out of existence, too many of them roaming around anyway.

However, I have a problem with idiots who think abortion is the most important thing in life. The ones with zero decency. With the damn stupid looking pussy hats that they wear with pride.

That being said two week old fetus is not a human life. Maybe an 8 month one is... but I can't fault anyone for not understanding a false position.
He always had been
Only 28 percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal after the first trimester.

That means a whopping 72 percent of Americans are against Roe v. Wade, including many "pro-choice" people who don't even realize it.
Let's not make this discussion about something it isn't.
Actually, that's exactly what this discussion should be about. We have let the extremists of both sides control the "discussion" for far, far too long.
I've thought for decades that Roe was the worst judicial decision I can thing of ... beyond dred scott and plessy.

However, right now, in Mississippi there, is only one place to get a first trimester abortion, and its only open because of federal court injunction, and only open a few days a week, under armed guards hired privately. In Texas, unless you can drive for 4-5 hours, there's no place to get an abortion. So, I think it's a little late to worry about extremists controlling the discussion.

I think that in two years Roe will be fully overturned. And in 20 states abortion will be illegal, and at least half will have no exceptions for rape and incest.
Only 28 percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal after the first trimester.

That means a whopping 72 percent of Americans are against Roe v. Wade, including many "pro-choice" people who don't even realize it.
Let's not make this discussion about something it isn't.
Actually, that's exactly what this discussion should be about. We have let the extremists of both sides control the "discussion" for far, far too long.
I've thought for decades that Roe was the worst judicial decision I can thing of ... beyond dred scott and plessy.

However, right now, in Mississippi there, is only one place to get a first trimester abortion, and its only open because of federal court injunction, and only open a few days a week, under armed guards hired privately. In Texas, unless you can drive for 4-5 hours, there's no place to get an abortion. So, I think it's a little late to worry about extremists controlling the discussion.

I think that in two years Roe will be fully overturned. And in 20 states abortion will be illegal, and at least half will have no exceptions for rape and incest.

PS and in Europe right now if you're in the first trimester it's pretty much a do it yourself over the counter drug thing.

The problem with this is, and it's partially because of Roe giving the fundy xtians ammunition, the anti-abortion political powers are NOT about further women's reproductive care, or their right to choose whether to become pregnant. The IUD is only one example. We also see limitations on schools giving basic healthcare education. And the more rural and red you go, the worse it is. That's really Susan Collins' gripe.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

I notice that you’ve gone out of your way to show blacks in your pictures but the marchers are overwhelmingly white and middle class. A sea of blond, white faces.

The women who are having most of the abortions, are overwhelmingly working poor, married or in a committed relationship, and have one or more children.

By age 40, one woman in four will have had an abortion and, unless they’re sterile, virtually all will have had an unplanned pregnancy. All will have been grateful for having had a choice in the matter. All will understand how deeply and profoundly having a child transforms their lives and how necessary it is to the process to want to carry that child.

Adoption is a poor alternative since there are 100,000 children added to the “available for adoption” roles every single year. All you’re doing is adding to the numbers of children who will grow up in foster care.

But more importantly, countries which have a strong social safety net and mandated maternity leave, health care and subsidize day care, have half the number of abortions that you have.

Unless and until you address these issues, even banning abortions and criminalizing abortions, won’t end them.

Canada has no abortion laws at all. It’s a medical matter between a woman and her doctor and paid for by our health care.

I have never had an abortion. That’s my choice. If you believe abortion is wrong, that can be your choice too. It’s that simple.
Half of all abortions are the result of not using any birth control whatsoever. Another fifth are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

Here's a clue: If you don't want a baby, USE BIRTH CONTROL.

Instead, women are using abortion as birth control.

That is incredibly irresponsible. Stop making excuses for murder.

It’s not murder. 1/3 of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. What happens when you ban abortions? Women who suffer miscarriages come under suspicion.

Furthermore, be warned, Roe v Wade did NOT result in an increase in abortions. The birth rate did not drop after abortion was legalized which shows you how prevalent illegal abortions were in the 1960’s. What did drop to zero overnight were the number of women showing up in emergency rooms bleeding out from botched back alley abortions.

Roe v Wade did nothing to endanger the lives of unborn children and much to save the lives of women.

Reversing Roe v Wade won’t stop or even slow down abortion. It will just drive it underground. Again. It won’t force women to have babies they can’t afford. It will lead them to put their lives at risk to end pregnancies. It’s already happening in Texas.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

It's hard to know when you are being straight-forward or when you are being sarcastic.

Is this comment straight up ?
Of course it's straight up. It's true.

What you call true is true to you.

I am certainly pro-life.

What I am not willing to do is make it the mass hysteria it is today.

Want to cut down on the number of abortions....fix families and get dad back in the home. That will help young women with self esteme (and other things).

If dad isn't a good role model....let's work on that. It does not help that our future dads are hooked on porn.
So now we need to get rid of porn so 'Dad' will be a better father?
You can "work on" the fact that over seventy percent of negro children are growing up in fatherless homes for the next hundred years. It won't change anything.
That's the reality.

We need to get porn away from potential fathers so they don't look at women as objects.

Why won't getting dad back in the home change anything ?
Dear Liberals. You have been parroting a false meme. You have been taught that the pro-life movement is about men who want to control women's bodies. This is a lie, and as long as you continue to parrot that lie, then you will be talking past pro-lifers. They will NEVER hear a word you say.

You see, to pro-lifers, this is about MURDER. It is about the taking of human life. And as long as you refuse to accept that is the ACTUAL point of view of pro-lifers, then you are being deliberately ignorant and obtuse.

You think this is about men controlling women?

Then you need to open your eyes and take a look at who pro-lifers ARE.





As you may know, I ran the domestic violence unit and managed Dept. of Justice, Violence Against Women Act grants, staffed by LE Agencies (police, sheriff, DA, probation), women and children shelter personnel, anger management counselors and battered women's counselors.

Batterer's use power to keep women under their control: threats to them, their children and even pets; isolating them from family and friends, keeping all the money and blaming them for causing him to punish them physically & fiscally. A pregnant women is easily mastered, and most are not allowed, or too intimidated, to find help, help which is available with every agency or on the DV national hotline:

Safety Alert: Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear. If you are afraid your internet usage might be monitored, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−7233 or TTY 1−800−787−3224. Users of web browser Microsoft Edge will be redirected to Google when clicking the “X” or “Escape” button.
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A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

I notice that you’ve gone out of your way to show blacks in your pictures but the marchers are overwhelmingly white and middle class. A sea of blond, white faces.

The women who are having most of the abortions, are overwhelmingly working poor, married or in a committed relationship, and have one or more children.

By age 40, one woman in four will have had an abortion and, unless they’re sterile, virtually all will have had an unplanned pregnancy. All will have been grateful for having had a choice in the matter. All will understand how deeply and profoundly having a child transforms their lives and how necessary it is to the process to want to carry that child.

Adoption is a poor alternative since there are 100,000 children added to the “available for adoption” roles every single year. All you’re doing is adding to the numbers of children who will grow up in foster care.

But more importantly, countries which have a strong social safety net and mandated maternity leave, health care and subsidize day care, have half the number of abortions that you have.

Unless and until you address these issues, even banning abortions and criminalizing abortions, won’t end them.

Canada has no abortion laws at all. It’s a medical matter between a woman and her doctor and paid for by our health care.

I have never had an abortion. That’s my choice. If you believe abortion is wrong, that can be your choice too. It’s that simple.
Half of all abortions are the result of not using any birth control whatsoever. Another fifth are the result of the improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

Here's a clue: If you don't want a baby, USE BIRTH CONTROL.

Instead, women are using abortion as birth control.

That is incredibly irresponsible. Stop making excuses for murder.

It’s not murder. 1/3 of all pregnancies end in a miscarriage. What happens when you ban abortions? Women who suffer miscarriages come under suspicion.

Furthermore, be warned, Roe v Wade did NOT result in an increase in abortions. The birth rate did not drop after abortion was legalized which shows you how prevalent illegal abortions were in the 1960’s. What did drop to zero overnight were the number of women showing up in emergency rooms bleeding out from botched back alley abortions.

Roe v Wade did nothing to endanger the lives of unborn children and much to save the lives of women.

Reversing Roe v Wade won’t stop or even slow down abortion. It will just drive it underground. Again. It won’t force women to have babies they can’t afford. It will lead them to put their lives at risk to end pregnancies. It’s already happening in Texas.
Reversing Roe has very little to do with actually decreasing abortions, unless you're talking the poorest and most rural red state.

And that doesn't mean I think Roe was a good decision, but it has been the law for nearly 50 years. G5000 is right, although I don't want to just assume his argument, but the nation has been consistently in favor of choice in the 1st trimester which pharmaceutical abortion drugs easily accessible. Put it up for a vote, and that'd be the law in at least 30 states right now. Let the days of abortions being done non-docs return, and the number of states having legal abortion will increase. There will be medical casualties though. But in the end, sane voices will prevail ... for the most part

Greater then 90 days probably has supermaj support in the same 30 states if there's some reason why a woman didn't seek help. (a minor, a rape/incest victim .. or a medical condition)

The real aim of the fundy Xtians is a natl law prohibiting abortions. Because if they control a woman's power to control her own reproduction, they control her. I think eventually the fundy Xtians would lose in the political world.

I thought Roe was bad law because politically we had our boots on the necks of those asshole men, and we should have finished the mission then and there with a firm step. I'm confident we'd win the battle again in the vast maj of states, and the fundy Xtian run states would see national corporations pull out. Pun intended
I’m old enough to remember friends going to illegal abortionists. These aren’t happy memories. Most of the fresh young faces in the pro-life marches have never known the fear of what would happen to them if they were faced with have to do the same.

No one is “pro-abortion”. Especially doctors. They can make a lot more money giving the patient pre-natal care and a live birth than they can with an abortion.

That being said, these are private decisions and should rightfully be a matter between woman and her doctor. This is especially true for “late term abortions”.

Genetic testing isn’t available until after 20 weeks. Results take 3 to 4 weeks. These are the cases of medical necessity and the ones that need the most protection.

I’ve sat out this agonizing wait and received the news that gave me joy. I was told to have my decision ready if it were different. Nobody who has gone through that process was hoping for news that the child they’re carrying would be profoundly and irreversibly disabled. These children are wanted.

That’s why these women need to have these options available. Because becoming a parent is a lifelong commitment. It’s not a “consequence” of sex to be “dealt with”. It’s a human being who will be a child, a sister or brother, and a responsibility for all our lives. If you bring a life into this world, it should be your choice, not the state’s.
I’m old enough to remember friends going to illegal abortionists. These aren’t happy memories. Most of the fresh young faces in the pro-life marches have never known the fear of what would happen to them if they were faced with have to do the same.

No one is “pro-abortion”. Especially doctors. They can make a lot more money giving the patient pre-natal care and a live birth than they can with an abortion.

That being said, these are private decisions and should rightfully be a matter between woman and her doctor. This is especially true for “late term abortions”.

Genetic testing isn’t available until after 20 weeks. Results take 3 to 4 weeks. These are the cases of medical necessity and the ones that need the most protection.

I’ve sat out this agonizing wait and received the news that gave me joy. I was told to have my decision ready if it were different. Nobody who has gone through that process was hoping for news that the child they’re carrying would be profoundly and irreversibly disabled. These children are wanted.

That’s why these women need to have these options available. Because becoming a parent is a lifelong commitment. It’s not a “consequence” of sex to be “dealt with”. It’s a human being who will be a child, a sister or brother, and a responsibility for all our lives. If you bring a life into this world, it should be your choice, not the state’s.

Thank you, a most sensible and informative post. Those who don't get it express compassion for the fetus, and nothing but contempt for those who receive the bad news and make a heart wrenching decision.
Don't kid yourself; life has no value.

That being said, while I can't possibly comprehend why anyone cares what other people do with their bodies or their children (it's seriously none of your business), I also don't really care about the women whose rights may soon be trampled upon. Let them fend for themselves. Not my problem.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

It's hard to know when you are being straight-forward or when you are being sarcastic.

Is this comment straight up ?
I am serious. It needs to be said. Liberals denigrate the life in the womb as just so much tissue.

It is a human life.
We know. We also know that early in the pregnancy, it is insensate tissue, a flicker of potential. At times it is more merciful to end that potential rather than expose it to unnecessary suffering. In a world as advanced as ours, the last thing we should celebrate is unwanted children.

"Liberals" are actually one person at a time, and I have never met a woman yet who had an abortion that hasn't felt grief and sorrow and guilt for it. Never. It is a hard choice, but I believe it is up to responsible women to make that choice.

I saw this Requiem Mass a year or two ago (not this particular one) and it knocked my socks off. It is about respect for life and sorrow for the loss of potential. At least the year I saw it, the homily was gentle and moving. That is how to approach an abortion discussion. No one can possibly argue, imo. Maybe it would at least move a few more women to REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR PILL.

Its not responsible to kill a human growing inside.
Only 28 percent of Americans believe abortion should be legal after the first trimester.

That means a whopping 72 percent of Americans are against Roe v. Wade, including many "pro-choice" people who don't even realize it.
Let's not make this discussion about something it isn't.
Actually, that's exactly what this discussion should be about. We have let the extremists of both sides control the "discussion" for far, far too long.
Why do we continue to discuss it at all? I don’t see grieving family and friends out there. People should mind their own business.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

It's hard to know when you are being straight-forward or when you are being sarcastic.

Is this comment straight up ?
I am serious. It needs to be said. Liberals denigrate the life in the womb as just so much tissue.

It is a human life.
We know. We also know that early in the pregnancy, it is insensate tissue, a flicker of potential. At times it is more merciful to end that potential rather than expose it to unnecessary suffering. In a world as advanced as ours, the last thing we should celebrate is unwanted children.

"Liberals" are actually one person at a time, and I have never met a woman yet who had an abortion that hasn't felt grief and sorrow and guilt for it. Never. It is a hard choice, but I believe it is up to responsible women to make that choice.

I saw this Requiem Mass a year or two ago (not this particular one) and it knocked my socks off. It is about respect for life and sorrow for the loss of potential. At least the year I saw it, the homily was gentle and moving. That is how to approach an abortion discussion. No one can possibly argue, imo. Maybe it would at least move a few more women to REMEMBER TO TAKE YOUR PILL.

Its not responsible to kill a human growing inside.

How would you know that. Tell us about your experiences and why YOU should have any say in it at all! By what right do you tell a woman she must give birth to a baby she cannot afford to carry, birth or raise?

It’s not your body, not your child and not your family. It’s none of your business.
Don't kid yourself; life has no value.

That being said, while I can't possibly comprehend why anyone cares what other people do with their bodies or their children (it's seriously none of your business), I also don't really care about the women whose rights may soon be trampled upon. Let them fend for themselves. Not my problem.

Don't kid yourself; life has no value.

That being said, while I can't possibly comprehend why anyone cares what other people do with their bodies or their children (it's seriously none of your business), I also don't really care about the women whose rights may soon be trampled upon. Let them fend for themselves. Not my problem.

Clearly (it's not your problem); your comment ^^^ suggests you have many more larger problems to deal with.
Don't kid yourself; life has no value.

That being said, while I can't possibly comprehend why anyone cares what other people do with their bodies or their children (it's seriously none of your business), I also don't really care about the women whose rights may soon be trampled upon. Let them fend for themselves. Not my problem.

Don't kid yourself; life has no value.

That being said, while I can't possibly comprehend why anyone cares what other people do with their bodies or their children (it's seriously none of your business), I also don't really care about the women whose rights may soon be trampled upon. Let them fend for themselves. Not my problem.

Clearly (it's not your problem); your comment ^^^ suggests you have many more larger problems to deal with.

Why did you quote me twice? Once wasn't enough for you?
Don't kid yourself; life has no value.

That being said, while I can't possibly comprehend why anyone cares what other people do with their bodies or their children (it's seriously none of your business), I also don't really care about the women whose rights may soon be trampled upon. Let them fend for themselves. Not my problem.

Don't kid yourself; life has no value.

That being said, while I can't possibly comprehend why anyone cares what other people do with their bodies or their children (it's seriously none of your business), I also don't really care about the women whose rights may soon be trampled upon. Let them fend for themselves. Not my problem.

Clearly (it's not your problem); your comment ^^^ suggests you have many more larger problems to deal with.

Why did you quote me twice? Once wasn't enough for you?

I was predisposed by the dog, she came into the den with a Frisbee and demanded we play catch. That's my guess.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

I notice that you’ve gone out of your way to show blacks in your pictures but the marchers are overwhelmingly white and middle class. A sea of blond, white faces.

The women who are having most of the abortions, are overwhelmingly working poor, married or in a committed relationship, and have one or more children.

By age 40, one woman in four will have had an abortion and, unless they’re sterile, virtually all will have had an unplanned pregnancy. All will have been grateful for having had a choice in the matter. All will understand how deeply and profoundly having a child transforms their lives and how necessary it is to the process to want to carry that child.

Adoption is a poor alternative since there are 100,000 children added to the “available for adoption” roles every single year. All you’re doing is adding to the numbers of children who will grow up in foster care.

But more importantly, countries which have a strong social safety net and mandated maternity leave, health care and subsidize day care, have half the number of abortions that you have.

Unless and until you address these issues, even banning abortions and criminalizing abortions, won’t end them.

Canada has no abortion laws at all. It’s a medical matter between a woman and her doctor and paid for by our health care.

I have never had an abortion. That’s my choice. If you believe abortion is wrong, that can be your choice too. It’s that simple.
A pro abortion woman should think twice before spreading her aloha all over town like a hoe


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