The Faces Of Pro-Lifers

If you want to solve the crime problem, you have to solve the poverty problem. A big part of the poverty problem is single parent families.

When you have 80 percent of your children being born out of wedlock, you are dooming your entire demographic to destruction.

You can't act irresponsibly, and then be rewarded by society for forcing others to carry you on their backs.

We are literally killing people with kindness. We need to reverse this course.
Forced gestation = :disagree:

IMHO abortion should only be legal in the cases of rape, incest and where the life of the mother is in danger, having an abortion because the baby will interfere with your lifestyle is Killing For Convenience, Abortion on Demand, Abortion AS Contraception is pre-meditated murder, they are making a conscious pre-meditated decision to have their baby murdered as it slumbers in the womb.

The situation is if a woman does NOT want to get pregnant then there are a variety of contraceptives that can be used, you don't have to rely on condoms because condoms can split, um that's how Kid A got here I add, but I NEVER at ANY time thought of having him murdered as he slumbered in the womb.
Not for nothing but if you're going to try to win over converts to your cause by using pictures of the "faces of pro-lifers", you'll win far more converts by using this face ….


It's an issue that resolves in many ways when we heal families.

Since Roe v. Wade, the illegitimacy rate among black children has DOUBLED to 80 percent.

80 percent!

Blacks are being taught all the wrong messages by liberals, and it is destroying them.

................. such as?
Such as, if you fuck your brains out without using birth control, society will foot the bill and carry you on its back.

Such as, if you drop out of high school, society will carry you on its back for the rest of your days.

Such as, all your problems are caused by society.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

I notice that you’ve gone out of your way to show blacks in your pictures but the marchers are overwhelmingly white and middle class. A sea of blond, white faces.

The women who are having most of the abortions, are overwhelmingly working poor, married or in a committed relationship, and have one or more children.

By age 40, one woman in four will have had an abortion and, unless they’re sterile, virtually all will have had an unplanned pregnancy. All will have been grateful for having had a choice in the matter. All will understand how deeply and profoundly having a child transforms their lives and how necessary it is to the process to want to carry that child.

Adoption is a poor alternative since there are 100,000 children added to the “available for adoption” roles every single year. All you’re doing is adding to the numbers of children who will grow up in foster care.

But more importantly, countries which have a strong social safety net and mandated maternity leave, health care and subsidize day care, have half the number of abortions that you have.

Unless and until you address these issues, even banning abortions and criminalizing abortions, won’t end them.

Canada has no abortion laws at all. It’s a medical matter between a woman and her doctor and paid for by our health care.

I have never had an abortion. That’s my choice. If you believe abortion is wrong, that can be your choice too. It’s that simple.

It's also starkly instructive when males ---- who by definition cannot experience pregnancy, just ask Oosie --- nevertheless purport to dictate to females how they may be allowed to handle theirs. :eusa_hand:
It's an issue that resolves in many ways when we heal families.

Since Roe v. Wade, the illegitimacy rate among black children has DOUBLED to 80 percent.

80 percent!

Blacks are being taught all the wrong messages by liberals, and it is destroying them.

................. such as?
Such as, if you fuck your brains out without using birth control, society will foot the bill and carry you on its back.

Such as, if you drop out of high school, society will carry you on its back for the rest of your days.

Such as, all your problems are caused by society.

Such as link any of those messages "taught by Liberals".

Cue cricketage.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

I notice that you’ve gone out of your way to show blacks in your pictures but the marchers are overwhelmingly white and middle class. A sea of blond, white faces.

The women who are having most of the abortions, are overwhelmingly working poor, married or in a committed relationship, and have one or more children.

By age 40, one woman in four will have had an abortion and, unless they’re sterile, virtually all will have had an unplanned pregnancy. All will have been grateful for having had a choice in the matter. All will understand how deeply and profoundly having a child transforms their lives and how necessary it is to the process to want to carry that child.

Adoption is a poor alternative since there are 100,000 children added to the “available for adoption” roles every single year. All you’re doing is adding to the numbers of children who will grow up in foster care.

But more importantly, countries which have a strong social safety net and mandated maternity leave, health care and subsidize day care, have half the number of abortions that you have.

Unless and until you address these issues, even banning abortions and criminalizing abortions, won’t end them.

Canada has no abortion laws at all. It’s a medical matter between a woman and her doctor and paid for by our health care.

I have never had an abortion. That’s my choice. If you believe abortion is wrong, that can be your choice too. It’s that simple.

It's also starkly instructive when males ---- who by definition cannot experience pregnancy, just ask Oosie --- nevertheless want to dictate to females how they may be allowed to handle theirs. :eusa_hand:


Just honing in on this point for thought:

When you have 80 percent of your children being born out of wedlock, you are dooming your entire demographic to destruction.

Think so?

What's so intrinsically infallible about "wedlock"?
If you want to solve the crime problem, you have to solve the poverty problem. A big part of the poverty problem is single parent families.

When you have 80 percent of your children being born out of wedlock, you are dooming your entire demographic to destruction.

You can't act irresponsibly, and then be rewarded by society for forcing others to carry you on their backs.

We are literally killing people with kindness. We need to reverse this course.
I don't know what that has to do with abortion. Dragon Lady's stats are correct--most of the women having an abortion have at least one child and are in a relationship. No one said they were on welfare. I don't doubt that financial circumstances weigh in the decision a lot of times, though.
Below is the illegitimacy rate by race. We are quite clearly doing something very wrong:

Dear Liberals. You have been parroting a false meme. You have been taught that the pro-life movement is about men who want to control women's bodies. This is a lie, and as long as you continue to parrot that lie, then you will be talking past pro-lifers. They will NEVER hear a word you say.

You see, to pro-lifers, this is about MURDER. It is about the taking of human life. And as long as you refuse to accept that is the ACTUAL point of view of pro-lifers, then you are being deliberately ignorant and obtuse.

You think this is about men controlling women?

Then you need to open your eyes and take a look at who pro-lifers ARE.





Everyone is pro life, including those who respect the privacy rights of women.

Those hostel to privacy rights are authoritarians who seek to increase the size and power government at the expense of citizens' rights and protected liberties by compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

A woman, her family, and her doctor are best suited to make the choice to have a child or not, not the state.
Why is abortion big government?
That is a confused argument by liberals who fail to see that abortion is considered murder by pro-lifers.

Preventing and prosecuting murder is not "big government".

It's an idiotic argument.
G5000 is a pseudocon and believes in Big Govt :rolleyes:
Off topic much?
Abortion is big govt. G500 made the thread. G5000 likes to say other pseudocons are big govt stooges.
On topic.
Why is abortion big government?
The govt forcing gestation isnt big govt to you? The govt forcing a woman to do their will with her body isnt big govt? Ok Lol.....
Why, no, I don't think of it that way. I think of it as women being ordered NOT to do something, not the government doing something.

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