The Faces Of Pro-Lifers

Dear Liberals. You have been parroting a false meme. You have been taught that the pro-life movement is about men who want to control women's bodies. This is a lie, and as long as you continue to parrot that lie, then you will be talking past pro-lifers. They will NEVER hear a word you say.

You see, to pro-lifers, this is about MURDER. It is about the taking of human life. And as long as you refuse to accept that is the ACTUAL point of view of pro-lifers, then you are being deliberately ignorant and obtuse.

You think this is about men controlling women?

Then you need to open your eyes and take a look at who pro-lifers ARE.





Everyone is pro life, including those who respect the privacy rights of women.

Those hostel to privacy rights are authoritarians who seek to increase the size and power government at the expense of citizens' rights and protected liberties by compelling women to give birth against their will through force of law.

A woman, her family, and her doctor are best suited to make the choice to have a child or not, not the state.
Thank you for providing an example of the willfully obtuse person I was talking about in the OP.

You parrot a bogus meme and fail to see that pro-lifers consider abortion to be murder.

If I was coming to kill you because you were a financial inconvenience to me, you would realize very quickly just how stupid your arguments are. You would not be whining about big government and my right to make my life easier by killing you.
G5000 is a pseudocon and believes in Big Govt :rolleyes:
Off topic much?
Abortion is big govt. G500 made the thread. G5000 likes to say other pseudocons are big govt stooges.
On topic.
Why is abortion big government?
The govt forcing gestation isnt big govt to you? The govt forcing a woman to do their will with her body isnt big govt? Ok Lol.....
Why, no, I don't think of it that way. I think of it as women being ordered NOT to do something, not the government doing something.

Who is the entity ordering women not to do something?
If you want to solve the crime problem, you have to solve the poverty problem. A big part of the poverty problem is single parent families.

When you have 80 percent of your children being born out of wedlock, you are dooming your entire demographic to destruction.

You can't act irresponsibly, and then be rewarded by society for forcing others to carry you on their backs.

We are literally killing people with kindness. We need to reverse this course.

The best I could find was just under 70% of black mothers having children out of wedlock:
"In 2016,the percentage of nonmarital births varied widely among race and Hispanic-origin groups, from 12.0% for non-Hispanic Asian mothers to 69.8% for non-Hispanic black mothers"

Nonmarital does not necessarily mean single-parent. I'm not sure if there are any sort of accurate stats on that. :dunno:
Why is abortion big government?
That is a confused argument by liberals who fail to see that abortion is considered murder by pro-lifers.

Preventing and prosecuting murder is not "big government".

It's an idiotic argument.
All you big govt pseudocons sound the same.
"Murder" It cant be considered murder until it is born. Calling a fetus a "human being" is subjective. Completely up to the individual. You want to shove YOUR beliefs down everyone elses throats.
Its a fallacious argument. Congrats.
G5000 is a pseudocon and believes in Big Govt :rolleyes:
Off topic much?
Abortion is big govt. G500 made the thread. G5000 likes to say other pseudocons are big govt stooges.
On topic.
Why is abortion big government?
The govt forcing gestation isnt big govt to you? The govt forcing a woman to do their will with her body isnt big govt? Ok Lol.....
Why, no, I don't think of it that way. I think of it as women being ordered NOT to do something, not the government doing something.
Ummm ok :dunno:
As I said above, 72 percent of Americans are opposed to abortion after the first trimester, thus putting a super majority in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade.

So it is the minority who are trying to shove their beliefs down the vast majority's throats.
A woman knows there is a human life growing inside of her. She knows this.

I notice that you’ve gone out of your way to show blacks in your pictures but the marchers are overwhelmingly white and middle class. A sea of blond, white faces.

The women who are having most of the abortions, are overwhelmingly working poor, married or in a committed relationship, and have one or more children.

By age 40, one woman in four will have had an abortion and, unless they’re sterile, virtually all will have had an unplanned pregnancy. All will have been grateful for having had a choice in the matter. All will understand how deeply and profoundly having a child transforms their lives and how necessary it is to the process to want to carry that child.

Adoption is a poor alternative since there are 100,000 children added to the “available for adoption” roles every single year. All you’re doing is adding to the numbers of children who will grow up in foster care.

But more importantly, countries which have a strong social safety net and mandated maternity leave, health care and subsidize day care, have half the number of abortions that you have.

Unless and until you address these issues, even banning abortions and criminalizing abortions, won’t end them.

Canada has no abortion laws at all. It’s a medical matter between a woman and her doctor and paid for by our health care.

I have never had an abortion. That’s my choice. If you believe abortion is wrong, that can be your choice too. It’s that simple.

It's also starkly instructive when males ---- who by definition cannot experience pregnancy, just ask Oosie --- nevertheless purport to dictate to females how they may be allowed to handle theirs. :eusa_hand:

At this point I add approx 10 weeks now until Kid E arrives, I wish arrived already I am LITERALLY dying for a Martini ogo, but we have the routine set and it is this:

We take the Martini mixing equipment complete with us to the hospital, so Mr. Oosie is ready, he can start already mixing me my choice which is going to be The Martinez and I hopefully below 60 minutes produce Kid E and then Mr. Oosie hands me my Martinez, we have it ALL worked on military precision or whatever :thewave:

The Martinez Cocktail, I have decided I want the 1929 mix of (I of course also like the later mix of The Martinez that uses Marachino Liqueur instead of Orange Curaçao Liqueur)

The Martinez Cocktail, the 1929 mix:

50ml Tanqueray No. Ten, 30ml Sweet Vermouth, 10ml Dry Vermouth, 8ml Orange Curaçao Liqueur and 1 dash of Angostura Aromatic Bitters....shaken not stirred and garnished with an orange twist.

It looks like this:

"More than half of all black children live in single-parent households, a number that has doubled — doubled — since we were children." - Barack Obama, 2006.
But solid research has shown that growing up in a single-family household, even if other factors are controlled, has a negative effect.

"I think there are very few social scientists these days who wouldn't agree that children in single-parent households are at risk of a variety of bad outcomes and that family structure has some causal impact on that risk," she wrote.

Statistics don't lie in this case
Off topic much?
Abortion is big govt. G500 made the thread. G5000 likes to say other pseudocons are big govt stooges.
On topic.
Why is abortion big government?
The govt forcing gestation isnt big govt to you? The govt forcing a woman to do their will with her body isnt big govt? Ok Lol.....
Why, no, I don't think of it that way. I think of it as women being ordered NOT to do something, not the government doing something.

Who is the entity ordering women not to do something?
Government. But we have lots of laws forbidding certain things. Are you advocating getting rid of all of them? Of course not. This is just one more, isn't it?
Abortion is big govt. G500 made the thread. G5000 likes to say other pseudocons are big govt stooges.
On topic.
Why is abortion big government?
The govt forcing gestation isnt big govt to you? The govt forcing a woman to do their will with her body isnt big govt? Ok Lol.....
Why, no, I don't think of it that way. I think of it as women being ordered NOT to do something, not the government doing something.

Who is the entity ordering women not to do something?
Government. But we have lots of laws forbidding certain things. Are you advocating getting rid of all of them? Of course not. This is just one more, isn't it?
That has nothing to do with it being "big govt" or not.
And we should get rid of all laws that are unconstitutional, so i agree that over 50% should be voided :D
Abortion being murder is subjective. Murder being murder is not.
Why is abortion big government?
The govt forcing gestation isnt big govt to you? The govt forcing a woman to do their will with her body isnt big govt? Ok Lol.....
Why, no, I don't think of it that way. I think of it as women being ordered NOT to do something, not the government doing something.

Who is the entity ordering women not to do something?
Government. But we have lots of laws forbidding certain things. Are you advocating getting rid of all of them? Of course not. This is just one more, isn't it?
That has nothing to do with it being "big govt" or not.
And we should get rid of all laws that are unconstitutional, so i agree that over 50% should be voided :D
Abortion being murder is subjective. Murder being murder is not.
I agree it is a subjective question. I agree it should be the woman's choice. I also understand the objections, though.
The govt forcing gestation isnt big govt to you? The govt forcing a woman to do their will with her body isnt big govt? Ok Lol.....
Why, no, I don't think of it that way. I think of it as women being ordered NOT to do something, not the government doing something.

Who is the entity ordering women not to do something?
Government. But we have lots of laws forbidding certain things. Are you advocating getting rid of all of them? Of course not. This is just one more, isn't it?
That has nothing to do with it being "big govt" or not.
And we should get rid of all laws that are unconstitutional, so i agree that over 50% should be voided :D
Abortion being murder is subjective. Murder being murder is not.
I agree it is a subjective question. I agree it should be the woman's choice. I also understand the objections, though.
I understand the "pro lifers" i understand the emotion behind it.
Emotion cant run a Nation. Opinions, that doesnt impede on others rights, shouldnt be forced by big brother, IMO.
Why, no, I don't think of it that way. I think of it as women being ordered NOT to do something, not the government doing something.

Who is the entity ordering women not to do something?
Government. But we have lots of laws forbidding certain things. Are you advocating getting rid of all of them? Of course not. This is just one more, isn't it?
That has nothing to do with it being "big govt" or not.
And we should get rid of all laws that are unconstitutional, so i agree that over 50% should be voided :D
Abortion being murder is subjective. Murder being murder is not.
I agree it is a subjective question. I agree it should be the woman's choice. I also understand the objections, though.
I understand the "pro lifers" i understand the emotion behind it.
Emotion cant run a Nation. Opinions, that doesnt impede on others rights, shouldnt be forced by big brother, IMO.
I suppose that's a safer argument than mine, which always gets me called a eugenicist.
Who is the entity ordering women not to do something?
Government. But we have lots of laws forbidding certain things. Are you advocating getting rid of all of them? Of course not. This is just one more, isn't it?
That has nothing to do with it being "big govt" or not.
And we should get rid of all laws that are unconstitutional, so i agree that over 50% should be voided :D
Abortion being murder is subjective. Murder being murder is not.
I agree it is a subjective question. I agree it should be the woman's choice. I also understand the objections, though.
I understand the "pro lifers" i understand the emotion behind it.
Emotion cant run a Nation. Opinions, that doesnt impede on others rights, shouldnt be forced by big brother, IMO.
I suppose that's a safer argument than mine, which always gets me called a eugenicist.
Meh. No foul. Its probably going to be part of the future.
If these people don't want to have an abortion, nothing is forcing them to do so. They choose their ideologies, why can't everybody? They can sleep with whom ever they want. Go to whatever religious service they want. Have a baby if they want. If they want to Seig Heil, they can. If they want to be sex toys, they can.They want BDSM? That's their choice. They are free to choose any lifestyle they wish.

The problem is their endorsement of using Big Government to impose their ideology on other people, who want to keep ownership of their own bodies and do not necessarily adhere to these people's ideology. It's the Big Government control thing that's the problem.

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