The facts about race and crime in America

Why is race an issue?
You need to ask the NAACP, BLM, CBC, BET and the entire democrat party.
They didn't start this thread. Why do right wingers seem to have a problem with race when there is no mention of race in our federal Constitution; and, it is also gender neutral from inception.
You didn’t address my post.
Are you projecting much? They did not start this about race and crime in America. Why should I ask them instead of You?
Oh, yes they did. This is all a post-civil rights phenomenon.
This is all a contrivance of phony race grievance by demagogue opportunists.
Well except for the whole 37 percent of all VIOLENT crime is committed by blacks...... And the simple fact that blacks EVERY year kill 3 times as many whites as Whites kill Blacks.
White people have been and are the most violent people on the planet and it's been that way for 300 years.
Not in the US. just 7 percent of the population... black males commit 37 percent of all violent crime. So even if whites were all that's left that means 70 percent of the population commits 63 percent.

Your stats are wrong....blacks compose approx. 12 percent of the total population.

and the rest makes no sense.
The last census I believe had them at 13 percent. As for violent crime the last FBI stat had over all violent crime at 37 percent for blacks, Murder and I believe assault were over 50 percent.

First of all............all govenment stats on black crime and especially black on white crime are made as confusing as in they do not want the truth known.

During the obama admin the fbi was told not to report the stats on black crime.

Not confusing, but openly deceptive. Counting hispanics as whites to make whites look closer to blacks than they are.

True but now under the Trump admin. they are listing hispanics as a seperate category aka not listing their crimes under the white label.

It has been official government policy to cover up black crimes for years and years and their adherence to this politically correct outrage will take a lot of time to recover from even if the republicans stay in we all know the deep state has a lot of power.

Out of wedlock births in countries whose culture hasn’t abandoned fathers isn’t the same as fatherlessness. Blacks lack daddies.
I don’t protest significant numbers of whites killed by cops in the process of violent crimes because they’re involved in violent crimes.
The issue is why blacks commit disproportionate violent crime. I already told you; fatherlessness.
Don’t know of this phantom white supremacy among police that you refer to. Because it’s a canard. Again, blacks commit too much violent crime. No daddies. Address that.
It is institutional. Keep them Poor and create a criminal class via public policies. The majesty of the Law will do the rest.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”
― Anatole France
Who is poor? Certainly not blacks. Most live in middle and upper class circumstances.
Well, here's how you estimate who is the most violent:
Question: Where does the vast majority of the inner-city crime occur?
Answer: Black neighborhoods.
And who get's to police and create the stats about policing in black neigbourhoods ?

The white supremacists.

Michael A. Wood Jr was a white retired White American police sergeant he noted what he saw while serving on the Baltimore police force from 2003 to 2014

He confirmed much of what many Black Americans in Baltimore have long known.

The Police :
  • Racially profile.·
  • Lie.
  • Do not see Black and poor people as real human being.
  • Are an occupying force in Black ghettos.
  • See the people there as the enemy, not as citizens to protect and serve.
  • Use unspoken arrest quota.
  • Each officer is expected to make so many arrests a month.
  • Do not care much about the US Constitution.
  • Are badly trained.
  • Fear Black males.
He found that arrests and crime bear little relationship to each other.

When he was put on patrol in a well-to-do White neighbourhood he would go to a nearby Black neighbourhood to make his arrest quota.

Not because there was more crime there but because he could get away with arresting blacks for little things, like throwing a cigarette on the floor or playing basketball in the street. Also the police were told not to enforce drug laws against white people

He did not see himself as racist but took part in a racist institution by following orders. And these orders came from top. Who were supported by politicians who represented not the people but moneyed interests like the prison-industrial complex that need 90% occupancy.

Or white cop Adrian Schoolcraft he logged how the NYPD used to manipulate crime stats. He recorded everything that was said with a small tape recorder while he was on duty.

Police officers were told how many people to stop and search. How many tickets to write. How many arrests to make every month. Meanwhile serious crime was not taken seriously. .

When he had a solid case he went to InternalAffairs. So the police arrived at his door with a dozen policemen. They tore his place apart. They threw him to the ground, beat him up and handcuffed him.

After six days missing his dad found his son at last in a mental ward in Queens NY, where the police had put him.

That's only touching the surface the police plant evidence on suspects to frame them, as with the Ramparts division scandal or they protect drug runners.

The police deal in drugs themselves. Ever heard about New York’s infamous 75th precinct ?

But these are the people you rely on for facts ?

Question: How does that equate racially?
Answer: Blacks are more violent.
Having said that, that doesn't mean there aren't great, law-abiding blacks in the inner-cities and beyond. It's just that the violent ones are the predominant culture there.
If the statement hurts your feelings, facts don't care about your feelings.
Let's broaden this about about who the most violent white people or black people

The fact is from the 1920’s up to now white crime was and is the absolutely biggest crime in the USA and one of the biggest in the world.

At its peak Mafia (Cosa Nostra) had some 3000 to 4000 members. Most of those guys had killed at least one individual. They had to. You do not enter this organisation without participating in a murder. Later it became enough to participate in murder, chop up the body, help to kill the victim by holding or setting up the actual murder.

That alone puts the number of their murder victims in thousands. Even when some members did not personally killed anybody others did by dozens. In Cosa Nostra there were dozens of guys who killed up twenty guys and many who had killed even more than that.

And that number is just their murders and just by the Italian American crime. This does not include murders committed by their associates and non-members who were and are involved in that business.

Add to this the drug trade which they have had a huge say in since the 1930’s.

How many people died during those decades from over doses and other drug related reasons?

Thousands at least.

The drug trade by white crime destroyed dozens of black neighbourhoods all across the USA from New York to Detroit, to Chicago to LA. And that was nothing? Nothing criminal?

Add to that the massive commercial thievery, lone sharking, gambling, numbers, prostitution, porn, labour unions, corruption of politicians, judges, judicial systems in several cities, Hollywood and forgery, robberies, transportation, fashion industry, clothing industry, waste management etc.

There has never been any rule in Sicilian mafia that bans killing of women and children.

If they have to be murdered, then they have to be. It doesn’t matter how young a child is or who the woman is, if they are the ones who have to be killed, they will be. Any method will do: acid bath, fire, shooting, strangulation, knifing, bombs.

The murder is the message.

It is very funny how you promoting the idea of black criminality somehow forget all that

Having said that, that doesn't mean there aren't great, law-abiding blacks in the inner-cities and beyond. It's just that the violent ones are the predominant culture there.
If the statement hurts your feelings, facts don't care about your feelings.
Bernie Madoff (A white man) got caught stealing 65 000 000 000 dollars. That's 65 billion dollars.

65 billion dollars is more money even if you added up the money robbed by every single black robber for the past 200 years in the USA

De Niro made a movie about his life "Wizard Of Lies" a few years bk

When white people do crime it's glorified. They're seen as cool and cunning. GoodFellas ? Sopranos ? Al Capone ? Bonnie and Clyde....anyone ?

Now, I would like you to show me a single black american embezzler who has stolen by fraud lets say at least 100 million dollars.

But to you robbing some 7-11 and getting a few 100 bucks or whatever is the ultimate evil act. See I’m pretty certain Bernie Madoff would not rob in stores but he robs in others ways.

It's also good to remember that one Bernie Madoff can actually put whole towns out of business, with all its jobs and houses and population, black or white. And they have done so.
.whites have been harassed, beaten, and murdered by the police for decades
And that's the difference between whites and blacks.

We are the only ones who challenge white supremacy. We don't fully bow down it.

And what makes us so amazing is that we are the minority population here and still go HARD BODY. We are out here on the streets right now. We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.


But we fking dust ourselves off and challenge the dam beast.........EVERYDAY !! We still out everyday saying "Hell now.......we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"


No one has that kinda fking courage like black people. No-one.
No one has that kinda fking courage like black people. No-one.

Could almost turn out to be brave, if ya'll didn't turn out to be sniveling babies when the response lands you in cuffs or the morgue. Then, you all cry and beg for the Democrat scum to save your sorry arses via media and corrupt demo-mayors. How proud you must be while hiding behind corrupt politicians and deceptions.

It's a great look; gotta tell you. Victim card looks grand on ya.
The hardest thing you could do is GET A JOB, RESPECT THE LAW, and RAISE YOUR MANY KIDS ON YOUR OWN.

Oh, but that would take REAL WORK.
Not close. Issue is fatherlessness.
Iceland a place where there no black people but it has the highest rates for father-lesness.


Why is this the case ?

And why would a white person want to talk about black illegitimacy ? You don't care. Because if you were truly concerned about illegitimacy, you'd also be just as concerned about white illegitimacy too.

Blacks are killed by cops per capita more than whites. However, almost all police homicides involve violent crime.

Whites are killed by police at a higher rate per violent crime than blacks!
If white people object to white people being harmed by the police then ypu need to be as vociferous as black people are and protest about police brutality against white people on the same scale that black people do.

If all people get police brutality then wouldn’t you think that white people should be complaining about the police, rather than complaining about black people complaining out the police ?

But the fact is white people will support harsher policies from the police if they’ll hurt black people. White people (Generally) don't mind a few white sacrifices JUST AS LONG as the police harm black people (Especially young black men)

It’s an example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

But you know white people (unarmed) are not targeted or getting by police.

White people freak out at even 1% of oppression. This coming from a race of people who were getting out on the streets a few months bk angry at not being able to get a hair cut or play golf



In fact white people picked up guns for this. White people thought it was facism when they could plant seeds in their garden

Only people for whom daily life is pretty easy could believe that the closing of bars, gyms, restaurants, and sporting events was a tragedy.

Ya know who doesn’t think that way?

Black people.

But blacks commit a significantly higher rate of violent crime per capita than all others. That is a reflection of depleted family structure.
You cannot get statistics on the number of crimes committed by black people only the number of arrests and convictions.

That's were context comes in. So if we have law enforcement brimming with white supremacists who is gonna to be arrested more ? Charged more ?

We also cannot get statistics on which of the convicted people are guilty. We can only have the opinion of the court system as to their guilt and that opinion assumes guilt from the fact of conviction. Even if all convicted persons are guilty that does not mean that their sentences are fair. Longer sentences for black people will make the prison system majority black.
You are correct that you can’t use arrests to calculate crime rates because most criminals get away with many more crimes than they get arrested for. But using that number to compare crime by various races is a good measure. The only reason. I can see for you to claim otherwise is if you think white criminals are smarter than black criminals so they get caught less often.
.whites have been harassed, beaten, and murdered by the police for decades
And that's the difference between whites and blacks.

We are the only ones who challenge white supremacy. We don't fully bow down it.

And what makes us so amazing is that we are the minority population here and still go HARD BODY. We are out here on the streets right now. We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.


But we fking dust ourselves off and challenge the dam beast.........EVERYDAY !! We still out everyday saying "Hell now.......we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"


No one has that kinda fking courage like black people. No-one.
The worst thing that could possibly happen to black Americans would be for your current violent actions to inspire white, brown, yellow and red Americans to respond in kind.

You don’t have courage, it doesn’t take courage for a mob to attack people under orders not to harm them. Ghandi’s people had courage, the Americans of all colors marching with MLK against armed and vicious police in the Deep South had courage, the Buddhist priests who self-immolated protesting the South Vietnamese regime had courage.
The worst thing that could possibly happen to black Americans would be for your current violent actions to inspire white, brown, yellow and red Americans to respond in kind.
Is that supposed scare black people ? Um ?

What you suggest might happen is the best thing.

If all white, brown and yellow people come and try and kill black people. Fine. And they kill us all ? Fine. Liberty or death.

See if we are not meant to be here. Then we are not meant to be here. Period.

You don’t have courage, it doesn’t take courage for a mob to attack people under orders not to harm them.
White, brown or yellow people don't have courage. Outside of their machines they are pussies.

You put unarmed 100 white man and black men on field or similar age and size and both told to go at. White guys would be beaten to death. You know. The same is true of yellow and brown men too.

It's only white people's machines that makes them strong.
You are correct that you can’t use arrests to calculate crime rates because most criminals get away with many more crimes than they get arrested for.
I know I'm correct

But using that number to compare crime by various races is a good measure. The only reason. I can see for you to claim otherwise is if you think white criminals are smarter than black criminals so they get caught less often
Not smarter. The issue is that white people get away with crimes just because they are white.

Don't listen to me. Listen many white people tell you this themselves.

Ghandi’s people had courage
Fk Ghandi. He hated black people.

The Americans of all colors marching with MLK against armed and vicious police in the Deep South had courage,
The same in 2020

the Buddhist priests who self-immolated protesting the South Vietnamese regime had courage.
Well here's the thing.

When white people are praising you for protesting that's not a good thing. If you are in a war and the opposition is given you a thumbs up for how you are fighting that war, that's not a good thing.

Power isn't given. It's taken. Power isn't taken politely. I'm happy that black ppl are bullying white supremacy. I'm happy that blk ppl are happy with sharp elbows.

And as the world has seen. You push and they bk down. They get the message.

Black ppl have inter-grated into a burning building and figuring out how to get comfortable. America was built on a cracked foundation and you can't build on a cracked foundation

The enforcement arm of white supremacy is under great stress and they are trying to get blk ppl to settle. "Hey cmon, we'll put a few negroes in this or that spot and that'll calm you negroes down. I mean you negroes like to live vicariously don't you ?"

This is marathon. Not a sprint. What are these white people gonna be like in two months time ? When it's died down ?

Black people have tried to do it the nice way

The last time blk ppl complained at police brutality. We took a knee.

What could possibly have been more politically correct, more friendly to white ppls tender sensitivities than taken a knee ?

But did you see anyone say "O since you negroes asked so politely. We're gonna have legislation. Yes !! Legislation today !! We are going to have the FBI set up a taskforce to round up all the racists who kill blk ppl. Were gonna have laws to put ppl who call the police on blk ppl just 4 being blk in jail"

Did they do that ? Happen. Not. Gonna.
.whites have been harassed, beaten, and murdered by the police for decades
And that's the difference between whites and blacks.

We are the only ones who challenge white supremacy. We don't fully bow down it.

And what makes us so amazing is that we are the minority population here and still go HARD BODY. We are out here on the streets right now. We go up against the biggest military power on the planet.


But we fking dust ourselves off and challenge the dam beast.........EVERYDAY !! We still out everyday saying "Hell now.......we ain't gonna bow down to this sh*t"


No one has that kinda fking courage like black people. No-one.
..and no group has the violence/crime/low graduation rates like the blacks = why your communities are shitholes's like sports--you can play sports--WHOOOOPDYDOOOO--but you can't can't do the very SIMPLE. smart things like COMPLY
the very SIMPLE. smart things like COMPLY
Does not matter if you comply.

Hands up. Unarmed. It doesn't matter when you are black.

However if you white.

yes it does you are being ridiculous ..there are a LOT more examples of complying
...and here, my thread explains it all:
yes it does you are being ridiculous ..there are a LOT more examples of complying
...and here, my thread explains it all:
And do you think I'm going to take seriously a word of what you say ?

Look. The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people have been the main evil.

I don't care about white people the way you do and I'm sure you feel the same way about black people.
yes it does you are being ridiculous ..there are a LOT more examples of complying
...and here, my thread explains it all:
And do you think I'm going to take seriously a word of what you say ?

Look. The past and present and future of black people concern me the most and in that history white people have been the main evil.

I don't care about white people the way you do and I'm sure you feel the same way about black people.
blacks committing murder at high rates/crime --and WHITES are evil!!!

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