The facts about race and crime in America

Thanks for the right wing talking point ass clown.
One thing is for sure ...

Pointing out Chicago's murder rates IS EXCLUSIVELY a "Right Wing Talking Point" ......

It's not like you will ever hear a Leftist talk about Chicago's murder rates .... you know .... with Black Lives Mattering and all !!!!
......that goes for ALL the cities where blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates

Does it apply to states where white folks are murdering white folks?
you missed the word HIGH
..not 2 times, not 3 times, but FOUR times the rate
plus committing other violent crimes at HIGHER rates = the black culture UNDENIABLY has a problem with breeding criminals
Thanks for the right wing talking point ass clown.
One thing is for sure ...

Pointing out Chicago's murder rates IS EXCLUSIVELY a "Right Wing Talking Point" ......

It's not like you will ever hear a Leftist talk about Chicago's murder rates .... you know .... with Black Lives Mattering and all !!!!
......that goes for ALL the cities where blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates

Does it apply to states where white folks are murdering white folks?
you missed the word HIGH
..not 2 times, not 3 times, but FOUR times the rate
plus committing other violent crimes at HIGHER rates = the black culture UNDENIABLY has a problem with breeding criminals

Hmmm, DOJ/FBI stats show that whites commit the majority of violent crimes in this country. So why don't we ever hear about white on white crime? Why is it that the police don't harass white folks on the level that they do black or hispanic folks?
Why is race an issue?
You need to ask the NAACP, BLM, CBC, BET and the entire democrat party.
They didn't start this thread. Why do right wingers seem to have a problem with race when there is no mention of race in our federal Constitution; and, it is also gender neutral from inception.
You didn’t address my post.
Are you projecting much? They did not start this about race and crime in America. Why should I ask them instead of You?
Thanks for the right wing talking point ass clown.
One thing is for sure ...

Pointing out Chicago's murder rates IS EXCLUSIVELY a "Right Wing Talking Point" ......

It's not like you will ever hear a Leftist talk about Chicago's murder rates .... you know .... with Black Lives Mattering and all !!!!
......that goes for ALL the cities where blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates

Does it apply to states where white folks are murdering white folks?
you missed the word HIGH
..not 2 times, not 3 times, but FOUR times the rate
plus committing other violent crimes at HIGHER rates = the black culture UNDENIABLY has a problem with breeding criminals

Hmmm, DOJ/FBI stats show that whites commit the majority of violent crimes in this country. So why don't we ever hear about white on white crime? Why is it that the police don't harass white folks on the level that they do black or hispanic folks?
1. we never hear about black on black crime --hahahahhaha
2. per capita---I know that scares you and IM2--but that's basic science/math
3. blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa--but you never hear about that--what you hear is WHITES saying the word ''black hole''= OMG!!!!! what you hear, you would think whites are murdering blacks every day
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514
to be continued
Well except for the whole 37 percent of all VIOLENT crime is committed by blacks...... And the simple fact that blacks EVERY year kill 3 times as many whites as Whites kill Blacks.
White people have been and are the most violent people on the planet and it's been that way for 300 years.
Not in the US. just 7 percent of the population... black males commit 37 percent of all violent crime. So even if whites were all that's left that means 70 percent of the population commits 63 percent.

Your stats are wrong....blacks compose approx. 12 percent of the total population.

and the rest makes no sense.
The last census I believe had them at 13 percent. As for violent crime the last FBI stat had over all violent crime at 37 percent for blacks, Murder and I believe assault were over 50 percent.

First of all............all govenment stats on black crime and especially black on white crime are made as confusing as in they do not want the truth known.

During the obama admin the fbi was told not to report the stats on black crime.

Not confusing, but openly deceptive. Counting hispanics as whites to make whites look closer to blacks than they are.

True but now under the Trump admin. they are listing hispanics as a seperate category aka not listing their crimes under the white label.

It has been official government policy to cover up black crimes for years and years and their adherence to this politically correct outrage will take a lot of time to recover from even if the republicans stay in we all know the deep state has a lot of power.

Out of wedlock births in countries whose culture hasn’t abandoned fathers isn’t the same as fatherlessness. Blacks lack daddies.
I don’t protest significant numbers of whites killed by cops in the process of violent crimes because they’re involved in violent crimes.
The issue is why blacks commit disproportionate violent crime. I already told you; fatherlessness.
Don’t know of this phantom white supremacy among police that you refer to. Because it’s a canard. Again, blacks commit too much violent crime. No daddies. Address that.
It is institutional. Keep them Poor and create a criminal class via public policies. The majesty of the Law will do the rest.

“The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread.”
― Anatole France
Thanks for the right wing talking point ass clown.
One thing is for sure ...

Pointing out Chicago's murder rates IS EXCLUSIVELY a "Right Wing Talking Point" ......

It's not like you will ever hear a Leftist talk about Chicago's murder rates .... you know .... with Black Lives Mattering and all !!!!
......that goes for ALL the cities where blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates

Does it apply to states where white folks are murdering white folks?
you missed the word HIGH
..not 2 times, not 3 times, but FOUR times the rate
plus committing other violent crimes at HIGHER rates = the black culture UNDENIABLY has a problem with breeding criminals

Hmmm, DOJ/FBI stats show that whites commit the majority of violent crimes in this country. So why don't we ever hear about white on white crime? Why is it that the police don't harass white folks on the level that they do black or hispanic folks?
we've been over this before:
1. they are not harassing blacks more than whites--prove it
2. blacks commit crimes at HIGHER rates--DUH!! they are going to have a HIGHER rate of problems!!!
3. blacks commit murder/rape/etc at higher rates ---graduate at lower rates = they don't know how to act properly
I’ve lived around white people for over 60 years and I have yet to meet a single one of these ubiquitous white supremacists you and your indoctrinated ilk keep whining about.
And how would you recognise [sic] an [sic] ubiquitous white supremacists if you met one ?

Have you ever considered learning English?
Can you understand that sentence I just wrote ?
I understand what it says about you. Have some self respect.
More blacks are killed in Chicago in 6 months by other blacks than were killed in the entire violent history era of the kkk

"Ninety-five percent of black people who get killed, get killed by other black people. I don’t see all these other black people–and I’ve been talking about this for years. We as black people don’t have respect for each other. We kill each other every single day. To try to piggy-back on a young kid’s death and act like all white people hate us, all these people out there are bad, it’s a disgrace and a travesty. It’s really about us as black people. We’ve got to do much, much better."

Ninety-five percent of black people who get killed, get killed by other black people. I don’t see all these other black people–and I’ve been talking about this for years. We as black people don’t have respect for each other. We kill each other every single day. To try to piggy-back on a young kid’s death and act like all white people hate us, all these people out there are bad, it’s a disgrace and a travesty. It’s really about us as black people. We’ve got to do much, much better.

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Black serial killers.....

Thanks for the right wing talking point ass clown.
One thing is for sure ...

Pointing out Chicago's murder rates IS EXCLUSIVELY a "Right Wing Talking Point" ......

It's not like you will ever hear a Leftist talk about Chicago's murder rates .... you know .... with Black Lives Mattering and all !!!!
......that goes for ALL the cities where blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates

Does it apply to states where white folks are murdering white folks?
you missed the word HIGH
..not 2 times, not 3 times, but FOUR times the rate
plus committing other violent crimes at HIGHER rates = the black culture UNDENIABLY has a problem with breeding criminals

Hmmm, DOJ/FBI stats show that whites commit the majority of violent crimes in this country. So why don't we ever hear about white on white crime? Why is it that the police don't harass white folks on the level that they do black or hispanic folks?
1. we never hear about black on black crime --hahahahhaha

We never hear about white on white crime you mean.
2. per capita---I know that scares you and IM2--but that's basic science/math.

So is it true per capita that more black folks are murdered by the cops.
3. blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa--but you never hear about that--what you hear is WHITES saying the word ''black hole''= OMG!!!!! what you hear, you would think whites are murdering blacks every day

Post those statistics.
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514
to be continued

Post the statistics.
Thanks for the right wing talking point ass clown.
One thing is for sure ...

Pointing out Chicago's murder rates IS EXCLUSIVELY a "Right Wing Talking Point" ......

It's not like you will ever hear a Leftist talk about Chicago's murder rates .... you know .... with Black Lives Mattering and all !!!!
......that goes for ALL the cities where blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates

Does it apply to states where white folks are murdering white folks?
you missed the word HIGH
..not 2 times, not 3 times, but FOUR times the rate
plus committing other violent crimes at HIGHER rates = the black culture UNDENIABLY has a problem with breeding criminals

Hmmm, DOJ/FBI stats show that whites commit the majority of violent crimes in this country. So why don't we ever hear about white on white crime? Why is it that the police don't harass white folks on the level that they do black or hispanic folks?
1. we never hear about black on black crime --hahahahhaha

We never hear about white on white crime you mean.
2. per capita---I know that scares you and IM2--but that's basic science/math.

So is it true per capita that more black folks are murdered by the cops.
3. blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa--but you never hear about that--what you hear is WHITES saying the word ''black hole''= OMG!!!!! what you hear, you would think whites are murdering blacks every day

Post those statistics.
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514
to be continued

Post the statistics.
here--this is NOT the MSM--FBI stats--FACTS--make sure you can do the math before replying?

blacks commit more crimes per capita
..if anything, whites are shot more for violent crime
My friends were attacked by black people when they crossed the freeway and went into a black neighborhood to a hamburger stand. 14 blacks beat them up and stole their money. Funny, no one saw anything. I told my friends they were stupid to go over there because showing money while you are white gets you mugged over there.
Where was this ? And what did they say ?
It was in a bad drug infested area. They said 'give us your money.' Funny, blacks used to come over the freeway where whites live and go to our stores etc. unmolested. We did not have a bad street element. I did know many blacks who lived over there in neighborhoods that were decent folks. The streets were taken over and the cops did not like to go over there hence the street violence, drugs and prostitution. That was over 30 years ago. Today none of that exists anymore.
Thanks for the right wing talking point ass clown.
One thing is for sure ...

Pointing out Chicago's murder rates IS EXCLUSIVELY a "Right Wing Talking Point" ......

It's not like you will ever hear a Leftist talk about Chicago's murder rates .... you know .... with Black Lives Mattering and all !!!!
......that goes for ALL the cities where blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates

Does it apply to states where white folks are murdering white folks?
you missed the word HIGH
..not 2 times, not 3 times, but FOUR times the rate
plus committing other violent crimes at HIGHER rates = the black culture UNDENIABLY has a problem with breeding criminals

Hmmm, DOJ/FBI stats show that whites commit the majority of violent crimes in this country. So why don't we ever hear about white on white crime? Why is it that the police don't harass white folks on the level that they do black or hispanic folks?
1. we never hear about black on black crime --hahahahhaha

We never hear about white on white crime you mean.
2. per capita---I know that scares you and IM2--but that's basic science/math.

So is it true per capita that more black folks are murdered by the cops.
3. blacks murder whites at TEN times the rate of vice versa--but you never hear about that--what you hear is WHITES saying the word ''black hole''= OMG!!!!! what you hear, you would think whites are murdering blacks every day

Post those statistics.
white on black murders 234
black on white murders 514
to be continued

Post the statistics.
It is also true that 50 percent of all Murder is by blacks meaning more interaction with cops, it is true that 50 percent of all assaults are by blacks meaning more interaction with cops it is also true that ALL violent crime other then those two are over 30 percent meaning MORE INTERACTION with COPS.
Black serial killers.....

For a long time blacks tried to claim only white men are serial killers....some still do allege that

The truth is that even though blacks compose only aprox. l3 percent of the total pop. they have more black serial killers than whites do who are of course the majority pop.

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The more astute are up to speed on the following but still too many white folk that have been misled by the media.

The Facts About Race and Crime - American Renaissance
American Renaissance run by white supremacist, Dracula laughing Jared Taylor

Getting stats about race and crime from American Renaissance is as stupid as getting facts about vegans from Ronald McDonald.

Without looking ....erm .......let me take a wild guess at what they will say

1) Blacks are the most violent
2) Blacks are killing and raping whites
3) The reason why blacks do this is innate because of low IQ and animal like tendancies

Am I close ?
Well, here's how you estimate who is the most violent:
Question: Where does the vast majority of the inner-city crime occur?
Answer: Black neighborhoods.
Question: How does that equate racially?
Answer: Blacks are more violent.
Having said that, that doesn't mean there aren't great, law-abiding blacks in the inner-cities and beyond. It's just that the violent ones are the predominant culture there.
If the statement hurts your feelings, facts don't care about your feelings.
The more astute are up to speed on the following but still too many white folk that have been misled by the media.

The Facts About Race and Crime - American Renaissance
American Renaissance run by white supremacist, Dracula laughing Jared Taylor

Getting stats about race and crime from American Renaissance is as stupid as getting facts about vegans from Ronald McDonald.

Without looking ....erm .......let me take a wild guess at what they will say

1) Blacks are the most violent
2) Blacks are killing and raping whites
3) The reason why blacks do this is innate because of low IQ and animal like tendancies

Am I close ?
Well, here's how you estimate who is the most violent:
Question: Where does the vast majority of the inner-city crime occur?
Answer: Black neighborhoods.
Question: How does that equate racially?
Answer: Blacks are more violent.
Having said that, that doesn't mean there aren't great, law-abiding blacks in the inner-cities and beyond. It's just that the violent ones are the predominant culture there.
If the statement hurts your feelings, facts don't care about your feelings.

hehheh He has no interest in the truth.....I do have a lot of sympathy for the good law abiding blacks....they suffer because of the actions of their criminal element.....which is huge.

Here is something that very few know.....the group of criminals in the black community who committ most of the crime and violence ...are young black males....they are the ones committing over half of all violent crimes in America

Young black males compose only 2.5 percent of our total pop. yet they committ over half of all violent crime....such things as murder and rape.

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