The facts about race and crime in America

Everyone has to pay for insurance payouts. You’re indoctrinated.
The 1960’s were over fifty years ago. Ironically, blacks were fathered at a rate of 80% back then. Now its 25%.
Blacks, with the aid of democrats, are now more segregated and segregationist than then.
I'll ask you for the second time

Was there racism in the 1960's ?
There has always been racism. For the past forty years the democrats have fomented overt black racism. What’s your point?
I’ve lived around white people for over 60 years and I have yet to meet a single one of these ubiquitous white supremacists you and your indoctrinated ilk keep whining about.
And how would you recognise an ubiquitous white supremacists if you met one ?
The more astute are up to speed on the following but still too many white folk that have been misled by the media.

The Facts About Race and Crime - American Renaissance
American Renaissance run by white supremacist, Dracula laughing Jared Taylor

Getting stats about race and crime from American Renaissance is as stupid as getting facts about vegans from Ronald McDonald.

Without looking ....erm .......let me take a wild guess at what they will say

1) Blacks are the most violent
2) Blacks are killing and raping whites
3) The reason why blacks do this is innate because of low IQ and animal like tendancies

Am I close ?

obviously you know your is some mo for all does who don't know.

Posted on May 3, 2007
The Truth Of Interracial Rape In The United States
Lawrence Auster, Front Page Magazine, May 3, 2007

Like Ahab’s search for the Great White Whale, liberals’ search for the Great White Defendant is relentless and never-ending. When, in 1988, Tawana Brawley’s and Al Sharpton’s then year-old spectacular charge that several white men including prosecutor Steven Pagones (whose name Brawley had picked out of a newspaper article) had abducted and raped the 15 year old was shown to be completely false, the Nation said it didn’t matter, since the charges expressed the essential nature of white men’s treatment of black women in this country. When the Duke University lacrosse players were accused of raping a black stripper last year, liberals everywhere treated the accusation as fact, because, just as with the Nation and Tawana Brawley, the rape charge seemed to the minds of liberals to reflect the true nature of oppressive racial and sexual relations in America.
To see the real truth of the matter, let us take a look at the Department of Justice document Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2005. (Go to the linked document, and under “Victims and Offenders” download the pdf file for 2005.)
In Table 42, entitled “Personal crimes of violence, 2005, percent distribution of single-offender victimizations, based on race of victims, by type of crime and perceived race of offender,” we learn that there were 111,590 white victims and 36,620 black victims of rape or sexual assault in 2005. (The number of rapes is not distinguished from those of sexual assaults; it is maddening that sexual assault, an ill-defined category that covers various types of criminal acts ranging from penetration to inappropriate touching, is conflated with the more specific crime of rape.) In the 111,590 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was white, 44.5 percent of the offenders were white, and 33.6 percent of the offenders were black. In the 36,620 cases in which the victim of rape or sexual assault was black, 100 percent of the offenders were black, and 0.0 percent of the offenders were white. The table explains that 0.0 percent means that there were under 10 incidents nationally.
The table does not gives statistics for Hispanic victims and offenders. But the bottom line on interracial white/black and black/white rape is clear:
In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man.
What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.
The Department of Justice statistics refer, of course, to verified reports. According to the Wikipedia article on rape, as many as half of all rape charges nationally are determined by police and prosecutors to be false:
Linda Fairstein, former head of the New York County District Attorney’s Sex Crimes Unit, noted, “There are about 4,000 reports of rape each year in Manhattan. Of these, about half simply did not happen…. It’s my job to bring justice to the man who has been falsely accused by a woman who has a grudge against him, just as it’s my job to prosecute the real thing.”
No wonder there was such absolute belief in the guilt of the Duke students among the leading sectors of liberal America. A drug-addled, half-deranged, promiscuous black stripper accused three young white men of raping her. There are virtually zero rapes of black women by white men in the United States, and half of all rape charges against specific individuals turn out to be false. But in the gnostic, inverted world of liberal demonology, the white students had to be guilty.
Meanwhile, in the real America, week after week, the newspapers report the rapes of white women by black men — though, of course, without ever once using the words, “a white woman was raped by black man.” Just last week in the New York Post there was a story about a serial black rapist who invaded women’s apartments on Manhattan’s Upper West Side; you knew the rapist was black from a police drawing accompanying the story, and you knew the victims were most likely white from the neighborhoods where the attacks occurred. But even when news media’s reports of black on white rape make the race of the perpetrator evident (which the media only does in a minority of instances), no explicit reference is ever made to the racial aspect of the case. Each story of black on white rape is reported in isolation, not presented as part of a larger pattern. There is never the slightest mention of the fact that white women in this country are being targeted by black rapists. In the inverted world of liberalism, the phenomenon does not exist.

You got a problem with Front Page Magzine too?

Your real problem is that you cannot handle the truth.
Why are you posting that to me ? I'm the last person on earth who would believe any of that, Matter of fact even you know it's bullshit.

You have never been attacked by a black person.
You don't know anyone in your family who has been attacked by black person.
You have never had a black man denied you a job or a loan

Every mean word, every mean action, everything bad done to you in your life, has been done by a white person.

Tell me when I'm lying ?

But your up here, all scared of black ppl, even though you most likely don't live anywhere near blk ppl.....but black people are gonna get you !! That's what Jared Taylor said !!

Fk outta here.

I wouldn't even wipe my ass with that trash.

P.S Front page magazine is another white supremacist site
My friends were attacked by black people when they crossed the freeway and went into a black neighborhood to a hamburger stand. 14 blacks beat them up and stole their money. Funny, no one saw anything. I told my friends they were stupid to go over there because showing money while you are white gets you mugged over there.
My friends were attacked by black people when they crossed the freeway and went into a black neighborhood to a hamburger stand. 14 blacks beat them up and stole their money. Funny, no one saw anything. I told my friends they were stupid to go over there because showing money while you are white gets you mugged over there.
Where was this ? And what did they say ?
My friends were attacked by black people when they crossed the freeway and went into a black neighborhood to a hamburger stand. 14 blacks beat them up and stole their money. Funny, no one saw anything. I told my friends they were stupid to go over there because showing money while you are white gets you mugged over there.

Where exactly did this fictional story take place?
Out of wedlock births in countries whose culture hasn’t abandoned fathers isn’t the same as fatherlessness. Blacks lack daddies.
I don’t protest significant numbers of whites killed by cops in the process of violent crimes because they’re involved in violent crimes.
The issue is why blacks commit disproportionate violent crime. I already told you; fatherlessness.
Don’t know of this phantom white supremacy among police that you refer to. Because it’s a canard. Again, blacks commit too much violent crime. No daddies. Address that.
If a black kid not having a father upsets you so much then tell me what are you doing about it ?

I'll wait

And what you doing to help the white kids without fathers ?

I'll wait.

I'll tell you what he is doing, not a damn thing. It is just a right wing talking point he uses to try and show black folks in a negative light.
The more astute are up to speed on the following but still too many white folk that have been misled by the media.

The Facts About Race and Crime - American Renaissance
American Renaissance run by white supremacist, Dracula laughing Jared Taylor

Getting stats about race and crime from American Renaissance is as stupid as getting facts about vegans from Ronald McDonald.

Without looking ....erm .......let me take a wild guess at what they will say

1) Blacks are the most violent
2) Blacks are killing and raping whites
3) The reason why blacks do this is innate because of low IQ and animal like tendancies

Am I close ?
blacks are the most violent--the facts prove it
The more astute are up to speed on the following but still too many white folk that have been misled by the media.

The Facts About Race and Crime - American Renaissance
American Renaissance run by white supremacist, Dracula laughing Jared Taylor

Getting stats about race and crime from American Renaissance is as stupid as getting facts about vegans from Ronald McDonald.

Without looking ....erm .......let me take a wild guess at what they will say

1) Blacks are the most violent
2) Blacks are killing and raping whites
3) The reason why blacks do this is innate because of low IQ and animal like tendancies

Am I close ?
Well except for the whole 37 percent of all VIOLENT crime is committed by blacks...... And the simple fact that blacks EVERY year kill 3 times as many whites as Whites kill Blacks.

View attachment 384269

This narrative is false. Again, more people die through lightning strikes than this shit. I suppose lightning strikes you whether the hands are down or not, too.

Just not resisting arrest is enough.

So tired of these leftist lies and snark. So many super losers running about these days.

Black folks have been harassed, beaten and murdered by the police since our sojourn in America and we are sick and tired of racist trash trying to down play it or act as if it isn't happening.
It isn’t happening. It’s a phony argument designed to gin up controversy.

It's only a phony argument to racist trash who don't have a problem with it being done.
It isn’t happening. It’s media and democrat/demagogue propaganda. The stats and facts bear that out.

Yep the stats and facts bear out the systematic racism that is still happening in this country.
The more astute are up to speed on the following but still too many white folk that have been misled by the media.

The Facts About Race and Crime - American Renaissance
American Renaissance run by white supremacist, Dracula laughing Jared Taylor

Getting stats about race and crime from American Renaissance is as stupid as getting facts about vegans from Ronald McDonald.

Without looking ....erm .......let me take a wild guess at what they will say

1) Blacks are the most violent
2) Blacks are killing and raping whites
3) The reason why blacks do this is innate because of low IQ and animal like tendancies

Am I close ?
Well except for the whole 37 percent of all VIOLENT crime is committed by blacks...... And the simple fact that blacks EVERY year kill 3 times as many whites as Whites kill Blacks.

View attachment 384269

This narrative is false. Again, more people die through lightning strikes than this shit. I suppose lightning strikes you whether the hands are down or not, too.

Just not resisting arrest is enough.

So tired of these leftist lies and snark. So many super losers running about these days.

Black folks have been harassed, beaten and murdered by the police since our sojourn in America and we are sick and tired of racist trash trying to down play it or act as if it isn't happening.
It isn’t happening. It’s a phony argument designed to gin up controversy.

It's only a phony argument to racist trash who don't have a problem with it being done.
It isn’t happening. It’s media and democrat/demagogue propaganda. The stats and facts bear that out.

Yep the stats and facts bear out the systematic racism that is still happening in this country.
post them then --let's see these stats
The more astute are up to speed on the following but still too many white folk that have been misled by the media.

The Facts About Race and Crime - American Renaissance
American Renaissance run by white supremacist, Dracula laughing Jared Taylor

Getting stats about race and crime from American Renaissance is as stupid as getting facts about vegans from Ronald McDonald.

Without looking ....erm .......let me take a wild guess at what they will say

1) Blacks are the most violent
2) Blacks are killing and raping whites
3) The reason why blacks do this is innate because of low IQ and animal like tendancies

Am I close ?
Well except for the whole 37 percent of all VIOLENT crime is committed by blacks...... And the simple fact that blacks EVERY year kill 3 times as many whites as Whites kill Blacks.

View attachment 384269

This narrative is false. Again, more people die through lightning strikes than this shit. I suppose lightning strikes you whether the hands are down or not, too.

Just not resisting arrest is enough.

So tired of these leftist lies and snark. So many super losers running about these days.

Black folks have been harassed, beaten and murdered by the police since our sojourn in America and we are sick and tired of racist trash trying to down play it or act as if it isn't happening.
It isn’t happening. It’s a phony argument designed to gin up controversy.

Exactly propaganda ....nothing more than a hustle.

That's funny coming from you, that is all this thread is.
Well except for the whole 37 percent of all VIOLENT crime is committed by blacks...... And the simple fact that blacks EVERY year kill 3 times as many whites as Whites kill Blacks.
White people have been and are the most violent people on the planet and it's been that way for 300 years.
Not in the US. just 7 percent of the population... black males commit 37 percent of all violent crime. So even if whites were all that's left that means 70 percent of the population commits 63 percent.

Your stats are wrong....blacks compose approx. 12 percent of the total population.

and the rest makes no sense.
The last census I believe had them at 13 percent. As for violent crime the last FBI stat had over all violent crime at 37 percent for blacks, Murder and I believe assault were over 50 percent.

First of all............all govenment stats on black crime and especially black on white crime are made as confusing as in they do not want the truth known.

During the obama admin the fbi was told not to report the stats on black crime.
...very true--the DOJ used to be very blunt on racial they can't to 2008 they tell it like it is--starting around page 11--tells all about how blacks commit crime at HIGH rates
..numerous STATEMENTS on how violent the blacks are

page 15
[QUOTEBetween 1980 and 2008, young adult black males had the highest homicide offending rate compared to offenders in other racial and sex categories.][/QUOTE]
The more astute are up to speed on the following but still too many white folk that have been misled by the media.

The Facts About Race and Crime - American Renaissance
American Renaissance run by white supremacist, Dracula laughing Jared Taylor

Getting stats about race and crime from American Renaissance is as stupid as getting facts about vegans from Ronald McDonald.

Without looking ....erm .......let me take a wild guess at what they will say

1) Blacks are the most violent
2) Blacks are killing and raping whites
3) The reason why blacks do this is innate because of low IQ and animal like tendancies

Am I close ?
Well except for the whole 37 percent of all VIOLENT crime is committed by blacks...... And the simple fact that blacks EVERY year kill 3 times as many whites as Whites kill Blacks.

View attachment 384269

This narrative is false. Again, more people die through lightning strikes than this shit. I suppose lightning strikes you whether the hands are down or not, too.

Just not resisting arrest is enough.

So tired of these leftist lies and snark. So many super losers running about these days.

Black folks have been harassed, beaten and murdered by the police since our sojourn in America and we are sick and tired of racist trash trying to down play it or act as if it isn't happening.
...there is not a problem of police brutality today
...whites have been harassed, beaten, and murdered by the police for decades
Thanks for the right wing talking point ass clown.
One thing is for sure ...

Pointing out Chicago's murder rates IS EXCLUSIVELY a "Right Wing Talking Point" ......

It's not like you will ever hear a Leftist talk about Chicago's murder rates .... you know .... with Black Lives Mattering and all !!!!
......that goes for ALL the cities where blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates
Thanks for the right wing talking point ass clown.
One thing is for sure ...

Pointing out Chicago's murder rates IS EXCLUSIVELY a "Right Wing Talking Point" ......

It's not like you will ever hear a Leftist talk about Chicago's murder rates .... you know .... with Black Lives Mattering and all !!!!

Was BLM founded to deal with murder rates in Chicago?
Thanks for the right wing talking point ass clown.
One thing is for sure ...

Pointing out Chicago's murder rates IS EXCLUSIVELY a "Right Wing Talking Point" ......

It's not like you will ever hear a Leftist talk about Chicago's murder rates .... you know .... with Black Lives Mattering and all !!!!
......that goes for ALL the cities where blacks are murdering blacks at HIGH rates

Does it apply to states where white folks are murdering white folks?

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