The Facts About Racism

Actually he did attack me

In what way?

You keep whining about it trying to exercise your black privilege, here, and I keep trying to get to the source of your whine, but I just don't see it.

Once again, do you see the word "racist": as applied to your obvious hatred of whites to be an attack? If not that, where IS the attack?

If a person arrived here who supported the kkk, justified discrimination against blacks and spend the entirety of their posts disparaging black people, would you be as sensitive and whiny if they were called racist?
Actually he did attack me

In what way?

You keep whining about it trying to exercise your black privilege, here, and I keep trying to get to the source of your whine, but I just don't see it.

Once again, do you see the word "racist": as applied to your obvious hatred of whites to be an attack? If not that, where IS the attack?

If a person arrived here who supported the kkk, justified discrimination against blacks and spend the entirety of their posts disparaging black people, would you be as sensitive and whiny if they were called racist?
I already explained in what way. Youre looping now.
I already explained in what way. Youre looping now.

Now, you didn't explain why.

You just repeated your whine that you were attacked, as if your black privilege automatically made all of your claims true.
Well it works like this. I ask a question about the OP. The person I asked the question answers it. In normal circumstances thats how it works. So I asked the OP why did he claim that people changed their racial identity because the put on costumes. His answer was to call me a racist. See how simple that was?
I already explained in what way. Youre looping now.

Now, you didn't explain why.

You just repeated your whine that you were attacked, as if your black privilege automatically made all of your claims true.
Well it works like this. I ask a question about the OP. The person I asked the question answers it. In normal circumstances thats how it works. So I asked the OP why did he claim that people changed their racial identity because the put on costumes. His answer was to call me a racist. See how simple that was?

He was making a point that went over your head.

Is there another term you would prefer so as to not elicit the whining that you were attacked?
I already explained in what way. Youre looping now.

Now, you didn't explain why.

You just repeated your whine that you were attacked, as if your black privilege automatically made all of your claims true.
Well it works like this. I ask a question about the OP. The person I asked the question answers it. In normal circumstances thats how it works. So I asked the OP why did he claim that people changed their racial identity because the put on costumes. His answer was to call me a racist. See how simple that was?

He was making a point that went over your head.

Is there another term you would prefer so as to not elicit the whining that you were attacked?
He cant make a point that goes over my head. I am way smarter than he is.

I dont need a term. I just need an answer to the question asked.
Is there a term other than "racist" to describe your intense hatred of white people?
OK. Let's for argument sake. Say that Asclepias and let's say that I hate white people. OK ?

Now how does that affect you as a white person and how does that affect white people as a group ?
We are all different, but we want to be around those who are like us. In the filming of the original Planet of the Apes it was noted that at lunch time all of the actors dressed like chimps ate with each other, the apes at with each other, etc etc.

Yes, some use skin color to justify their desire for evil. There is always some excuse. Right now in Kenya everyone is blacker than black are killing each other because they are from a different tribe. Man is evil and will justify evil however we can.

Skin color is just an excuse.

View attachment 159690 View attachment 159691

Pantone 95-6 c is kind of hot.
Is there a term other than "racist" to describe your intense hatred of white people?
OK. Let's for argument sake. Say that Asclepias and let's say that I hate white people. OK ?

Now how does that affect you as a white person and how does that affect white people as a group ?

In my own case, black hatred of whites resulted in my partially disable son getting brutalized in grade school in the Oakland, California school district with an administration that was indifferent because of the races involved.

In the bigger picture, any white person is scrutinized down to the iota and is assailed by others verbally if they fail to show anything but complete deference to blacks, while blacks are free to engage in any manner of racism they wish. There is black privilege at work here based upon an enormous double standard where whites are accused of racism even if they aren't and blacks get off the hook even if they are.
In my own case, black hatred of whites resulted in my partially disable son getting brutalized in grade school in the Oakland, California school district with an administration that was indifferent because of the races involved.
Right. Well of course there are two sides to this story and I'm only hearing your side of the story.
In the bigger picture, any white person is scrutinized down to the iota and is assailed by others verbally if they fail to show anything but complete deference to blacks, while blacks are free to engage in any manner of racism they wish.
Where is deference shown to black people ? The Police ? The courts ? The Laws ? The Economy ?

Name me one part of society that is free of racism ? Name me one country that is free of racism ? Should be easy. Right ? After-all everyone rolls out the red carpet to black people.
There is black privilege at work here based upon an enormous double standard where whites are accused of racism even if they aren't and blacks get off the hook even if they are.
So the worst example of black racism you could come up with was black people accusing whites of racism ?

That's the best you muster up (lol)

And the fact is black people are actually reluctant to allege racism, be it on the job, or in schools, or anywhere else. Black folks typically “stuff” their experiences with discrimination and racism, only making an allegation of such treatment after many incidents

Why ?

Because white denial beats claims of racism hands down.
In my own case, black hatred of whites resulted in my partially disable son getting brutalized in grade school in the Oakland, California school district with an administration that was indifferent because of the races involved.
Right. Well of course there are two sides to this story and I'm only hearing your side of the story.
In the bigger picture, any white person is scrutinized down to the iota and is assailed by others verbally if they fail to show anything but complete deference to blacks, while blacks are free to engage in any manner of racism they wish.
Where is deference shown to black people ? The Police ? The courts ? The Laws ? The Economy ?

Name me one part of society that is free of racism ? Name me one country that is free of racism ? Should be easy. Right ? After-all everyone rolls out the red carpet to black people.
There is black privilege at work here based upon an enormous double standard where whites are accused of racism even if they aren't and blacks get off the hook even if they are.
So the worst example of black racism you could come up with was black people accusing whites of racism ?

That's best you muster up.

And the fact is black people are actually reluctant to allege racism, be it on the job, or in schools, or anywhere else. Black folks typically “stuff” their experiences with discrimination and racism, only making an allegation of such treatment after many incidents

Why ?

Because white denial beats claims of racism hands down.

You are being blatantly dishonest. You dismiss the experience of my son while claiming that I said that you folks being free to indulge in your racism is the worst part of it.

People reflect back to you what you put out. When you run around acting in a hostile fashion towards white people and they react to your hostility, it isn't THEIR racism at work, there. It is your own.

The black community as a whole needs to grow the fuck up and start taking responsibility -- responsibility for your children, responsibility for your attitudes and responsibility for your actions. All the whining about being victims gets old, fast. Grow up, stop projecting so much hostility and stop crying about people responding to your shitty attitude. It is just a self-fulfilling prophesy.
You are being blatantly dishonest. You dismiss the experience of my son while claiming that I said that you folks being free to indulge in your racism is the worst part of it.
I'm not dismissing it.

I said there are two sides to every story. Read my words. I'm only hearing your side of the story.

You're telling me that black ppl attacked your disabled son because they hated white people.

Really dude ?

And I'm just supposed to believe that 100%. I don't believe what you're telling me.

But OK. What happened ?
People reflect back to you what you put out. When you run around acting in a hostile fashion towards white people and they react to your hostility, it isn't THEIR racism at work, there. It is your own.
Your being to "vague"

And this one of the problems I have when I debate a white person about racism. They are not specific enough "Acting in hostile fashion" could mean anything. Black people walking down the street could be considered "Acting in hostile fashion"
The black community as a whole needs to grow the fuck up and start taking responsibility -- responsibility for your children, responsibility for your attitudes and responsibility for your actions.
Take responsibility ?

No matter the source, the song remains.

That is : Black folks need to stop complaining about racism (which they assured us doesn’t even exist and hasn’t for at least 45 years), and pay more attention to the damage we are doing to ourselves.

Let's look at the facts because when you say "responsibility for your attitudes and responsibility for your actions."

Once again that's too vague and could mean anything.

But let's look at what you said here "responsibility for your children"

Well, teen pregnancy rates have been falling considerably for African American youth. Likewise, from 1980 to 2008, the birthrate for all black women under 18 fell by more than half. Indeed, the birth rate for African American teenagers is now at an all-time low.

In fact, since the early 1990s, the rate of out-of-wedlock child birth for all women (not just teenagers) has fallen for blacks, while actually climbing for whites.

From 1990 to 2010 the white out-of-wedlock birth rate grew by one-third while the rate for black women fell by more than 28 percent.

So you are not in position to point the finger.

Since 1970, the rate of out-of-wedlock births has more than tripled for white women, while falling among black women by nearly a third.

Black married couples are having far fewer children than in the past. The rates of birth for married black couples is falling faster than the rates for unmarried black women, such that out-of-wedlock births as a share of all black births will continue to climb, even as unmarried black women cut back on childbearing.

But I’ve always found it funny how whites want to view "responsibility" as a one-way street:

That is : They need to clean up their act but we don’t need to do anything.

Whites use the “take responsibility” when they no longer want to deal with the crap they put out there, whether its discrimination in lending by white banks, racial profiling by cops

So how can black folks take responsibility for the fact that even when we have the same level of education and experience, we are still are paid less than whites and are more likely to be unable to find a job?

How can black folks take responsibility for the fact that black men are more likely to have their cars stopped and searched for drugs, even though whites are more likely to actually have drugs on them when they’re stopped?

O, n by the way black folks are doing self-help all the time. We have to. We have enough experience with white institutions to know that such institutions have never done much to improve their situation.

But I see little responsibility in the white community. Rarely do whites spend time dealing with your own racism, a racism which only u have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like u.

And if you expect blk people to take personal responsibility, irrespective of racism’s, then surely you must apply the same logic to whites, and take personal responsibility, irrespective of how you think black folks are behaving.

It's white folks’ job to deal with racism, not point fingers at black folks and tell them to do better. That, after all, is not taking personal responsibility; rather, it’s lecturing others about their need to do so.
All the whining about being victims gets old, fast. Grow up, stop projecting so much hostility and stop crying about people responding to your shitty attitude. It is just a self-fulfilling prophesy.
It isn’t blacks who parade like victims and crying - It’s white people. They're always talking about how they are victims taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, “radical Islam,” you name it.

Whites loves victimhood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count.

White people claiming to be the victims “reverse racism,” and taxes for blacks on welfare and brown-skinned immigrants and blk scholarships and Muslims looking to impose Sharia on them, and Black Lives Matter.

Every where you go USMB. It's always


And you dare say black people whine ?

To tell my nieces and nephews that they can be anything they want to be if they try hard enough is nice, but unless I warn them about the obstacles in their path. I’m ill-suiting them for the real world.

Downplaying racism backfires. If a person is led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way. They may overestimate the extent to which whites will recognize their hard work. On the other hand, by discussing those obstacles black people who are the targets of unjust treatment can steel themselves against the headwinds in their way.

And at least we choose serous issues to raise hell over — like police brutality, poverty and racism — whites lose their minds over sports games and baby dolls .
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Is there a term other than "racist" to describe your intense hatred of white people?
OK. Let's for argument sake. Say that Asclepias and let's say that I hate white people. OK ?

Now how does that affect you as a white person and how does that affect white people as a group ?

In my own case, black hatred of whites resulted in my partially disable son getting brutalized in grade school in the Oakland, California school district with an administration that was indifferent because of the races involved.

In the bigger picture, any white person is scrutinized down to the iota and is assailed by others verbally if they fail to show anything but complete deference to blacks, while blacks are free to engage in any manner of racism they wish. There is black privilege at work here based upon an enormous double standard where whites are accused of racism even if they aren't and blacks get off the hook even if they are.
Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?
In my own case, black hatred of whites resulted in my partially disable son getting brutalized in grade school in the Oakland, California school district with an administration that was indifferent because of the races involved.
Right. Well of course there are two sides to this story and I'm only hearing your side of the story.
In the bigger picture, any white person is scrutinized down to the iota and is assailed by others verbally if they fail to show anything but complete deference to blacks, while blacks are free to engage in any manner of racism they wish.
Where is deference shown to black people ? The Police ? The courts ? The Laws ? The Economy ?

Name me one part of society that is free of racism ? Name me one country that is free of racism ? Should be easy. Right ? After-all everyone rolls out the red carpet to black people.
There is black privilege at work here based upon an enormous double standard where whites are accused of racism even if they aren't and blacks get off the hook even if they are.
So the worst example of black racism you could come up with was black people accusing whites of racism ?

That's the best you muster up (lol)

And the fact is black people are actually reluctant to allege racism, be it on the job, or in schools, or anywhere else. Black folks typically “stuff” their experiences with discrimination and racism, only making an allegation of such treatment after many incidents

Why ?

Because white denial beats claims of racism hands down.
Its the law. Its virtually impossible to prove racism unless someone admits it and says "yes I hate Blacks and thats why I did xyz."
You are being blatantly dishonest. You dismiss the experience of my son while claiming that I said that you folks being free to indulge in your racism is the worst part of it.
I'm not dismissing it.

I said there are two sides to every story. Read my words. I'm only hearing your side of the story.

You're telling me that black ppl attacked your disabled son because they hated white people.

Really dude ?

And I'm just supposed to believe that 100%. I don't believe what you're telling me.

But OK. What happened ?
People reflect back to you what you put out. When you run around acting in a hostile fashion towards white people and they react to your hostility, it isn't THEIR racism at work, there. It is your own.
Your being to "vague"

And this one of the problems I have when I debate a white person about racism. They are not specific enough "Acting in hostile fashion" could mean anything. Black people walking down the street could be considered "Acting in hostile fashion"
The black community as a whole needs to grow the fuck up and start taking responsibility -- responsibility for your children, responsibility for your attitudes and responsibility for your actions.
Take responsibility ?

No matter the source, the song remains.

That is : Black folks need to stop complaining about racism (which they assured us doesn’t even exist and hasn’t for at least 45 years), and pay more attention to the damage we are doing to ourselves.

Let's look at the facts because when you say "responsibility for your attitudes and responsibility for your actions."

Once again that's too vague and could mean anything.

But let's look at what you said here "responsibility for your children"

Well, teen pregnancy rates have been falling considerably for African American youth. Likewise, from 1980 to 2008, the birthrate for all black women under 18 fell by more than half. Indeed, the birth rate for African American teenagers is now at an all-time low.

In fact, since the early 1990s, the rate of out-of-wedlock child birth for all women (not just teenagers) has fallen for blacks, while actually climbing for whites.

From 1990 to 2010 the white out-of-wedlock birth rate grew by one-third while the rate for black women fell by more than 28 percent.

So you are not in position to point the finger.

Since 1970, the rate of out-of-wedlock births has more than tripled for white women, while falling among black women by nearly a third.

Black married couples are having far fewer children than in the past. The rates of birth for married black couples is falling faster than the rates for unmarried black women, such that out-of-wedlock births as a share of all black births will continue to climb, even as unmarried black women cut back on childbearing.

But I’ve always found it funny how whites want to view "responsibility" as a one-way street:

That is : They need to clean up their act but we don’t need to do anything.

Whites use the “take responsibility” when they no longer want to deal with the crap they put out there, whether its discrimination in lending by white banks, racial profiling by cops

So how can black folks take responsibility for the fact that even when we have the same level of education and experience, we are still are paid less than whites and are more likely to be unable to find a job?

How can black folks take responsibility for the fact that black men are more likely to have their cars stopped and searched for drugs, even though whites are more likely to actually have drugs on them when they’re stopped?

O, n by the way black folks are doing self-help all the time. We have to. We have enough experience with white institutions to know that such institutions have never done much to improve their situation.

But I see little responsibility in the white community. Rarely do whites spend time dealing with your own racism, a racism which only u have any control over, since the folks doing the discriminating are white like u.

And if you expect blk people to take personal responsibility, irrespective of racism’s, then surely you must apply the same logic to whites, and take personal responsibility, irrespective of how you think black folks are behaving.

It's white folks’ job to deal with racism, not point fingers at black folks and tell them to do better. That, after all, is not taking personal responsibility; rather, it’s lecturing others about their need to do so.
All the whining about being victims gets old, fast. Grow up, stop projecting so much hostility and stop crying about people responding to your shitty attitude. It is just a self-fulfilling prophesy.
It isn’t blacks who parade like victims and crying - It’s white people. They're always talking about how they are victims taxes, big government, immigrants, reverse discrimination, “radical Islam,” you name it.

Whites loves victimhood, so long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count.

White people claiming to be the victims “reverse racism,” and taxes for blacks on welfare and brown-skinned immigrants and blk scholarships and Muslims looking to impose Sharia on them, and Black Lives Matter.

Every where you go USMB. It's always


And you dare say black people whine ?

To tell my nieces and nephews that they can be anything they want to be if they try hard enough is nice, but unless I warn them about the obstacles in their path. I’m ill-suiting them for the real world.

Downplaying racism backfires. If a person is led to believe that there are no obstacles in their way. They may overestimate the extent to which whites will recognize their hard work. On the other hand, by discussing those obstacles black people who are the targets of unjust treatment can steel themselves against the headwinds in their way.

And at least we choose serous issues to raise hell over — like police brutality, poverty and racism — whites lose their minds over sports games and baby dolls .
and pumpkins
I saw a small, Sourthern town 100% behind a local women, excuse me "A good woman, hardworking, raised her children to be"............against a a white guy that people KNEW about. Horrible events strip color away, war, murder, terrorist attacks.
Is there a term other than "racist" to describe your intense hatred of white people?
OK. Let's for argument sake. Say that Asclepias and let's say that I hate white people. OK ?

Now how does that affect you as a white person and how does that affect white people as a group ?

In my own case, black hatred of whites resulted in my partially disable son getting brutalized in grade school in the Oakland, California school district with an administration that was indifferent because of the races involved.

In the bigger picture, any white person is scrutinized down to the iota and is assailed by others verbally if they fail to show anything but complete deference to blacks, while blacks are free to engage in any manner of racism they wish. There is black privilege at work here based upon an enormous double standard where whites are accused of racism even if they aren't and blacks get off the hook even if they are.
Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?
Targeting and brutalizing a disabled student is never fair play. It is one of the unfortunate cruelties of highschool.

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