The Facts About Racism

Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?

Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
Is there a term other than "racist" to describe your intense hatred of white people?
OK. Let's for argument sake. Say that Asclepias and let's say that I hate white people. OK ?

Now how does that affect you as a white person and how does that affect white people as a group ?

Racist opinions obviously don't hurt anyone, but racist actions can. (Like any actions really)
Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?

Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.
Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?

Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.

It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?
Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?

Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.

It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?

You omitted those details in your original post and you clearly also have a racial chip on your shoulder as weighty as A’s. No one is given Carte Blanche, no one is attacking your son but the situation. If you did not want it commented on why did you bring it up?
Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?

Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.

It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?

You omitted those details in your original post and you clearly also have a racial chip on your shoulder as weighty as A’s. No one is given Carte Blanche, no one is attackI guess your son but rather claiming the situation is “fair play”. If you did not want it commented on why did you bring it up?

Racist attacks on children are NOT fair play, and his saying so is a clear justification for the violence.

I see you are once again using your usual technique of creating false equivalencies, but I have NEVER justified violence against black children or black people. Rejecting such obvious racism as his is not tantamount to being racist, whether you want to twist things in such a way as to equate us or not.

The fact remains, and it is a FACT, is that he justified violence against my child and did so because of race.
Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?

Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.

It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?

You omitted those details in your original post and you clearly also have a racial chip on your shoulder as weighty as A’s. No one is given Carte Blanche, no one is attackI guess your son but rather claiming the situation is “fair play”. If you did not want it commented on why did you bring it up?

Racist attacks on children are NOT fair play, and his saying so is a clear justification for the violence.

I see you are once again using your usual technique of creating false equivalencies, but I have NEVER justified violence against black children or black people. Rejecting such obvious racism as his is not tantamount to being racist, whether you want to twist things in such a way as to equate us or not.

The fact remains, and it is a FACT, is that he justified violence against my child and did so because of race.

Of course racist attacks or any attacks against are not fair play and in my original post I said so. I dont believe I have seen you reject racist actions against blacks, for example what were your comments in response to a black being spit upon by a white.
Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?

Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.

It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?

You omitted those details in your original post and you clearly also have a racial chip on your shoulder as weighty as A’s. No one is given Carte Blanche, no one is attackI guess your son but rather claiming the situation is “fair play”. If you did not want it commented on why did you bring it up?

Racist attacks on children are NOT fair play, and his saying so is a clear justification for the violence.

I see you are once again using your usual technique of creating false equivalencies, but I have NEVER justified violence against black children or black people. Rejecting such obvious racism as his is not tantamount to being racist, whether you want to twist things in such a way as to equate us or not.

The fact remains, and it is a FACT, is that he justified violence against my child and did so because of race.

Did you actually read my post and comments in regards to that?
Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.

It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?

You omitted those details in your original post and you clearly also have a racial chip on your shoulder as weighty as A’s. No one is given Carte Blanche, no one is attackI guess your son but rather claiming the situation is “fair play”. If you did not want it commented on why did you bring it up?

Racist attacks on children are NOT fair play, and his saying so is a clear justification for the violence.

I see you are once again using your usual technique of creating false equivalencies, but I have NEVER justified violence against black children or black people. Rejecting such obvious racism as his is not tantamount to being racist, whether you want to twist things in such a way as to equate us or not.

The fact remains, and it is a FACT, is that he justified violence against my child and did so because of race.

Of course racist attacks or any attacks against are not fair play and in my original post I said so. I dont believe I have seen you reject racist actions against blacks, for example what were your comments in response to a black being spit upon by a white.
Congratulations. You have now topped yourself when it comes to the dishonesty of your false equivalences. You not only equate a lack of comment with a statement justifying violence but between physical violence and spitting.

Goodness, gracious sakes alive. The fellow justifies violence against my child, brags about messing up a white boy and wants to know where I live and you want me to commiserate with him or else you accuse me of the same?

That is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.

It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?

You omitted those details in your original post and you clearly also have a racial chip on your shoulder as weighty as A’s. No one is given Carte Blanche, no one is attackI guess your son but rather claiming the situation is “fair play”. If you did not want it commented on why did you bring it up?

Racist attacks on children are NOT fair play, and his saying so is a clear justification for the violence.

I see you are once again using your usual technique of creating false equivalencies, but I have NEVER justified violence against black children or black people. Rejecting such obvious racism as his is not tantamount to being racist, whether you want to twist things in such a way as to equate us or not.

The fact remains, and it is a FACT, is that he justified violence against my child and did so because of race.

Of course racist attacks or any attacks against are not fair play and in my original post I said so. I dont believe I have seen you reject racist actions against blacks, for example what were your comments in response to a black being spit upon by a white.
Congratulations. You have now topped yourself when it comes to the dishonesty of your false equivalences. You not only equate a lack of comment with a statement justifying violence but between physical violence and spitting.

Goodness, gracious sakes alive. The fellow justifies violence against my child, brags about messing up a white boy and wants to know where I live and you want me to commiserate with him or else you accuse me of the same?

That is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Let's see. He was a 5 yr old. A white boy spat on him. And, in a typical 5 yr old fashion, he defended himself.

So, rather than saying anything about the fact that the kid spat on him, you find fault with the fact that he defended himself. How much further down are you going to go?

I think what is ridiculous is your very one side view of race here - you are calling A out, while engaging in the same sort of behavior you criticize him of.

"There is none so blind as those who will not see"
It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?

You omitted those details in your original post and you clearly also have a racial chip on your shoulder as weighty as A’s. No one is given Carte Blanche, no one is attackI guess your son but rather claiming the situation is “fair play”. If you did not want it commented on why did you bring it up?

Racist attacks on children are NOT fair play, and his saying so is a clear justification for the violence.

I see you are once again using your usual technique of creating false equivalencies, but I have NEVER justified violence against black children or black people. Rejecting such obvious racism as his is not tantamount to being racist, whether you want to twist things in such a way as to equate us or not.

The fact remains, and it is a FACT, is that he justified violence against my child and did so because of race.

Of course racist attacks or any attacks against are not fair play and in my original post I said so. I dont believe I have seen you reject racist actions against blacks, for example what were your comments in response to a black being spit upon by a white.
Congratulations. You have now topped yourself when it comes to the dishonesty of your false equivalences. You not only equate a lack of comment with a statement justifying violence but between physical violence and spitting.

Goodness, gracious sakes alive. The fellow justifies violence against my child, brags about messing up a white boy and wants to know where I live and you want me to commiserate with him or else you accuse me of the same?

That is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Let's see. He was a 5 yr old. A white boy spat on him. And, in a typical 5 yr old fashion, he defended himself.

So, rather than saying anything about the fact that the kid spat on him, you find fault with the fact that he defended himself. How much further down are you going to go?

I think what is ridiculous is your very one side view of race here - you are calling A out, while engaging in the same sort of behavior you criticize him of.

"There is none so blind as those who will not see"
Stop lying.

I have never supported violence against his child.

I am NOT engaging in the same sort of behavior. You are simple indulging in various underhanded ruses in order to try to make it so.

False equivalences are your entire stock in trade here. I'd love to see what would happen if somebody supported violence against YOUR child only to have an incredibly dishonest individual pull the sorts of vile stunts you are pulling here.

Shame on you.
You omitted those details in your original post and you clearly also have a racial chip on your shoulder as weighty as A’s. No one is given Carte Blanche, no one is attackI guess your son but rather claiming the situation is “fair play”. If you did not want it commented on why did you bring it up?

Racist attacks on children are NOT fair play, and his saying so is a clear justification for the violence.

I see you are once again using your usual technique of creating false equivalencies, but I have NEVER justified violence against black children or black people. Rejecting such obvious racism as his is not tantamount to being racist, whether you want to twist things in such a way as to equate us or not.

The fact remains, and it is a FACT, is that he justified violence against my child and did so because of race.

Of course racist attacks or any attacks against are not fair play and in my original post I said so. I dont believe I have seen you reject racist actions against blacks, for example what were your comments in response to a black being spit upon by a white.
Congratulations. You have now topped yourself when it comes to the dishonesty of your false equivalences. You not only equate a lack of comment with a statement justifying violence but between physical violence and spitting.

Goodness, gracious sakes alive. The fellow justifies violence against my child, brags about messing up a white boy and wants to know where I live and you want me to commiserate with him or else you accuse me of the same?

That is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Let's see. He was a 5 yr old. A white boy spat on him. And, in a typical 5 yr old fashion, he defended himself.

So, rather than saying anything about the fact that the kid spat on him, you find fault with the fact that he defended himself. How much further down are you going to go?

I think what is ridiculous is your very one side view of race here - you are calling A out, while engaging in the same sort of behavior you criticize him of.

"There is none so blind as those who will not see"
Stop lying.

I have never supported violence against his child.

I am NOT engaging in the same sort of behavior. You are simple indulging in various underhanded ruses in order to try to make it so.

False equivalences are your entire stock in trade here. I'd love to see what would happen if somebody supported violence against YOUR child only to have an incredibly dishonest individual pull the sorts of vile stunts you are pulling here.

Shame on you.

You admonished A, for defending himself, as 5 yr old black child after being spit upon by a white child. Instead of condemning the child who spit on him.

It would seem to me that while you are condemning others for supporting black on white're doing the same thing.

Would it have been so hard for you to condemn the acts of the white child? :dunno:
Racist attacks on children are NOT fair play, and his saying so is a clear justification for the violence.

I see you are once again using your usual technique of creating false equivalencies, but I have NEVER justified violence against black children or black people. Rejecting such obvious racism as his is not tantamount to being racist, whether you want to twist things in such a way as to equate us or not.

The fact remains, and it is a FACT, is that he justified violence against my child and did so because of race.

Of course racist attacks or any attacks against are not fair play and in my original post I said so. I dont believe I have seen you reject racist actions against blacks, for example what were your comments in response to a black being spit upon by a white.
Congratulations. You have now topped yourself when it comes to the dishonesty of your false equivalences. You not only equate a lack of comment with a statement justifying violence but between physical violence and spitting.

Goodness, gracious sakes alive. The fellow justifies violence against my child, brags about messing up a white boy and wants to know where I live and you want me to commiserate with him or else you accuse me of the same?

That is about the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

Let's see. He was a 5 yr old. A white boy spat on him. And, in a typical 5 yr old fashion, he defended himself.

So, rather than saying anything about the fact that the kid spat on him, you find fault with the fact that he defended himself. How much further down are you going to go?

I think what is ridiculous is your very one side view of race here - you are calling A out, while engaging in the same sort of behavior you criticize him of.

"There is none so blind as those who will not see"
Stop lying.

I have never supported violence against his child.

I am NOT engaging in the same sort of behavior. You are simple indulging in various underhanded ruses in order to try to make it so.

False equivalences are your entire stock in trade here. I'd love to see what would happen if somebody supported violence against YOUR child only to have an incredibly dishonest individual pull the sorts of vile stunts you are pulling here.

Shame on you.

You admonished A, for defending himself, as 5 yr old black child after being spit upon by a white child. Instead of condemning the child who spit on him.

It would seem to me that while you are condemning others for supporting black on white're doing the same thing.

Would it have been so hard for you to condemn the acts of the white child? :dunno:
Once again, you lie.

I have NOT supported white on black racism. He on the other hand, DID support black on white racism. and it was violence against my own child.


My pointing out that he was bragging about messing up a white kid does not mean I defend the white kid. You, on the other hand, defended his physical violence.
Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?

Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.

It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?
I had a few white kids I went to school with. No one ever bothered them. If there ever was an issue with them it was due to them saying something stupid and racist. No one said anything about supporting violence against a kid due to race. I said turn about is fair play. I was involved in a racist school system just as you claimed your family was. I defended myself from being spit on and the school administration wanted to expel me even though the white kid started it.
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Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?

Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.

It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?
I had a few white kids I went to school with. No one ever bothered them. If there ever was an issue with them it was due to them saying something stupid and racist. No one said anything about supporting violence against a kid due to race. I said turn about is fair play. I was involved in a racist school system just as you claimed your family was
You justified racist violence against my child by rationalizing it as "turnabout", a concept of tit for tat not based upon anything he had actually done, but based upon his skin color and the fact that black people were mistreated decades before he was born.

Rest assured, though, that you have the full weight of management of this site behind you when it comes to supporting your privilege to justify this violence against my kid.

All the animals are free here, but some are more free than others.
Sounds like turnabout is fair play. I had a white boy spit on me when I was 5 in the same school district and they wanted to expel me for fucking him up. What part of Oakland do you live in?

Turnabout for WHAT?

My son has a condition called ankylosing spondylitis which is causing his bones to fuse together and limits his flexibility and ability to compete in athletics. That you would justify violence against him only reveals the level of depravity to which you have sunk due to your racism.

You are absolutely no different than the most odious member of the kkk who devalued black children in the 1960s in exactly the same manner as you are doing here.
I think you are BOTH wrong here.

First I am sorry your son had to go through that, being “ different” in your teens, in school can be a nightmare. Kids are cruel. And the importance of group identification and “belonging” can over ride the impulse to kindness. Bullying is a serious issue and should be recognized for what it is rather than slapping a racist label on it. Putting a racial label on any altercations involving people of different races seems to hint at an underlying hatred or racism.

Turn about....justifying the bullying of a kid BECAUSE of his race is absolutely racist. How can you justify victimizing a child purely because of his race?

You guys are both fathers.

It was in middle school, but when a child is one of only 4 kids of one race in a classroom where 26 are of another, and is beaten up by those using racist slurs, it IS a racist action. This was not an isolated incident but reflective of an overall pattern.

I must say, however, that I am rather startled that certain posters are given carte blanche to support violence against the children of another poster in this forum. Doubly so, when race is involved.

Is this privilege extended to all posters, or are the particular identities the determining factor when considering such flame bait? It can be quite difficult for a parent to hold back when some loud mothed racist sees his kid as fodder. If a kkk member were to act this way towards a person of color, would it be tolerated to the same degree?
I had a few white kids I went to school with. No one ever bothered them. If there ever was an issue with them it was due to them saying something stupid and racist. No one said anything about supporting violence against a kid due to race. I said turn about is fair play. I was involved in a racist school system just as you claimed your family was
You justified racist violence against my child by rationalizing it as "turnabout", a concept of tit for tat not based upon anything he had actually done, but based upon his skin color and the fact that black people were mistreated decades before he was born.

Rest assured, though, that you have the full weight of man agent of this site behind you when it comes to your justification of racist violence against him.

Stop whining. As I already explained I was remarking on the actions of the school administration towards you not the incident that you are whining about. In both instances the school administration acted the same based on race. When it occurred with me all the administration was white. They wanted to satisfy the white family. I am glad in your instance the same thing happened but this time it was a Black administration giving back the karma from my incident.

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