The facts prove that we must gut entitlement programs if we are to survive

Democrats always talk about social security and medicare like those are the only entitlement programs that exist. There are hundreds of giveaway programs and useless government departments that could be cut before social security or medicare is on the table. Those are just the ones that democrats use to frighten people. How come social security is the one always mentioned but SSI, which is completely abused, is never mentioned?
Democrats always talk about social security and medicare like those are the only entitlement programs that exist. There are hundreds of giveaway programs and useless government departments that could be cut before social security or medicare is on the table. Those are just the ones that democrats use to frighten people. How come social security is the one always mentioned but SSI, which is completely abused, is never mentioned?

:DVery true. Haven't heard one word on the GSA yet. They sure like to party.
how is it you people were talked into cutting the military by 10%?

Its a great thing for this country and you hate great things for the country

I personally think they should cut at least 10% from every sector of government we have. There isn't any that can't find that much waste and repetition.
All we have to do is gut the military budget and most of the problem in entitlements disappears.

:lol:Yep...most of those problems disappear...and out security goes down the toilet.

What security? What security do we lose if Europe or South Korea were put in the position of having to fund most of the defense spending that we are doing on their behalf?

:badgrin:Im not saying we don't get our butts out of other countries problems...Im saying that if we do we still need proper defense here. You take away those protections abroad and we need to keep our heads up here.

One place we need more security on is right at our own boarders. We let too many of our enemy in every day with a pass key.
how is it you people were talked into cutting the military by 10%?

Its a great thing for this country and you hate great things for the country

I personally think they should cut at least 10% from every sector of government we have. There isn't any that can't find that much waste and repetition.

:clap2:Very good point. And you know we put those politicians in office to do things like that. Maybe we should start with making them do their job. Make them get together and find out where the waste really is. Then dispose of it.

We should also make getting into gov't office more stricter. Let them know that if they don't do their job its out the door for them.

Do you really think they give a * * * *. All most of them care about is their next paycheck.
Hey, why don't you rethugs force all the rethug social security recipients to give up their SSI.

I mean, you all want cuts. Have your followers put their money where your mouth is.

Isn't that what you all say about Dems tax increases. That no one is stopping Dems from sending more money to the Treasury.

Well no one is forcing Rethugs to cash those SSI checks. Tell the rethugs getting SSI to send them checks back to the Treasury. OK?

That wil fix the problem.
If we are to survive, we need to develop private charity. We need to develop private systems to help others and teach the people not to expect the government to support them.

A great place to start are private charities we already have, they work the system better than your average poor person.
``The facts prove that we must gut entitlement programs if we are to survive``.

I almost skipped this thread, thinking that it was posted by a liberal freeloader, because be at first glance I thought it said ``Facts prove that we must GET entitlement programs if we are to survive``.
Well, i think that is as likely as the world ending tonight.
It's inevitable...Both programs are completely unsustainable, given the demograpics.

Deal with the unpleasant truth today, or lie to yourself and deal and get a currency debacle.

Those are your choices...There is no in between.

You're a fool. Tens of millions of people live off of their Social Security without any other source of income.

And that's my problem, how?!?! If people decided to live off of the government, then they get exactly what they deserve.

The future would be no better for young people caught in the crossfire. Assume we end the program for everyone under the age of 35 or phase it out gradually depending on age. Now consider that everyone must continue contributing to support current enrollees plus save for their own retirement at the same time. Since these programs are pay as we go, younger people would get screwed royally.

Which is exactly why conservatives tried to stop this unconstitutional, communist monstrosity when the epic idiot known as F.D.R. was pushing it through (just like we tried to stop Medicare & Medicaid in the 1960's under L.B.J. and Obamcare now! It's just evidence of how fuck'n stupid liberals are. They can't see past the end of their nose, much less 50 years down the road).

But besides all that, the idea that we cannot save these programs shows an inability to perform basic math functions. By simply increasing the retirement age, both programs would easily remain solvent for everyone. If necessary, benefits to the wealthy could be adjusted or eliminated. There are all kinds of solutions. The only issue is getting people to accept that we do need to make some changes. But scrapping the programs, that's for ideologues who have no interest in the welfare of anyone other than themselves.

So let me get this straight, you claim that people have nothing to live off of but Social Security, then say we should take that away from them by raising the age (what do those people do until that new raised age?) :cuckoo:

But here is the most important part of this entire issue. I know a great couple (I mean great) who worked their entire lives. Worked hard. Scrapped to get by. Everyone who met these people adored them. They had no retirement because they didn't make much money, and what they did make, the fucking government took 50% of (after federal income tax, state income tax, city income tax, property tax, sales tax on every item they purchased, gas tax, etc.). They were literally taxed to death. Sadly, the man died a couple of years ago - just before reaching retirement. Want to guess what happened to the widow? She lost 100% of his Social Security. Didn't get one fucking penny. HOW THE FUCK IS THAT "FAIR"?!?!?! If they had not been FORCED into Social Security, they would have had their own private retirement plan, which would now be her's. Instead, the federal government (in typical liberal compassion) don't this wonderful widow to go fuck herself. That she was not entitled to the life long EARNINGS of her husbands Social Security. This is what the filthy, deplorable, liberal parasite does - they steal, and they steal, and they steal, and they steal until there is nothing left for anyone else. They are so fuck'n greedy and lazy, there is no adjective to adequately describe it.

With all due respect Auditor, you are the fool....

As they say...

Liberalism! Idea's so good, they have to be forced on other people.

That's how you known a policy truly fucking sucks BAD - if you have to force it on people (such as Obamacare, Social Security, etc.), then clearly it blows. Because if it were any good, people would flock to it voluntarily.
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Democrats always talk about social security and medicare like those are the only entitlement programs that exist. There are hundreds of giveaway programs and useless government departments that could be cut before social security or medicare is on the table. Those are just the ones that democrats use to frighten people. How come social security is the one always mentioned but SSI, which is completely abused, is never mentioned?

:DVery true. Haven't heard one word on the GSA yet. They sure like to party.

obama's 4 million dollar vacation hasn't come up either. Neither has the failed head start program. How about we stop funding Planned Parenthood, NPR and PBS? We certainly don't need those programs.
Well, i think that is as likely as the world ending tonight.
It's inevitable...Both programs are completely unsustainable, given the demograpics.

Deal with the unpleasant truth today, or lie to yourself and deal and get a currency debacle.

Those are your choices...There is no in between.

You're a fool. Tens of millions of people live off of their Social Security without any other source of income. The future would be no better for young people caught in the crossfire. Assume we end the program for everyone under the age of 35 or phase it out gradually depending on age. Now consider that everyone must continue contributing to support current enrollees plus save for their own retirement at the same time. Since these programs are pay as we go, younger people would get screwed royally.

But besides all that, the idea that we cannot save these programs shows an inability to perform basic math functions. By simply increasing the retirement age, both programs would easily remain solvent for everyone. If necessary, benefits to the wealthy could be adjusted or eliminated. There are all kinds of solutions. The only issue is getting people to accept that we do need to make some changes. But scrapping the programs, that's for ideologues who have no interest in the welfare of anyone other than themselves.

Auditor, Your position is logical and devoid of extremism - so it's doomed on these boards. Hopefully not in the real world though.
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The numbers don't lie....

No, but some people make a full use of the fact that you are FUCKING BRAIN DEAD!

Over the next 75 years, Social Security will owe an estimated $11.3 trillion... To make up the difference, Social Security will need “massive annual injections of funding

Simply divide $11.3 trillion by those fucking 75 years. Already you will end up with 150 billions, or "massive" 5% of annual government spending.

And it will be much less than 5% if you do the math properly -- more like a 0.25% increase annually.

Junk 'em.

Ya can't fix it, fuck it.

Too stupid to learn how to add, aren't we?

So how about those numbers -- do they lie, or not?

And if they don't, can we please stop re-translating that bullshit about the entitlements being unsustainable? Because they are not, they are simply underfunded by Republicans so they can lie about sustainability.
Let's take from the poor and give to the rich, the theme of this thread and a motto long held by the Callous Conservatives, a set devoid of empathy and kindness -- dirtbags all.

No I'd rather:
*** cut the Unemployment extensions back to 26 weeks.
*** Change the parameters for Food Stamps and Welfare.
*** Go after dead beat fathers, and that's just for starters.
*** Raise the retirement age from 67y/o to 70y/o.​
Here's are some solution on retirement.
*** If you've paid union dues and get a union pension, you should not be entitled to Social Security.
*** If you made more than $250 thousand dollars/year or more the last 5 years before retirement, you should not be entitled to Social Security.
*** If you've served in Congress or the Senate you should not be entitled to Social Security.​
That's only for starters.
Let's take from the poor and give to the rich, the theme of this thread and a motto long held by the Callous Conservatives, a set devoid of empathy and kindness -- dirtbags all.

No I'd rather:
*** cut the Unemployment extensions back to 26 weeks.
*** Change the parameters for Food Stamps and Welfare.
*** Go after dead beat fathers, and that's just for starters.
*** Raise the retirement age from 67y/o to 70y/o.​
Here's are some solution on retirement.
*** If you've paid union dues and get a union pension, you should not be entitled to Social Security.
*** If you made more than $250 thousand dollars/year or more the last 5 years before retirement, you should not be entitled to Social Security.
*** If you've served in Congress or the Senate you should not be entitled to Social Security.​
That's only for starters.

I'm for the last recommendation for starters. No pensions if a congressman/woman goes to work after retiring or being voted out of office.
Of course those politicians would have to vote for this, I don't think they would.
The numbers don't lie....

No, but some people make a full use of the fact that you are FUCKING BRAIN DEAD!

Simply divide $11.3 trillion by those fucking 75 years. Already you will end up with 150 billions, or "massive" 5% of annual government spending.

And it will be much less than 5% if you do the math properly -- more like a 0.25% increase annually.

Junk 'em.

Ya can't fix it, fuck it.

Too stupid to learn how to add, aren't we?

So how about those numbers -- do they lie, or not?

And if they don't, can we please stop re-translating that bullshit about the entitlements being unsustainable? Because they are not, they are simply underfunded by Republicans so they can lie about sustainability.

I guess that is a "yes" :)
What percentage of the total budget go to entitlement programs, Karl?

Is that percentage projected to rise or fall as aging baby boomers start to burden the living shit out of the system?

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