The Fairness Doctrine

Do not truancy laws exist? And no, I do not have a choice since my property taxes support these institutions of lesser learning.....if I want my child to attend private school, I have to pay for that on top of paying my local school board to under achieve yet I said, fair is fair.....

clearly, you cannot read the minds of those who wrote the fucking document in order to know what they had in mind when writing the Constitution. If you don't like it then have it repealed. Otherwise, I've answered your question.

Yes, you do have a choice since you are not forced to send your kid anywhere in particular. If you live in a place where you don't like paying taxes for local schools then move. It's your American freedom. No one forces you to live in the limits of a city that levies taxes for public schools.
I have never called for the liberal media to be expelled from their medium of choice.....I have never called for the liberal media to be subject to government oversight....that would be your side skippy.....

riiiiiight.. it sure is my side screaming like harpies about the "liberal media" at every angle and turn of any given election cycle.

suuuuuuuure dude. sure.

Didn't notice much kicking and screaming from republicans while civil liberties eroded under Bush.

Obama taught constitutional law and defended civil liberties .. so at least he knows what a civil liberty is, unlike the happily ignorant Bush.

I'm always amazed at some of the words that send shivers down the spines of the right .. like "fairness" .. how can anyone be against fairness? Shouldn't the only real task be is to ensure it equitably fair?

our society wasn't founded on fairness, it was founded on the the Declaration of won't find the word "fair" anywhere in it.....
Didn't notice much kicking and screaming from republicans while civil liberties eroded under Bush.

Obama taught constitutional law and defended civil liberties .. so at least he knows what a civil liberty is, unlike the happily ignorant Bush.

I'm always amazed at some of the words that send shivers down the spines of the right .. like "fairness" .. how can anyone be against fairness? Shouldn't the only real task be is to ensure it equitably fair?

oh man BAC---you don't buy into those euphemistic titles now do you ?
Who didn't allow it to play in other markets ? Dude--it's a medium that has been successful for conservatives. It's the only reason why it's even being challenged.

nope, sorry. It's being challenged because 1) it's a public national resource and 2) conservatives have allowed the monopolization of radio stations to favor conservatives. shocking, really. no, not really.

You can still pump out 24 hours of fat white dudes talking shit about non-fat white dudes. You just can't lord over a shared rouserce as if a burning bush gave you the radio spectrum shortly after givin israel to the jews.
clearly, you cannot read the minds of those who wrote the fucking document in order to know what they had in mind when writing the Constitution. If you don't like it then have it repealed. Otherwise, I've answered your question.

ah yes, when bested, resort to stupidity....good claim I can't read the mind of those who wrote the document but you insinuate that you somehow can....

Yes, you do have a choice since you are not forced to send your kid anywhere in particular. If you live in a place where you don't like paying taxes for local schools then move. It's your American freedom. No one forces you to live in the limits of a city that levies taxes for public schools.

name me a city that doesn't do do you think local school boards exist in the first place....
riiiiiight.. it sure is my side screaming like harpies about the "liberal media" at every angle and turn of any given election cycle.

suuuuuuuure dude. sure.


yet, never once, has my side actively called for those voices from the Left to be silenced....
oh man BAC---you don't buy into those euphemistic titles now do you ?

why wouldn't he? do you think the "fairness" in the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE is less accurate than "no child left behind"? ONE of us is talking about SHARING a resource while the other is crying about losing the DOMINANCE of a resource. Which sounds more "FAIR" to you?
name me a city that doesn't do do you think local school boards exist in the first place....

Im reading it like a strict Constructionist, dude. It's in the bill of rights and it's pretty fucking clear in it's words to suggest that the right of the people not enumerated specifically are still held by the people. If you think it's stupid to point this out then so be it. Clearly, you are a scholar.

Again, no one says you have to live in a city. Take your fucking ass to some rural area where school taxes are not levied. You also pay for roads that you may or may not use too. boo fucking hoo.
yet, never once, has my side actively called for those voices from the Left to be silenced....


yea, dude! You sure DONT scream like a fucking banshee every time a major netork doesn't say what you think they should say!



Besides, no one is silencing you, chicken little. Take your message to a different vector than one that is a finite national resource.
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nope, sorry. It's being challenged because 1) it's a public national resource and 2) conservatives have allowed the monopolization of radio stations to favor conservatives. shocking, really. no, not really.

You can still pump out 24 hours of fat white dudes talking shit about non-fat white dudes. You just can't lord over a shared rouserce as if a burning bush gave you the radio spectrum shortly after givin israel to the jews.

the competition is freely open for any agenda of radio show that meets FCC rules... if liberal talk radio were wanted, it would be put on, accepted, and successful... if it is a money maker, there will be PLENTY of radio stations using that programming... $ is $

This is PURELY being done because of the liberal hatred of conservative/RW shows and the suppression of that speech
why wouldn't he? do you think the "fairness" in the FAIRNESS DOCTRINE is less accurate than "no child left behind"? ONE of us is talking about SHARING a resource while the other is crying about losing the DOMINANCE of a resource. Which sounds more "FAIR" to you?

Why not just go whole hog here and have everyone make the same wages, live in the same houses, have the same amount of kids, and bribe the party chairman in the section that you happen to live in for special favors. That's equality----how could any one be against equality ?
Why not just go whole hog here and have everyone make the same wages, live in the same houses, have the same amount of kids, and bribe the party chairman in the section that you happen to live in for special favors. That's equality----how could any one be against equality ?

why don't you jump the fucking shark just a little more, fonze.


Indeed, having to relinquish your grasp on a shared resource sure is your ayn rand fucking nightmare come true!

our society wasn't founded on fairness, it was founded on the the Declaration of won't find the word "fair" anywhere in it.....

There's a whole lot of words you won't find in the Declaration or the Constitution that modern society understands are necessary and pertinent to modern society .. and "our" society is modern society, not that of hundreds of years in the past .. when they used to burn "witches"

Ever notice that "witches" aren't in the Declaration either?

Anyone who fears "fairness" doesn't have fairness in mind. They seem to believe they need advantages because they believe themselves to be somehow inferior .. you know .. like racism.
oh man BAC---you don't buy into those euphemistic titles now do you ?

No my brother, I do not .. but I do buy into the concept of fairness .. and the ONLY argument shgould be in making sure it is actually fair.

Euphemisms aren't the problem .. fairness is.

I for one do not believe a select few corporations should own American airwaves.
There's a whole lot of words you won't find in the Declaration or the Constitution that modern society understands are necessary and pertinent to modern society .. and "our" society is modern society, not that of hundreds of years in the past .. when they used to burn "witches"

Ever notice that "witches" aren't in the Declaration either?

Anyone who fears "fairness" doesn't have fairness in mind. They seem to believe they need advantages because they believe themselves to be somehow inferior .. you know .. like racism.

are these words pertinent or has society been conditioned to accept them as basic fact?

I merely told you that our society was founded on individual liberty, not collective fairness. That is why the words "Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness" do not have a disclaimer behind them involving some sort of fairness principle.

Incidently, the Salem Witch Trials ended about a century before the Declaration of Independence was written....

I have to ask you to amplify your later comments that I bolded....I wish to ensure I understand them before commenting on them...thanks....
No my brother, I do not .. but I do buy into the concept of fairness .. and the ONLY argument shgould be in making sure it is actually fair.

Euphemisms aren't the problem .. fairness is.

I for one do not believe a select few corporations should own American airwaves.

Fairness is a concept that will never be defined to anyone's satisfaction and striving for it can only lead to bitter envy.
America couldn't even agree on three people to head up the department of fairness.
and have any of you libbies who constantly pontificate bout the public's right ever stopped & considered that perhaps the public has already chosen on this matter.....that's right, how well did Air America do? The market place (i.e. THE PUBLIC) has already voted on what works & what doesn't. That is the beauty of the market, it allows people to decide on the issues. Conservative talk radio is chosen, liberal isn't. Those are the cold facts. And allow me to ask you all another question, if liberals aren't getting their message out without this so called fairness doctrine in place, then how did they win the White House & an almost filibuster-proof Congress? Once again, the results don't support the argument you put forward....

Fact of the matter the liberal demo fascist want the conservative view eradicated period, and i fear it will happen soon...

When the USA turns into UST= United States of Totalinarist
Totalinarist, Totalinarism, To'stalin'arism, in the END whats the difference...

Did you know , i mean not that some may really care, but did you know that the USA isnt mentioned in Biblical prophesy.. and i beleive it has something to do with what these guy have to say;

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. --Abraham Lincoln

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery ..."Winston Churchill

Remember these 2 quotes as they become more synonymous with very nearing future events....
are these words pertinent or has society been conditioned to accept them as basic fact?

I merely told you that our society was founded on individual liberty, not collective fairness. That is why the words "Life, Liberty, & the Pursuit of Happiness" do not have a disclaimer behind them involving some sort of fairness principle.

Incidently, the Salem Witch Trials ended about a century before the Declaration of Independence was written....

I have to ask you to amplify your later comments that I bolded....I wish to ensure I understand them before commenting on them...thanks....

First, you won't find "slaves" or "slavery" in the Declaration or are they mentioned in the original constitution .. although the original Declaration written by Thomas Paine was even more clearly anti-slavery, slaves weren't mentioned in either document because even the Founders were aware that life changes and it would not always be measured by the standards they lived by. .. Note to the present

THEIR society was founded on the rights of white men SOLELY. To compare their society and hold it up as some standard by which we measure societies hundereds of years removed seems more than a bit ridiculous to me.

My comments you boldened says like it reads .. anyone who fears fairness never had being fair in mind and believes that they need advantages just as racists believe.

I define racism as an inferiority complex. People who need it believe themselves to be inferior, thus they need the advantages racism provides. Blacks weren't locked out of sports because they were inferior, they were locked out because they weren't .. the same is true about everything racism touches.
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