The Fairness Doctrine

clearly conservatives have a monopoly on talk radio. There isn't a single liberal option on the radio in the midwest. Yet, I can turn on no less than 3 stations (from kc, stl and columbia) that play beck, oreilly, miller, hannity limbaugh, boortz and mcconnel. So, yes, it's pretty goddamn clear that conservatives want to dominate the cake and eat it to.

tell you what, I'll make you a can have the Fairness Doctrine & in return, I want school choice....afterall, it is only FAIR that me as a parent, knows best how to have my child educated versus some government agency...
and have any of you libbies who constantly pontificate bout the public's right ever stopped & considered that perhaps the public has already chosen on this matter.....that's right, how well did Air America do? The market place (i.e. THE PUBLIC) has already voted on what works & what doesn't. That is the beauty of the market, it allows people to decide on the issues. Conservative talk radio is chosen, liberal isn't. Those are the cold facts. And allow me to ask you all another question, if liberals aren't getting their message out without this so called fairness doctrine in place, then how did they win the White House & an almost filibuster-proof Congress? Once again, the results don't support the argument you put forward....

oh bullshit. thats like saying that the "liberal media" is CHOSEN then, right??

oh, of course not.. funny how this kind of shit only works one way..
tell you what, I'll make you a can have the Fairness Doctrine & in return, I want school choice....afterall, it is only FAIR that me as a parent, knows best how to have my child educated versus some government agency...

we'll have the fairness doctrine anyway. Elections have consequ3ences, remember?

and you can have school choices when you not only lay off privacy rights (abortions) but equality across the board as well (gay marriage). did you think to make some laughable point when schools are not a finite resource comparable with the radio spectrum?
oh bullshit. thats like saying that the "liberal media" is CHOSEN then, right??

oh, of course not.. funny how this kind of shit only works one way..

the people decide in the market place, not some government bureaucrat deciding what the choices (or lack thereof) will be.....
I do not like the sound of the fairness doctrine.

It smacks of censorship to me.

OTOH, I defintiely do believe that allowing massive media conglomerates to monopoloize the media is a disasterous mistake for a democratic republic.

no one is suggesting that we censor talk radio. Talk radio broadcast via the net or xml faces no threat here. It's the vector that we should be able to share as a nation that is the crux of this issue.

but, of course chicken littles and their falling sky...
clearly conservatives have a monopoly on talk radio. There isn't a single liberal option on the radio in the midwest. Yet, I can turn on no less than 3 stations (from kc, stl and columbia) that play beck, oreilly, miller, hannity limbaugh, boortz and mcconnel. So, yes, it's pretty goddamn clear that conservatives want to dominate the cake and eat it to.

Compare how many people listen to AM radio to how many people watch TV, read newspapers, and read magazines. It's disproportionate alright, to the liberal left who own all the TV stations, newspapers and magazines.

The left better tread real careful with this one. They could very easily cut their own throat.
the people decide in the market place, not some government bureaucrat deciding what the choices (or lack thereof) will be.....

then, again, CLEARLY you believe that the so called "liberal media" is what the people has chosen, eh?

dance, puppy, dance.
How did Air America break the conservative monopoly and get on the air ?

I wouldn't know, we never had air america here in the midwest. From my vantage point it was only offered in bastions of liberalism where clear channel could not choke off a liberal competitor.
we'll have the fairness doctrine anyway. Elections have consequ3ences, remember?

and you can have school choices when you not only lay off privacy rights (abortions) but equality across the board as well (gay marriage). did you think to make some laughable point when schools are not a finite resource comparable with the radio spectrum?

schools aren't a finite resource, then how come I don't have a choice in where my kid is educated?

What part of the Constitution protects privacy rights (ie. baby killing)?
I wouldn't know, we never had air america here in the midwest. From my vantage point it was only offered in bastions of liberalism where clear channel could not choke off a liberal competitor.

Well obviously they pulled it off somehow----it bombed. It didn't have enough listeners. If conservative talk shows didn't have listeners, they would bomb too.
Compare how many people listen to AM radio to how many people watch TV, read newspapers, and read magazines. It's disproportionate alright, to the liberal left who own all the TV stations, newspapers and magazines.

The left better tread real careful with this one. They could very easily cut their own throat.

riiiiiight.. because there are no conservative newspapers, magazines or television chanels. :lol:

I tellya, nothing says liberals quite like ABC, The WSJ NYP WASH times etc, and glossies from the economist on down to the national review!

then, again, CLEARLY you believe that the so called "liberal media" is what the people has chosen, eh?

dance, puppy, dance.

if the people decide it, so be it.....however, I don't want the government coming in & creating a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.....
schools aren't a finite resource, then how come I don't have a choice in where my kid is educated?

What part of the Constitution protects privacy rights (ie. baby killing)?

The ninth, unless you can show me where the Constitution says anything about your right to invoke your religious beliefs about zygotes onto others.

And you have plenty of choice where your kid is educated. No one marches in to you r home to take your kid, Auschwitz style, to any given public school. Nice lunge for a strawman though. It's cute in a corky sort of way.
Well obviously they pulled it off somehow----it bombed. It didn't have enough listeners. If conservative talk shows didn't have listeners, they would bomb too.

it bombed in the specific markets it was allowed to play in. Again, I didn't have the chance to listen to it here in the midwest. Maybe you should figure out that this is the kind of consequence of letting conservatives dominate a national resource. Regardless of popularity you don't ahve the blank check to lord over radio anyway. It's a national resource. We share those. don't like it? bummer days.
if the people decide it, so be it.....however, I don't want the government coming in & creating a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.....

when one political ideology is lording over a public resource then we do have a problem. I find it hilarious how cavelier you are all of a sudden with accepting "the liberal media" now that you face the potential of having your fingers pried from the neck of radio.
The ninth, unless you can show me where the Constitution says anything about your right to invoke your religious beliefs about zygotes onto others.

"The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." Clearly, this was written with abortion in mind....:cuckoo:

And you have plenty of choice where your kid is educated. No one marches in to you r home to take your kid, Auschwitz style, to any given public school. Nice lunge for a strawman though. It's cute in a corky sort of way.

Do not truancy laws exist? And no, I do not have a choice since my property taxes support these institutions of lesser learning.....if I want my child to attend private school, I have to pay for that on top of paying my local school board to under achieve yet I said, fair is fair.....
when one political ideology is lording over a public resource then we do have a problem. I find it hilarious how cavelier you are all of a sudden with accepting "the liberal media" now that you face the potential of having your fingers pried from the neck of radio.

I have never called for the liberal media to be expelled from their medium of choice.....I have never called for the liberal media to be subject to government oversight....that would be your side skippy.....
Now that the election is over we can get to fighting the attacks that will be made on our freedoms.

We know have a government with people who think free speech is just like pornography.

"You can't say government hands off in one commercial enterprise ,but you're allowed to intervene in another that's not consistent"

Schumer likens speech on privately owned radio and TV stations to pornography and says they both should be controlled.

This my fellow Americans is just the beginning.

Didn't notice much kicking and screaming from republicans while civil liberties eroded under Bush.

Obama taught constitutional law and defended civil liberties .. so at least he knows what a civil liberty is, unlike the happily ignorant Bush.

I'm always amazed at some of the words that send shivers down the spines of the right .. like "fairness" .. how can anyone be against fairness? Shouldn't the only real task be is to ensure it equitably fair?
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it bombed in the specific markets it was allowed to play in. Again, I didn't have the chance to listen to it here in the midwest. Maybe you should figure out that this is the kind of consequence of letting conservatives dominate a national resource. Regardless of popularity you don't ahve the blank check to lord over radio anyway. It's a national resource. We share those. don't like it? bummer days.

Who didn't allow it to play in other markets ? Dude--it's a medium that has been successful for conservatives. It's the only reason why it's even being challenged.

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