The Fake, Meaningless Distinction Between Hamas and the "Palestinians"

Fair enough.

Just remember this saying. Don't fuck with me and then cry about how I over reacted. I believe Israel does treat Palestinians like second class citizens and Hamas said enough was enough.

I have had the fortune of knowing Jewish people. They never accept blame for anything that happens there. I've noticed they are unreasonable. So I can only imagine what it's like to live in GAZA. Can't be fun

And they've been complaining about this for how long yet it never stops?

Hamas has said it was motivated to launch the attack essentially as the culmination of long-building anger over Israeli policy, including recent outbreaks of violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, but more generally over the treatment of Palestinians and the expansion of Israeli settlements.
B.S Hamas want Israel gone!
It is real simple...
Hamas is an Iranian conduit to control and use the Palestinians to stir up anti-Jewish sentiment among other Arab nations.
The Abraham accord was the first - real - chance of peace between Israel and other Arab nations.
Saudi Arabia was leaning towards this agreement.
The Mullahs in Iran are slowly loosing their grip in Iran, especially with younger Iranians.
If the Abraham accord pass in Saudi Arabia, surely other nations will follow. Even in Iran. The Mullahs stand to lose everything if it does.
So - they instructed Hamas to attack Israel so Israel would be forced to attack back - and HOPEFULLY - kill lot's of Palestinians in the process so the antisemite flames can be re-kindled and kill the Abraham accords.

But - you dutiful leftist - don't believe this... think it's all Israel's fault - can't be anyone else's!!

I'll make it simple for your dumb ass:

Those who support "Free Palestine" (i.e. you), support Hamas and all that goes with that:
  • homosexuality outlawed and punishable by death
  • female genital mutilation
  • women cannot vote, own property, or appear in public alone without a man's permission
  • Arranged marriages
  • Religious police (aka "beard police")
  • Child marriage
If we are talking since October 7th, yes, Israel is 100% right, even when they kill civilians. It wouldnt happen if Hamas didnt intentionally hide behind civilians. Israel has to kill Hamas, so the loss of civilian life is on Hamas' hands when they are used as a shield.

Whats the alternative? NOT attack Hamas because they are hiding behind civilians? Israels own civilians are being massacred. They cant throw their hands up in the air and give up just because Hamas hides behind Palestinians. Doing nothing is obviously not on the table. Hamas has to go, no matter how many palestinians die in the process.
Can't argue with that. I would round up and shoot every man. No Palestinian men in Gaza. Go to Egypt. If we find you we kill you. You're a man in a war zone. Duh.
Fair enough.

Just remember this saying. Don't fuck with me and then cry about how I over reacted. I believe Israel does treat Palestinians like second class citizens and Hamas said enough was enough.

I have had the fortune of knowing Jewish people. They never accept blame for anything that happens there. I've noticed they are unreasonable. So I can only imagine what it's like to live in GAZA. Can't be fun

And they've been complaining about this for how long yet it never stops?

Hamas has said it was motivated to launch the attack essentially as the culmination of long-building anger over Israeli policy, including recent outbreaks of violence at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, but more generally over the treatment of Palestinians and the expansion of Israeli settlements.
Hamas did not attack the military nor the government of Israel. They attacked citizens, and did so in such a barbaric manner that it would make Jeffrey Dahmer puke in disgust.

Hamas officials said that they planned on doing the same, which included baking a child in an oven while raping the mother and forcing her and its father to watch it burn to death before killing them as well, over and over and over again until all Jews were dead.

The Palestinian people rejoiced when they heard the news. This included women and children.

Any one who questions the manner in which Israel responded to the barbarism is beyond help, but should seek immediate mental evaluation.
Israel is doing God's work; Netanyahu is Yahweh's hand of vengeance. Let the war continue unabated until the evil is destroyed.
While your diatribe is filled with the absolute ignorance you claim young people have, nothing exudes that ignorance more than your closing two sentences.

Israel is doing God's work? Seriously? Then why is Israel so tortured? Why do they suffer so terribly, from discrimination, from Arab antisemitism, from all these horrendous terrorist attacks. I mean countless times in the Bible God saved his chosen people, he delivered them from nations that were out to destroy them. They were mere slaves from Egypt when he split the Red Sea to save them, and yet today, Yahweh can't even protect them from scraggle ass Hamas fighters? Where are the plagues, rendered by God, to punish these Arabs?
The answer is simple. There is a flip side to God's protection, it is called God's wrath. And for the life of me, I can't understand why the Jewish people don't understand that. And to give credit where credit is due, a small part of that population does realize that. It is the Golden Calf all over again. Exodus and Leviticus are part of the Torah. Do they not read it? Do they not understand it? Where is the disconnect?

  • "Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt." (Exodus 23:9)

Obviously, the treatment of foreigners is their biggest transgression. And I hate to be blunt, but things really went south after Israel actually passed a decree, that only Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel. Hell, that is a direct contradiction to the Declaration of Independence, let alone the laws of God.

But maybe most comical, Netanyahu is Yahweh's hand of vengeance. He is as corrupt as they come, he is no vehicle for Yahweh, he is a soldier for Satan and don't you doubt it. He and Trump are cut from the same cloth. Because I got to tell you, no soldier of God is going to be preaching hate, both Trump and Netanyahu preach hate.

One of the best preachers I have ever known said it best one Sunday morning. The Jews rejected Christ because he preached the law of love, not the love of law. And yet here we are, almost 50 years after that sermon, and not only are the Jews refusing to accept the law of love, they are refusing to accept the basic laws that God laid before them thousands of years ago and yet they seem surprised that they always turn out to be the victims.
Yes see my new emoji? 10 point Buck. Big for the area I hunt. But he rack I'll admit is not that wide.

Dude, I'm sorry, but Jewish people are unreasonable. That's why I think the only solution is for the Palestinians to get the fuck out. There is no living in peace with them. Not a chance. So they got to go.
20% of Israeli citizens are...... Arab Muslim. Guess what percentage of Gaza is Jewish. How about Jordon, Iraq, Iran, Lebenon, etc etc. Just slightly below 0%. So tell us again who's unreasonable.
If Israel would give them a country maybe that would be a solution but for years Israel says "this is your land but don't mind those new Jewish settlements popping up all over the place"
They gave them Gaza 20 years ago. The Palestinians promptly elected a terrorist group to lead their country and have for the last 2 decades fired rockets a civilian areas all over Israel. They've taken all the money (Billions and billions of dollars) the World community has dumped into Gaza and either enriched Hamas leadership, or used it to build tunnels and purchase weapons to attack Israel. They dug up the water and sewage pipes Europe purchased and installed for them and retooled them into rockets.

So tell us again who's unreasonable.
Hamas did not attack the military nor the government of Israel. They attacked citizens, and did so in such a barbaric manner that it would make Jeffrey Dahmer puke in disgust.

Hamas officials said that they planned on doing the same, which included baking a child in an oven while raping the mother and forcing her and its father to watch it burn to death before killing them as well, over and over and over again until all Jews were dead.

The Palestinian people rejoiced when they heard the news. This included women and children.

Any one who questions the manner in which Israel responded to the barbarism is beyond help, but should seek immediate mental evaluation.
Kind of agree with you.

But, Biden was right to warn Israel be careful how you react in the days following something horrible like that. Don't make the mistake we did and let our corrupt leaders lie us into genocide.
Kind of agree with you.

But, Biden was right to warn Israel be careful how you react in the days following something horrible like that. Don't make the mistake we did and let our corrupt leaders lie us into genocide.

What genocide? Like the kind Hamas has promised if Israel backs down?
What genocide? Like the kind Hamas has promised if Israel backs down?
Oh I wouldn't stop until Hamas was eradicated. They need to get into those tunnels and blow them up. And any Palestinian man, I would assume is Hamas and they need to leave.

Leave or for the rest of your life be a slave to one of the family members you killed their loveones.
Yes see my new emoji? 10 point Buck. Big for the area I hunt. But he rack I'll admit is not that wide.

Dude, I'm sorry, but Jewish people are unreasonable. That's why I think the only solution is for the Palestinians to get the fuck out. There is no living in peace with them. Not a chance. So they got to go.

If Israel would give them a country maybe that would be a solution but for years Israel says "this is your land but don't mind those new Jewish settlements popping up all over the place"
Congrats on the buck. Why should Israel give those swarthy bastards a country? If anyone should be responsible for them it should be the rest of the Arab world, in my opinion.
While your diatribe is filled with the absolute ignorance you claim young people have, nothing exudes that ignorance more than your closing two sentences.

Israel is doing God's work? Seriously? Then why is Israel so tortured? Why do they suffer so terribly, from discrimination, from Arab antisemitism, from all these horrendous terrorist attacks. I mean countless times in the Bible God saved his chosen people, he delivered them from nations that were out to destroy them. They were mere slaves from Egypt when he split the Red Sea to save them, and yet today, Yahweh can't even protect them from scraggle ass Hamas fighters? Where are the plagues, rendered by God, to punish these Arabs?
The answer is simple. There is a flip side to God's protection, it is called God's wrath. And for the life of me, I can't understand why the Jewish people don't understand that. And to give credit where credit is due, a small part of that population does realize that. It is the Golden Calf all over again. Exodus and Leviticus are part of the Torah. Do they not read it? Do they not understand it? Where is the disconnect?

  • "Do not oppress a foreigner; you yourselves know how it feels to be foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt." (Exodus 23:9)

Obviously, the treatment of foreigners is their biggest transgression. And I hate to be blunt, but things really went south after Israel actually passed a decree, that only Jews have the right to self-determination in Israel. Hell, that is a direct contradiction to the Declaration of Independence, let alone the laws of God.

But maybe most comical, Netanyahu is Yahweh's hand of vengeance. He is as corrupt as they come, he is no vehicle for Yahweh, he is a soldier for Satan and don't you doubt it. He and Trump are cut from the same cloth. Because I got to tell you, no soldier of God is going to be preaching hate, both Trump and Netanyahu preach hate.

One of the best preachers I have ever known said it best one Sunday morning. The Jews rejected Christ because he preached the law of love, not the love of law. And yet here we are, almost 50 years after that sermon, and not only are the Jews refusing to accept the law of love, they are refusing to accept the basic laws that God laid before them thousands of years ago and yet they seem surprised that they always turn out to be the victims.
^^Hates Jews
I got a few inches on everybody, asshole. I bet you are inverted.
I'm going to give you some credit here and say you are not as clueless as 2aguy, no matter how hard you try.

Low bar, of course, scraping the ground, but you're smarter than someone posting here.
I'm going to give you some credit here and say you are not as clueless as 2aguy, no matter how hard you try.

Low bar, of course, scraping the ground, but you're smarter than someone posting here.
Well, I appreciate that. It is always good to know that I am looked up to by the garbage people on this board. Thanks.

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