The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
I am a God on this message board.
The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House

White House records show Douglas Shulman signed in for 11 visits, not 157, between 2009 and 2012.

The latest twist in the conservative effort to tie the IRS tax-exempt targeting scandal to the president is to focus on public visitor records released by the White House, in which former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman's name appears 157 times between 2009 and 2012.

Unfortunately, few of those pushing this line have bothered to read more than the topline of that public information. Bill O'Reilly on Thursday called them the "smoking gun" and demanded of Shulman, "You must explain under oath what you were doing at the White House on 157 separate occasions." His statement built on a Daily Caller story, "IRS's Shulman had more public White House visits than any Cabinet member." An Investors Business Daily story and slew of blog items repeated the charges.

"The alibi the White House has wedded itself to is that it had to work closely with the IRS to implement ObamaCare," the Investor's Business Daily has written -- as if that were not true.

And yet the public meeting schedules available for review to any media outlet show that very thing: Shulman was cleared primarily to meet with administration staffers involved in implementation of the health-care reform bill. He was cleared 40 times to meet with Obama's director of the Office of Health Reform, and a further 80 times for the biweekly health reform deputies meetings and others set up by aides involved with the health-care law implementation efforts. That's 76 percent of his planned White House visits just there, before you even add in all the meetings with Office of Management and Budget personnel also involved in health reform.

Complicating the picture is the fact that just because a meeting was scheduled and Shulman was cleared to attend it does not mean that he actually went. Routine events like the biweekly health-care deputies meeting would have had a standing list of people cleared to attend, people whose White House appointments would have been logged and forwarded to the check-in gate. But there is no time of arrival information in the records to confirm that Shulman actually signed in and went to these standing meetings.

Indeed, of the 157 events Shulman was cleared to attend, White House records only provide time of arrival information -- confirming that he actually went to them -- for 11 events over the 2009-2012 period, and time of departure information for only six appointments. According to the White House records, Shulman signed in twice in 2009, five times in 2010, twice in 2011, and twice in 2012. That does not mean that he did not go to other meetings, only that the White House records do not show he went to the 157 meetings he was granted Secret Service clearance to attend.



There is also the question about what people mean when they say the White House.

The lay reader understands the White House to be the big white mansion with the columns and the Oval Office and the West Wing and the presidential family living in residence. The Daily Caller talked about visits to "the president's home." But the White House visitors' records cover the entire White House complex -- the big famous white building, along with the freestanding Eisenhower Executive Office Building inside the gated compound and the New Executive Office Building, which is up 17th Street and outside the White House gates.

The vast majority of Shulman's scheduled meetings were to take place in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building -- 115 of them. Another three were slated for the NEOB. That leaves just 25 percent of the meetings in the White House itself, or on its South Lawn.


Fortunately, as it turns out, the public information he was referring to is really public. Here's who the IRS chief was scheduled to meet with, by building and by year, according to the visitor's logs. Again: This doesn't mean he actually went to meetings with all these folks, only that he was formally cleared for entry to meetings in which they were the point person organizing the gathering.


This building is technically the White House, too. It's called the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. (
Rightwinger already posted this story (edit to add -->>) doofus! :)
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Okay, Shulman was cleared to meet with staffers 157 times. Got it. Now tell me who is in charge in implementing Obamacare and how many visits she is cleared for in the same time frame and tell me about the logic of the two people and their number of visits in accordance with Obamascare, excuse me, Obamacare.

Then we'll continue this discussion.
Okay, Shulman was cleared to meet with staffers 157 times. Got it. Now tell me who is in charge in implementing Obamacare and how many visits she is cleared for in the same time frame and tell me about the logic of the two people and their number of visits in accordance with Obamascare, excuse me, Obamacare.

Then we'll continue this discussion.

I looked it up.. Sebelius "was cleared" for the White House 48 times. Now don't you think she would be cleared four times as many times as the IRS Commissioner if the substance of the talking points was Obamacare?

I do.
Poor synth... It's getting so hard to defend his king at every corner, but bless his heart for trying.
never thought I'd see people so rabidly defend the Irs..that's why they figured they could get away with this and do what ever the hell they wanted to the people of this country..

something sick here
Okay, Shulman was cleared to meet with staffers 157 times. Got it. Now tell me who is in charge in implementing Obamacare and how many visits she is cleared for in the same time frame and tell me about the logic of the two people and their number of visits in accordance with Obamascare, excuse me, Obamacare.

Then we'll continue this discussion.

Yes, that means thet there were 157 meetings in various WH buildings over the 4 years, and he was cleared by the SS to attend them.

But he only went 11 times.

Which is exactly what the OP says. So why do you need it repeated like you're a retard?
Okay, Shulman was cleared to meet with staffers 157 times. Got it. Now tell me who is in charge in implementing Obamacare and how many visits she is cleared for in the same time frame and tell me about the logic of the two people and their number of visits in accordance with Obamascare, excuse me, Obamacare.

Then we'll continue this discussion.

I looked it up.. Sebelius "was cleared" for the White House 48 times. Now don't you think she would be cleared four times as many times as the IRS Commissioner if the substance of the talking points was Obamacare?

I do.
Who says the substance of anything was Obamacare?

Both Shulman and Sebelius have other responsibilities besides Obamacare.

You're obsessed with Democratic success.
never thought I'd see people so rabidly defend the Irs..that's why they figured they could get away with this and do what ever the hell they wanted to the people of this country..

something sick here
My eyes are tearing up with Pride!

Thank a Vet today!
Okay, Shulman was cleared to meet with staffers 157 times. Got it. Now tell me who is in charge in implementing Obamacare and how many visits she is cleared for in the same time frame and tell me about the logic of the two people and their number of visits in accordance with Obamascare, excuse me, Obamacare.

Then we'll continue this discussion.

I looked it up.. Sebelius "was cleared" for the White House 48 times. Now don't you think she would be cleared four times as many times as the IRS Commissioner if the substance of the talking points was Obamacare?

I do.
Who says the substance of anything was Obamacare?

Both Shulman and Sebelius have other responsibilities besides Obamacare.

You're obsessed with Democratic success.

In the last four years, the IRS was cleared ONE time for a white house visit. Why all of the sudden, during an election year, does it rise to 157 times?
I looked it up.. Sebelius "was cleared" for the White House 48 times. Now don't you think she would be cleared four times as many times as the IRS Commissioner if the substance of the talking points was Obamacare?

I do.
Who says the substance of anything was Obamacare?

Both Shulman and Sebelius have other responsibilities besides Obamacare.

You're obsessed with Democratic success.

In the last four years, the IRS was cleared ONE time for a white house visit. Why all of the sudden, during an election year, does it rise to 157 times?
No, in the past 4 years, the head of the IRS was cleared 157 times.

Are you retarded?
Who says the substance of anything was Obamacare?

Both Shulman and Sebelius have other responsibilities besides Obamacare.

You're obsessed with Democratic success.

In the last four years, the IRS was cleared ONE time for a white house visit. Why all of the sudden, during an election year, does it rise to 157 times?
No, in the past 4 years, the head of the IRS was cleared 157 times.

Are you retarded?

My apologies. I meant to write, in the first Obama administration, the IRS was cleared ONE time for a white house visit. Why, in the election year, does it rise to 157 times?
He was cleared for meetings 157 times over the 4 years of Obama's presidency.

He only went 11 times.

Why are you focused on Secret Service procedure of approval, rather than the fact that he only went to the WH buildings 11 times over 4 years?
The Fake Story About the IRS Commissioner and the White House

White House records show Douglas Shulman signed in for 11 visits, not 157, between 2009 and 2012.

The latest twist in the conservative effort to tie the IRS tax-exempt targeting scandal to the president is to focus on public visitor records released by the White House, in which former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman's name appears 157 times between 2009 and 2012.

Unfortunately, few of those pushing this line have bothered to read more than the topline of that public information. Bill O'Reilly on Thursday called them the "smoking gun" and demanded of Shulman, "You must explain under oath what you were doing at the White House on 157 separate occasions." His statement built on a Daily Caller story, "IRS's Shulman had more public White House visits than any Cabinet member." An Investors Business Daily story and slew of blog items repeated the charges.

"The alibi the White House has wedded itself to is that it had to work closely with the IRS to implement ObamaCare," the Investor's Business Daily has written -- as if that were not true.

And yet the public meeting schedules available for review to any media outlet show that very thing: Shulman was cleared primarily to meet with administration staffers involved in implementation of the health-care reform bill. He was cleared 40 times to meet with Obama's director of the Office of Health Reform, and a further 80 times for the biweekly health reform deputies meetings and others set up by aides involved with the health-care law implementation efforts. That's 76 percent of his planned White House visits just there, before you even add in all the meetings with Office of Management and Budget personnel also involved in health reform.

Complicating the picture is the fact that just because a meeting was scheduled and Shulman was cleared to attend it does not mean that he actually went. Routine events like the biweekly health-care deputies meeting would have had a standing list of people cleared to attend, people whose White House appointments would have been logged and forwarded to the check-in gate. But there is no time of arrival information in the records to confirm that Shulman actually signed in and went to these standing meetings.

Indeed, of the 157 events Shulman was cleared to attend, White House records only provide time of arrival information -- confirming that he actually went to them -- for 11 events over the 2009-2012 period, and time of departure information for only six appointments. According to the White House records, Shulman signed in twice in 2009, five times in 2010, twice in 2011, and twice in 2012. That does not mean that he did not go to other meetings, only that the White House records do not show he went to the 157 meetings he was granted Secret Service clearance to attend.



There is also the question about what people mean when they say the White House.

The lay reader understands the White House to be the big white mansion with the columns and the Oval Office and the West Wing and the presidential family living in residence. The Daily Caller talked about visits to "the president's home." But the White House visitors' records cover the entire White House complex -- the big famous white building, along with the freestanding Eisenhower Executive Office Building inside the gated compound and the New Executive Office Building, which is up 17th Street and outside the White House gates.

The vast majority of Shulman's scheduled meetings were to take place in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building -- 115 of them. Another three were slated for the NEOB. That leaves just 25 percent of the meetings in the White House itself, or on its South Lawn.


Fortunately, as it turns out, the public information he was referring to is really public. Here's who the IRS chief was scheduled to meet with, by building and by year, according to the visitor's logs. Again: This doesn't mean he actually went to meetings with all these folks, only that he was formally cleared for entry to meetings in which they were the point person organizing the gathering.


This building is technically the White House, too. It's called the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. (
Jesus Christ give it up man. Do you work for the IRS. You sure sound like you do. You have already been de bunked in this but you keep posting the same shit!
If this story about the IRS were fake, then we'd have a lot of founders of conservative 501 (c)(4)'s going to jail for perjuring Congress. So, how do you get around that, Synth?

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