The Family that controls the world

Rabbi is still crying himself to sleep every night because James Richard "Dick" Perry didn't win the Republican nomination, and also during a live debate, couldn't remember the names the Gov't agencies he said he'd close down with out the help of Ron Paul.

Rabbi also said Free Trade has brought the US it's current prosperity. Little does he know how right he is.

But just look at him and his posts. All the "Mental Midget" can do is call you a Nazi. He could spend a few minutes researching the Rothschild family history and see for himself.

But no.

Instead he, like most Conservatives, sits in front of the TV every night waiting for the Hot Chick on Fox with the nice legs and rack to tell him what to think. And they NEVER talk about the Bankers and how they control both sidea of the political coin here in America.

So the end result is what you see here: "You guys are Nazi's and belong at Stormfront!" :uhoh3:
Antisemitic conspiracy theories

Antisemitism has, from the Middle Ages, frequently taken on characteristics of conspiracy theory. Antisemitic canards continue to circulate. In medieval Europe it was widely believed that Jews poisoned wells, had killed Jesus, and consumed the blood of Christians in their rituals (despite the fact that human and animal blood is not kosher).

In the second half of the 19th century conspiracists claimed that Jews and/or Freemasons were plotting to establish control over the world. The most famous text alleging the existence of this Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theory is The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. A more modern manifestation of such ideas is the myth of a Zionist Occupation Government.

Right wing and nationalist movements, including the Nazis and adherents of White Nationalism, repeatedly invoke and circulate the canard known as Judeo-Communism, the claim that Jews have been the driving force behind international communist movements. They normally call attention to the roles of Marx and Trotsky in their allegations. Hitler himself believed he was crusading against Jewish Marxism, and this conviction was used to justify the Holocaust in Eastern Europe during the early 1940s. Nazi Alfred Rosenberg's The Jewish Bolshevism argues that Jewishness and Communism are one and the same.At the same time communist regimes would stereotype all Jews as bourgeois and capitalist and as "enemies of the people" and as "parasites on society".

Various conspiracy theories have been advanced regarding Jews and banking,[32] including the myth that world banking is dominated by the Rothschild family,[33] that Jews control Wall Street,[33] and that Jews control the U.S. Federal Reserve System.[34] A related myth is that Jews control the news media. [35][36]

Most Holocaust denial claims imply, or openly state, that the Holocaust is a hoax arising out of a deliberate Jewish conspiracy to advance the interest of Jews at the expense of other peoples,[37] and to justify the creation of the State of Israel. For this reason, Holocaust denial is generally considered to be an antisemitic[38] conspiracy theory.[39]
You want to use Wiki to dispute this? Really? Gimme a fucking break, man...

There are LOTS of scholarly research papers out there describing the rise to power of the Rothschild family, and the pervasiveness of their influence worldwide. It is NOT 'anti-Semitism' to acknowledge KNOWN facts and their relationship to history all the way up to current events.

You're just another liberal screaming 'Racist' when the truth gets too uncomfortable.
You want to use Wiki to dispute this? Really? Gimme a fucking break, man...

There are LOTS of scholarly research papers out there describing the rise to power of the Rothschild family, and the pervasiveness of their influence worldwide. It is NOT 'anti-Semitism' to acknowledge KNOWN facts and their relationship to history all the way up to current events.

You're just another liberal screaming 'Racist' when the truth gets too uncomfortable.

It's bullshit.
You want to use Wiki to dispute this? Really? Gimme a fucking break, man...

There are LOTS of scholarly research papers out there describing the rise to power of the Rothschild family, and the pervasiveness of their influence worldwide. It is NOT 'anti-Semitism' to acknowledge KNOWN facts and their relationship to history all the way up to current events.

You're just another liberal screaming 'Racist' when the truth gets too uncomfortable.

What's the "truth"? Black people are lazy? Jews are money grubbing satan spawn? Mexicans have wet backs?
Good documentary about the history of the Rothschild Family and how they control Banking interests worldwide. But then again I'm a Nazi who belongs at Stormfront. :rolleyes:

How The Rothschild Family controled the Modern World - YouTube

It's bullshit.

Bet you didn't even watch it...

I don't have to. I've seen the bullshit before.

I've had friends who've worked for Rothschilds. That bank isn't even that important in the City of London, let alone global finance. It's laughable.

This is just trafficking in racism and bullshit by weak minded people who have virtually no understanding how modern day finance works.
Good documentary about the history of the Rothschild Family and how they control Banking interests worldwide. But then again I'm a Nazi who belongs at Stormfront. :rolleyes:

How The Rothschild Family controled the Modern World - YouTube

It's bullshit.

well ya ain't the first and won't be the last to say that so PLEASE someone show me proof that its bullshit...come on folks...the link I put up has sources out the ass to confirm what it says..yet all I get in return is name calling and saying its bullshit....
Jews don't run the banks. But only dedicated anti Semites repeat this garbage ad nauseum. Get your white robe ready for tonight, pinhead, you have a cross-burning to attend.


Again. Show me PROOF that I am wrong. Oh and no I don't belong to the klan or any other "racist" group but you keep up the assumptions if it makes you happy and keeps those blinders in place.
Good documentary about the history of the Rothschild Family and how they control Banking interests worldwide. But then again I'm a Nazi who belongs at Stormfront. :rolleyes:

How The Rothschild Family controled the Modern World - YouTube

It's bullshit.

well ya ain't the first and won't be the last to say that so PLEASE someone show me proof that its bullshit...come on folks...the link I put up has sources out the ass to confirm what it says..yet all I get in return is name calling and saying its bullshit....

This is bullshit.

It would not be until 1913 that the Rothschilds would be able to set up their third central bank in America, the Federal Reserve, and to ensure no mistakes are made, this time they will put one of their own bloodline, Jacob Schiff, in charge of the project.

That's from your timeline. If you understand the structure of the Federal Reserve system - which encompasses thousands of banks, all with one vote each in the system regardless of size of capital, and rules about foreign ownership and the distribution of share capital, making it impossible to control - you realize pretty much instantly that your OP is absolute utter garbage.
Again. Show me PROOF that I am wrong. Oh and no I don't belong to the klan or any other "racist" group but you keep up the assumptions if it makes you happy and keeps those blinders in place.

Burden of proof is on you, idiot.

Don't you know how the burden of proof works? Have you ever heard of Russell's teapot?
That isn't proof that's your opinion.

No, it's a fact.

According to you. Which doesn't mean shit. I already proved its all true,the proof is at the can check it for yourself..

No it hasn't been proven true. The sources at the bottom are garbage. Just because someone writes a book doesn't mean they know something. All this stuff is easily refutable. The theory is bizarre.

But it just goes to show once again that those prone to conspiracy theories will believe pretty much any other conspiracy theory no matter how strange and improbable.

Learn something about the subject, then comment. Don't just regurgitate crap you read on the Internet.
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