The Fastest and Most Effective Solution to School Shooting.

Thank you for posting from the article. Why not? It would be a small inconvenience for gun owners and save lives. The Israelis have had two school shootings since 1970.
Thinik they have way fewer leftust psycho fucks thete
The Spanish word, 'stupido', carries different connotations than its English counterpart.
It seems to me that this entire thread is devoted to distracting the issue at hand and focusing on Isreal. Why? Can we focus on the subject at hand?
It seems to me that this entire thread is devoted to distracting the issue at hand and focusing on Isreal. Why? Can we focus on the subject at hand?
The powers that be are too busy moving threads to bother with anything else.
Like I said it would be inconvenient. Obviously your sensibilities are more important than school children's lives.

No, I just understand that governments murder far more people than individuals can.

It is best to keep governments from getting that much power.

Clearly you care more about government power than people.
No, I just understand that governments murder far more people than individuals can.

It is best to keep governments from getting that much power.

Clearly you care more about government power than people.
Americans believein in a Government of the people, by the people for the people.

You got a problem with that?
Americans believe in in a Government of the people, by the people for the people.

You got a problem with that?
Nope. But I do have a problem with people who interpret it as an endorsement of unlimited majority rule.
Americans believein in a Government of the people, by the people for the people.

You got a problem with that?
I do. We have politicians serving themselves and not the people. If you believe they all get to be millionaires by accident then I have a bridge to sell you
All mass murderers like soft targets.
Stopped by a High School in Texas, they had a big sign as you approached the school:


Even if no school employee has a concealed weapon, a shooter will go to another location.
That Makes WAAAYYYYYY Too much sense...
Americans believein in a Government of the people, by the people for the people.

You got a problem with that?

Not at all. Especially when have the weapons necessary to get rid of the government that forgets that.
Nope . You don't know anything about the gun laws in Israel.

Read the article.

Israelis trust their state and vice versa.

We don't trust our fucking piece of shit government and our piece of shit government would kill us immediately if it could get away with it.

The only solution is to take that authority away from all governments.
Pelosi, Brandon and Schumer have a combined century and half in government and spend 7/24 whining nothing is being done.
Well their sheep go YIPPIE when they do it.

They don't give a shit about the carnage..........they want our guns........They want total power and can't have it as long as they know we might use them one day.
All mass murderers like soft targets.
Stopped by a High School in Texas, they had a big sign as you approached the school:


Even if no school employee has a concealed weapon, a shooter will go to another location.
The small town school district that my kids attended and in which my wife used to work put up signs like that a few years ago.

The signs are only needed for out of towners. Anyone from here would take that as a given.
And just today, Schumer blocked a bi-partisan school security bill. Dems care not one bit about kids unless they can use them as props. Alive or dead, doesn’t matter to them.
Democrats want violent crime so they can grab guns. Only one reason they released over a hundred thousand violent felons from prison early last year
Using some alternate means of defense..........taser...........using a fire extinguisher against them............anything. Hell wasp spray will blind you you a fighting chance...

Be aware that non-lethal options for self defense are often completely ineffective and leave the defender with a false sense of security.

The CED, commonly called a TASER, is only effective when two wires make body contact to center mass within a certain distance. Heavy clothing will defeat them. If the assailant makes sudden turning moves, the fragile wires will disengage. IF the shot is perfect (you only get one, two with some models), the charge only incapacitates the assailant for the 5-6 seconds the charge is active. There is no stun effect. Once the charge is depleted the assailant regains full muscle control and will probably be super-pissed off.

Police are trained to used TASERS to incapacitate a non-firearm wielding offender just long enough for a second officer to get in and cuff them And it's a very short window.

OC, or pepper, spray, is often ineffective against angry or substance affected people. The effects of the spray often won't kick in until after several minutes. OC spray requires you be within 2-3 yards of the assailant and get the stream of spray onto the assailant's face. Bug sprays, if they get into they eyes, can blur the vision, or force the assailant to close their eyes for several seconds. It won't incapacitate them.

If you're going up against an armed gunman, particularly one that has already demonstrated he will shoot and take victims, your best alternative is to continue shooting the assailant in center mass until they stop doing what they are doing. One shot is often, but not always sufficient, to achieve that objective.

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