The Fastest and Most Effective Solution to School Shooting.

Many do attack the whole profession though....attack us and then trust us with guns around kids?? What a messy conclusion. Pick a side
Oh stop trying to play the victim here Sue...This is about protecting the kids, not that you got your feelings hurt on a totally different subject within education today....

Now, I don't want ANY individual that is uncomfortable around a gun to be forced to have, or be trained on one...

That said there are alternatives. Such as using retired police, or former military armed in every school as a line of defense if a nut like this kid gets in...
Oh stop trying to play the victim here Sue...This is about protecting the kids, not that you got your feelings hurt on a totally different subject within education today....

Now, I don't want ANY individual that is uncomfortable around a gun to be forced to have, or be trained on one...

That said there are alternatives. Such as using retired police, or former military armed in every school as a line of defense if a nut like this kid gets in...

I don't give a crap about my feelings or anyone's feelings. I am asking you WHY anyone would be a cop or teacher these days. Low pay. Low respect. Constantly asked to give all for an ungrateful, uncivilized public.

That's a real question by the way. These used to be noble professions, so at least if you weren't paid well, you were thought to be doing some good for society. The Left destroyed that idea for cops. The Right for teachers.

So who would do this now?
You folks are just too much. You don't trust teachers to tell children they prefer soft serve yogurt over ice cream--"TOO PERSONAL"--but are now clamoring for us to be armed. Like you TRUST us lol

Listen, even conservative teachers are not fooled here. So really.

Teachers don't have to be armed. This nation is more than able to secure schools. The desire has to be there, all I'm seeing is lip service, rants on NRA, the blame game, etc etc.

That said if teachers are willing to take training and are dedicated? Pay for it ... I'm willing to
I don't give a crap about my feelings or anyone's feelings. I am asking you WHY anyone would be a cop or teacher these days. Low pay. Low respect. Constantly asked to give all for an ungrateful, uncivilized public.

That's a real question by the way. These used to be noble professions, so at least if you weren't paid well, you were thought to be doing some good for society. The Left destroyed that idea for cops. The Right for teachers.

So who would do this now?
Would you hurry up and quit already? Stop dragging out this dramatic exit.
Yeah, let's arm SCHOOL PERSONNEL to fight the heavily armed, psychopathic, suicidal shooters. That's the ticket.

Since we can't fix big problems any more, all we can do is come up with band aids to cover the cancer.

We should be ashamed. And embarrassed.
Yeah, let's arm SCHOOL PERSONNEL to fight the heavily armed, psychopathic shooters.

Since we can't fix big problems any more, all we can do is come up with band aids.

We should be ashamed.

What's your solution, Enistein?

You don't have one. You just blabber on and on and nobody cares
Teachers don't have to be armed. This nation is more than able to secure schools. The desire has to be there, all I'm seeing is lip service, rants on NRA, the blame game, etc etc.

That said if teachers are willing to take training and are dedicated? Pay for it ... I'm willing to

Just like in covid, you have to weigh the risks and benefits. There are 130,900 schools in the US. This week one classroom was attacked with tragic and horrifying results. Of course we all want to avoid that--it's every parent's nightmare. But figure that every one of those 130,900 schools has an average of 18 classes (very low if you consider high schools). That is 2.3 MILLION armed classrooms. So the odds of something going wrong with one of those firearms is now much greater than the intruder coming in and shooting up a class.
What's your solution, Enistein?
You don't have one. You just blabber on and on and nobody cares
I love it when you folks try this. You small, simplistic thinkers.

From my many posts on this, proving you spectacularly wrong again:

21 to buy a gun. 21 to use a gun in the army. From 18-21, give them other jobs to do.
Then we clean up background checks.
Then we work on improving a culture that is so ugly and violent that it turns troubled, lonely, isolated young people into mass murderers.
This is an all-of-the-above, all hands on deck issue that should transcend ideology. I'm doubtful it will.
There are approximately 393 million guns in America, a large portion of that in the hands of people who don't give two shits about the law. The cat's out of the bag. The toothpaste is out of the tube. The horse is out of the barn.

If we don't approach this as a cultural problem, all the laws in the world aren't going to change that fact.
Just like in covid, you have to weigh the risks and benefits. There are 130,900 schools in the US. This week one classroom was attacked with tragic and horrifying results. Of course we all want to avoid that--it's every parent's nightmare. But figure that every one of those 130,900 schools has an average of 18 classes (very low if you consider high schools). That is 2.3 MILLION armed classrooms. So the odds of something going wrong with one of those firearms is now much greater than the intruder coming in and shooting up a class.

You don't arm individual classrooms, you secure the school.

Our children's schools are secured, armed security, metal detectors, nobody gets in the school without a parental or student ID, doors are locked from the outside. It's expensive....but reassuring.

And yes there are armed teachers but few know who they are.
Yeah, let's arm SCHOOL PERSONNEL to fight the heavily armed, psychopathic, suicidal shooters. That's the ticket.

Since we can't fix big problems any more, all we can do is come up with band aids to cover the cancer.

We should be ashamed. And embarrassed.
Yeah, no bandaids for mac1958

He doesnt care if the victim bleeds to death while he’s tinkering with his ideal solution

If multiple teachers in that school had been armed the killer would likely have been taken out much sooner than 1 hour later and some children would have lived

Bur ol mac1958 the big picture guy cant see that
Yeah, let's arm SCHOOL PERSONNEL to fight the heavily armed, psychopathic, suicidal shooters. That's the ticket.

Since we can't fix big problems any more, all we can do is come up with band aids to cover the cancer.

We should be ashamed. And embarrassed.
Blah blah blah. Trying to find a way so they are not sitting ducks

You are useless

If multiple teachers in that school had been armed the killer would likely have been taken out much sooner ....

How do you propose the school's emergency lockdown procedures would have been changed in that scenario? What would you have done with the students of those armed teachers while they are running off to confront the shooter (or as far as they know, many shooters)? "Hang out here kids, and good luck!" leaving a room full of terrified kids by themselves while their teacher goes to get killed, or runs around the corner and another shooter hits the room with no teacher and kills everyone?
Simplistic answers are not answers.

How about we start taking mental health seriously, and stop normalizing and glorifying every kind of violence every day, every time? How about we stop trying to paint traditional families and traditional values as comical evils to be mocked, undermined, or ignored? How about we stop screaming in each others' faces over EVERY FUCKING THING EVERY FUCKING DAY EVERY FUCKING TIME?
You don't arm individual classrooms, you secure the school.

Our children's schools are secured, armed security, metal detectors, nobody gets in the school without a parental or student ID, doors are locked from the outside. It's expensive....but reassuring.

And yes there are armed teachers but few know who they are.

In elem school I can go for:

--parental ID or sign in (students don't have Ids; grandparents?)
--locked doors from the outside--basic and easy
--some armed staff members/teachers are fine
In elem school I can go for:

--parental ID or sign in (students don't have Ids; grandparents?)
--locked doors from the outside--basic and easy
--some armed staff members/teachers are fine

All the students have IDs and parents can authorize grandparents, family members etc Our nanny is authorized

This isn't difficult at all. Everyone's trying to make it harder than it has to be
All mass murderers like soft targets.
Stopped by a High School in Texas, they had a big sign as you approached the school:


Even if no school employee has a concealed weapon, a shooter will go to another location.
yeh but the lefties are too dense to get it
Train all teachers on firearms.
Volunteers can carry during school if they wish.

School shootings become very rare.
How do you propose the school's emergency lockdown procedures would have been changed in that scenario? What would you have done with the students of those armed teachers while they are running off to confront the shooter (or as far as they know, many shooters)? "Hang out here kids, and good luck!" leaving a room full of terrified kids by themselves while their teacher goes to get killed, or runs around the corner and another shooter hits the room with no teacher and kills everyone?
Simplistic answers are not answers.

How about we start taking mental health seriously, and stop normalizing and glorifying every kind of violence every day, every time? How about we stop trying to paint traditional families and traditional values as comical evils to be mocked, undermined, or ignored? How about we stop screaming in each others' faces over EVERY FUCKING THING EVERY FUCKING DAY EVERY FUCKING TIME?
I like your ideas

Those are long term solutions

But in the meantime schools need security

Such as armed guards

Notice these shooters do not attack police stations or city hall where all the cops with guns hang out

And yes, its time to end the gun free zones in schools

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