The Fat Blob Says DNC Needs to Accept Ocasio Cortez as Party Leader

Be careful with Kamala Harris...she takes her wig off she becomes Corey Booker! She'll have two shots at the crown. Lmao!

How does that even become something to joke about? Would you have thought of that joke for Warren and Biden? Of course not, they look nothing alike.

But then again, Harris and Booker look nothing alike, either. Other than the fact that they're both black. And everyone knows, they look the same.
She has not really done anything yet but she took on an entrenched political machine and won. For that she deserves admiration.

:lmao: No she didn't. She ran a long shot bid against a complacent old fart in a decrepitly apathetic environment, and got lucky.
I'm not a fan of Mike's, and ocasio-cortez needs some more experience first.
You almost gotta laugh that rich elitist Moore would be among the first fat assed rich guys herded into the gulag if the democrat/socialist revolution succeeded.
The first, and likely the only time I agree with Moore. AOC should be the new face of the DNC, it can only accelerate the death of the Party.
Is the OP trying to slam the President or the Left's Socialist Darling?

Is he admitting AOC is an ignorant, empty-headed 'Make America Venezuela' Socialist or making fun of the President for pointing it out?
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

I wish people would just use plain English in their thread titles. What is this "fat blob" thing? Can't figure out that one for minutes. Just label people correctly. Like spices. Name, date.

Besides, he's right: Michael Moore is always right. People are silly to pick at him: he's a really good forecaster. Moore was THE ONLY prominent Dem who predicted Trump would win: and said so. I appreciated that. A guy who just tells the truth as he sees it, good for him. He talked to all these working people he knew up there in the Rust Belt, and ALL of them were voting for Trump, and he drew the correct conclusion.

He's right about this New York barmaid, too, Cortez or Orcasio, the socialist. OF COURSE she's a Dem leader, what, you haven't noticed that yet????!
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

I wish people would just use plain English in their thread titles. What is this "fat blob" thing? Can't figure out that one for minutes. Just label people correctly. Like spices. Name, date.

Besides, he's right: Michael Moore is always right. People are silly to pick at him: he's a really good forecaster. Moore was THE ONLY prominent Dem who predicted Trump would win: and said so. I appreciated that. A guy who just tells the truth as he sees it, good for him. He talked to all these working people he knew up there in the Rust Belt, and ALL of them were voting for Trump, and he drew the correct conclusion.

He's right about this New York barmaid, too, Cortez or Orcasio, the socialist. OF COURSE she's a Dem leader, what, you haven't noticed that yet????!

If she had the face of Margret Thatcher, nobody would even pay attention to her. With Democrats, it's not the message, it's the appearance. Like DumBama himself, she has nothing but looks that some people like. And like DumBama, she's a minority to boot.

So the Democrats are in a precarious situation here. They'd love to get rid of her, but at the risk of racist accusations. They are going to have to get rid of her someway behind closed doors. It will be interesting.
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

I wish people would just use plain English in their thread titles. What is this "fat blob" thing? Can't figure out that one for minutes. Just label people correctly. Like spices. Name, date.

Besides, he's right: Michael Moore is always right. People are silly to pick at him: he's a really good forecaster. Moore was THE ONLY prominent Dem who predicted Trump would win: and said so. I appreciated that. A guy who just tells the truth as he sees it, good for him. He talked to all these working people he knew up there in the Rust Belt, and ALL of them were voting for Trump, and he drew the correct conclusion.

He's right about this New York barmaid, too, Cortez or Orcasio, the socialist. OF COURSE she's a Dem leader, what, you haven't noticed that yet????!
Moore's forecast about trump is the only time he has been right.

As a forecaster he is right less often than a broken clock.

Until trump he called the elections wrong every time and consistently backed the wrong horse.
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

I wish people would just use plain English in their thread titles. What is this "fat blob" thing? Can't figure out that one for minutes. Just label people correctly. Like spices. Name, date.

Besides, he's right: Michael Moore is always right. People are silly to pick at him: he's a really good forecaster. Moore was THE ONLY prominent Dem who predicted Trump would win: and said so. I appreciated that. A guy who just tells the truth as he sees it, good for him. He talked to all these working people he knew up there in the Rust Belt, and ALL of them were voting for Trump, and he drew the correct conclusion.

He's right about this New York barmaid, too, Cortez or Orcasio, the socialist. OF COURSE she's a Dem leader, what, you haven't noticed that yet????!
Who the hell is Michael Moore? His films are of cheap TV quality! It is obvious he is a new world order globalist evil ph uk. The internals are that most of these people know what is happening. And he is one that tells us Trump may win along with Coulter.
I live off of $21,000 a year...
Her salary(AOC) is excess to me
Wanting people to pay their fair share is one thing,
wanting people who have money, to pay more taxes,
because you determine they have more then they need,
is another thing

Why shouldn’t people on welfare,
have to do community service of some kind?
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'
Guess what! I doubt that Micheal Moore is the one doing the picking. Neither are you. Please explain this ininfatuation with this lady. I do not get it. Freshman with no power and needs to eat more. What the fuck is causing all the talk. The powers in the Democrat party currently have no intention of putting her in charge and I doubt this will change soon.
Nothing can say moron better then moore and cortez together.
Only far left nut jobs support them and the liberal press.
Cortez is a socialist and moore .
Perhaps they can explain why people in Venezuela are wishing they didnt give up their gun rights and are dealing with 1 million inflation rate and cant buy food.yes the socialist paridise
AOC has 2 years to prove herself. i will add that michael moore was spot on when he said trump was going to win... despite what all the polls were saying, because he has first hand knowledge & understanding what middle america was saying about being the 'forgotten' man & how desperate they were in wanting someone to hear them & do something to help. donny had the best analytics dark money could buy, rooskie troll farms , & bots (you would know.... right?) & his snakeoil salesman 'brand' to dupe them.

NOW, that being said.....

for the love of god - can you PLEASE get a better roooskie to english translator, peggy?


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