The Fat Blob Says DNC Needs to Accept Ocasio Cortez as Party Leader

Read about their oil company and you will find the clue. Exxon wants
Nothing can say moron better then moore and cortez together.
Only far left nut jobs support them and the liberal press.
Cortez is a socialist and moore .
Perhaps they can explain why people in Venezuela are wishing they didnt give up their gun rights and are dealing with 1 million inflation rate and cant buy food.yes the socialist paridise

If you want to know what happened to Venezuela , look no further than Exxon. I am sure Exxon was raping them but the blame is on socialism, naturally.
How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry

It's Exxon's fault that Venezuela didn't know how to manage their oil industry?
A perfect example of how completely full of shit the left is.

Personal accountability? What the fuck is that?
AOC has 2 years to prove herself. i will add that michael moore was spot on when he said trump was going to win... despite what all the polls were saying, because he has first hand knowledge & understanding what middle america was saying about being the 'forgotten' man & how desperate they were in wanting someone to hear them & do something to help. donny had the best analytics dark money could buy, rooskie troll farms , & bots (you would know.... right?) & his snakeoil salesman 'brand' to dupe them.

NOW, that being said.....

for the love of god - can you PLEASE get a better roooskie to english translator, peggy?


One question: How could any commie "rooskie troll" or "bot" possibly condemn two communist shitheads like Moore and Cortez? Nobody who is supposedly living in the "Land of the sane." could possibly believe something that irrational and illogical.

I'm just sayin'.

uh, i live in CT. we have our sanity intact, thank you very much. but, i must say that i'm flattered that you took the time to click on my location. it's quite telling about you that you have way too much time on yer hands. . anyhoo, learn the difference between communism, socialism & a democratic socialist. AOC is a self described democratic socialist & moore is a typical liberal that owns guns.
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Nothing can say moron better then moore and cortez together.
Only far left nut jobs support them and the liberal press.
Cortez is a socialist and moore .
Perhaps they can explain why people in Venezuela are wishing they didnt give up their gun rights and are dealing with 1 million inflation rate and cant buy food.yes the socialist paridise

Please add a source for this to keep the thread open
Cortez represents progs to the tee. She has great ideas, such as:

Eliminate fossil fuels in 12 years. Just think people, 12 years from today you'll be riding horse back and heating your house with blankets.

Eliminate billionaires. She's going to rid the country of billionaires of which most are progressives themselves.

Whites are racist. Goes without saying but just saying.

Free healthcare for everyone on Earth. This is neat.

Free college for everyone. Everything is going to be free on our rock-solid economy built on eliminating the entrepreneur and inviting 3rd world poor.

One of my personal favorites is " federal jobs guarantee in which the federal government would employ anyone who wants to work with at least a $15 minimum wage, health care and paid child and sick leave."

Abolish ICE. We can use the money since everyone on Earth will receive free healthcare and a federal job.

This is the retard progressives voted for and support. Guess what that makes progs?
“We shall banish want. We shall banish fear. The essence of socialism is human welfare rooted in a fuller life for every [American] from childhood to old age” -Adolf Hitler (I replaced the word German with American and it sounds exactly like AOC)
Read about their oil company and you will find the clue. Exxon wants
Nothing can say moron better then moore and cortez together.
Only far left nut jobs support them and the liberal press.
Cortez is a socialist and moore .
Perhaps they can explain why people in Venezuela are wishing they didnt give up their gun rights and are dealing with 1 million inflation rate and cant buy food.yes the socialist paridise

If you want to know what happened to Venezuela , look no further than Exxon. I am sure Exxon was raping them but the blame is on socialism, naturally.
How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry

It's Exxon's fault that Venezuela didn't know how to manage their oil industry?
O its exxons fault not the socialist nut cakes who rule with a iron hand and confiscated the citizens guns so they cant fight back.
Read about their oil company and you will find the clue. Exxon wants
Nothing can say moron better then moore and cortez together.
Only far left nut jobs support them and the liberal press.
Cortez is a socialist and moore .
Perhaps they can explain why people in Venezuela are wishing they didnt give up their gun rights and are dealing with 1 million inflation rate and cant buy food.yes the socialist paridise

If you want to know what happened to Venezuela , look no further than Exxon. I am sure Exxon was raping them but the blame is on socialism, naturally.
How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry

It's Exxon's fault that Venezuela didn't know how to manage their oil industry?
O its exxons fault not the socialist nut cakes who rule with a iron hand and confiscated the citizens guns so they cant fight back.

Look at all the countries Exxon is in , its all the American energy companies, they explore, make a deal and then steal billions.
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'
Guess what! I doubt that Micheal Moore is the one doing the picking. Neither are you. Please explain this ininfatuation with this lady. I do not get it. Freshman with no power and needs to eat more. What the fuck is causing all the talk. The powers in the Democrat party currently have no intention of putting her in charge and I doubt this will change soon.

Wait a minute, you don’t get it ..............REALLY?

Sent from my iPad using
No I do not. There are real issues and people talking about this. What ever

If you never heard her speak, don't you at least read when others have quoted her? The woman is a complete moron. She's an admitted Socialist and probably on the verge of a Communist. It's what she says that has us so intrigued. More than that is the support she still gets after saying it. They are rolling out the red carpet for this dingbat.
With someone as big and fat as Michael Moore behind you pushing I'm sure Ocasio-Cortez will become party leader in no time.
Read about their oil company and you will find the clue. Exxon wants
Nothing can say moron better then moore and cortez together.
Only far left nut jobs support them and the liberal press.
Cortez is a socialist and moore .
Perhaps they can explain why people in Venezuela are wishing they didnt give up their gun rights and are dealing with 1 million inflation rate and cant buy food.yes the socialist paridise

If you want to know what happened to Venezuela , look no further than Exxon. I am sure Exxon was raping them but the blame is on socialism, naturally.
How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry

It's Exxon's fault that Venezuela didn't know how to manage their oil industry?
O its exxons fault not the socialist nut cakes who rule with a iron hand and confiscated the citizens guns so they cant fight back.

Look at all the countries Exxon is in , its all the American energy companies, they explore, make a deal and then steal billions.
Exxon is to blame for the failure of socialism? This piece of shit political ideology has never worked, and will never work.
AOC has 2 years to prove herself. i will add that michael moore was spot on when he said trump was going to win... despite what all the polls were saying, because he has first hand knowledge & understanding what middle america was saying about being the 'forgotten' man & how desperate they were in wanting someone to hear them & do something to help. donny had the best analytics dark money could buy, rooskie troll farms , & bots (you would know.... right?) & his snakeoil salesman 'brand' to dupe them.

NOW, that being said.....

for the love of god - can you PLEASE get a better roooskie to english translator, peggy?


One question: How could any commie "rooskie troll" or "bot" possibly condemn two communist shitheads like Moore and Cortez? Nobody who is supposedly living in the "Land of the sane." could possibly believe something that irrational and illogical.

I'm just sayin'.

uh, i live in CT. we have our sanity intact, thank you very much. but, i must say that i'm flattered that you took the time to click on my location. it's quite telling about you that you have way too much time on yer hands. . anyhoo, learn the difference between communism, socialism & a democratic socialist. AOC is a self described democratic socialist & moore is a typical liberal that owns guns.
Connecticut is one of the most fucked-up over taxed states in the Union. Only California, New York and Illinois are more fucked.
Moore is part of the reason why there is no middle ground.

This country needs its wingers to take a long vacation.
AOC has 2 years to prove herself. i will add that michael moore was spot on when he said trump was going to win... despite what all the polls were saying, because he has first hand knowledge & understanding what middle america was saying about being the 'forgotten' man & how desperate they were in wanting someone to hear them & do something to help. donny had the best analytics dark money could buy, rooskie troll farms , & bots (you would know.... right?) & his snakeoil salesman 'brand' to dupe them.

NOW, that being said.....

for the love of god - can you PLEASE get a better roooskie to english translator, peggy?


One question: How could any commie "rooskie troll" or "bot" possibly condemn two communist shitheads like Moore and Cortez? Nobody who is supposedly living in the "Land of the sane." could possibly believe something that irrational and illogical.

I'm just sayin'.

uh, i live in CT. we have our sanity intact, thank you very much. but, i must say that i'm flattered that you took the time to click on my location. it's quite telling about you that you have way too much time on yer hands. . anyhoo, learn the difference between communism, socialism & a democratic socialist. AOC is a self described democratic socialist & moore is a typical liberal that owns guns.
Connecticut is one of the most fucked-up over taxed states in the Union. Only California, New York and Illinois are more fucked.

BUT we have expanded medicaid, banned assault rifles, banned bump stocks, decriminalized marijuana & made medical dope available - & will be legalizing it soon which will certainly help to fill the coffers. & if roe v wade ever gets overturned, CT has codified that it will remain safe & legal in our state. it's a solid blue state & the last time we had a (R) governor, which i personally liked & voted for - he ended up in jail...TWICE.... for corruption.
Read about their oil company and you will find the clue. Exxon wants
Nothing can say moron better then moore and cortez together.
Only far left nut jobs support them and the liberal press.
Cortez is a socialist and moore .
Perhaps they can explain why people in Venezuela are wishing they didnt give up their gun rights and are dealing with 1 million inflation rate and cant buy food.yes the socialist paridise

If you want to know what happened to Venezuela , look no further than Exxon. I am sure Exxon was raping them but the blame is on socialism, naturally.
How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry

It's Exxon's fault that Venezuela didn't know how to manage their oil industry?
O its exxons fault not the socialist nut cakes who rule with a iron hand and confiscated the citizens guns so they cant fight back.

Look at all the countries Exxon is in , its all the American energy companies, they explore, make a deal and then steal billions.
They make billions they do not steal it.

Theft is what socialists support
Read about their oil company and you will find the clue. Exxon wants
Nothing can say moron better then moore and cortez together.
Only far left nut jobs support them and the liberal press.
Cortez is a socialist and moore .
Perhaps they can explain why people in Venezuela are wishing they didnt give up their gun rights and are dealing with 1 million inflation rate and cant buy food.yes the socialist paridise

If you want to know what happened to Venezuela , look no further than Exxon. I am sure Exxon was raping them but the blame is on socialism, naturally.
How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry
That is because socialism IS to blame not exxon.
AOC has 2 years to prove herself. i will add that michael moore was spot on when he said trump was going to win... despite what all the polls were saying, because he has first hand knowledge & understanding what middle america was saying about being the 'forgotten' man & how desperate they were in wanting someone to hear them & do something to help. donny had the best analytics dark money could buy, rooskie troll farms , & bots (you would know.... right?) & his snakeoil salesman 'brand' to dupe them.

NOW, that being said.....

for the love of god - can you PLEASE get a better roooskie to english translator, peggy?


One question: How could any commie "rooskie troll" or "bot" possibly condemn two communist shitheads like Moore and Cortez? Nobody who is supposedly living in the "Land of the sane." could possibly believe something that irrational and illogical.

I'm just sayin'.

uh, i live in CT. we have our sanity intact, thank you very much. but, i must say that i'm flattered that you took the time to click on my location. it's quite telling about you that you have way too much time on yer hands. . anyhoo, learn the difference between communism, socialism & a democratic socialist. AOC is a self described democratic socialist & moore is a typical liberal that owns guns.
Connecticut is one of the most fucked-up over taxed states in the Union. Only California, New York and Illinois are more fucked.

BUT we have expanded medicaid, banned assault rifles, banned bump stocks, decriminalized marijuana & made medical dope available - & will be legalizing it soon which will certainly help to fill the coffers. & if roe v wade ever gets overturned, CT has codified that it will remain safe & legal in our state. it's a solid blue state & the last time we had a (R) governor, which i personally liked & voted for - he ended up in jail...TWICE.... for corruption.
...and ran business out of your state because of your idiotic socialist policies. Texas thanks you.

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