The Fat Blob Says DNC Needs to Accept Ocasio Cortez as Party Leader

When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
Please explain to me about socialism? Please try to explain expansion of Medicare and how it is “NOT” socialism?
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult
She has a 22% approval rating she kicked no ones ass....
The democrats will fight and eat their own and hopelessly split their own Stalinist party. Yes, make Ocasio-Cortez your party leader, by all means. Let's see how America likes their plans to make it a socialist wasteland.
When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
She has majority in the House thanks to vote harvesting in California. She is a buggly eyed kook. Americans can see it. GOP has Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS. Sure average Americans love Democrats. LMFAO.
When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
Please explain to me about socialism? Please try to explain expansion of Medicare and how it is “NOT” socialism?
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Connecticut is one of the most fucked-up over taxed states in the Union. Only California, New York and Illinois are more fucked.

BUT we have expanded medicaid, banned assault rifles, banned bump stocks, decriminalized marijuana & made medical dope available - & will be legalizing it soon which will certainly help to fill the coffers. & if roe v wade ever gets overturned, CT has codified that it will remain safe & legal in our state. it's a solid blue state & the last time we had a (R) governor, which i personally liked & voted for - he ended up in jail...TWICE.... for corruption.
...and ran business out of your state because of your idiotic socialist policies. Texas thanks you.

i would rather live in a state that doesn't have whacked zoning & regs that favor bigcorp either. besides, we can always boast that our ragtag colonists kicked some serious empire ass.... & you're welcome for not being force to speak the queen's english.

lol... y'all couldn't even keep the alamo.

That's funny. CT leftists have absolutely nothing in common with the Colonials who fought off the British. Much more in common with the Tories and British sympathizers, more realistically.

as if you would know................ lol............................ this past election, we revolted - again- against someone who graded trump with an A+.

The Dems taking the House wasn't as much as a "revolt" as it was a fluke. Even losers get lucky sometimes and had Trump campaigned for more Republican candidates, Pelosi would be sitting with her thumb up her ass right now.

The majority of Republican candidates Trump stumped for won, you know. But he can't be everywhere at the same time.
When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
She has majority in the House thanks to vote harvesting in California. She is a buggly eyed kook. Americans can see it. GOP has Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS. Sure. Average Americans love Democrats.
Trump is President thanks to Russia.

I know how much you assfucks think everyone's vote should not count.
When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
Please explain to me about socialism? Please try to explain expansion of Medicare and how it is “NOT” socialism?
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
...and Americans reject it.
When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
She has majority in the House thanks to vote harvesting in California. She is a buggly eyed kook. Americans can see it. GOP has Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS. Sure. Average Americans love Democrats.
Trump is President thanks to Russia.

I know how much you assfucks think everyone's vote should not count.
Thanks to Russia! Your mental lmfao.:21::21::21::21:
BUT we have expanded medicaid, banned assault rifles, banned bump stocks, decriminalized marijuana & made medical dope available - & will be legalizing it soon which will certainly help to fill the coffers. & if roe v wade ever gets overturned, CT has codified that it will remain safe & legal in our state. it's a solid blue state & the last time we had a (R) governor, which i personally liked & voted for - he ended up in jail...TWICE.... for corruption.
...and ran business out of your state because of your idiotic socialist policies. Texas thanks you.

i would rather live in a state that doesn't have whacked zoning & regs that favor bigcorp either. besides, we can always boast that our ragtag colonists kicked some serious empire ass.... & you're welcome for not being force to speak the queen's english.

lol... y'all couldn't even keep the alamo.

That's funny. CT leftists have absolutely nothing in common with the Colonials who fought off the British. Much more in common with the Tories and British sympathizers, more realistically.

as if you would know................ lol............................ this past election, we revolted - again- against someone who graded trump with an A+.

The Dems taking the House wasn't as much as a "revolt" as it was a fluke. Even losers get lucky sometimes and had Trump campaigned for more Republican candidates, Pelosi would be sitting with her thumb up her ass right now.

The majority of Republican candidates Trump stumped for won, you know. But he can't be everywhere at the same time.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first of all, i was talking about CT. BUT since you brought up the house - uh, no - it wasn't a fluke. the house flipped like a pancake, because the (D)s ran on opening up investigations that the (R)s shut down, & to hold accountable those that bent over for putin. & also healthcare. the senate only gained a couple seats, because most weren't up for re-election. that changes in 2020 when the majority of (R)s will have to defend them.

but you go on with your delusions. i understand.
When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
She has majority in the House thanks to vote harvesting in California. She is a buggly eyed kook. Americans can see it. GOP has Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS. Sure. Average Americans love Democrats.
Trump is President thanks to Russia.

I know how much you assfucks think everyone's vote should not count.

You are mental my friend....
Read about their oil company and you will find the clue. Exxon wants
Nothing can say moron better then moore and cortez together.
Only far left nut jobs support them and the liberal press.
Cortez is a socialist and moore .
Perhaps they can explain why people in Venezuela are wishing they didnt give up their gun rights and are dealing with 1 million inflation rate and cant buy food.yes the socialist paridise

If you want to know what happened to Venezuela , look no further than Exxon. I am sure Exxon was raping them but the blame is on socialism, naturally.
How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry

It's Exxon's fault that Venezuela didn't know how to manage their oil industry?
O its exxons fault not the socialist nut cakes who rule with a iron hand and confiscated the citizens guns so they cant fight back.

Look at all the countries Exxon is in , its all the American energy companies, they explore, make a deal and then steal billions.

Exxon is in business to make money. They're apparently good at it because they're quite productive. We need more Exxons.
When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
Please explain to me about socialism? Please try to explain expansion of Medicare and how it is “NOT” socialism?
a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

It doesn't work. Why can't you figure that out?
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?

It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves. You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.

You have serious mental issues….

I bet it sucks to be you…
I'm sorry but you vote for a person like Donald Trump, you lose all credibility when dissing anyone else.

Trump is a proven fraud, conman, business cheat, adulterer, women abuser, bigot, racist, liar, draft dodger, veteran basher who can't get to the office before 11:30 in the AM works on 60% of the time.

Trump is a successful President who did what few others could do. Over two years now and in spite of things looking like they couldn't get any better, they continue to do so.

Yes, the Democrat led Congress will put some of the flames out, but the flames will prevail. I'm glad you fantasize that you sleep with Rush and know what he does all day, but perhaps some truth will burst your bubble:

Scoop: Leaked private schedules show Trump spent 60% of last 3 months in "Executive Time"
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?

It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves. You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.
Historically where has communism and socialism stood on its own? Failure is in the formula.
Who the fuck is wanting socialism. I wish the fuck you morons would learn what socialism really is instead of making total asses out of yourselves here every day.

You are even flucking dumber than I thought...….

Try pulling your head out of your ass....
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?

It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves. You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.

You make a childish comment like that followed by saying Democrats think for themselves? :auiqs.jpg:
When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
She has majority in the House thanks to vote harvesting in California. She is a buggly eyed kook. Americans can see it. GOP has Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS. Sure. Average Americans love Democrats.
Trump is President thanks to Russia.

I know how much you assfucks think everyone's vote should not count.

Russia, Russia. Russia.jpeg
...and ran business out of your state because of your idiotic socialist policies. Texas thanks you.

i would rather live in a state that doesn't have whacked zoning & regs that favor bigcorp either. besides, we can always boast that our ragtag colonists kicked some serious empire ass.... & you're welcome for not being force to speak the queen's english.

lol... y'all couldn't even keep the alamo.

That's funny. CT leftists have absolutely nothing in common with the Colonials who fought off the British. Much more in common with the Tories and British sympathizers, more realistically.

as if you would know................ lol............................ this past election, we revolted - again- against someone who graded trump with an A+.

The Dems taking the House wasn't as much as a "revolt" as it was a fluke. Even losers get lucky sometimes and had Trump campaigned for more Republican candidates, Pelosi would be sitting with her thumb up her ass right now.

The majority of Republican candidates Trump stumped for won, you know. But he can't be everywhere at the same time.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first of all, i was talking about CT. BUT since you brought up the house - uh, no - it wasn't a fluke. the house flipped like a pancake, because the (D)s ran on opening up investigations that the (R)s shut down, & to hold accountable those that bent over for putin. & also healthcare. the senate only gained a couple seats, because most weren't up for re-election. that changes in 2020 when the majority of (R)s will have to defend them.

but you go on with your delusions. i understand.
A percentage of those Republicans are on your side. Placed in there by the globalists. Layer after layer after layer of frauds are always presented to the electorate. A percentage of the fraud Repubs decided not to run. They are still better then the progressive socialists though. The massive voter fraud continued. Please look up books and literature on all of this. I say inclusion is being blended into the unique American culture. But progressive socialists take that inclusion and say it is part of diversity in the borderless United States. If we had real civil discourse Nancy Pelosi and many others will depart our nation and live in safe areas. We are not a nation of ten billion people who can accept a few hundred million people here over several years. We are a high taxed nation where an economic downturn will bring big time poverty now.
Why did the OP start a thread slamming hiams own party's Socialist Princess? Must be a subconscious admission that she IS an ignorant whack-a-doodle... :p

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