The Fat Blob Says DNC Needs to Accept Ocasio Cortez as Party Leader

No I do not. There are real issues and people talking about this. What ever

If you never heard her speak, don't you at least read when others have quoted her? The woman is a complete moron. She's an admitted Socialist and probably on the verge of a Communist. It's what she says that has us so intrigued. More than that is the support she still gets after saying it. They are rolling out the red carpet for this dingbat.
Nope have not heard her speak. Not my rep. No infuence with in party yet. To much to deal with in the 24 hour news cycle that could effect me more. Plus I have been ice fishing and coyote hunting with every spare second lately. Did you know ODNR is paying 125 per pelt right now? I did do something sort of political tonight I went to an Audobon fundraiser to night. There were a bunch of state reps there. Bunch of OU professors, but not one ornithologist kinda strange for an Audobon dinner.

Well that's nice and all, but the point I was making is that Alexandria Kotex is putting the spotlight on herself. She says the most ridiculous and stupid things which is why she's on our radar so much. If she had won and kept her mouth shut, not only would the room be dimmer because of her teeth, but nobody would pay any attention to her.

You asked the question so I was simply answering it. I think you should look into some of the things she's saying to understand our fascination of her. I think you would find some of her comments pretty shocking. Be careful of that ice fishing. Global warming is back for about a week and the ice is melting fast.
You do realize that you are assisting in putting her in the spotlight right? I think we have much bigger issues to deal with right now than a freshamn rep. My point is worry about what matters, she does not yet. Politics is some thing to worry about but living is also important some time management has to be considered at some point. I mean what the hell if ya have no time to do some of the things you like to do they might as well just bury ya now.

A Congress person is one who passes (or doesn't pass) laws. Any Congress person (regardless of who they represent) has the ability to (along with others) change the politics of your town or area. Okay, she's only one person. But what happens when there are dozens of Alexandria's, a hundred Alexandria's, two hundred Alexandria's?

So it is important to pay attention to what's going on outside your circle. Because Congress as a whole can have very powerful impacts on your life. Just look at what Commie Care did to this country. How did your representative vote on that?
rep against senator for. ya I keep score on what touches me. I am designing my life so they effect me less. I am close to self sufficient right now. I hope to not worry about politics at all in lets say five years. It is not that I am a survivalist, I am just kinda sick of peoples shit. I figure I get the right property I will not even need roads any more. Lake front and good hunting my friends wil come to me.
So, again, the OP is agreeing that AOC is an ignorant socialist child whose own party wants to primary her?!
If you never heard her speak, don't you at least read when others have quoted her? The woman is a complete moron. She's an admitted Socialist and probably on the verge of a Communist. It's what she says that has us so intrigued. More than that is the support she still gets after saying it. They are rolling out the red carpet for this dingbat.
Nope have not heard her speak. Not my rep. No infuence with in party yet. To much to deal with in the 24 hour news cycle that could effect me more. Plus I have been ice fishing and coyote hunting with every spare second lately. Did you know ODNR is paying 125 per pelt right now? I did do something sort of political tonight I went to an Audobon fundraiser to night. There were a bunch of state reps there. Bunch of OU professors, but not one ornithologist kinda strange for an Audobon dinner.

Well that's nice and all, but the point I was making is that Alexandria Kotex is putting the spotlight on herself. She says the most ridiculous and stupid things which is why she's on our radar so much. If she had won and kept her mouth shut, not only would the room be dimmer because of her teeth, but nobody would pay any attention to her.

You asked the question so I was simply answering it. I think you should look into some of the things she's saying to understand our fascination of her. I think you would find some of her comments pretty shocking. Be careful of that ice fishing. Global warming is back for about a week and the ice is melting fast.
You do realize that you are assisting in putting her in the spotlight right? I think we have much bigger issues to deal with right now than a freshamn rep. My point is worry about what matters, she does not yet. Politics is some thing to worry about but living is also important some time management has to be considered at some point. I mean what the hell if ya have no time to do some of the things you like to do they might as well just bury ya now.

A Congress person is one who passes (or doesn't pass) laws. Any Congress person (regardless of who they represent) has the ability to (along with others) change the politics of your town or area. Okay, she's only one person. But what happens when there are dozens of Alexandria's, a hundred Alexandria's, two hundred Alexandria's?

So it is important to pay attention to what's going on outside your circle. Because Congress as a whole can have very powerful impacts on your life. Just look at what Commie Care did to this country. How did your representative vote on that?
rep against senator for. ya I keep score on what touches me. I am designing my life so they effect me less. I am close to self sufficient right now. I hope to not worry about politics at all in lets say five years. It is not that I am a survivalist, I am just kinda sick of peoples shit. I figure I get the right property I will not even need roads any more. Lake front and good hunting my friends wil come to me.

You hope not to worry about politics, yet you participate in a political blog?
Nope have not heard her speak. Not my rep. No infuence with in party yet. To much to deal with in the 24 hour news cycle that could effect me more. Plus I have been ice fishing and coyote hunting with every spare second lately. Did you know ODNR is paying 125 per pelt right now? I did do something sort of political tonight I went to an Audobon fundraiser to night. There were a bunch of state reps there. Bunch of OU professors, but not one ornithologist kinda strange for an Audobon dinner.

Well that's nice and all, but the point I was making is that Alexandria Kotex is putting the spotlight on herself. She says the most ridiculous and stupid things which is why she's on our radar so much. If she had won and kept her mouth shut, not only would the room be dimmer because of her teeth, but nobody would pay any attention to her.

You asked the question so I was simply answering it. I think you should look into some of the things she's saying to understand our fascination of her. I think you would find some of her comments pretty shocking. Be careful of that ice fishing. Global warming is back for about a week and the ice is melting fast.
You do realize that you are assisting in putting her in the spotlight right? I think we have much bigger issues to deal with right now than a freshamn rep. My point is worry about what matters, she does not yet. Politics is some thing to worry about but living is also important some time management has to be considered at some point. I mean what the hell if ya have no time to do some of the things you like to do they might as well just bury ya now.

A Congress person is one who passes (or doesn't pass) laws. Any Congress person (regardless of who they represent) has the ability to (along with others) change the politics of your town or area. Okay, she's only one person. But what happens when there are dozens of Alexandria's, a hundred Alexandria's, two hundred Alexandria's?

So it is important to pay attention to what's going on outside your circle. Because Congress as a whole can have very powerful impacts on your life. Just look at what Commie Care did to this country. How did your representative vote on that?
rep against senator for. ya I keep score on what touches me. I am designing my life so they effect me less. I am close to self sufficient right now. I hope to not worry about politics at all in lets say five years. It is not that I am a survivalist, I am just kinda sick of peoples shit. I figure I get the right property I will not even need roads any more. Lake front and good hunting my friends wil come to me.

You hope not to worry about politics, yet you participate in a political blog?
Now it still effects me but yes I am wanting to worry about it less and maybe not at all at some point. As one gets to closer retirement, I think it is natural to worry less about it. Lets face it at my age and the average life span it is unlikely that too much will change before I die. As every second passes in the day the more convinced I am that the country will survive with out my two cents. There will be a point I disappear off of here.
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
She has majority in the House thanks to vote harvesting in California. She is a buggly eyed kook. Americans can see it. GOP has Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS. Sure. Average Americans love Democrats.
Trump is President thanks to Russia.

I know how much you assfucks think everyone's vote should not count.

View attachment 244142
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.

This is too funny.

If that were the case, he would admit there was contact but it was legal.
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
She has majority in the House thanks to vote harvesting in California. She is a buggly eyed kook. Americans can see it. GOP has Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS. Sure. Average Americans love Democrats.
Trump is President thanks to Russia.

I know how much you assfucks think everyone's vote should not count.

View attachment 244142
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia
it is not enough to wait for a national leader who shares our values, we need to work from the ground up to find common ground
i would rather live in a state that doesn't have whacked zoning & regs that favor bigcorp either. besides, we can always boast that our ragtag colonists kicked some serious empire ass.... & you're welcome for not being force to speak the queen's english.

lol... y'all couldn't even keep the alamo.

That's funny. CT leftists have absolutely nothing in common with the Colonials who fought off the British. Much more in common with the Tories and British sympathizers, more realistically.

as if you would know................ lol............................ this past election, we revolted - again- against someone who graded trump with an A+.

The Dems taking the House wasn't as much as a "revolt" as it was a fluke. Even losers get lucky sometimes and had Trump campaigned for more Republican candidates, Pelosi would be sitting with her thumb up her ass right now.

The majority of Republican candidates Trump stumped for won, you know. But he can't be everywhere at the same time.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! first of all, i was talking about CT. BUT since you brought up the house - uh, no - it wasn't a fluke. the house flipped like a pancake, because the (D)s ran on opening up investigations that the (R)s shut down, & to hold accountable those that bent over for putin. & also healthcare. the senate only gained a couple seats, because most weren't up for re-election. that changes in 2020 when the majority of (R)s will have to defend them.

but you go on with your delusions. i understand.
A percentage of those Republicans are on your side. Placed in there by the globalists. Layer after layer after layer of frauds are always presented to the electorate. A percentage of the fraud Repubs decided not to run. They are still better then the progressive socialists though. The massive voter fraud continued. Please look up books and literature on all of this. I say inclusion is being blended into the unique American culture. But progressive socialists take that inclusion and say it is part of diversity in the borderless United States. If we had real civil discourse Nancy Pelosi and many others will depart our nation and live in safe areas. We are not a nation of ten billion people who can accept a few hundred million people here over several years. We are a high taxed nation where an economic downturn will bring big time poverty now.


massive voter fraud....


just stfu.
She has majority in the House thanks to vote harvesting in California. She is a buggly eyed kook. Americans can see it. GOP has Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS. Sure. Average Americans love Democrats.
Trump is President thanks to Russia.

I know how much you assfucks think everyone's vote should not count.

View attachment 244142
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.

This is too funny.

If that were the case, he would admit there was contact but it was legal.

too funny indeed.......
She has majority in the House thanks to vote harvesting in California. She is a buggly eyed kook. Americans can see it. GOP has Senate, POTUS, and SCOTUS. Sure. Average Americans love Democrats.
Trump is President thanks to Russia.

I know how much you assfucks think everyone's vote should not count.

View attachment 244142
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

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Trump is President thanks to Russia.

I know how much you assfucks think everyone's vote should not count.

View attachment 244142
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

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So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

Sent from my iPad using

So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?

So what? Is it "illegal" to do business with Russia? Have we declared war on them or something?
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

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So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?

I don't think so. Do you think paying a foreign ex-agent to get dirt on a political opponent with information obtained from Russia is doing business with Russia?
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

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So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?
What does private business, private capitalism, and private investment have to do with 2016 election?
Trump is President thanks to Russia.

I know how much you assfucks think everyone's vote should not count.

View attachment 244142
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.

This is too funny.

If that were the case, he would admit there was contact but it was legal.

too funny indeed.......
Post was too accurate for the mentally deranged who think Russians stole election. You idiots believe in aliens at Area 51 don’t you? Fucking kooks. Laughable if it were not for liberal controlled media pushing story as truth.:alcoholic:
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

Sent from my iPad using

So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?
What does private business, private capitalism, and private investment have to do with 2016 election?
It has to do with a Presidential candidate lying about business interests in Russia.
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

Sent from my iPad using

So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?

I don't think so. Do you think paying a foreign ex-agent to get dirt on a political opponent with information obtained from Russia is doing business with Russia?

Did anyone deny that they hired a PR firm that investigated Trump's activities in Russia?

You just don't care that Trump lied.
Damn right.

"No one in my campaign had contact with the Russians"
Sis you believe that? Is it true????

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

Sent from my iPad using

So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?

So what? Is it "illegal" to do business with Russia? Have we declared war on them or something?
Why did he lie & claim he didn't have any business ties in Russia?

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