The Fat Blob Says DNC Needs to Accept Ocasio Cortez as Party Leader

He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

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So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?
What does private business, private capitalism, and private investment have to do with 2016 election?
It has to do with a Presidential candidate lying about business interests in Russia.
It has to do with the fact Trump won...Billary team lost.
He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

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So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?

I don't think so. Do you think paying a foreign ex-agent to get dirt on a political opponent with information obtained from Russia is doing business with Russia?

Did anyone deny that they hired a PR firm that investigated Trump's activities in Russia?

You just don't care that Trump lied.

It's not about denial or admission. It's about the fact that it was Hillary......not Trump that used Russia to try and change an election outcome. Trump "discussing" a possible Trump Tower in Russia doesn't even come close to what they did.
He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

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So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?

So what? Is it "illegal" to do business with Russia? Have we declared war on them or something?
Why did he lie & claim he didn't have any business ties in Russia?

Because the deal never went through.
He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

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So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?

I don't think so. Do you think paying a foreign ex-agent to get dirt on a political opponent with information obtained from Russia is doing business with Russia?

Did anyone deny that they hired a PR firm that investigated Trump's activities in Russia?

You just don't care that Trump lied.
Hillary lied. Obama lied. Forget that huh?
He meant it in a way that was illegal. There are no laws stating nobody can have discussions with the Russians. There are no laws that state you cannot do business with the Russians. It's all perfectly legal.

What we are talking about here is Trump doing business with the Russians to interfere or overturn an election outcome. That is illegal......well, unless you are a Democrat or Hillary. The DNC and Hillary are the only known people to try and interfere with an election using Russian information.
How about when he claimed he had no business in Russia?

"I mean, I have nothing to do with Russia. I don't have any jobs in Russia. I'm all over the world but we're not involved in Russia,"

3. Oct. 6, 2016: During the second presidential debate, Hillary Clinton says Russia is trying to help elect Trump, "maybe because he wants to do business in Moscow." Trump calls this assessment "so ridiculous," adding, "I know nothing about Russia ... I don't deal there."

8 times Trump denied doing business in Russia

So where is this Trump Tower located in Russia?

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So, you are saying that planning, getting permits, working on funding, etc is not doing business?
What does private business, private capitalism, and private investment have to do with 2016 election?
It has to do with a Presidential candidate lying about business interests in Russia.

Who gives a rat's ass? Trump was a "candidate" but he was still a "businessman." We are not at war with Russia so if a businessman is doing business with Russia, whose business is it but his?

It's certainly none of your business, except for the fact that you want to surreptitiously blame Hillary's loss on some ham-fisted vodka-swilling Russians with a Facebook account.

You pseudo-McCarthyites are such pathetic and whiny little losers. Just give up already: You lost. Move on to the "acceptance" stage of the Five Stages of Grief already, because you've passed the point of being burdensome, repetitive, and tiring.
I have visions of a fat Michael Moore...sitting in a dark hotel room...unable to find his flaccid penis through the rolls of fat that drip over it. Crying. Tears down his cheeks, snot coming from his nostrils. Asking Gods forgiveness for all his lies...all his deception...all the hurt he has done to this country. Unable to blow his brains out because he opposes fire arms. Unable to hang himself because no rope will hold him. Unable to cut through the fat on his wrist. Just a pathetic liberal...sitting in his own excrement...a massive pile of smelly humanity.
Read about their oil company and you will find the clue. Exxon wants
Nothing can say moron better then moore and cortez together.
Only far left nut jobs support them and the liberal press.
Cortez is a socialist and moore .
Perhaps they can explain why people in Venezuela are wishing they didnt give up their gun rights and are dealing with 1 million inflation rate and cant buy food.yes the socialist paridise

If you want to know what happened to Venezuela , look no further than Exxon. I am sure Exxon was raping them but the blame is on socialism, naturally.
How Venezuela Ruined Its Oil Industry

It's Exxon's fault that Venezuela didn't know how to manage their oil industry?
O its exxons fault not the socialist nut cakes who rule with a iron hand and confiscated the citizens guns so they cant fight back.
confiscated the citizens guns so they cant fight back
Yep, they know shit is going to hit the fan eventually.

That’s what Trump winning the Presidency represents...
People who are so fucking sick of
what they are smart enough to know!

Without a doubt, there were people who voted for Trump,
simply because he was a man and his stances
but, those were not his majority voters

IMO...Trump voters didn’t just hate Hillary,
they hated what she represented...
Establishment politicians responsible for
an out of control, corrupted government

The same reason Trump was able to run on the ticket
even though they didn’t want to nominate him....
The voters wanted him not the establishment

If you keep doing what you’ve always done
you’ll keep getting what you’ve always gotten
Nothing changes if nothing changes

Elect the Democrats, restore civility
That’s working out as good as Obama’s hope and change
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?

It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves. You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.

You make a childish comment like that followed by saying Democrats think for themselves? :auiqs.jpg:

You're the Limbaugh lover, not me.

What did I say about Limbaugh that was not true?

I love RUSH and you suck Donkey ditters……...
Let me ask anybody here watching the SOTU speech tonight. Did anybody notice when they focused the camera on Alexandria Kotex? She looked so confused. She kept talking to the woman (I don't know who she is) next to her as if asking questions. Was she asking her when the movie was finally going to start or something?
He also was quoted as saying the moon was made of green cheese, and “if it was closer, I would eat it.”

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