The Fat Blob Says DNC Needs to Accept Ocasio Cortez as Party Leader

AOC has 2 years to prove herself. i will add that michael moore was spot on when he said trump was going to win... despite what all the polls were saying, because he has first hand knowledge & understanding what middle america was saying about being the 'forgotten' man & how desperate they were in wanting someone to hear them & do something to help. donny had the best analytics dark money could buy, rooskie troll farms , & bots (you would know.... right?) & his snakeoil salesman 'brand' to dupe them.

NOW, that being said.....

for the love of god - can you PLEASE get a better roooskie to english translator, peggy?


One question: How could any commie "rooskie troll" or "bot" possibly condemn two communist shitheads like Moore and Cortez? Nobody who is supposedly living in the "Land of the sane." could possibly believe something that irrational and illogical.

I'm just sayin'.

uh, i live in CT. we have our sanity intact, thank you very much. but, i must say that i'm flattered that you took the time to click on my location. it's quite telling about you that you have way too much time on yer hands. . anyhoo, learn the difference between communism, socialism & a democratic socialist. AOC is a self described democratic socialist & moore is a typical liberal that owns guns.
Connecticut is one of the most fucked-up over taxed states in the Union. Only California, New York and Illinois are more fucked.

BUT we have expanded medicaid, banned assault rifles, banned bump stocks, decriminalized marijuana & made medical dope available - & will be legalizing it soon which will certainly help to fill the coffers. & if roe v wade ever gets overturned, CT has codified that it will remain safe & legal in our state. it's a solid blue state & the last time we had a (R) governor, which i personally liked & voted for - he ended up in jail...TWICE.... for corruption.
...and ran business out of your state because of your idiotic socialist policies. Texas thanks you.

i would rather live in a state that doesn't have whacked zoning & regs that favor bigcorp either. besides, we can always boast that our ragtag colonists kicked some serious empire ass.... & you're welcome for not being force to speak the queen's english.

lol... y'all couldn't even keep the alamo.
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?

It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves. You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.
I'm sorry but you vote for a person like Donald Trump, you lose all credibility when dissing anyone else.

Trump is a proven fraud, conman, business cheat, adulterer, women abuser, bigot, racist, liar, draft dodger, veteran basher who can't get to the office before 11:30 in the AM works on 60% of the time.
Mikey, you do realizethat Trump is just as fat & eats more junk food. Right?
One question: How could any commie "rooskie troll" or "bot" possibly condemn two communist shitheads like Moore and Cortez? Nobody who is supposedly living in the "Land of the sane." could possibly believe something that irrational and illogical.

I'm just sayin'.

uh, i live in CT. we have our sanity intact, thank you very much. but, i must say that i'm flattered that you took the time to click on my location. it's quite telling about you that you have way too much time on yer hands. . anyhoo, learn the difference between communism, socialism & a democratic socialist. AOC is a self described democratic socialist & moore is a typical liberal that owns guns.
Connecticut is one of the most fucked-up over taxed states in the Union. Only California, New York and Illinois are more fucked.

BUT we have expanded medicaid, banned assault rifles, banned bump stocks, decriminalized marijuana & made medical dope available - & will be legalizing it soon which will certainly help to fill the coffers. & if roe v wade ever gets overturned, CT has codified that it will remain safe & legal in our state. it's a solid blue state & the last time we had a (R) governor, which i personally liked & voted for - he ended up in jail...TWICE.... for corruption.
...and ran business out of your state because of your idiotic socialist policies. Texas thanks you.

i would rather live in a state that doesn't have whacked zoning & regs that favor bigcorp either. besides, we can always boast that our ragtag colonists kicked some serious empire ass.... & you're welcome for not being force to speak the queen's english.

lol... y'all couldn't even keep the alamo.

That's funny. CT leftists have absolutely nothing in common with the Colonials who fought off the British. Much more in common with the Tories and British sympathizers, more realistically.
uh, i live in CT. we have our sanity intact, thank you very much. but, i must say that i'm flattered that you took the time to click on my location. it's quite telling about you that you have way too much time on yer hands. . anyhoo, learn the difference between communism, socialism & a democratic socialist. AOC is a self described democratic socialist & moore is a typical liberal that owns guns.
Connecticut is one of the most fucked-up over taxed states in the Union. Only California, New York and Illinois are more fucked.

BUT we have expanded medicaid, banned assault rifles, banned bump stocks, decriminalized marijuana & made medical dope available - & will be legalizing it soon which will certainly help to fill the coffers. & if roe v wade ever gets overturned, CT has codified that it will remain safe & legal in our state. it's a solid blue state & the last time we had a (R) governor, which i personally liked & voted for - he ended up in jail...TWICE.... for corruption.
...and ran business out of your state because of your idiotic socialist policies. Texas thanks you.

i would rather live in a state that doesn't have whacked zoning & regs that favor bigcorp either. besides, we can always boast that our ragtag colonists kicked some serious empire ass.... & you're welcome for not being force to speak the queen's english.

lol... y'all couldn't even keep the alamo.

That's funny. CT leftists have absolutely nothing in common with the Colonials who fought off the British. Much more in common with the Tories and British sympathizers, more realistically.

as if you would know................ lol............................ this past election, we revolted - again- against someone who graded trump with an A+.
I'm sorry but you vote for a person like Donald Trump, you lose all credibility when dissing anyone else.

Trump is a proven fraud, conman, business cheat, adulterer, women abuser, bigot, racist, liar, draft dodger, veteran basher who can't get to the office before 11:30 in the AM works on 60% of the time.
Trump is a great President who saved the United States from a socialist government.
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?

It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves. You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.
Leftist are complete fucking idiots.
I'm sorry but you vote for a person like Donald Trump, you lose all credibility when dissing anyone else.

Trump is a proven fraud, conman, business cheat, adulterer, women abuser, bigot, racist, liar, draft dodger, veteran basher who can't get to the office before 11:30 in the AM works on 60% of the time.
Trump is a great President who saved the United States from a socialist government.
Your avatar would not agree with you.
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?

It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves. You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.
Historically where has communism and socialism stood on its own? Failure is in the formula.
It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves.
LOL....sure they do. They slobber and drool when the latest bit of manufactured leftist outrage is put out on the jungle drums
(Covington Kids, McDonalds at White House and the biggest false flag ever...Trump and Putin working together).
Let me know when Inquisitor Mueller has Trump in chains, as promised. LOL...
You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.
Worship is a loaded leftist dog whistle word. You guys have to lie and exaggerate
to make your sad little points.
I'm sorry but you vote for a person like Donald Trump, you lose all credibility when dissing anyone else.

Trump is a proven fraud, conman, business cheat, adulterer, women abuser, bigot, racist, liar, draft dodger, veteran basher who can't get to the office before 11:30 in the AM works on 60% of the time.
Trump is a great President who saved the United States from a socialist government.
Your avatar would not agree with you.
Oh well. Jeb was a pussy.
When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?

It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves. You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.
Historically where has communism and socialism stood on its own? Failure is in the formula.
Who the fuck is wanting socialism. I wish the fuck you morons would learn what socialism really is instead of making total asses out of yourselves here every day.
Look at the 2020 potential and real candidates. It’s laughable that Democrats put these people out there.
When the sane adult in the dem party is Pelosi they have real problems.....
Pelosi kicked Trump's ass.

So your great & wonderful, stable genius,. Know-it-all, greatest President of all time, got his fat ass kicked by a non adult.
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?

It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves. You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.
Historically where has communism and socialism stood on its own? Failure is in the formula.
Who the fuck is wanting socialism. I wish the fuck you morons would learn what socialism really is instead of making total asses out of yourselves here every day.
Apparently you do. There is no Democratic Party anymore. It’s the socialist party.
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.

That reminds me of something that happened during the Bush years. The left thought that their best strategy was to find a leftist Rush Limbaugh. Limbaugh replied that it simply can't be done. The success of his show are liberals; they are the entertainment! We read what they write, we play what they say, you can't do that with the right.

When conservatives are scheduled to speak at a college somewhere, they do everything possible to silence them. We never do that because we want people to hear what the Democrats are all about. We don't want them silenced. Is there anything we can do to make them louder? Turn up the PA or something?

It didn't work because leftists are smart & think for themselves. You & your horde of dumbasses worship a fat assed. druggie., college dropout Rush Limbaugh.
Historically where has communism and socialism stood on its own? Failure is in the formula.
Who the fuck is wanting socialism. I wish the fuck you morons would learn what socialism really is instead of making total asses out of yourselves here every day.
90% of elected dems...thats who.....

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