The Fat Blob Says DNC Needs to Accept Ocasio Cortez as Party Leader

2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.
While I agree I also fear the influence they will have over a LARGE gullible and flat out stupid voter base they will have.
Why are you so fucking negative?
2020 is going to be a hoot…..

The Tards have tacked so far to the left they won’t have a chance.

Can you believe the fun we are going to have?

Fat boy is right, O-Crazy-O O-Commie-O is the new face of the party…..

If the Starbucks guy runs, the left will even get nuttier if that’s possible….
The more face time that her, Maxine Waters, Shelia Jackson Lee, and Googley Eyes Pelosi get in the media...the better for Republicans.
While I agree I also fear the influence they will have over a LARGE gullible and flat out stupid voter base they will have.
Why are you so fucking negative?
Reality is reality regardless of the spin you apply to it.

We can not afford free college for all
We can not afford free medical for all
We can not afford killing the energy industry
We will not be alive in 12 years

These are the dumbass things she and your party seemingly stand for and there are just enough morons who vote who think these things are attainable. The are completely clueless.
I do not want to see our nation collapse.
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

This is somewhat good news for republicans but bad news for democrats.

Never mind the fact that Micheal Moore is a well documented liar and propaganda spinner.

When one takes a good look at what he has said outside of his crockumentary films a pattern emerges.

Going all the way back to Bush sr Moore has made countless political predictions about both issues and political candidates. He has been right ONCE. This is of course when he predicted Trump would win . Other than that he has been dead wrong every time. He predicted that Bush sr would crush and defeat Clinton. He backed Ralph Nader and predicted his win. With the exception of Trump Moore has been wrong about every election.

When ever this idiot has backed a candidate that candidate has lost. Still as the Op states he is considered a wise leader and hero of the left who can do no wrong. The problem is not just with Moore but the democratic party in general. Once a fairly moderate party the dems have allowed the party to be dominated by Social Justice Warriors and progressive extremists. This was one of the two biggest reasons Trump won. The other is that Hillary was an incompetent fool and lazy campaigner.

They refuse to learn from this and are merely doubling down on their extremist views and rhetoric. Moore will simply drive them even further away from mainstream america.

If they had any brains they would distance themselves from fools like more and return to more moderate roots.
Don't believe anyone who has to use a sock tied to the end of a yardstick in order to wipe his ass.
I agree with Michael Moore. The Democrat party should definitely line up behind her. Give her a platform and turn her loose. Same with those two Muslim bitches. Put those three women together and send them all over the country and let em talk all they want.
If Democrats weren't just an assortment of sexist pigs and lezzies, they would dump this Octavia airhead for their true Hero, Maxine Waters.
If Democrats weren't just an assortment of sexist pigs and lezzies, they would dump this Octavia airhead for their true Hero, Maxine Waters.

I think Piglosi is getting sick of all of them. You're not supposed to tell the public what the Democrat party is really all about. You're supposed to tell people you have nobel goals for your nefarious actions.

You want more restrictions on guns not because you don't want people taking care of themselves, but to stop mass shootings.

You don't want to stop people illegally crossing our borders because it will give you political power, you want them crossing because you have empathy for their plight.

You don't want more regulations on businesses so government can virtually run them, you want regulations so they don't mistreat their customers.

You don't want to increase taxes on the wealthy because they are powerless with their vote, you want to increase taxes so they pay their fair share, and only a Democrat can define what a fair share is.

Democrats can never tell their constituents their real intent. If they did, probably half of them would leave the party.
All I can say is that the liberal Jabba the Hutt and Occasional Cortex truly deserve each other; they are the ultimate match made in heaven. They go together like Eurotrash and their muslim inbred whoremasters. If MM and Occasional-Kotex were to fuck and spawn a humanoid larva, the resulting throbbing, pulsing, morphing abomination (constantly oozing open into even more hideous forms like a perverse, obscene blooming flower) would look EXACTLY like something out of a David Cronenberg big-budget nightmare.
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

Faty blab?

Trump is for O-C?




Trump's a fat liar who owes everything he has to his Daddy, he wants to fuck his eldest daughter, is married to a slut (who seems as stupid as he is) and fools around on her like it's a bodily function.

What a pathetic loser and a huge embarrassment to America.

A joke of a POTUS.

Thank goodness that (barring a war) he will be gone by January 2021 (at the latest).
She has not really done anything yet but she took on an entrenched political machine and won. For that she deserves admiration.

Slow down there, she's done plenty....would you like hash browns with your order.
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

Faty blab?

Trump is for O-C?




Trump's a fat liar who owes everything he has to his Daddy, he wants to fuck his eldest daughter, is married to a slut (who seems as stupid as he is) and fools around on her like it's a bodily function.

What a pathetic loser and a huge embarrassment to America.

A joke of a POTUS.

Thank goodness that (barring a war) he will be gone by January 2021 (at the latest).

And yet you’re life pales in comparison. How sad [emoji17]. Although you could possibly be right about 2021. I saw a recent video on YouTube called Trump can’t win. Very enlightening.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

Faty blab?

Trump is for O-C?




Trump's a fat liar who owes everything he has to his Daddy, he wants to fuck his eldest daughter, is married to a slut (who seems as stupid as he is) and fools around on her like it's a bodily function.

What a pathetic loser and a huge embarrassment to America.

A joke of a POTUS.

Thank goodness that (barring a war) he will be gone by January 2021 (at the latest).

And yet you’re life pales in comparison. How sad [emoji17]. Although you could possibly be right about 2021. I saw a recent video on YouTube called Trump can’t win. Very enlightening.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk life is MILES better then Trump's (only an idiot claims to know what another's is like whom they have never even met).

Look at that old, fat slug who is married to a whore and craves his eldest daughter with no true friends, is clearly in trouble financially and who is as dumb as a post.

Any decent person with a decent life is MILES better off than that loser.

If someone said I was trading places with that disgusting slug....I would only go kicking and screaming.

We are done here.

Have a wonderful day.
Liberal god Michael Moore speaks about the reality of what the Democratic Party has become.
Michael Moore says Dems need to accept far-left Ocasio-Cortez as party leader: 'No middle ground anymore'

Faty blab?

Trump is for O-C?




Trump's a fat liar who owes everything he has to his Daddy, he wants to fuck his eldest daughter, is married to a slut (who seems as stupid as he is) and fools around on her like it's a bodily function.

What a pathetic loser and a huge embarrassment to America.

A joke of a POTUS.

Thank goodness that (barring a war) he will be gone by January 2021 (at the latest).

And yet you’re life pales in comparison. How sad [emoji17]. Although you could possibly be right about 2021. I saw a recent video on YouTube called Trump can’t win. Very enlightening.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk life is MILES better then Trump's (only an idiot claims to know what another's is like whom they have never even met).

Look at that fat slug who is married to a whore and craves his eldest daughter with no true friends who is as dumb as a post.

Any decent person with a decent life is MILES better off than that loser.

If someone said I was trading places with that disgusting slug....I would only go kicking and screaming.

We are done here.

Have a wonderful day.

So you know Trump, McLovin? Seems like he still angers you, after all this time. But you seem very insightful. Not an idiot at all. Now I think we are done here.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh please listen to that fat pig....make Ocasio'Scary your new leader....PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!!!

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore declared U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez the new leader of the Democratic Party, while urging political moderates to take a position because there “is no middle ground anymore.”

“She is the leader. Everybody knows it. Everybody feels it,” Moore said of the freshman congresswoman from New York during a Friday interview on MSNBC.

Moore said the age requirement to run for president - 35 - should be constitutionally amended so that Ocasio-Cortez could make a play for the White House. He said Ocasio-Cortez is the leader of a movement, citing a Fox News poll that showed voters favored her proposal to increase the tax rate to 70 percent for the richest Americans.

Moore also urged those with moderate views to “take a position,” in response to a question about whether someone like Ocasio-Cortez, with very progressive politics, could turn off moderates.

“If you're being moderate, stop being moderate. Take a position,” Moore responded. “There's no middle ground anymore. There's no halfway point to should somebody be paid a living wage. 'Well, I'm a moderate so I think they could be paid half of that living wage.'

"You know, on the issue of choice, there is no halfway there. You're either for it or you're against it. Do you believe in equal rights for women? Do you believe we should have an Equal Rights Amendment? There's no middle ground. There's no time for moderation,” he continued.

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