The Faustian pact by so-called "evangelicals"

More scatterbrained musings from the state ward. Gnat, how long did they let you out to smell the bluebonnets?

More scatterbrain babble by the brown-nose fish.

'Evangelicals' are not Christians. They've outed themselves for good by supporting one of the most immoral scumbags ever in Little Lying Donald. Evangelicals are to be ignored and mocked from here on out as they have no moral compass. They have a fake religion that they use as a political hammer.

And that's all.
And why are you being a race baiting asshole troll?

You call it 'race baiting".........while I call it my Diogenesian task to find honest evangelicals..........No luck yet, but still looking,
Evangelicals view themselves as being discriminated against. I don't see them as being delusional. Today, we'd think it objectionable if a guy decided to not hire a black because other employees might be uncomfortable. But who wants to be around somebody who is giving thanks to God all the time. LOL

I'v worked with Evangelicals.

You are ignorant and bigoted.
I'v worked with Evangelicals.

You are ignorant and bigoted.

Now, WHO could argue against such an erudite and well-documented assertion?

(Corny needs to go back to
More scatterbrained musings from the state ward. Gnat, how long did they let you out to smell the bluebonnets?

More scatterbrain babble by the brown-nose fish.

'Evangelicals' are not Christians. They've outed themselves for good by supporting one of the most immoral scumbags ever in Little Lying Donald. Evangelicals are to be ignored and mocked from here on out as they have no moral compass. They have a fake religion that they use as a political hammer.

And that's all.

Son, to you ALL Religion is bunk except one, Humanism. You, like a lot of Lefties think that man is the end all, be all. Anything else is/would be a threat to your assumed superiority.
Son, to you ALL Religion is bunk except one, Humanism. You, like a lot of Lefties think that man is the end all, be all. Anything else is/would be a threat to your assumed superiority.

The above nitwit seems to have a lot in common with radical Imams....Go figure.
Son, to you ALL Religion is bunk except one, Humanism. You, like a lot of Lefties think that man is the end all, be all. Anything else is/would be a threat to your assumed superiority.

The above nitwit seems to have a lot in common with radical Imams....Go figure.

LOL again, because you are a hack nit wit you assume everyone else is too. The Church is indeed compromised but the election has nothing to do with it. Whom they voted for reveals nothing other than they thought ANYONE was better than Hillary. Were I you I'd start abiding by the rules ;)
The reason why I labeled "Faustian pact"for evangelicals in the thread's title, is this. a "religious" group think that they need political protection (from Muslims, from the gay/lesbian community, from those Constitution scholars who want to separate religion from governmental policies, etc.) and have sought such "protection," from the least traditionally religious president in living memory.

Trump may be the "least traditionally religious president in living memory".

But that does not mean that he was not the better choice for the Evangelicals, in the General Election.

That you have trouble understanding why they felt like that is obvious.

That is no excuse for you to assign odd and nefarious trappings to it.
Trump is everything a religious person is not

More scatterbrained musings from the state ward. Gnat, how long did they let you out to smell the bluebonnets?

More scatterbrain babble by the brown-nose fish.

'Evangelicals' are not Christians. They've outed themselves for good by supporting one of the most immoral scumbags ever in Little Lying Donald. Evangelicals are to be ignored and mocked from here on out as they have no moral compass. They have a fake religion that they use as a political hammer.

And that's all.

I made no comparison of the two. Looks like the whole tree fell on newtons head. And libs use their fake hammers ie climate change hoax, pushing division and hate, class welfare. Please, spare us your unrighteous indignation. It falls on deaf ears.
What was that about a "moral rudder" :D

More scatterbrained musings from the state ward. Gnat, how long did they let you out to smell the bluebonnets?

More scatterbrain babble by the brown-nose fish.

'Evangelicals' are not Christians. They've outed themselves for good by supporting one of the most immoral scumbags ever in Little Lying Donald. Evangelicals are to be ignored and mocked from here on out as they have no moral compass. They have a fake religion that they use as a political hammer.

And that's all.

Son, to you ALL Religion is bunk except one, Humanism. You, like a lot of Lefties think that man is the end all, be all. Anything else is/would be a threat to your assumed superiority.

Govt is their religion. This is their worship. Its all they have.
And why are you being a race baiting asshole troll?

You call it 'race baiting".........while I call it my Diogenesian task to find honest evangelicals..........No luck yet, but still looking,
Evangelicals view themselves as being discriminated against. I don't see them as being delusional. Today, we'd think it objectionable if a guy decided to not hire a black because other employees might be uncomfortable. But who wants to be around somebody who is giving thanks to God all the time. LOL

I'v worked with Evangelicals.

You are ignorant and bigoted.
And you have no sense of humor. LOL
More scatterbrained musings from the state ward. Gnat, how long did they let you out to smell the bluebonnets?

Scatterbrain??? Here are some scatterbrains for you:

Tenn. Religious Right Group Sinks Child Marriage Law Because It’s Worried It Will Get In The Way Of A Marriage-Equality Lawsuit | Right Wing Watch

The Tennessean reported yesterday that Republican state lawmakers have effectively killed a bill aimed at stopping child marriages at the request of the head of a state Religious Right group who was worried the bill would get in the way of his lawsuit attempting to stop same-sex marriages in the state.

The paper explains how David Fowler of the Family Action Council of Tennessee intervened to stop a bill that would have outlawed marriages involving people under 18 years of age:

Yes they are Evangelicals
And why are you being a race baiting asshole troll?

You call it 'race baiting".........while I call it my Diogenesian task to find honest evangelicals..........No luck yet, but still looking,
Evangelicals view themselves as being discriminated against. I don't see them as being delusional. Today, we'd think it objectionable if a guy decided to not hire a black because other employees might be uncomfortable. But who wants to be around somebody who is giving thanks to God all the time. LOL

I've worked with Evangelicals.

You are ignorant and bigoted.
And you have no sense of humor. LOL

One of our most humorless Trumpkins - THAT one :)
And why are you being a race baiting asshole troll?

You call it 'race baiting".........while I call it my Diogenesian task to find honest evangelicals..........No luck yet, but still looking,
Evangelicals view themselves as being discriminated against. I don't see them as being delusional. Today, we'd think it objectionable if a guy decided to not hire a black because other employees might be uncomfortable. But who wants to be around somebody who is giving thanks to God all the time. LOL

I'v worked with Evangelicals.

You are ignorant and bigoted.
More scatterbrained musings from the state ward. Gnat, how long did they let you out to smell the bluebonnets?

More scatterbrain babble by the brown-nose fish.

'Evangelicals' are not Christians. They've outed themselves for good by supporting one of the most immoral scumbags ever in Little Lying Donald. Evangelicals are to be ignored and mocked from here on out as they have no moral compass. They have a fake religion that they use as a political hammer

And that's all.

Your inability to understand that reasonable people can reasonably disagree, is because you are a partisan nutjob.

It reflects on you, not on them.
The reason why I labeled "Faustian pact"for evangelicals in the thread's title, is this. a "religious" group think that they need political protection (from Muslims, from the gay/lesbian community, from those Constitution scholars who want to separate religion from governmental policies, etc.) and have sought such "protection," from the least traditionally religious president in living memory.

Trump may be the "least traditionally religious president in living memory".

But that does not mean that he was not the better choice for the Evangelicals, in the General Election.

That you have trouble understanding why they felt like that is obvious.

That is no excuse for you to assign odd and nefarious trappings to it.
Trump is everything a religious person is not


RW, I made a point in my post.

Your post, in no way disputes my point.

It in no way addresses my point.

It seems you only posted, in order to put some anti-Trump partisan shit out there.

Don't post responses to my posts, if you have no interest in addressing anything I say.

My point stands.

Trump may be the "least traditionally religious president in living memory".

But that does not mean that he was not the better choice for the Evangelicals, in the General Election.

That you have trouble understanding why they felt like that is obvious.

That is no excuse for you to assign odd and nefarious trappings to it.

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