The Faustian pact by so-called "evangelicals"

More scatterbrained musings from the state ward.

These personal musings are rather silly. No one needs or wants to know your every thought. Especially since they are all the same. There's no news, there is no commentary on any events. There is just a rehash of the same old anti white, anti Christian, anti Trump screed that we get every day.
That one third of Americans who call themselves evangelicals, are mostly a bunch of hypocritical and selfish morons who have readily struck a deal with the almost satanic forces that comprise the Trump administration.

Think about it......the Christian "value" of a president being a good father and husband made these people NOT ever back Obama and, instead, readily embrace the moral and ethical depraved, Trump.

I know that this is an old argument, but it bears some self-scrutiny by Trump acolytes on this forum.

What Trump signifies for these "evangelicals" is a return to white supremacist policies, ranging from the amalgamation of religion and politics, to the promulgation of hatred toward brown-skinned people and most of all, those of the Muslim faith.

Bottom line: The Christian right has lost ALL validity in having ANY semblance of a moral rudder.
I bet the POTUS apologists didn't even look up the term "Faustian pact." Just immediately saw a red flag in front of their mammon demigod and charged ahead with their deep state BS.

The OP has been repeatedly debunked, and only a hysterical partisan fool would believe it.
That one third of Americans who call themselves evangelicals, are mostly a bunch of hypocritical and selfish morons who have readily struck a deal with the almost satanic forces that comprise the Trump administration.

Think about it......the Christian "value" of a president being a good father and husband made these people NOT ever back Obama and, instead, readily embrace the moral and ethical depraved, Trump.

I know that this is an old argument, but it bears some self-scrutiny by Trump acolytes on this forum.

What Trump signifies for these "evangelicals" is a return to white supremacist policies, ranging from the amalgamation of religion and politics, to the promulgation of hatred toward brown-skinned people and most of all, those of the Muslim faith.

Bottom line: The Christian right has lost ALL validity in having ANY semblance of a moral rudder.
Not to mention the Christian value of.......thou shall not bear false witness

The Evangelicals were not part of Trump's base. THe OP is moronic shit.

Stop being a troll.

OR a race baiting ass.
More scatterbrained musings from the state ward.

These personal musings are rather silly. No one needs or wants to know your every thought. Especially since they are all the same. There's no news, there is no commentary on any events. There is just a rehash of the same old anti white, anti Christian, anti Trump screed that we get every day.
That one third of Americans who call themselves evangelicals, are mostly a bunch of hypocritical and selfish morons who have readily struck a deal with the almost satanic forces that comprise the Trump administration.

Think about it......the Christian "value" of a president being a good father and husband made these people NOT ever back Obama and, instead, readily embrace the moral and ethical depraved, Trump.

I know that this is an old argument, but it bears some self-scrutiny by Trump acolytes on this forum.

What Trump signifies for these "evangelicals" is a return to white supremacist policies, ranging from the amalgamation of religion and politics, to the promulgation of hatred toward brown-skinned people and most of all, those of the Muslim faith.

Bottom line: The Christian right has lost ALL validity in having ANY semblance of a moral rudder.
I bet the POTUS apologists didn't even look up the term "Faustian pact."

I bet you haven't read the book.

I bet you haven't seen the opera.

No, but Ah seen it on th' TeeVee! :laugh:

Plus the comic book, smart guy! :lmao:


More scatterbrained musings from the state ward.

These personal musings are rather silly. No one needs or wants to know your every thought. Especially since they are all the same. There's no news, there is no commentary on any events. There is just a rehash of the same old anti white, anti Christian, anti Trump screed that we get every day.
That one third of Americans who call themselves evangelicals, are mostly a bunch of hypocritical and selfish morons who have readily struck a deal with the almost satanic forces that comprise the Trump administration.

Think about it......the Christian "value" of a president being a good father and husband made these people NOT ever back Obama and, instead, readily embrace the moral and ethical depraved, Trump.

I know that this is an old argument, but it bears some self-scrutiny by Trump acolytes on this forum.

What Trump signifies for these "evangelicals" is a return to white supremacist policies, ranging from the amalgamation of religion and politics, to the promulgation of hatred toward brown-skinned people and most of all, those of the Muslim faith.

Bottom line: The Christian right has lost ALL validity in having ANY semblance of a moral rudder.
I bet the POTUS apologists didn't even look up the term "Faustian pact."

I bet you haven't read the book.


First learned of the concept from the movie Damn Yankees.

(noticed it in several movies after that )

This one came out the year I graduated

Doctor Faustus (1967) - IMDb

Okay, play. In book form.

Goethe's Faust - Wikipedia
Thanks anyway

considering the number of movies I've seen based on the story, reading the play is unlikely to educate me further
These personal musings are rather silly. No one needs or wants to know your every thought. Especially since they are all the same. There's no news, there is no commentary on any events. There is just a rehash of the same old anti white, anti Christian, anti Trump screed that we get every day.
That one third of Americans who call themselves evangelicals, are mostly a bunch of hypocritical and selfish morons who have readily struck a deal with the almost satanic forces that comprise the Trump administration.

Think about it......the Christian "value" of a president being a good father and husband made these people NOT ever back Obama and, instead, readily embrace the moral and ethical depraved, Trump.

I know that this is an old argument, but it bears some self-scrutiny by Trump acolytes on this forum.

What Trump signifies for these "evangelicals" is a return to white supremacist policies, ranging from the amalgamation of religion and politics, to the promulgation of hatred toward brown-skinned people and most of all, those of the Muslim faith.

Bottom line: The Christian right has lost ALL validity in having ANY semblance of a moral rudder.
I bet the POTUS apologists didn't even look up the term "Faustian pact."

I bet you haven't read the book.


First learned of the concept from the movie Damn Yankees.

(noticed it in several movies after that )

This one came out the year I graduated

Doctor Faustus (1967) - IMDb

Okay, play. In book form.

Goethe's Faust - Wikipedia
Thanks anyway

considering the number of movies I've seen based on the story, reading the play is unlikely to educate me further

Nah. The concept has been milked a thousand times.
I bet the POTUS apologists didn't even look up the term "Faustian pact."

I bet you haven't read the book.


First learned of the concept from the movie Damn Yankees.

(noticed it in several movies after that )

This one came out the year I graduated

Doctor Faustus (1967) - IMDb

Okay, play. In book form.

Goethe's Faust - Wikipedia
Thanks anyway

considering the number of movies I've seen based on the story, reading the play is unlikely to educate me further

Nah. The concept has been milked a thousand times.

If I wanted to do the research, I could likely find silent movies based on Faust
I bet you haven't read the book.


First learned of the concept from the movie Damn Yankees.

(noticed it in several movies after that )

This one came out the year I graduated

Doctor Faustus (1967) - IMDb

Okay, play. In book form.

Goethe's Faust - Wikipedia
Thanks anyway

considering the number of movies I've seen based on the story, reading the play is unlikely to educate me further

Nah. The concept has been milked a thousand times.

If I wanted to do the research, I could likely find silent movies based on Faust

And Warner Bros. cartoons, if memory serves.
That one third of Americans who call themselves evangelicals, are mostly a bunch of hypocritical and selfish morons who have readily struck a deal with the almost satanic forces that comprise the Trump administration.

Think about it......the Christian "value" of a president being a good father and husband made these people NOT ever back Obama and, instead, readily embrace the moral and ethical depraved, Trump.

I know that this is an old argument, but it bears some self-scrutiny by Trump acolytes on this forum.

What Trump signifies for these "evangelicals" is a return to white supremacist policies, ranging from the amalgamation of religion and politics, to the promulgation of hatred toward brown-skinned people and most of all, those of the Muslim faith.

Bottom line: The Christian right has lost ALL validity in having ANY semblance of a moral rudder.
White evangelicals views on race are separate from Trump. They might be of interest, but I'm honestly not sure about what information supports any issue on race.

BUT, criticizing White evangelicals for supporting Trump fails.

1) Jesus supped with sinners. That was a central fact of his ministry. He was criticized by Pharisees for it. An evangelical would not be hypocritical if he shared food, or even served food, with gays. Their hypocrisy is that they view homosexuality as the one sin they cannot further by providing some service in connection with gay marriage. The fact that Trump is a sinner is irrelevant.

And assuming the evangelical is going to vote, was Hill any less a sinner than Trump? I sure as hell wouldn't want to have to argue that one, LOL. (even assuming there's nothing to the Huma stories LOL. Which personally I find strangely erotic (-:)

However, there's a totally separate issue of whether "faith" should have any role in determining who one votes for. Jesus eschewed politics quite famously. The Essenes, who possibly were the basis for John the Baptist, most probably practiced communal socialism similar to what Paul sought to bring the Hellenic Christians.
As to your point, would you really expect evangelicals (true evangelicals, not the phony social justice creeps trying to pass) to support political candidates from organizations out to destroy them?

Yet ANOTHER right wing moron who actually and probably believes Bill-O about banning, "Merry Christmas"???

Where the fuck did you surmise that Obama ....or anyone else....was trying to "destroy" evangelicals???

Be honest and simply state that Obama "threatened" white supremacy simply because of his skin color which offended your "delicate sensibilities."
As to your point, would you really expect evangelicals (true evangelicals, not the phony social justice creeps trying to pass) to support political candidates from organizations out to destroy them?

Yet ANOTHER right wing moron who actually and probably believes Bill-O about banning, "Merry Christmas"???

Where the fuck did you surmise that Obama ....or anyone else....was trying to "destroy" evangelicals???

Be honest and simply state that Obama "threatened" white supremacy simply because of his skin color which offended your "delicate sensibilities."

It is silly of you to try to deny the hostility from liberals to Evangelicals.

Also, your race baiting is noted. You are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
As to your point, would you really expect evangelicals (true evangelicals, not the phony social justice creeps trying to pass) to support political candidates from organizations out to destroy them?

Yet ANOTHER right wing moron who actually and probably believes Bill-O about banning, "Merry Christmas"???

I don't "do" Christmas, except when it will irritate Democrats.

Where the fuck did you surmise that Obama ....or anyone else....was trying to "destroy" evangelicals???

Recent history from 1961-present.

Be honest and simply state that Obama "threatened" white supremacy simply because of his skin color which offended your "delicate sensibilities."

No, what Obama did was to revive the simmering race war that had been diminishing since the 1970s.
1. The Evangelicals were not, as a group, a part of Trump's base.


"........Exit polls show white evangelical voters voted in high numbers for Donald Trump, 80-16 percent, according to exit poll results. That’s the most they have voted for a Republican presidential candidate...."

White evangelicals voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump, exit polls show

They were not part of his base during the primaries.

Wow. The biggest vote since GWBush? Like that was soooo long ago.

76 per cent identify or lean republican, and Trump, with his massive surge, managed to add, wait for it, wait for it,

4 points.

Man. What a historic and massive thing.


For those who still "doubt" reality about evangelicals selling out their core values to a demagogue like Trump...........

".......While the majority of Americans consistently report that they disapprove of President Trump, and millions rally to protest the Muslim Ban, attacks on the Affordable Care Act and anti-immigrant policies, one group has not wavered in its support of Trump: his faith advisors. Jerry Falwell, Jr. has celebrated Trump as a “dream president” and Franklin Graham said “God’s hand intervened” to elect him. At the 2018 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., several speakers said no President in American history has done as much as this one to promote “religious freedom.”

To many within and beyond the faith community, these preachers’ claims raise eyebrows. How do Christian ministers reconcile the Jesus who said “Love your enemy” with a President whose policy is to strike back at all critics? Why would people who claim to stand for family values so uncritically support a thrice-married man who according to Ronan Farrow’s reporting for the New Yorker set up complex legal arrangements to cover up multiple affairs throughout his current marriage?

Eighty percent of white evangelicals voted for and, by and large, continue to support President Trump. To almost everyone else in America, this seems like a fundamental contradiction. But to Trump’s faithful, it is Providence at work in human history.

Why Evangelicals Support President Trump, Despite His Immorality

· Why Evangelicals?Still!?Support Trump | The Nation

· True believers: why US evangelicals support Trump - Financial Times

· Evangelicals' support for Trump will cost them ? spiritually - The ...

· Here's why evangelical Christians continue to support Trump ...
It is silly of you to try to deny the hostility from liberals to Evangelicals.

Also, your race baiting is noted. You are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.


It is silly of you to try to deny the hostility from liberals to Evangelicals.

Also, your race baiting is noted. You are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.


Why cut the portion of the thread where you said your asshole race baiting shit?

And it is still silly of you to deny the hostility from liberals to Evangelicals.
For those who still "doubt" reality about evangelicals selling out their core values to a demagogue like Trump...........

".......While the majority of Americans consistently report that they disapprove of President Trump, and millions rally to protest the Muslim Ban, attacks on the Affordable Care Act and anti-immigrant policies, one group has not wavered in its support of Trump: his faith advisors. Jerry Falwell, Jr. has celebrated Trump as a “dream president” and Franklin Graham said “God’s hand intervened” to elect him. At the 2018 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., several speakers said no President in American history has done as much as this one to promote “religious freedom.”....

Standard lefty vile dishonesty.

Note the discussion of the Group as a whole,

then they change to talking about a few individuals, as though that is the whole of the group.

When you are that dishonest, it is because you know that you are in the wrong.
The reason why I labeled "Faustian pact"for evangelicals in the thread's title, is this. a "religious" group think that they need political protection (from Muslims, from the gay/lesbian community, from those Constitution scholars who want to separate religion from governmental policies, etc.) and have sought such "protection," from the least traditionally religious president in living memory.

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