The FBI can spend millions fishing for collusion but can't protect our students.

Strange the FBI allege they couldn't find the location despite the fact just typing a name in Google will find it, might have to use filters like state and age to narrow it down, in addition to the many databases available to every internet user that charge $2.95 or whatever for complete public records of an individual. Pathetic failure by the FBI.
Strange the FBI allege they couldn't find the location despite the fact just typing a name in Google will find it, might have to use filters like state and age to narrow it down, in addition to the many databases available to every internet user.
They could have found him had they wanted to. I'm not buying that bullshit for one minute.
Another sad Hussein mess left for Trump to deal with. The FBI has become a political entity. It's being used by politicians to attack the opposition. Just take a close look at what Hussein did to Trump. He clearly used Government mechanisms of law enforcement to try and destroy the opposition. It's stuff you thought only happened in other un-democratic Totalitarian nations. But guess what? Hussein brought it here. What a nightmare.
There are a number vids of the dude who reported the perp to the FBI giving more info.

Strange the FBI allege they couldn't find the location despite the fact just typing a name in Google will find it, might have to use filters like state and age to narrow it down, in addition to the many databases available to every internet user that charge $2.95 or whatever for complete public records of an individual. Pathetic failure by the FBI.
I heard yesterday only 6 in the US spell their name the same as his is. And the second tip told where he probably lived since it told of the school.
You heard me correctly. The FBI KNEW the kid in Florida was threatening to go on a killing spree and couldn't even be bothered to forward the info to local offices or officials.

Liberal election tantrums > A child's life.

But no expense was spared in the Trump fishing exposition.
And some of you want only these people to have guns...
Even with a ONE MONTH heads up they still couldn't protect anyone.

Why do you try to inflame every situation with your hyperbolic bullshit? Yes, the FBI may have screw up on Cruz - but Mueller is doing a fine and honorable job of trying to protect America. Russian election meddling and possible collusion with the Trump campaign is serious and must be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted as warranted. You always seem overjoyed when Hillary is being investigated.
You heard me correctly. The FBI KNEW the kid in Florida was threatening to go on a killing spree and couldn't even be bothered to forward the info to local offices or officials.

Liberal election tantrums > A child's life.

But no expense was spared in the Trump fishing exposition.
And some of you want only these people to have guns...
Even with a ONE MONTH heads up they still couldn't protect anyone.

Congress spent 70 million dollars to investigate a blue dress....

piss off
What happened to their sophisticated metadata system?
They had 2 tips on someone with the very same name, one telling them the school, etc. , just a couple of weeks ago. They did nothing.
No amount of protective measures can prevent a Crazy from going Crazy.................You can spend massive amounts of money to try to protect everything from a Crazy..........and it still will not matter......................There were paid armed guards at that school...............did it matter?

There is no way to protect every act of violence in a country.............especially with 360 million people.............or so..............

These acts of the Crazy will happen again...............ban all guns......they will buy them illegally......or just use a car to roll over people at high rates of speed......or go to the gas station and buy a bunch of gas................

These events will continue...........and have since the dawn of man...........perhaps even in cavemen days............where the Crazy used a club..............

Perhaps even in Caveman days.........they grunted they should ban all clubs...............

The circus on this event will last a while.......and then life will go on.
The kid could have EASILY been placed in a psyche ward for evaluation based on all the evidence. Then he could have been charged criminally with terroristic threats which is a felony. Those 17 kids would be alive today.
Trying to figure out what is a credible threat before it happens when I'm sure there are thousands of these types of reports they shuffle through all the time.............

I don't believe it would be that easy.................and we are judging on after the fact.........not before the fact...................I simply don't believe it is that simple.
Based on JUST TIPS...............could they have LEGALLY questioned the kid and started an investigation..................They need court orders to begin surviellance..............and would need more than just tips.............

Just an offense......

I call and report that I think depotoo is mentally unstable...............and is plotting to attack a church.................and I get another to say the same thing to the FBI...................................

Is it true..........................................................Are these 2 tips enough to have you investigated.............................and if you are investigated by the FBI for these tips....................would you be madder than hell. about it.......................................

What proof other than the tips do we give to the judge to allow wire taps or further investigations...............

I keep with my point of view................that it is NOT SO EASY.................easy from the cheap seats maybe..............but not in the real world.
There are a number vids of the dude who reported the perp to the FBI giving more info.

They were too busy allowing Clinton to skate, and trying to pin 'Collusion' charges on Trump. That was their #1 priority. The FBI is being used as a political weapon. It's a disgraced mess at this point.
You heard me correctly. The FBI KNEW the kid in Florida was threatening to go on a killing spree and couldn't even be bothered to forward the info to local offices or officials.

Liberal election tantrums > A child's life.

But no expense was spared in the Trump fishing exposition.
And some of you want only these people to have guns...
Even with a ONE MONTH heads up they still couldn't protect anyone.

Congress spent 70 million dollars to investigate a blue dress....

piss off
Equally as stupid.
The FBI wanted this shooting to take place...they wanted the Vegas shooting to happen too...they are trying to fast and furious our nation...
The entire 7th floor of the justice dept. needs to be fired...
I am embarrassed for the partisan zealots on this forum.

First, they are too stupid to know there are FBI offices in every state and what the one in DC is doing has no impact on what the one if Florida is doing.

Second, they will not let any tragedy pass without extracting every bit of partisan point gathering from it. Everyday for the next week they will kick the bodies of the dead hoping to find more way to turn it all political.

Third, they will not miss any opportunity to bash the law enforcement agencies of this country. A week ago they limited their attacks to the "higher ups" but that did not give them enough points on the forums, so they had to step their game and go after every agent in the agency.

What a shitty way to go through life.
You heard me correctly. The FBI KNEW the kid in Florida was threatening to go on a killing spree and couldn't even be bothered to forward the info to local offices or officials.

Liberal election tantrums > A child's life.

But no expense was spared in the Trump fishing exposition.
And some of you want only these people to have guns...
Even with a ONE MONTH heads up they still couldn't protect anyone.

The FBI seems to fuck up everything it touches. When has it ever accomplished anything of note? Throwing Martha Stewart in the pokey? Arresting the Tsarnaev brothers before they killed anyone? In fact, whenever we can observe their performance in any episode that mattered, they come off looking like the Keystone Cops. They are handed clue after clue after clue, and they still can't connect the dots.
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You heard me correctly. The FBI KNEW the kid in Florida was threatening to go on a killing spree and couldn't even be bothered to forward the info to local offices or officials.

Liberal election tantrums > A child's life.

But no expense was spared in the Trump fishing exposition.
And some of you want only these people to have guns...
Even with a ONE MONTH heads up they still couldn't protect anyone.

The FBI seems to fuck up everything it touches. When has it ever accomplished anything of note? Throwing Martha Stewart in the pokey? Arresting the Tsarnaev before they killed anyone? In fact, whenever we can observe their performance in any episode that mattered, they come off looking like the Keystone Cops. They are handed clue after clue after clue, and they still can't connect the dots.

It's being used as a political weapon these days. It's lost its way. Obama successfully 'Transformed' it into the nightmare you see today. It's very sad.
You heard me correctly. The FBI KNEW the kid in Florida was threatening to go on a killing spree and couldn't even be bothered to forward the info to local offices or officials.

Liberal election tantrums > A child's life.

But no expense was spared in the Trump fishing exposition.
And some of you want only these people to have guns...
Even with a ONE MONTH heads up they still couldn't protect anyone.

You've decided to go off the rails entirely. As little Lying Trump would say, sad.


The FBI has stopped countless terrorist attacks on US soil but because the orange turd tells his mindless followers that they're bad now they see them as 'bad'. They aren't. He is.
You heard me correctly. The FBI KNEW the kid in Florida was threatening to go on a killing spree and couldn't even be bothered to forward the info to local offices or officials.

Liberal election tantrums > A child's life.

But no expense was spared in the Trump fishing exposition.
And some of you want only these people to have guns...
Even with a ONE MONTH heads up they still couldn't protect anyone.

The FBI seems to fuck up everything it touches. When has it ever accomplished anything of note? Throwing Martha Stewart in the pokey? Arresting the Tsarnaev brothers before they killed anyone? In fact, whenever we can observe their performance in any episode that mattered, they come off looking like the Keystone Cops. They are handed clue after clue after clue, and they still can't connect the dots.

That is because only the fuckups make the news. They could stop 1000 attacks and we would never know, as it should be.

To judge them based on news stories is the wrong way to go

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