The FBI can spend millions fishing for collusion but can't protect our students.

Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

  • Steele was paid $160,000 to create the Trump dossier for Fusion GPS. The Hillary Clinton presidential campaign and Democratic National Committee financed the work. So the FBI and Justice Department used opposition research from a presidential campaign to launch an investigation into that campaign's political opponent — a likely illegal use of federal government surveillance for political purposes.
  • The FBI also agreed to pay Steele for his dossier and other research, but rescinded the offer in October of 2016, shortly before the presidential election, after discovering that Steele had shared the dossier's contents with journalists in a number of briefings, a violation of FBI rules. But neither the FBI nor Justice informed FISC that the information had in fact been paid for by the Democrats, which would have immediately raised doubts about the surveillance request's legitimacy.
  • Steele, the memo claims, continued to talk to the Justice Department even after he was cut loose by the FBI through then-Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr. Ohr is key, since he worked closely with both Yates and Rosenstein and was a potential conduit into then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch's office. More importantly, perhaps, Ohr's wife, Nellie, is a former CIA researcher who was hired by Fusion GPS to collect anti-Trump material.
  • According to the memo, Steele relayed to Ohr that he was "desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president." None of that, apparently, was told to FISC when Justice and the FBI made their requests to spy on the Trump campaign.
  • The supposed justification for the application to FISC was a September 23, 2016 Yahoo News article by journalist Michael Isikoff purportedly detailing ties between Trump campaign representatives and Russian officials. The only problem is, Isikoff got all of his information from Steele's so-called Trump dossier.
IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservative Groups

In a legal settlement that still awaits a federal judge's approval, the IRS "expresses its sincere apology" for mistreating a conservative organization called Linchpins of Liberty — along with 40 other conservative groups — in their applications for tax-exempt status.

And in a second case, NorCal Tea Party Patriots and 427 other groups suing the IRS also reached a "substantial financial settlement" with the government.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the two settlements Thursday. The Justice Department quoted him as saying of the IRS activity: "There is no excuse for this conduct. Hundreds of organizations were affected by these actions, and they deserve an apology from the IRS. We hope that today's settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated."

It's "a historic victory," said Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, a conservative nonprofit legal group representing the Linchpins plaintiffs. Sekulow, who is also on President Trump's personal legal-defense team, said the IRS agreed to stop "the abhorrent practices utilized against our clients."
IRS Apologizes For Aggressive Scrutiny Of Conservative Groups

In a legal settlement that still awaits a federal judge's approval, the IRS "expresses its sincere apology" for mistreating a conservative organization called Linchpins of Liberty — along with 40 other conservative groups — in their applications for tax-exempt status.

And in a second case, NorCal Tea Party Patriots and 427 other groups suing the IRS also reached a "substantial financial settlement" with the government.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the two settlements Thursday. The Justice Department quoted him as saying of the IRS activity: "There is no excuse for this conduct. Hundreds of organizations were affected by these actions, and they deserve an apology from the IRS. We hope that today's settlement makes clear that this abuse of power will not be tolerated."

It's "a historic victory," said Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice, a conservative nonprofit legal group representing the Linchpins plaintiffs. Sekulow, who is also on President Trump's personal legal-defense team, said the IRS agreed to stop "the abhorrent practices utilized against our clients."

Another one of Obama's 'Transformed' corrupt messes. He used the IRS as a weapon against the opposition. He should have been impeached for the abuses.
Any old chance to trash the FBI .. Amiright?
When the shoe fits....

Yeah, well it pisses me off too that they couldn't have done more But many times their hands are tied.
But unlike Trump and his minions, at least they have admitted wrongdoing.
FBI says it failed to properly investigate January tip on teen accused in Florida school shooting
Well that makes its all better.....

Hey be happy - You have another reason to trash the FBI now.
How pathetic. An agency, that had they done their job, could have saved every life that was taken yet you blindly defend them because of partisanship.
You heard me correctly. The FBI KNEW the kid in Florida was threatening to go on a killing spree and couldn't even be bothered to forward the info to local offices or officials.

Liberal election tantrums > A child's life.

But no expense was spared in the Trump fishing exposition.
And some of you want only these people to have guns...
Even with a ONE MONTH heads up they still couldn't protect anyone.
How was a kid able to get guns with that history?
I love how every thread that you have made in the last 3 days is a excuse..

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An excuse? Holding people accountable for not doing their jobs is an excuse?
As far as the kid goes, public execution tomorrow. He admitted it so get on with it.
How pathetic. An agency, that had they done their job, could have saved every life that was taken yet you blindly defend them because of partisanship.

No - I said they fucked up .. THEY said they fucked up .. so they FUCKED UP

Still, it makes a great new excuse for Trumpelthinskins to duck reality when it's Mueller Time :)
You heard me correctly. The FBI KNEW the kid in Florida was threatening to go on a killing spree and couldn't even be bothered to forward the info to local offices or officials.

Liberal election tantrums > A child's life.

But no expense was spared in the Trump fishing exposition.
And some of you want only these people to have guns...
Even with a ONE MONTH heads up they still couldn't protect anyone.

You heard me correctly. The FBI KNEW the kid in Florida was threatening to go on a killing spree and couldn't even be bothered to forward the info to local offices or officials.

Liberal election tantrums > A child's life.

But no expense was spared in the Trump fishing exposition.
And some of you want only these people to have guns...
Even with a ONE MONTH heads up they still couldn't protect anyone.

They need to overhaul the Threat Assessment and reporting SOP.

Even with a high risk warning to local police, what can be done under Florida law written by NRA.
No amount of protective measures can prevent a Crazy from going Crazy.................You can spend massive amounts of money to try to protect everything from a Crazy..........and it still will not matter......................There were paid armed guards at that school...............did it matter?

There is no way to protect every act of violence in a country.............especially with 360 million people.............or so..............

These acts of the Crazy will happen again...............ban all guns......they will buy them illegally......or just use a car to roll over people at high rates of speed......or go to the gas station and buy a bunch of gas................

These events will continue...........and have since the dawn of man...........perhaps even in cavemen days............where the Crazy used a club..............

Perhaps even in Caveman days.........they grunted they should ban all clubs...............

The circus on this event will last a while.......and then life will go on.

Crazy can be predicted.

But NRA laws protect crazy from having guns taken away.
Any old chance to trash the FBI .. Amiright?
When the shoe fits....

Yeah, well it pisses me off too that they couldn't have done more But many times their hands are tied.
But unlike Trump and his minions, at least they have admitted wrongdoing.
FBI says it failed to properly investigate January tip on teen accused in Florida school shooting
Well that makes its all better.....

Hey be happy - You have another reason to trash the FBI now.
How pathetic. An agency, that had they done their job, could have saved every life that was taken yet you blindly defend them because of partisanship.

The tables will be turned at some point. Look to the Ohr-Steele connection. Steele worked for both Clinton and Obama's FBI. He did much more than 'Opposition Research.' There's little doubt Clinton and Obama colluded with foreign entities to influence our Election. The Ohr-Steele connection tells the tale. And you are Spot On. Far too much FBI resources have been spent on a Democrat-manufactured farce.

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