The FBI had at least one "informant," at the Capital on Jan 6. But they didn't listen to him! Why?

"Peacefully and Patriotically make your voices be heard"-President Donald J. Trump, Jan 6. 2021
"Fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore."

"Trial by combat."

"Proud Boys... stand-down and stand-by."

Etc... etc... etc...

Not to mention all the behind-the-scenes maneuvering and messaging and conspiratorial exchanges leading up to January 6, 2021.

Looks like your Orange Baboon-God cannot shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it, after all... :itsok:
Looks like your Orange Baboon-God cannot shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it, after all.
Actually he said he could do that an d not lose any voters...and THAT has proven true
Actually he said he could do that an d not lose any voters...and THAT has proven true
True, sort of... after all, he channeled the ghost of Benedict Arnold (January 6, 2021) and Joseph Goebbels (Big Lie) and his minions still worship him.

Fortunately, the broader electorate amongst the People of the United States are not his worshiping minions.
"Fight like hell or you won't have a country anymore."

"Trial by combat."

"Proud Boys... stand-down and stand-by."

Etc... etc... etc...

Not to mention all the behind-the-scenes maneuvering and messaging and conspiratorial exchanges leading up to January 6, 2021.

Looks like your Orange Baboon-God cannot shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it, after all... :itsok:
Why don’t move to Mesopotamia?
Perhaps Great Britain.

A member of the Proud Boys who was working as an FBI informant was present at the January 6 riot at the US Capitol and sent his FBI handler live updates by text message, indicating the law enforcement agency had real-time knowledge that a pro-Trump mob was headed toward the building.

According to a report published Saturday by The New York Times, the informant was updating his handler as the pro-Trump mob marched toward the US Capitol 6 while lawmakers were meeting inside to discuss and certify Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

. . .

The handler didn't appear to understand that the Capitol had been breached, according to the records obtained by the Times. The records were provided to the outlet on the grounds it would not quote directly from them, according to the report.

The informant began working with federal investigators in July 2020, records said, according to the Times.

Was the informant not an English speaker? If so, why was his handler not fluent in the informer's languag? If the informer was an English speaker, aren't the FBI entry tests and training conducted in English?

Clearly, the FBI handler did understand what was going on and it was not a deviation from the FBI plan.
The plan was to what? Make 800 blob supporters riot, injure cops, trash the Capitol building?

Did they hypnotize them?
There's a whole bunch of this Chatroom's MAGA-Q's trying to crowd behind that fig-leaf of 'peacefully & patriotically'.

Here's the deal, context ain't unimportant: 'Come to DC. It will be wild'. 'Fight like hell'..... 'You won't have a country'.....'Trial by combat'.....yadda, yadda, yadda.

A poster above, Lesh, rather succinctly illustrates this fig-leaf business of this venues MAGA-Q's.
To wit:

Mob bosses ..... let their minions know it "should be done"

"It should be done"........And so it was.

For any to claim that DTrump was NOT responsible for the violent insurrection of his MAGA followers on January 6th is disingenuous, or fibbing, or blindly partisan. No Don Trump on stage inciting his MAGA-Q's = No attack on our assembled legislators.

But of far more import than two sides parsing a 4-second statement within a 2 hours and 15 minutes of exhortations to 'take your country back'........ more important than that incitement was the failure by Don Trump and his enablers to recognize the responsibility to tone-down the anger, calm the emotions, to establish a tone of civic decorum, of measured protest, and civil demonstration. Of intentional and deliberate 'non'-violence.

Just the opposite. DTrump, his son Fredo, Rudy the Shirttucker, lawyer Eastman, Fredo's gal pal, Guilfoyle......none of them sought to keep the angered crowd civil, sought to dial down the anger. Instead, they all stoked it.

And that is part of the 'context' we speak of. Those folks on that stage (even Representative Mo Brooks with his kevlar vest!) intensified and accelerated the events that followed their speeches.

Not at all; TrumpBots aren’t thugs.
"We are gonna march on down to the Capitol."

Did he say this ^^^^^^

Your interpretation of meaning is of course 'clouded'.
They were ALREADY at the Capitol causing violence, and trump invited more, and even said, "And I'll be there with you"
Then he watched in GLEE, for 187 minutes.

Oh look, your side is the violent assholes.

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