The FBI’s Newest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
The FBI’s Newest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates
The FBI's Latest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates

The Trump presidency has been one of records – record low unemployment, record gains in the stock market, record economic optimism, record regulatory cuts, and now in crime reduction.
The FBI’s crime report for the year 2018 has been released, and it shows that America is becoming safer. It also found that in a year where gun control again became an issue brought to the forefront politically, gun violence declined overall, especially among the most politicized weapons.

According to the report, violent decline declined from 3.3% from 2017 to 369 offenses per 100,000 people, while property crimes fell 6.3% to 2,200 per 100,000. This marked the sixteenth consecutive year that both types of crime fell. An additional 39 agencies reported crime to the FBI from 2017, to 18,586 total. Of note, total losses from property crime totaled $16.4 billion, or only roughly $50 per American, which admittedly was far smaller than I expected.

Most relevant, firearm homicides fell 7% from 10,982 in 2017 to 10,265 in 2018.

When isolated by type of firearm, firearm violence fell the most in 2018 among the types of weapons that were demonized most in the media – rifles. Rifle homicides fell 26% from 403 to 297

ME: I carry almost every day.

I might be carrying, or I might not be carrying.

The bad guys don't know.

That's the beauty of it.
I live in a relatively safe area and don't carry very often. Most of the time I do carry is when I go to either Orlando or Tampa. Big city shitholes with large minority demographics.

However, my wife carries whenever she leaves the house.
2020 is not about who has the best 15 point plan on gun control. Frederick Douglass said: "without struggle, there is no progress"

we need a president who wont be intimidated by the NRA, my friends, like Trump The Coward is!
2020 is not about who has the best 15 point plan on gun control. Frederick Douglass said: "without struggle, there is no progress"

we need a president who wont be intimidated by the NRA, my friends, like Trump The Coward is!

Intimidated? Perhaps he agrees with them.
Good news.

And now for the bad news, if Democrats try to pull a Stalinist move off, Americans have more guns than ever. Try confiscating those guns in Virginia.
2020 is not about who has the best 15 point plan on gun control. Frederick Douglass said: "without struggle, there is no progress"

we need a president who wont be intimidated by the NRA, my friends, like Trump The Coward is!
You want friends that are intimidated by Fascists.

Like you.
The FBI’s Newest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates
The FBI's Latest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates

The Trump presidency has been one of records – record low unemployment, record gains in the stock market, record economic optimism, record regulatory cuts, and now in crime reduction.
The FBI’s crime report for the year 2018 has been released, and it shows that America is becoming safer. It also found that in a year where gun control again became an issue brought to the forefront politically, gun violence declined overall, especially among the most politicized weapons.

According to the report, violent decline declined from 3.3% from 2017 to 369 offenses per 100,000 people, while property crimes fell 6.3% to 2,200 per 100,000. This marked the sixteenth consecutive year that both types of crime fell. An additional 39 agencies reported crime to the FBI from 2017, to 18,586 total. Of note, total losses from property crime totaled $16.4 billion, or only roughly $50 per American, which admittedly was far smaller than I expected.

Most relevant, firearm homicides fell 7% from 10,982 in 2017 to 10,265 in 2018.

When isolated by type of firearm, firearm violence fell the most in 2018 among the types of weapons that were demonized most in the media – rifles. Rifle homicides fell 26% from 403 to 297

ME: I carry almost every day.


It's not too much of a surprise. Crime usually falls in great economic times. Plus it took a few years for the Ferguson Effect to wear off.

It's been amazingly silent on the left when it comes to gun control lately. I guess they are so focused on impeaching Trump that gun issues took the back seat. Plus the Dems are up to their old tricks of creating local laws against weapons and magazine size.

But no matter how much we try to pound the issue home, guns don't kill people. People kill people; something Democrats refuse to believe.
The FBI’s Newest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates
The FBI's Latest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates

The Trump presidency has been one of records – record low unemployment, record gains in the stock market, record economic optimism, record regulatory cuts, and now in crime reduction.
The FBI’s crime report for the year 2018 has been released, and it shows that America is becoming safer. It also found that in a year where gun control again became an issue brought to the forefront politically, gun violence declined overall, especially among the most politicized weapons.

According to the report, violent decline declined from 3.3% from 2017 to 369 offenses per 100,000 people, while property crimes fell 6.3% to 2,200 per 100,000. This marked the sixteenth consecutive year that both types of crime fell. An additional 39 agencies reported crime to the FBI from 2017, to 18,586 total. Of note, total losses from property crime totaled $16.4 billion, or only roughly $50 per American, which admittedly was far smaller than I expected.

Most relevant, firearm homicides fell 7% from 10,982 in 2017 to 10,265 in 2018.

When isolated by type of firearm, firearm violence fell the most in 2018 among the types of weapons that were demonized most in the media – rifles. Rifle homicides fell 26% from 403 to 297

ME: I carry almost every day.


It's not too much of a surprise. Crime usually falls in great economic times. Plus it took a few years for the Ferguson Effect to wear off.

It's been amazingly silent on the left when it comes to gun control lately. I guess they are so focused on impeaching Trump that gun issues took the back seat. Plus the Dems are up to their old tricks of creating local laws against weapons and magazine size.

But no matter how much we try to pound the issue home, guns don't kill people. People kill people; something Democrats refuse to believe.

Yep...pass them at the local level then get left wing judges in the circuit courts to ignore them and declare them constitutional.....believing the coward roberts won't let the Supreme Court hear them.
The FBI’s Newest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates
The FBI's Latest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates

The Trump presidency has been one of records – record low unemployment, record gains in the stock market, record economic optimism, record regulatory cuts, and now in crime reduction.
The FBI’s crime report for the year 2018 has been released, and it shows that America is becoming safer. It also found that in a year where gun control again became an issue brought to the forefront politically, gun violence declined overall, especially among the most politicized weapons.

According to the report, violent decline declined from 3.3% from 2017 to 369 offenses per 100,000 people, while property crimes fell 6.3% to 2,200 per 100,000. This marked the sixteenth consecutive year that both types of crime fell. An additional 39 agencies reported crime to the FBI from 2017, to 18,586 total. Of note, total losses from property crime totaled $16.4 billion, or only roughly $50 per American, which admittedly was far smaller than I expected.

Most relevant, firearm homicides fell 7% from 10,982 in 2017 to 10,265 in 2018.

When isolated by type of firearm, firearm violence fell the most in 2018 among the types of weapons that were demonized most in the media – rifles. Rifle homicides fell 26% from 403 to 297

ME: I carry almost every day.


It's not too much of a surprise. Crime usually falls in great economic times. Plus it took a few years for the Ferguson Effect to wear off.

It's been amazingly silent on the left when it comes to gun control lately. I guess they are so focused on impeaching Trump that gun issues took the back seat. Plus the Dems are up to their old tricks of creating local laws against weapons and magazine size.

But no matter how much we try to pound the issue home, guns don't kill people. People kill people; something Democrats refuse to believe.

Yep...pass them at the local level then get left wing judges in the circuit courts to ignore them and declare them constitutional.....believing the coward roberts won't let the Supreme Court hear them.

You get what you vote for. I'm sure the voters in Virginia are thinking that right now. It's almost like the left wants to get the Supreme Court involved the way they are pushing it. But that costs a lot of money, and takes a lot of time. So even if they get their way for a year or so, they accomplished something in their minds.

It's my hope that Ginsburg is forced into retiring, and Trump puts in a very pro-gun judge in her place among other things. But Roberts has proven himself to be not trustworthy when it comes to making decisions.
The FBI’s Newest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates
The FBI's Latest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates

The Trump presidency has been one of records – record low unemployment, record gains in the stock market, record economic optimism, record regulatory cuts, and now in crime reduction.
The FBI’s crime report for the year 2018 has been released, and it shows that America is becoming safer. It also found that in a year where gun control again became an issue brought to the forefront politically, gun violence declined overall, especially among the most politicized weapons.

According to the report, violent decline declined from 3.3% from 2017 to 369 offenses per 100,000 people, while property crimes fell 6.3% to 2,200 per 100,000. This marked the sixteenth consecutive year that both types of crime fell. An additional 39 agencies reported crime to the FBI from 2017, to 18,586 total. Of note, total losses from property crime totaled $16.4 billion, or only roughly $50 per American, which admittedly was far smaller than I expected.

Most relevant, firearm homicides fell 7% from 10,982 in 2017 to 10,265 in 2018.

When isolated by type of firearm, firearm violence fell the most in 2018 among the types of weapons that were demonized most in the media – rifles. Rifle homicides fell 26% from 403 to 297

ME: I carry almost every day.


Who are you so afraid of?

And the thighs n' pistol image originated from Russia almost 5 years ago, Comrade.
- First found on May 31, 2015
Filename: 1
Search - TinEye
The FBI’s Newest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates
The FBI's Latest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates

The Trump presidency has been one of records – record low unemployment, record gains in the stock market, record economic optimism, record regulatory cuts, and now in crime reduction.
The FBI’s crime report for the year 2018 has been released, and it shows that America is becoming safer. It also found that in a year where gun control again became an issue brought to the forefront politically, gun violence declined overall, especially among the most politicized weapons.

According to the report, violent decline declined from 3.3% from 2017 to 369 offenses per 100,000 people, while property crimes fell 6.3% to 2,200 per 100,000. This marked the sixteenth consecutive year that both types of crime fell. An additional 39 agencies reported crime to the FBI from 2017, to 18,586 total. Of note, total losses from property crime totaled $16.4 billion, or only roughly $50 per American, which admittedly was far smaller than I expected.

Most relevant, firearm homicides fell 7% from 10,982 in 2017 to 10,265 in 2018.

When isolated by type of firearm, firearm violence fell the most in 2018 among the types of weapons that were demonized most in the media – rifles. Rifle homicides fell 26% from 403 to 297

ME: I carry almost every day.


It's not too much of a surprise. Crime usually falls in great economic times. Plus it took a few years for the Ferguson Effect to wear off.

It's been amazingly silent on the left when it comes to gun control lately. I guess they are so focused on impeaching Trump that gun issues took the back seat. Plus the Dems are up to their old tricks of creating local laws against weapons and magazine size.

But no matter how much we try to pound the issue home, guns don't kill people. People kill people; something Democrats refuse to believe.

Yep...pass them at the local level then get left wing judges in the circuit courts to ignore them and declare them constitutional.....believing the coward roberts won't let the Supreme Court hear them.

You get what you vote for. I'm sure the voters in Virginia are thinking that right now. It's almost like the left wants to get the Supreme Court involved the way they are pushing it. But that costs a lot of money, and takes a lot of time. So even if they get their way for a year or so, they accomplished something in their minds.

It's my hope that Ginsburg is forced into retiring, and Trump puts in a very pro-gun judge in her place among other things. But Roberts has proven himself to be not trustworthy when it comes to making decisions.

If Trump can win re-election, he may replace 3 justices.....ginsburg, breyer, and maybe even Clarence Thomas who may retire if Trump wins......can you imagine the leftard head explosions with a 7-2 real Supreme Court?
The FBI’s Newest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates
The FBI's Latest Crime Report Has Bad News for Gun Control Advocates

The Trump presidency has been one of records – record low unemployment, record gains in the stock market, record economic optimism, record regulatory cuts, and now in crime reduction.
The FBI’s crime report for the year 2018 has been released, and it shows that America is becoming safer. It also found that in a year where gun control again became an issue brought to the forefront politically, gun violence declined overall, especially among the most politicized weapons.

According to the report, violent decline declined from 3.3% from 2017 to 369 offenses per 100,000 people, while property crimes fell 6.3% to 2,200 per 100,000. This marked the sixteenth consecutive year that both types of crime fell. An additional 39 agencies reported crime to the FBI from 2017, to 18,586 total. Of note, total losses from property crime totaled $16.4 billion, or only roughly $50 per American, which admittedly was far smaller than I expected.

Most relevant, firearm homicides fell 7% from 10,982 in 2017 to 10,265 in 2018.

When isolated by type of firearm, firearm violence fell the most in 2018 among the types of weapons that were demonized most in the media – rifles. Rifle homicides fell 26% from 403 to 297

ME: I carry almost every day.


Who are you so afraid of?

And the thighs n' pistol image originated from Russia almost 5 years ago, Comrade.
- First found on May 31, 2015
Filename: 1
Search - TinEye

There is a difference between being afraid and being prepared. I'm going out for a holiday party tonight, and I'm packing. In my neighborhood, anything can happen. It's not fear, it's being proactive to crime.

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