The FBI’s Whacking of Michael Flynn: How the FBI set up an American patriot for the kill

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Can't wait until to see the judge dismiss this travesty of justice...and bitch slap Mulehead in the process!

Long ago, when my three wonderful daughters were in grade school, they regularly conversed over the telephone with a rather unique life coach. They called him “Uncle Al.” He was, in fact, a member of the Mafia and one of my informants from my days in the Justice Department’s Organized Crime and Racketeering Section. Even after I left the Strike Force, he would, on a quite regular basis, call my home to speak with me.

In those days, when the phone rang, one of my little girls would always get to it first. On those occasions when Uncle Al was calling, I would lift the extension and hear him in his gruff voice giving my innocent child such useful advice as “study hard in school” and “do what yer mom and dad tell ya’ to do.” Such advice would invariably elicit the sweet, squeaky voiced reply, “Okay, Uncle Al.”

These exchanges always left me with more than a touch of cognitive dissonance. You see, Uncle Al was calling from prison, and I had helped put him there. He had been convicted of a mob murder. But, after his conviction, he flipped and began feeding me valuable information about La Cosa Nostra and governmental corruption.

When he first decided to cooperate, he was being held in a county jail awaiting transfer to Attica prison in upstate New York. I promptly yanked him out of the state system and arranged for him to serve his fifteen year to life sentence under a new identity in federal prison. This led to his taking an all-expenses-paid tour of federal prisons throughout the country as, in one facility after another, the inmates would figure out his real name and informant status. These moves were necessary to keep him alive.

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curious; what is

is that one of those fringe links that gives my computer a virus/malware when I click on the link?
Can't wait until to see the judge dismiss this travesty of justice...and bitch slap Mulehead in the process!

Long ago, when my three wonderful daughters were in grade school, they regularly conversed over the telephone with a rather unique life coach. They called him “Uncle Al.” He was, in fact, a member of the Mafia and one of my informants from my days in the Justice Department’s Organized Crime and Racketeering Section. Even after I left the Strike Force, he would, on a quite regular basis, call my home to speak with me.

In those days, when the phone rang, one of my little girls would always get to it first. On those occasions when Uncle Al was calling, I would lift the extension and hear him in his gruff voice giving my innocent child such useful advice as “study hard in school” and “do what yer mom and dad tell ya’ to do.” Such advice would invariably elicit the sweet, squeaky voiced reply, “Okay, Uncle Al.”

These exchanges always left me with more than a touch of cognitive dissonance. You see, Uncle Al was calling from prison, and I had helped put him there. He had been convicted of a mob murder. But, after his conviction, he flipped and began feeding me valuable information about La Cosa Nostra and governmental corruption.

When he first decided to cooperate, he was being held in a county jail awaiting transfer to Attica prison in upstate New York. I promptly yanked him out of the state system and arranged for him to serve his fifteen year to life sentence under a new identity in federal prison. This led to his taking an all-expenses-paid tour of federal prisons throughout the country as, in one facility after another, the inmates would figure out his real name and informant status. These moves were necessary to keep him alive.

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WAAAHH!!! They are picking on a PATRIOT! Yeah, THAT'S problem. Tell his friends. They think he LOST IT! SADLY, his friens and fellow brass are still scratching their heads. SADLY, they believe his SON fed and he swallowed the conspiracy theories and listened to "batshit crazy:.

Sadly, he must have been vulnerable or an easy mark if his son was able to pull this off!


How Michael Flynn morphed from storied officer to purveyor of conspiracy theories

y Marc Fisher Dec. 14, 2018
Comments 679

What happened to Michael Flynn?

Before he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, before he became a folk hero to many of President Trump’s most loyal supporters, before he pivoted from accomplished military officer to purveyor of shocking stories about the evils of Islam, something changed in the tough kid who rose to be a three-star Army general.

His friends and critics agree that after winning a reputation as a master intelligence officer on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, Flynn broke with lifelong patterns of behavior. Once discreet and apolitical, he morphed into a highly partisan alarm ringer. A man once trusted to cautiously analyze information began touting wild hearsay as fact.

Flynn, 60, is expected to be sentenced in federal court Tuesday after having given prosecutors 19 interviews as part of their investigation into the Trump campaign’s relationship with Russia. Whatever punishment the court imposes, the mystery of Flynn’s transformation endures.

How President Trump’s inner circle has changed the way Washington works.

More than two dozen of Flynn’s friends, superiors and colleagues — including some who see him as a heroic truth teller and others who wonder how he went off the rails — agreed in interviews that Flynn’s public persona shifted dramatically. They remain at odds over why it happened.

Did he gradually absorb a new, conspiracy-minded worldview, in part inspired by his son Michael Jr.’s embrace of fringy ideas? Did he discard lifelong habits because he’d been enraged to his core when President Barack Obama’s administration in 2014 removed him as director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), his last and most senior military assignment? Or had Flynn, who retired as a lieutenant general, long harbored extreme views, successfully shielding his real opinions from those around him?...

Michael Flynn’s transformation from storied officer to heated partisan
Can't wait until to see the judge dismiss this travesty of justice...and bitch slap Mulehead in the process!

Long ago, when my three wonderful daughters were in grade school, they regularly conversed over the telephone with a rather unique life coach. They called him “Uncle Al.” He was, in fact, a member of the Mafia and one of my informants from my days in the Justice Department’s Organized Crime and Racketeering Section. Even after I left the Strike Force, he would, on a quite regular basis, call my home to speak with me.

In those days, when the phone rang, one of my little girls would always get to it first. On those occasions when Uncle Al was calling, I would lift the extension and hear him in his gruff voice giving my innocent child such useful advice as “study hard in school” and “do what yer mom and dad tell ya’ to do.” Such advice would invariably elicit the sweet, squeaky voiced reply, “Okay, Uncle Al.”

These exchanges always left me with more than a touch of cognitive dissonance. You see, Uncle Al was calling from prison, and I had helped put him there. He had been convicted of a mob murder. But, after his conviction, he flipped and began feeding me valuable information about La Cosa Nostra and governmental corruption.

When he first decided to cooperate, he was being held in a county jail awaiting transfer to Attica prison in upstate New York. I promptly yanked him out of the state system and arranged for him to serve his fifteen year to life sentence under a new identity in federal prison. This led to his taking an all-expenses-paid tour of federal prisons throughout the country as, in one facility after another, the inmates would figure out his real name and informant status. These moves were necessary to keep him alive.

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The American Spectator is garbage. Ask it's ORIGINAL EDITOR! He long ago left it.
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curious; what is

is that one of those fringe links that gives my computer a virus/malware when I click on the link?

The AMERICAN SPECTATOR IS THE RAG that began the CLINTON DESTRUCTION machine, Bill. It was financed by a BILLIONAIRE, Richard Mellon Scaife, who initiated the Arkansas Project which was funded with $100k to go 'find dirt on Bill Clinton'.

I didn't know it was still around. The original EDITOR in CHIEF long ago discredited it, left, became a Democrat (or an IND) and aired all it's dirty laundry. He and his magazine have been in a pissing contest ever since.
Fox legal analyst flattens right-wing attacks on the Mueller probe: Mike Flynn interview was ‘not entrapment’

Fox News legal analyst Andrew Napolitano shot down the conservative talking point that disgraced national security adviser Mike Flynn was tricked into lying by FBI agents.

Flynn pleaded guilty to misleading investigators about his contacts with Russian officials, and he argued in court documents that FBI agents tricked him into lying about evidence they already had — and Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo agreed.

“Though they trapped him, it’s not entrapment,” he said. “Entrapment is when you resist, you resist, you resist and they push and they push and they push.”

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) has also claimed Flynn was entrapped, and Trump apologist Alan Dershowitz has alleged FBI misconduct, which Bartiromo suggested could get Flynn’s conviction overturned — but Napolitano burst her bubble.

“Entrapment has legal meaning, it means overbearing somebody’s will,” he said. “In other words, if somebody resists committing a crime, you try to persuade them, please and so on, and giving somebody the opportunity to commit a crime that he is otherwise inclined to commit is not entrapment.”

Bartiromo claimed “insiders” say Flynn pleaded guilty because investigators were threatening his son, and because the retired U.S. Army general had run out of money paying legal fees.

“They did ruin him,” Napolitano said, “but was there a legal basis for bringing a complaint about the son, I don’t know.”

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