The fears of fearless white men

Abortion has exsisted throughout history.

YOU will NEVER stop it with laws.

all you do with laws against abortion is drive it into the back ally and both the woman and the fetus die..

ITS the reality

botched abortions used to be a top killer of women in this country before it was made legal.

Its what history shows

well there are women who kill newborns or place them in a trash Container, doesnt mean it should be legal just to get rid of new life
The more abortions, the fewer liberals since conservatives don't have abortions at the same rate.
It always cracks me up on how racist people are to lump white people all together.

People with pale skin come in all different shades; but most importantly from a myriad of ethnic backgrounds.

Racist fools though somehow believe that the Croatian experience is the same as the Irish experience or the Italian experience is the same as the Danish experience.

And this form of ignorance is so prevalent today in the world of liberals You bloody idiots actually by into the stereotype of "a white male class".

And it's no less appalling that the ignorance of those that would lump all Muslims together. Or all blacks together.

And it does make liberals racist pigs.

So just out of curiousity, how do the Italian, Croation, or Irish "experience" differ when they leave their homeland and assimilate into "American" culture?

Dont they become part of this vast so called "melting pot" and become a part of the black and white divide?

I can guarantee you that if a dark skinned African, Hatian, Colombian, or even a dark skinned Brit immigrate to America, they will become by default, "colored, negro, black, and in the words of many of who post here a "******". It is what it is.

agree fully.

I will circle back and make this statement. I do agree with the OP that racism can only be ended one person at a time, but it is just not likely to happen in anyones lifetime who is posting here. In some ways, I think It may have been more advantageous in the long run for the Romney campaign to have won the election. Their administration most likely would have illustrated over time by systematically destroying the middle class that race is not the real divide,
correctly labeling racists is a duty in a society which wishes to NO LONGER tolerate racism.

You dont like it much I know , RACISTS hate being called out

But you idiots have changed the meaning of "racism" to mean "anything a progressive doesn't like".

You've rendered the term meaningless. And by doing so, you ignore real racism.

The graphic I posted is right. You use it to silence debate -- because you don't have the tools to win the debate.
Abortion has exsisted throughout history.

YOU will NEVER stop it with laws.

all you do with laws against abortion is drive it into the back ally and both the woman and the fetus die..

ITS the reality

botched abortions used to be a top killer of women in this country before it was made legal.

Its what history shows
So, the law will never stop abortions. Agreed.

So why do you think laws will stop gun violence?
Liberal claims of white racism are for pure political impact - blacks are the most racist group in America, and the most dangerous!

The liberal agenda is the redistribution of wealth from the white man to the non white. Obama is the most prominent racist in the country - his attendance to reverend Wrights church for decades is proof. If a white man had attendant any questionable church for any length of time it would have been front page; he would have been hammered for it!

You liberals are a bunch of fake ass prevaricating assholes!
It always cracks me up on how racist people are to lump white people all together.

People with pale skin come in all different shades; but most importantly from a myriad of ethnic backgrounds.

Racist fools though somehow believe that the Croatian experience is the same as the Irish experience or the Italian experience is the same as the Danish experience.

And this form of ignorance is so prevalent today in the world of liberals You bloody idiots actually by into the stereotype of "a white male class".

And it's no less appalling that the ignorance of those that would lump all Muslims together. Or all blacks together.

And it does make liberals racist pigs.

So just out of curiousity, how do the Italian, Croation, or Irish "experience" differ when they leave their homeland and assimilate into "American" culture?

Dont they become part of this vast so called "melting pot" and become a part of the black and white divide?

I can guarantee you that if a dark skinned African, Hatian, Colombian, or even a dark skinned Brit immigrate to America, they will become by default, "colored, negro, black, and in the words of many of who post here a "******". It is what it is.

Although many immigrants have gladly thrown themselves into the "melting pot" and have joyously become non hyphenated Americans it does not diminish how they embrace their various heritages and cultures.

Many are only one or two generations from those that immigrated. To believe that all "whiteys" are the same is extraordinarily racist.

But that is the liberal way. And liberals are off the richter scale in their racism these days.

Having lived in both Canada and the United States, my personal opinion is that some American blacks are the most racist people I have ever met.

My husband was stationed at the Saturn Plant in Franklin Tennessee and the animosity between northern and southern blacks at the plant was palpable. It was very strange to witness.

And I grew up with Islanders and Continentals in Toronto and they are not embraced by many American blacks. Toronto is a mini United Nations.

Now to this statement of yours :eusa_hand: I beg to differ.

I can guarantee you that if a dark skinned African, Hatian, Colombian, or even a dark skinned Brit immigrate to America, they will become by default, "colored, negro, black, and in the words of many of who post here a "******".

Go rent the movie Mississippi Masala. Maybe you will see immigrants and all the shades of life that we represent in a different light.

There's one scene so funny where the Denzel's family is trying to cope with his girlfriends assertion that she is African because she is not black. Yet she is the only African at the table.

It's a fabulous movie.

From global warming to gun safety, status loss trumps all else in the 'white male effect'.

As US Vice President Joe Biden was casting a wide net, talking to a broad range of stakeholders, and hearing a full spectrum of suggestions about how to respond to America's epidemic of gun violence, the NRA once again set itself starkly apart by mischaracterising the broad diversity of ideas entertained as antithetical to Sarah Palin's "real Americans", whining angrily that "this task force spent most of its time on proposed restrictions on lawful firearms owners - honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans".

It's a narrative strategy the gunowners has long relied on, but it's deeply deceptive at best, in at least two important ways. First - and most obviously - it's deceptive because most of what's being proposed falls into the category of ideas that I discussed previously here, which are supported by a majority of gun-owners - ideas that most gunowners themselves do not see as restricting them in any meaningful sense. They are proud to act responsibly - passing background checks when buying guns, for example - and would like to see everyone else act responsibly as well. But the second deeper deception concerns who the real victims are - not the 20 dead children in Newtown and the brave women who died protecting them, but rather, the "honest, taxpaying, hardworking Americans" who the NRA rather dubiously claims as its own - and who implicitly stand diametrically opposed to the 47 percent of "takers" that Mitt Romney so casually wrote off in his failed presidential bid.

This deeper deception is all the more potent because, although literally false, it expresses a symbolic truth - those the NRA speaks for really do feel like victims, and there are even valid reasons why they feel that way (this sense of heroic victimhood was echoed by other extremist voices which I'll touch on below, such as Matt Drudge comparing Obama to Hitler, Ted Nugent comparing gun-owners to Rosa Parks, and Larry Ward, chairman of Gun Appreciation Day, invoking Martin Luther King as a would-be "gun rights" advocate). But the solutions that the NRA offers them are no solutions at all - which, by the way, may help explain why the NRA's extremist positions have such limited support among gun-owners generally.

The fears of fearless white men - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Good to know you can't think for yourself. You rely on another's opinion and you use it as your own.

I won't bother taking anything you post seriously.

Al Jazeera? HAHAHA
It always cracks me up on how racist people are to lump white people all together.

People with pale skin come in all different shades; but most importantly from a myriad of ethnic backgrounds.

Racist fools though somehow believe that the Croatian experience is the same as the Irish experience or the Italian experience is the same as the Danish experience.

And this form of ignorance is so prevalent today in the world of liberals You bloody idiots actually by into the stereotype of "a white male class".

And it's no less appalling that the ignorance of those that would lump all Muslims together. Or all blacks together.

And it does make liberals racist pigs.

All true. It also applies to racist idiots (like some of the vermin that pollute this forum) who bitch and moan about not being 'allowed' to celebrate "white culture" in society today. In fact, there are festivals and parades and social clubs and athletic clubs and every such thing specifically devoted to Americans of Irish ancestry, or Portuguese, or Italian, German, French, Danish, Russian, you name it, that are celebrated in every sizeable city in this country all the time. These idiots get bent out of shape because they'd rather identify with a broad spectrum of skin tone than with their actual heritage. Stupid fuckers. They seem to think being lumped together as 'black' represents some advantage they are not getting. They forget that many black Americans can't get more specific regarding their heritage than 'Africa' for historical reasons quite outside their control and not at all positive.
It always cracks me up on how racist people are to lump white people all together.

People with pale skin come in all different shades; but most importantly from a myriad of ethnic backgrounds.

Racist fools though somehow believe that the Croatian experience is the same as the Irish experience or the Italian experience is the same as the Danish experience.

And this form of ignorance is so prevalent today in the world of liberals You bloody idiots actually by into the stereotype of "a white male class".

And it's no less appalling that the ignorance of those that would lump all Muslims together. Or all blacks together.

And it does make liberals racist pigs.

So just out of curiousity, how do the Italian, Croation, or Irish "experience" differ when they leave their homeland and assimilate into "American" culture?

Dont they become part of this vast so called "melting pot" and become a part of the black and white divide?

I can guarantee you that if a dark skinned African, Hatian, Colombian, or even a dark skinned Brit immigrate to America, they will become by default, "colored, negro, black, and in the words of many of who post here a "******". It is what it is.

Although many immigrants have gladly thrown themselves into the "melting pot" and have joyously become non hyphenated Americans it does not diminish how they embrace their various heritages and cultures.

Many are only one or two generations from those that immigrated. To believe that all "whiteys" are the same is extraordinarily racist.

But that is the liberal way. And liberals are off the richter scale in their racism these days.

Having lived in both Canada and the United States, my personal opinion is that some American blacks are the most racist people I have ever met.

My husband was stationed at the Saturn Plant in Franklin Tennessee and the animosity between northern and southern blacks at the plant was palpable. It was very strange to witness.

And I grew up with Islanders and Continentals in Toronto and they are not embraced by many American blacks. Toronto is a mini United Nations.

Now to this statement of yours :eusa_hand: I beg to differ.

I can guarantee you that if a dark skinned African, Hatian, Colombian, or even a dark skinned Brit immigrate to America, they will become by default, "colored, negro, black, and in the words of many of who post here a "******".

Go rent the movie Mississippi Masala. Maybe you will see immigrants and all the shades of life that we represent in a different light.

There's one scene so funny where the Denzel's family is trying to cope with his girlfriends assertion that she is African because she is not black. Yet she is the only African at the table.

It's a fabulous movie.


First of all, I am not a iberal, and I have seen that movie as well as practically every other movie that Denzel Washington has acted in. The movie was just that......"a movie", a work of fiction and an unlikely story that would be an exception to the norm of everyday mainstream life in this country. But, I agree that it was entertaining.

I have also been to Canada and stayed with a friend in West Lorne for quite a while some years back. i have been to the majority of the states in this nation and have been overseas to Japan, China, Guam, The Phillipines and Taiwan, in my near 60 years on this earth, so your sociological idealism while applauded, is exactly that. Idealism.

The fact that you grew up in a distinctly different cultural dynamic than the "black versus white" structure in this nation would of course explain your thought process.

My guess is also that you are probably under 50 years of age which would also explain your lack of understanding of the history of the relationship between blacks and whites in this country. For now, I recommend that you look up some of the books written by Richard Wright or James Baldwin, or even a more recent author like Andrew Hacker. One book in particular by him might say it best, i believe it is titled, "Two Nations, Black and White, Seperate, Hostile and Unequal".

You may learn a lot more than I have time to type right this minute.

Lastly, I will comment that the animosity between northern blacks and whites is something I would like for you elaborate more on. I have an opinion, but during what years was your husband stationed there?
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