The Fight for 15 dollars an hour...the computer that just took my order is laughing at you......

And that has exactly nothing to do with an employer shit-canning you instead of paying you $15 an hour because he's told to.

The government can mandate that an employer pay a $15 an hour minimum wage. That's pretty silly, though, since government cannot mandate that an employer keep you employed...

No, but this scare tactic doesn't really work. If the employer could get by with one less body on the crew, he'd get rid of that body. Period. It wouldn't matter what he was required to pay.

The problem with having no practical floor is that the employers can abuse the system. For instance, I mentioned that boss who screwed me over and cured me of being Republican. Well, it wasn't just me. There were about 15 or so employees he fired or downsized over a year's period. Some of us had been with the company for years. A year later, his replacement hired a whole bunch of new people who worked for less.
And that has exactly nothing to do with an employer shit-canning you instead of paying you $15 an hour because he's told to.

The government can mandate that an employer pay a $15 an hour minimum wage. That's pretty silly, though, since government cannot mandate that an employer keep you employed...

No, but this scare tactic doesn't really work. If the employer could get by with one less body on the crew, he'd get rid of that body. Period. It wouldn't matter what he was required to pay.

The problem with having no practical floor is that the employers can abuse the system. For instance, I mentioned that boss who screwed me over and cured me of being Republican. Well, it wasn't just me. There were about 15 or so employees he fired or downsized over a year's period. Some of us had been with the company for years. A year later, his replacement hired a whole bunch of new people who worked for less.

His landscape crews are 5-person teams. He could go with four person teams, but he doesn't; at least not yet...
Some on the left may believe the right wing is being disingenuous with what they allege regarding the Minimum wage when they actually have a Good excuse for tax assistance from the general Government.
His landscape crews are 5-person teams. He could go with four person teams, but he doesn't; at least not yet...

Okay... so how are four guys going to get as much work done as five in the same amount of hours?

See, this is where your logic falls apart.

No, it doesn't.

They work harder. They work faster. They muscle-down and do what needs to get done.

See, that's a concept which is completely lost on liberals. "Work hard" is not a phrase which exists in their lexicon.

The job was being done by four-man teams for years...
His landscape crews are 5-person teams. He could go with four person teams, but he doesn't; at least not yet...

Okay... so how are four guys going to get as much work done as five in the same amount of hours?

See, this is where your logic falls apart.

No, it doesn't.

They work harder. They work faster. They muscle-down and do what needs to get done.

See, that's a concept which is completely lost on liberals. "Work hard" is not a phrase which exists in their lexicon.

The job was being done by four-man teams for years...
Are they getting a raise for doing the work of five people with only four people?
His landscape crews are 5-person teams. He could go with four person teams, but he doesn't; at least not yet...

Okay... so how are four guys going to get as much work done as five in the same amount of hours?

See, this is where your logic falls apart.

No, it doesn't.

They work harder. They work faster. They muscle-down and do what needs to get done.

See, that's a concept which is completely lost on liberals. "Work hard" is not a phrase which exists in their lexicon.

The job was being done by four-man teams for years...
Are they getting a raise for doing the work of five people with only four people?

Try to keep up.

I never said four people are doing the work of five. I said they could.

And his crews are paid well, and nobody's bitching...
No, it doesn't.

They work harder. They work faster. They muscle-down and do what needs to get done.

yes, that' what everyone says, "Today, I'm going to work harder for less money to make the Boss Richer."

See, that's a concept which is completely lost on liberals. "Work hard" is not a phrase which exists in their lexicon.

The job was being done by four-man teams for years...

Clearly not efficiently, or he wouldn't have hired a fifth guy.

I don't believe in "Work Hard," I believe in "Work Smart".
yes, that' what everyone says, "Today, I'm going to work harder for less money to make the Boss Richer."

NMo, dipshit, but when a guy calls in sick my buddy doesn't have to worry about that particular crew getting the day's work done...

Clearly not efficiently, or he wouldn't have hired a fifth guy.

His company is growing. His five man crews could easily go back to four man crews when he gets additional contracts that need to be covered. He's been proactive in his hiring practices...

I don't believe in "Work Hard".

I absolutely believe you. Most liberal pussies don't...
Hey, you're the fucking schmuck who said you don't believe in hard work.

The funny part is that you said it as if we didn't already know it...

"Working hard" usually means you aren't working smart. I learned this at an early age.

And you don't work hard or smart for people who don't appreciate you. You move on.

Tap dance all you want, moron. You put it out there in front of God and everybody: You don't believe in working hard to get what you want. You're an obedient little lib who wants everything given to him.

You're a pitiful little slug of a human...
You conveniently left out the part that, when minimum wage was first instituted in 1938, it wasn't even a living wage then. So, saying it's supposed to be a living wage now is ludicrous, considering that it wasn't when it was first instituted...

No, but it was slowly built up to be close to a living wage, by 1968, it was worth 11.68 in today's dollars.


Have you ever run a business before? Because this is like Business 101. I learned about that in high school over 20 years ago.

Actually, I own a business... but I don't employ anyone but myself.

Now, being a complete fucking retard, what you don't get is that if people don't have any money because they aren't making a living wage, they aren't going to be patronizing your business. Most businesses would be considered a luxury.

And you guys have been ringing the inflation bell for years.... even you don't believe that shit.

And what you don't get, is that if I don't have the money to pay them whatever "living wage" you make up, then I don't employ them.

Which is worse.... Earning $7.25 an hour, or earning ZERO an hour?

Which person is going to have less money to patronize your business... someone who has a $7.25 an hour job, or someone that has a $0.00 an hour no-job?

And you guys have been ringing the inflation bell for years.... even you don't believe that shit.

What are you even talking about? We have been ringing it for years, because we can look at the prices, and see it happened.

It's not a 'theoretical' result.. it's a historically proven true result.

"You don't even believe...".... something we saw happen... happened? Yeah of course we believe that, when we watched it occur.
Tap dance all you want, moron. You put it out there in front of God and everybody: You don't believe in working hard to get what you want. You're an obedient little lib who wants everything given to him.

I'm perfectly happy working to get what I want.

What pisses me off is putting in lots and lots of time to make the parasite investor class rich.
What are you even talking about? We have been ringing it for years, because we can look at the prices, and see it happened.

It's not a 'theoretical' result.. it's a historically proven true result.

Actually, it's really not. Inflation happens whether the cost of labor goes up or not.

In fact, there is no correlation between inflation and the minimum wage. The last time the Min Wage went up was 2009.

Inflation did not go up in 2010 by more than 1%. It has remained between 0.5 and 3% for the last decade.

And what you don't get, is that if I don't have the money to pay them whatever "living wage" you make up, then I don't employ them.

Then you go out of business, and someone who can afford to pay his employees a fair wage gets your customers. It's a win-win for everyone.

You see, the kind of asshole who doesn't want to pay his employees a fair wage. I WANT THAT FUCKER TO LOSE HIS BUSINESS. I truly do. Someone else will provide those goods and services and they'll do it paying their employees a fair wage.


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Tap dance all you want, moron. You put it out there in front of God and everybody: You don't believe in working hard to get what you want. You're an obedient little lib who wants everything given to him.

I'm perfectly happy working to get what I want.

What pisses me off is putting in lots and lots of time to make the parasite investor class rich.

Oh yeah, your little drop of piss in the ocean is making loads of people rich.... :rolleyes:
Tap dance all you want, moron. You put it out there in front of God and everybody: You don't believe in working hard to get what you want. You're an obedient little lib who wants everything given to him.

I'm perfectly happy working to get what I want.

You've already said you don't believe in working hard. Don't backpedal. It makes you look silly...

What pisses me off is putting in lots and lots of time to make the parasite investor class rich.

"Investor class"? What exactly is that?

I made my first investment when I was 18 years old with money that was from graduation gifts; about $1,500. Within about three years that money had grown to about $4,000. My Dad's financial advisor recommended I put that money into a different investment that would yield a higher return, but with greater risk. As I was only 21 at that point I went for it. I was in the Navy then, and that investment was never at the forefront of my mind. Next thing I know, by the time I was 25, that investment had climbed to a value of about $20K. Now, some 30-some-odd years later, I have a healthy portfolio. I never put myself into an uncomfortable position with my investments, but I'm now in a position where I could comfortably retire any time I want. I'm only 58, though, so I figure I've got a few more good years left in me, work-wise.

My point is that there is no "investor class". I was a kid when I invested my first chunk of cash. I drive a seven year old car as my daily driver and I clip coupons before I go grocery shopping.

The dumbest thing you can do is not invest...
And what you don't get, is that if I don't have the money to pay them whatever "living wage" you make up, then I don't employ them.

Which is worse.... Earning $7.25 an hour, or earning ZERO an hour?
This is only a (disingenuous) Right Wing argument due to unequal protection of the law for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States; only amoral Capitalists believe what you claim merely for the bottom capital line not because you care about fellow persons and human beings.

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