The Figures Are In: Obama Has Spent 3.2 Million Dollars To Keep His College Admissions Sealed

it became a legitimate question in regard to Obama because as his campaign excelled, the question of his lack of experience...not just political, but experience in the private sector as well....became an issue the campaign found themselves faced with. So, if you recall, the talking points about the young Senator from Chicago made a transformation and became, "he is an extremely intelligent man who has experienced life from the bottom up"..

That opened the door to "how do we know he is as intelligent as you claim" and "why cant we find anything about his childhood"

Not taking a position here....just showing you that as much as you want to make this a "racial issue", it never really was. Sure, for the few racists out there....but not for the masses that really wanted to know what makes the guy so special.

True story.

He's got an autobiography out. Have you read it? I suspect you'd learn quite a bit about his childhood if you did.

True story.
I have read many autobiography's. I did not read his.

Then you're missing out on a superb source of information on Obama, his experiences, his perspective, his childhood, etc.

Its not that the information is unavailable. You apparently refuse to look at it.
I have no interest in what he says about his life.

Your lack of interest isn't a lack of information. Ignoring superb sources of information doesn't make it disappear.
excuse an autobiography, the only sources are the sources the subject chooses to use. It is not a biography...and it is most certainly not an unauthorized biography.

An autobiography is written by the person him/herself. And the only sources used are the sources the writer himself wishes to use.
The use of the f is to highlight the level of mouth breathing drooler that is involved in actually believing in such a retarded fucking conspiracy.
wow. That was so eloquently put.
Eloquence is for snooty British royalty, not message board banter Sherlock.
well, that's good to know. Just cant help yourself. Swore how many times you would never respond to me. But you just cant help yourself.

Grow some balls.
Maybe you should have un-clung my nuts by now. You shouldnt have addressed me in the first place birfer.

Get back to the phony sanctimony of needing to know Obamas college grades, dork.

That must be your pic in your avatar, you comment like a child
:lol: im here for my entertainment dude, not to relationship build.

And its downright entertaining to rib poke the cerebral phenomena that is a birther, deeeude
He's got an autobiography out. Have you read it? I suspect you'd learn quite a bit about his childhood if you did.

True story.
I have read many autobiography's. I did not read his.

Then you're missing out on a superb source of information on Obama, his experiences, his perspective, his childhood, etc.

Its not that the information is unavailable. You apparently refuse to look at it.
I have no interest in what he says about his life.

Your lack of interest isn't a lack of information. Ignoring superb sources of information doesn't make it disappear.
excuse an autobiography, the only sources are the sources the subject chooses to use. It is not a biography...and it is most certainly not an unauthorized biography.

An autobiography is written by the person him/herself. And the only sources used are the sources the writer himself wishes to use.

Then you're arguing its incomplete information. Which might motivate you to supplement it with additional information and sources.

But to ignore the autobiography in total and refuse to even look at it? That's willful ignorance. And your willful ignorance doesn't translate into a scarcity of information. Only a scarcity of information you won't ignore.
wow. That was so eloquently put.
Eloquence is for snooty British royalty, not message board banter Sherlock.
well, that's good to know. Just cant help yourself. Swore how many times you would never respond to me. But you just cant help yourself.

Grow some balls.
Maybe you should have un-clung my nuts by now. You shouldnt have addressed me in the first place birfer.

Get back to the phony sanctimony of needing to know Obamas college grades, dork.

That must be your pic in your avatar, you comment like a child
:lol: im here for my entertainment dude, not to relationship build.

And its downright entertaining to rib poke the cerebral phenomena that is a birther, deeeude

Deeeude? I was wrong, the child in the avatar is much more mature
Whats the big deal? Why doesn't he release his college transcripts?? All the other presidents have.

He must be hiding something awfully embarrassing.

Why do you believe that?

Are you hiding something awfully embarressing?

With such intense interest, it is a distinct possibility. Questions don't come out of thin air.

So what is it you are hiding that is so awfully embarrassing?
yeah- 'comical fake birth certificate'- there are fools, there are damned fools, and there are Birthers.....

Vital Records Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
Frequently Asked Questions about Vital Records of President Barack Hussein Obama II
On April 27, 2011 President Barack Obama posted a certified copy of his original Certificate of Live Birth.

View attachment 36979

It's fake, it was created with Adobe, Adobe didn't exist in the early sixties. This is common knowledge for anyone paying attention, maybe you should stick to homosexual threads and agendas where you will be more "comfortable"
It was converted to an Adobe .pdf file to post on the internet, pinhead!
It was created with Adobe, pinhead. Seven layers and they can tell you what program was used to create each letter and why it was used. It doesn't help they got the hospital name wrong also...the name of the hospital wasn't that name until six or seven years AFTER Obama was born.

It's a fake....pinhead

What hospital name is that Birther gal?
Why doesn't Obama just have the fool who made the obvious fake birth certificate make some transcripts. That was hilarious, the most powerful office in the world and they release a comical fake birth certificate

The State of Hawaii already affirmed that the information on the LFBC is accurate.


So a 'forged' birth certificate that is 100% accurate? How fucking stupid do you have to be for that to make sense?

it's not "accurate" and if you feel the need to use that language don't respond to me, child

According to the only experts who have seen the original, yes it is accurate.

Once again:

Eloquence is for snooty British royalty, not message board banter Sherlock.
well, that's good to know. Just cant help yourself. Swore how many times you would never respond to me. But you just cant help yourself.

Grow some balls.
Maybe you should have un-clung my nuts by now. You shouldnt have addressed me in the first place birfer.

Get back to the phony sanctimony of needing to know Obamas college grades, dork.

That must be your pic in your avatar, you comment like a child
:lol: im here for my entertainment dude, not to relationship build.

And its downright entertaining to rib poke the cerebral phenomena that is a birther, deeeude

Deeeude? I was wrong, the child in the avatar is much more mature
Am I going to have a long assed day if I decide to lend credence to people's flippant grammar on an anonymous message board? Youve got to ask yourself.

Perhaps youre not a very busy fellow. Carry on. Ill give you another flippant spelling of a word: cawk.

Like, "deeude, those birfers can sawk my cawk."

Not from Boston fwiw
it became a legitimate question in regard to Obama because as his campaign excelled, the question of his lack of experience...not just political, but experience in the private sector as well....became an issue the campaign found themselves faced with. So, if you recall, the talking points about the young Senator from Chicago made a transformation and became, "he is an extremely intelligent man who has experienced life from the bottom up"..

That opened the door to "how do we know he is as intelligent as you claim" and "why cant we find anything about his childhood"

Not taking a position here....just showing you that as much as you want to make this a "racial issue", it never really was. Sure, for the few racists out there....but not for the masses that really wanted to know what makes the guy so special.

True story.

He's got an autobiography out. Have you read it? I suspect you'd learn quite a bit about his childhood if you did.

True story.
I have read many autobiography's. I did not read his.

Then you're missing out on a superb source of information on Obama, his experiences, his perspective, his childhood, etc.

Its not that the information is unavailable. You apparently refuse to look at it.
You seemed to ignore the part where I reminded you that an autobiography has only the information the subject wants you to know.
Why is that?
Did you decide not to read my post?

Oh, I read it. I just don't see how its relevant. As the autobiography does remain chock full of information. That you feel its incomplete might motivate you to supplement it with additional sources of information.

But ignoring it outright? That's just willful ignorance.
Whereas willful ignorance sounds like an insult, and I would have not used the term unless I was looking to insult someone, yes, willful ignorance.

I prefer saying "I had no interest in what he claims his life to be"....but if you feel better using the term willful ignorance, go for it.

But after reading, I don't know, maybe 20 autobiography's, I have found that all of these people embellish their experiences and thus not worthy of my time.

But hey....if you feel the man will be honest in everything he writes...go for it...enjoy his stories of life.
Claudette- you have claimed this before- and I asked you then- what makes you think that?

Here is a list of the last few Presidents- tell me which Presidents have voluntarily released(not illegally leaked) his own college records?

Bush 2
Bush 1

How about a link to Bush 1 college records?

Was there much interest in those other president's collegiate records?

Fascinating- Claudette lies that all other President's have released their college transcripts- I point out her lies- and you respond- trying to change the subject?

Why do you think Birthers- several times in this thread- have lied about other President's and Candidates releasing their records and claiming that Obama acted differently?

Does it really matter that much about the other presidents? With Obama it does to many and can make a huge difference.

Does it matter for any President?
Why do you think it matters when it comes to Obama?
And how would it make any difference?

it became a legitimate question in regard to Obama because as his campaign excelled, the question of his lack of experience...not just political, but experience in the private sector as well....became an issue the campaign found themselves faced with. So, if you recall, the talking points about the young Senator from Chicago made a transformation and became, "he is an extremely intelligent man who has experienced life from the bottom up"..

That opened the door to "how do we know he is as intelligent as you claim" and "why cant we find anything about his childhood".

After the last 7 years if you still need to see his college records to decide whether he is intelligent, you would be an idiot.

If after the last 7 years, you still can't find anything about his childhood, then you are willfully ignorant.
Incredible! I think we now know why?

Is that the new figure Birthers have made up?

It seems to be outpacing inflation....why I can remember when Birthers only claimed it was 1 million dollars.....they grow up so fast.....

No shit Sherlock. People are still trying to get them opened up and Obama is still fighting it in court. That costs money.

Why burden yourself with how much when you can just make up any number you'd like?

And as an aside, does *every* birther conspiracy claim have to be pulled from someone's ass?

Works for the left.

Brian Williams lies about several incidents that never happened. A week or two later Mother Jones tries to claim moral equivalence by pulling a story from their ass about Bill O'Reilly, as if that is some sort of excuse.
Why do you believe that?

Are you hiding something awfully embarressing?

With such intense interest, it is a distinct possibility. Questions don't come out of thin air. now your claims are valid because they exist?

That's an argument you could only measure using pi.

Why cause so much distrust over such an easy thing to fix?

How easy is it to fix? By your logic, all Obama had to do to resolve the entire Birther consnpiracy is release his COLB. And it would all go away.

It didn't. Birthers will ignore anything they don't want to believe. So what's the point is presenting birthers with evidence when they don't use it?

Worse, the birthers can't back anything they've made up. For example, they claim he's a foreign exchange student. Prove it.

Birthers is just an excuse and a term used only in partisanship. Be forthright. There should not be so many questions around such basic fundamentals surrounding a president. The president owes the people a most basic understanding of his past. Since the other presidents had a far more traditional past, that was different.

'more traditional past'?

What is it about the college past of Bush and Clinton that was more 'traditional' than Obama?

Why do you think that this particular President 'owes the people' more than every other President ever did? now your claims are valid because they exist?

That's an argument you could only measure using pi.

Why cause so much distrust over such an easy thing to fix?

How easy is it to fix? By your logic, all Obama had to do to resolve the entire Birther consnpiracy is release his COLB. And it would all go away.

It didn't. Birthers will ignore anything they don't want to believe. So what's the point is presenting birthers with evidence when they don't use it?

Worse, the birthers can't back anything they've made up. For example, they claim he's a foreign exchange student. Prove it.

Birthers is just an excuse and a term used only in partisanship. Be forthright. There should not be so many questions around such basic fundamentals surrounding a president. The president owes the people a most basic understanding of his past. Since the other presidents had a far more traditional past, that was different.

Why is it 'different'? We know far more of Obama's past than we do almost any other president. I can show you pictures of his school registration forms. I can tell you the name of his kindergarten teacher. I know where his stepfather went to school. I can show you pictures of Obama's year book photos. Quotes from friends and acquaintances.

Why would this be insufficient when far less was more than sufficient for every other president?

Be honest.

We need substance and college records would be a great start. No other president spent a good portion of their childhood growing up overseas.


7 years into his presidency what do you need to know that you would find out from his college records?

And by the way- yes- another President did spend a good portion of his childhood overseas.
Fascinating- Claudette lies that all other President's have released their college transcripts- I point out her lies- and you respond- trying to change the subject?

Why do you think Birthers- several times in this thread- have lied about other President's and Candidates releasing their records and claiming that Obama acted differently?

Does it really matter that much about the other presidents? With Obama it does to many and can make a huge difference.

Does it matter for any President?
Why do you think it matters when it comes to Obama?
And how would it make any difference?

it became a legitimate question in regard to Obama because as his campaign excelled, the question of his lack of experience...not just political, but experience in the private sector as well....became an issue the campaign found themselves faced with. So, if you recall, the talking points about the young Senator from Chicago made a transformation and became, "he is an extremely intelligent man who has experienced life from the bottom up"..

That opened the door to "how do we know he is as intelligent as you claim" and "why cant we find anything about his childhood"

Not taking a position here....just showing you that as much as you want to make this a "racial issue", it never really was. Sure, for the few racists out there....but not for the masses that really wanted to know what makes the guy so special.

True story.

He's got an autobiography out. Have you read it? I suspect you'd learn quite a bit about his childhood if you did.

True story.
I have read many autobiography's. I did not read his. An autobiography is based strictly on what the subject wants us to know. If it were as simple as an autobiography, people would not have to vet their candidates. All they would have to do is read the autobiography.

Truth is Skylar, and in no way does this mean to come out as an insult....many did this...

You voted for a man you knew very little about. You voted for a man who painted himself in a way you liked. You only know about him what he wants you to know about him...and it all could be true. But maybe it isn't. Think about this..

Lets look at what was public record first....

He claimed to be bi partisan and assured us he would work in a bi partisan way....yet his record as a state senator and then a US senator showed absolutely no indication of being bi partisan. He had voted 90% party line and 10% present. He had never co sponsored a bill with a colleague from across the aisle. Yet all believed he was bi partisan because...well....he said he was.

Now lets look at what we don't know....

His handlers got word out he was unusually intelligent. Sounds good. After all, he went to Harvard. But didn't I hear people say that just because Bush went to Yale, it doesn't mean he is smart? More obvious to me as a business owner.....His only job after law school was with a law firm. His primary role was contract review.....for over 3 years....never promoted...never made partner...never made junior partner. (in most law firms, contract review is performed by a paralegal who specializes in proof reading).

So seeing his transcriptts could have sealed the case for him. But he refused.

So we were forced to decide for or against him strictly on the ASSUMPTION that he was unusually bright.

Good reason for people to want proof.

Good reason for people to want proof of what exactly 7 years into his Presidency?

More specifically- why this President in the middle of his 2nd term- rather than any other candidate or President?

Let's say you see his Harvard records- and he got straight A's in Harvard- would you suddenly approve of his Administration? Would you be praising his Harvard performance?
I have read many autobiography's. I did not read his.

Then you're missing out on a superb source of information on Obama, his experiences, his perspective, his childhood, etc.

Its not that the information is unavailable. You apparently refuse to look at it.
I have no interest in what he says about his life.

Your lack of interest isn't a lack of information. Ignoring superb sources of information doesn't make it disappear.
excuse an autobiography, the only sources are the sources the subject chooses to use. It is not a biography...and it is most certainly not an unauthorized biography.

An autobiography is written by the person him/herself. And the only sources used are the sources the writer himself wishes to use.

Then you're arguing its incomplete information. Which might motivate you to supplement it with additional information and sources.

But to ignore the autobiography in total and refuse to even look at it? That's willful ignorance. And your willful ignorance doesn't translate into a scarcity of information. Only a scarcity of information you won't ignore.
am I not typing in English?
Reading ones autobiography does not offer you facts t all. It offers you ones experiences as he/she wants to relate them. An autobiography does not have the burden of footnotes. Fact is not a requirement in an autobiography.

Sorry Skylar.You are doing exactly what you did once before with me. You are ignoring the crux of my posts and continually saying things as if I m not defending my position. You have not addressed WHY I do not see an autobiography as worthy of being read. You simply continue to insult me for not reading it.

So we are done with this toipic.

I do not debate like that.
Does it matter for any President?
Why do you think it matters when it comes to Obama?
And how would it make any difference?

it became a legitimate question in regard to Obama because as his campaign excelled, the question of his lack of experience...not just political, but experience in the private sector as well....became an issue the campaign found themselves faced with. So, if you recall, the talking points about the young Senator from Chicago made a transformation and became, "he is an extremely intelligent man who has experienced life from the bottom up"..

That opened the door to "how do we know he is as intelligent as you claim" and "why cant we find anything about his childhood"

Not taking a position here....just showing you that as much as you want to make this a "racial issue", it never really was. Sure, for the few racists out there....but not for the masses that really wanted to know what makes the guy so special.

True story.

He's got an autobiography out. Have you read it? I suspect you'd learn quite a bit about his childhood if you did.

True story.
I have read many autobiography's. I did not read his.

Then you're missing out on a superb source of information on Obama, his experiences, his perspective, his childhood, etc.

Its not that the information is unavailable. You apparently refuse to look at it.
I have no interest in what he says about his life. He has proven to me to be dishonest, so anything in his autobiography can be a falsehood as well.....I see him as one with a very large ego, and folks like that tend to embellish their experiences.

Then why on earth- since you have made up your mind- do you think it is essential to see his college records?

When you have never seen all of any President's college records?
He's got an autobiography out. Have you read it? I suspect you'd learn quite a bit about his childhood if you did.

True story.
I have read many autobiography's. I did not read his.

Then you're missing out on a superb source of information on Obama, his experiences, his perspective, his childhood, etc.

Its not that the information is unavailable. You apparently refuse to look at it.
You seemed to ignore the part where I reminded you that an autobiography has only the information the subject wants you to know.
Why is that?
Did you decide not to read my post?

Oh, I read it. I just don't see how its relevant. As the autobiography does remain chock full of information. That you feel its incomplete might motivate you to supplement it with additional sources of information.

But ignoring it outright? That's just willful ignorance.
Whereas willful ignorance sounds like an insult, and I would have not used the term unless I was looking to insult someone, yes, willful ignorance.

I prefer saying "I had no interest in what he claims his life to be".....

You claim on the one hand to have an interest in knowing about Obama's childhood- but then specifically avoid reading his version of what his childhood was- which if you were actually interested in finding out about his childhood would have led you to references you could follow up on your own.

Anyway- beyond Obama's own autobiography- there are tons of articles available and books too- on Obama's life. I know more about Obama's early life than I know about any other modern President's childhood.
Was there much interest in those other president's collegiate records?

Fascinating- Claudette lies that all other President's have released their college transcripts- I point out her lies- and you respond- trying to change the subject?

Why do you think Birthers- several times in this thread- have lied about other President's and Candidates releasing their records and claiming that Obama acted differently?

Does it really matter that much about the other presidents? With Obama it does to many and can make a huge difference.

Does it matter for any President?
Why do you think it matters when it comes to Obama?
And how would it make any difference?

it became a legitimate question in regard to Obama because as his campaign excelled, the question of his lack of experience...not just political, but experience in the private sector as well....became an issue the campaign found themselves faced with. So, if you recall, the talking points about the young Senator from Chicago made a transformation and became, "he is an extremely intelligent man who has experienced life from the bottom up"..

That opened the door to "how do we know he is as intelligent as you claim" and "why cant we find anything about his childhood".

After the last 7 years if you still need to see his college records to decide whether he is intelligent, you would be an idiot.

If after the last 7 years, you still can't find anything about his childhood, then you are willfully ignorant.
I do not see him as intelligent. I see him as one with intelligent advisors and outstanding speech writers.

I have no interest in his childhood. I did not like him the day he let his campaign try to paint a great President like Bill Clinton as a racist.

I simpy chimed into this thread to explain why his academic records were an issue....and when they became an issue.....I personally never really cared about them because I had no interest in considering him a candidate. When he beat out Hillary, I knew I was not going to vote for the ticket.

And just a side note.....I live in NY. I voted for Andrew Cuomo and have no regrets.
I have read many autobiography's. I did not read his.

Then you're missing out on a superb source of information on Obama, his experiences, his perspective, his childhood, etc.

Its not that the information is unavailable. You apparently refuse to look at it.
You seemed to ignore the part where I reminded you that an autobiography has only the information the subject wants you to know.
Why is that?
Did you decide not to read my post?

Oh, I read it. I just don't see how its relevant. As the autobiography does remain chock full of information. That you feel its incomplete might motivate you to supplement it with additional sources of information.

But ignoring it outright? That's just willful ignorance.
Whereas willful ignorance sounds like an insult, and I would have not used the term unless I was looking to insult someone, yes, willful ignorance.

I prefer saying "I had no interest in what he claims his life to be".....

You claim on the one hand to have an interest in knowing about Obama's childhood- but then specifically avoid reading his version of what his childhood was- which if you were actually interested in finding out about his childhood would have led you to references you could follow up on your own.

Anyway- beyond Obama's own autobiography- there are tons of articles available and books too- on Obama's life. I know more about Obama's early life than I know about any other modern President's childhood.
I never made that claim. I simply tried to explain that it was not racism as the reason people wanted to see his records.
Pay attention.

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