The filibuster is a relic of the Jim-Crow era

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Says the guy who spoke highly of Strom Thurman of the KKK and now leads the party who created and defended slavery.

Biden routinely joined Democratic efforts to sustain filibusters of programs and nominations put forth by Republican Presidents George W. Bush and Ronald Reagan. He spoke out repeatedly about the virtues of the Senate as a “cooling saucer” for democracy, due in large part to its long-standing supermajority requirement.

Joe Biden is a doddering old fool who is being led around by notes that SOMEONE ELSE WROTE. He's incapable of talking off the cuff about issues and can't even talk about issues with the damn notes hes given hours/days/weeks in advance.

God help us no matter what happens with this senile old bastard.
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The GOP will eat the democrats lunch in 2022 if the filabuster is ended.
Every single Democrat in Congress today that is over the age of 40 is scared to death that ANY of their previous views will be unearthed.
The wokesters that have been unleashed are today's flying monkeys that once they've finished with conservatives will then target the moderates of their own party.

Imagine if Obama were running for president today, and as he did in 2008 told America that he defines marriage as between a man and woman. Can you imagine what they would do to him today?!!!
His black skin wouldn't even keep him from being lynched!
Every single Democrat in Congress today that is over the age of 40 is scared to death that ANY of their previous views will be unearthed.
Well sure, times have changed. The country has become less racist overall, less sexist, etc etc. The democrats don't have the luxury of being proud of this behavior and continuing it today, like the republicans do. Call mexicans rapists? Get the GOP nomination and a large cult. Doesn't work that way for Democrats.
Speak of filibusters, and fake fact checks too, check this one out where they claim "Mostly False" when in real terms it's more like mostly true:

Yes, those people are republicans, now. Or didn't you hear? The Southern Strategy worked. Just appeal to the worst in people, and you have yourself some new republican voters. Still works today.
Every single Democrat in Congress today that is over the age of 40 is scared to death that ANY of their previous views will be unearthed.
Well sure, times have changed. The country has become less racist overall, less sexist, etc etc. The democrats don't have the luxury of being proud of this behavior and continuing it today, like the republicans do. Call mexicans rapists? Get the GOP nomination and a large cult. Doesn't work that way for Democrats.

Your position is we're less racist now? Interesting considering since Obama the Democrats have marketed racism and incited violence for power.

Less sexist too? I don't know, when you look at the company the Democrats keep and how they pay women despite their rhetoric, are you sure we're going into the right direction?
Speak of filibusters, and fake fact checks too, check this one out where they claim "Mostly False" when in real terms it's more like mostly true:

Yes, those people are republicans, now. Or didn't you hear? The Southern Strategy worked. Just appeal to the worst in people, and you have yourself some new republican voters. Still works today.

Why say shit that you cannot back up?

Cuz you're a PROG and emotionally vested.
Your position is we're less racist now?
As a country? yes, of course we are. That doesn't mean racism has gone away. Or is two thoughts in a row that are connected to each other just too much for you?

So we're less racist than say 2007? By what measure?

Here's some fun. I guess I didn't grow up in America either, because in my day we saw you as a person as opposed being racial sensitive. The bitch lies.

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Every single Democrat in Congress today that is over the age of 40 is scared to death that ANY of their previous views will be unearthed.
Well sure, times have changed. The country has become less racist overall, less sexist, etc etc. The democrats don't have the luxury of being proud of this behavior and continuing it today, like the republicans do. Call mexicans rapists? Get the GOP nomination and a large cult. Doesn't work that way for Democrats.

"The country has become less racist overall, less sexist, etc etc"

TRANSLATION: 'The country has become more Stalinist'.
Here's more we're not so racist any more. Leads off with Kamala lying her ass off for drama. But you know, Demonicrats don't MARKET racism, PROGS call it the cure:

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