The fiscally irresponsible right refuted on extension of Bush taxcuts

If you want to be hawkish on the deficit, there is nothing more hypocritical than defending these tax cuts. It's that simple.
Yes, there is something more hypocritical...Defending a multi-trillion dollar federal budget.

Deficits are a product of profligate spending, not of failure to shake down the hoi polloy sufficiently.

Who's defending the federal budget?

So you're agreeing that you are hypocritical, just not the most hypocritical you could be?

I should have worded it something to the effect that it's extremely hypocritical, not that there is nothing more hypocritical. Does that make you feel better?


What came first...

Legislation that increased spending by hundreds of billions?


Legislation to increase taxes.

We are saying "maybe if you did not spend a half a trillion dollars here and a half a trillion there we would not need to increase taxes."
If you want to be hawkish on the deficit, there is nothing more hypocritical than defending these tax cuts. It's that simple.
Yes, there is something more hypocritical...Defending a multi-trillion dollar federal budget.

Deficits are a product of profligate spending, not of failure to shake down the hoi polloy sufficiently.

Unnecessary tax cuts also cause deficits, wake up and smell the coffee. If the tax cuts are extended there will be a sharp increase in the national debt, no way to get around it, so why keep it? You keep arguing around this point.

Uh, no they don't Beavis. And your contention that taxing the shit outta 2% of Americans will lower the deficit is absurd. What about the 40+% that pay no income taxes whatsoever? That seems like around 120,000,000 people paying no income taxes, but I guess that's fair.

Profligate spending is the problem, we are not under taxed when 40% pay no taxes whatsoever.
Dude, it's not class envy. It comes down to the rich in our country keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer, while the middle-class is being eliminated.

There's a problem in the system. I understand the rich are only going to keep fighting for their best interests. That doesn't make it right, or in the best interest of America as whole.
It's totally class envy...That's why stale old bromides like " rich in our country keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer" work on gullible halfwits.

And wealthy people aren't the only ones who'll fight for their own best interests...We also have a moocher class in America, who will screech bloody murder should anyone even dare to mention trimming back their favorite "free lunch" programs.
Yes, there is something more hypocritical...Defending a multi-trillion dollar federal budget.

Deficits are a product of profligate spending, not of failure to shake down the hoi polloy sufficiently.

Unnecessary tax cuts also cause deficits, wake up and smell the coffee. If the tax cuts are extended there will be a sharp increase in the national debt, no way to get around it, so why keep it? You keep arguing around this point.

Uh, no they don't Beavis. And your contention that taxing the shit outta 2% of Americans will lower the deficit is absurd. What about the 40+% that pay no income taxes whatsoever? That seems like around 120,000,000 people paying no income taxes, but I guess that's fair.

Profligate spending is the problem, we are not under taxed when 40% pay no taxes whatsoever.

@ you and Dude

Both of you monkeys are resorting to adm-hominems to get away from the obvious, the Bush tax cuts must be eliminated regardless of who screwed up, neither of you two clowns have provided any reasons for why they should be extended and that dumb class envy argument is monkey speak, I'm in the upper middle class and live and earn very well, and have no problems with the tax cuts being eliminated, the rich have been getting richer through these tax cuts and haven't delivered any creation of jobs as promised so it isn't class envy to point out that they're receiving tax cuts for nothing its a damn fact. Nobody is hating on anyone who works their way from the bottom to the top, its the ripping out thats the problem.
Don't care.

It's their money...They earned it...They deserve to keep it.

Your poorly veiled class envy dog don't hunt.
American Progressives are easily duped and poorly educated.

Republican-conservatives are easily duped and uneducated about capitalism and economics in general, you monkeys actually believe that rewarding the rich so called "job-creators" who create no jobs actually benefits the working class, poor and the economy. Rewarding incompetence and greed doesn't equal good capitalism.
American Progressives are easily duped and poorly educated.

Republican-conservatives are easily duped and uneducated about capitalism and economics in general, you monkeys actually believe that rewarding the rich so called "job-creators" who create no jobs actually benefits the working class, poor and the economy. Rewarding incompetence and greed doesn't equal good capitalism.

And what would you say the following will do to capitalism during a recession:

Pass legislation that will increase the employers financial input into healthcare
Pass legislation that increases the unemployment burden on the employers
Threaten to Pass legislation that will increase the income tax on the employers
Threaten to pass legislation that will dramatically increase the fianncial burden on employers as it pertains to their "carbon footprint"

Or is all of that irrelevant?
American Progressives are easily duped and poorly educated.

Republican-conservatives are easily duped and uneducated about capitalism and economics in general, you monkeys actually believe that rewarding the rich so called "job-creators" who create no jobs actually benefits the working class, poor and the economy. Rewarding incompetence and greed doesn't equal good capitalism.
Since when is letting you keep what belongs to you a "reward"?
American Progressives are easily duped and poorly educated.

Republican-conservatives are easily duped and uneducated about capitalism and economics in general, you monkeys actually believe that rewarding the rich so called "job-creators" who create no jobs actually benefits the working class, poor and the economy. Rewarding incompetence and greed doesn't equal good capitalism.
Since when is letting you keep what belongs to you a "reward"?

We're talking about taxcuts monkey, pay attention
News Hounds: Sarah Palin Brings A Cheat Sheet And Hand Notes And She Still Gets The Facts Wrong

Palin says that eliminating Bush's tax cuts for the top 2% of the rich would result in a tax increase of 3.8 trillion dollars, which is just lies and monkey speak for protecting the interests and money of the rich, peer-reviewed unbiased research from Pew indicates that extending the Bush tax cuts would sharply *INCREASE* the federal debt. Thats means that all of the Bush tax cuts needs to be eliminated, not extended. I take the research of the Pew over any rightwing, Republican trash that Palin was fed and is feeding to the American people. Link to Pew Report:

Pew Report: Permanent Extensions of Tax Cuts Would Sharply Increase National Debt - The Pew Charitable Trusts

Palin is arguing for adding to the deficit.

Now you know that every rightie on this board is going to after you. How dare you question the fact that the righties spent like drunk sailors. How dare you say the righties did not care about "Generational Debt". How dare you, do you at last have no shame.

Good for you.
Republican-conservatives are easily duped and uneducated about capitalism and economics in general, you monkeys actually believe that rewarding the rich so called "job-creators" who create no jobs actually benefits the working class, poor and the economy. Rewarding incompetence and greed doesn't equal good capitalism.
Since when is letting you keep what belongs to you a "reward"?

We're talking about taxcuts monkey, pay attention
I know what we're talking about here, dickweed.

Looking at tax cuts as a "reward" presumes that gubmint has a claim to your income before you do.

But I really don't expect finer points of language and semantics to register with knuckle-draqgers like you.
Since when is letting you keep what belongs to you a "reward"?

We're talking about taxcuts monkey, pay attention
I know what we're talking about here, dickweed.

The Bush tax cuts if extended will increase the national debt sharply so they must be eliminated completely monkey, you have avoided commenting on this and have resorted to yet another smear the left tirade chimping out. The purpose of those bush tax cuts were to stimulate the economy by essentially putting more money in the hands of the rich business owners and rich to create jobs. They have failed so your monkey spam keeping what belongs is non-sequitir.

Looking at tax cuts as a "reward" presumes that gubmint has a claim to your income before you do.

The rich look at those tax cuts as rewards and lobby like crazy to keep them.

But I really don't expect finer points of language and semantics to register with knuckle-draqgers like you.

I really don't expect a subhuman with the IQ of a Neanderthal to comprehend whats being talked about here.
Dude, it's not class envy. It comes down to the rich in our country keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer, while the middle-class is being eliminated.

It's totally class envy...That's why stale old bromides like " rich in our country keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer" work on gullible halfwits.

So you believe that statement to be a fallacy? Prove me wrong. It's a statistical fact.

No one's asking for a free lunch, only a fair and just system, which you appear to be vehemently against.

Dude: Don't care.

It's their money...They earned it...They deserve to keep it.

They also deserve to pay for their quality of life in the best country in the world. They deserve to pay for the military fighting to uphold their quality of life. Remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch.
So we can't afford to keep the same Tax rate we have now, but we can afford to borrow Trillions of dollars we don't have and give up our right to determine our own health care?
We're talking about taxcuts monkey, pay attention
I know what we're talking about here, dickweed.

The Bush tax cuts if extended will increase the national debt sharply so they must be eliminated completely monkey, you have avoided commenting on this and have resorted to yet another smear the left tirade chimping out. The purpose of those bush tax cuts were to stimulate the economy by essentially putting more money in the hands of the rich business owners and rich to create jobs. They have failed so your monkey spam keeping what belongs is non-sequitir.

There'd be no debt without profligate spending, nitwit.

You're only grumbling about tax cuts out of envy.
Dude, it's not class envy. It comes down to the rich in our country keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer, while the middle-class is being eliminated.

It's totally class envy...That's why stale old bromides like " rich in our country keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer" work on gullible halfwits.

So you believe that statement to be a fallacy? Prove me wrong. It's a statistical fact.

No one's asking for a free lunch, only a fair and just system, which you appear to be vehemently against.

Dude: Don't care.

It's their money...They earned it...They deserve to keep it.

They also deserve to pay for their quality of life in the best country in the world. They deserve to pay for the military fighting to uphold their quality of life. Remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch.
No, there's not...Yet there'd be no need for any income tax, were it not for all the free lunch programs that are a prominent feature of the socialistic welfare/nanny state.

The military and all the other lawful functions of the feds could be supported through constitutionally provided imposts, excises and duties.
So you believe that statement to be a fallacy? Prove me wrong. It's a statistical fact.

Prove your statistical fact.

No one's asking for a free lunch, only a fair and just system, which you appear to be vehemently against.

A fair and just system wouldn't have the top 5% of income earners paying 60% of the federal income tax. Not that I disagree with the progressive outcome, I advocate an idea that shifts it even further towards those at the upper end. However, I do not agree with arbitrary concepts like the current tax code bias nor do I think it's "fair and just."

They also deserve to pay for their quality of life in the best country in the world. They deserve to pay for the military fighting to uphold their quality of life. Remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Interesting. Who should pay for your healthcare?
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You're only grumbling about tax cuts out of envy.

You're really this much of a pompous ass?

Talk about a sense of entitlement, jeez.
Who's the one with the sense of entitlement here, Gomer?

I'm the one against any taxes on incomes and controlling spending to wipe out the deficit, while you're the one who's all for sticking the tab for the insane spending of DC politicians and bureaucrats onto the so-called "rich".

Get real.

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