The Fix is In!

And Hillary isn't? What does she have going for her? Her last name is Clinton and people know who she is. That's it.

If you look at the people that attend her rallies, it's hardly impressive. Trump on the other hand has sell out crowds no matter how large the facility. The places are packed. Outside are Trump supporters all over the place. There are arguments, fights, arrests, a lot of activity and passion at Trump rallies.

which says nothing. most voters don't go to rallies. Frankly, most people i know look at the kind of folks who show up to a NaziTrump rally and are kind of scared.

Sure, the polls say this or the polls say that. But what they are asking people is who "would" they vote for, not if they are actually going to vote. And even if they say they will vote, will they?

Trump made history with his record mount of people voting for him in the primary. His supporters are charged up. They will climb a mountain of snakes to get to the polls come election day. I just don't see that with Hillary. She's dull, shady and corrupt, and she brings no excitement to this race.

But guy, you see, the thing was, 60% of Republican voters voted AGAINST NaziTrump. Also, more people voted for Hillary (16.2 million) than NaziTrump (13.4 million). But the ugly truth is most people don't participate in the primaries. The people who voted for NaziTrump were going to vote for the Republican no matter who that would have been. He needs to find 50 million more votes. Where are they going to come from?
But guy, you see, the thing was, 60% of Republican voters voted AGAINST NaziTrump. Also, more people voted for Hillary (16.2 million) than NaziTrump (13.4 million). But the ugly truth is most people don't participate in the primaries. The people who voted for NaziTrump were going to vote for the Republican no matter who that would have been. He needs to find 50 million more votes. Where are they going to come from?

You missed the point, and that is a candidate needs to energize his or her constituents to get out and actually vote. If both can do that, then perhaps Hilary wins (going by the polls), but if not, Trump will win because he got more people to vote. Likely Hillary voters will stay home--especially those diehard Sanders supporters.

You can say a lot of things about Trump, but one thing you can't say is that he doesn't have the energy behind him.
You missed the point, and that is a candidate needs to energize his or her constituents to get out and actually vote. If both can do that, then perhaps Hilary wins (going by the polls), but if not, Trump will win because he got more people to vote. Likely Hillary voters will stay home--especially those diehard Sanders supporters.

You can say a lot of things about Trump, but one thing you can't say is that he doesn't have the energy behind him.

Except you don't win with just energy. You win with organization and a shitload of money.

Right now, NaziTrump isn't raising any money, and he has nothing near a professional organization.
"The Fix is In!"


There is no ‘fix,’ ‘in’ or otherwise.

And what’s both sad and telling is that conservatives desperately grasping at straws about ‘emails’ is a concession on the part of the right that they can’t beat Clinton on the issues, that Trump is a dreadful candidate, and that a majority of the voters will reject Trump this November.

You are a fucking blithering idiot. Fallacy.

And your nothing more then a anti-civilization savage that needs to be caged.
You missed the point, and that is a candidate needs to energize his or her constituents to get out and actually vote. If both can do that, then perhaps Hilary wins (going by the polls), but if not, Trump will win because he got more people to vote. Likely Hillary voters will stay home--especially those diehard Sanders supporters.

You can say a lot of things about Trump, but one thing you can't say is that he doesn't have the energy behind him.

Except you don't win with just energy. You win with organization and a shitload of money.

Right now, NaziTrump isn't raising any money, and he has nothing near a professional organization. as always have things backwards....if anyone is a Nazi, it has to be your beloved pantsuit.
Except you don't win with just energy. You win with organization and a shitload of money.

Right now, NaziTrump isn't raising any money, and he has nothing near a professional organization.

If that were true, Ross Perot would have been one of our ex-presidents in this country. Money doesn't always mean a win. Look how much Jeb spent and didn't even show in the primaries yet alone be a contender to Trump.

Yes, you can and do win with energy alone. If you and I are running for Mayor of my town; you have 5,000 people behind you, and I have 4,000, that doesn't mean anything unless you get all 5,000 of your voters to the polls. If all my 4,000 come out, and only 3,500 of yours come out to vote, I win.

Realistically, that's what we are looking at here.
With Obama's failed record, we probably will see another terrorist attack or two.

Are those your words Ray? Why yes they are.
Is probable the origin of probably Ray? Why yes it is.

Quit hoping for a terrorist attack to make trump appear stronger. It's fucked up on your part to do that.
Right now, NaziTrump isn't raising any money, and he has nothing near a professional organization.

Man..... You know the wheels are starting to come off when they cling to hopes that Donald Trump is out of money. The chance of Trump running out of funds is about the same as Hillary running out of lies to tell. ....Not gonna happen!
If that were true, Ross Perot would have been one of our ex-presidents in this country. Money doesn't always mean a win. Look how much Jeb spent and didn't even show in the primaries yet alone be a contender to Trump.

Ross Perot didn't spend that much of his own money and was never a serious candidate.

Guy, NaziTrump only got 13 million votes. Where are the other 50 million going to come from?
Right now, NaziTrump isn't raising any money, and he has nothing near a professional organization.

Man..... You know the wheels are starting to come off when they cling to hopes that Donald Trump is out of money. The chance of Trump running out of funds is about the same as Hillary running out of lies to tell. ....Not gonna happen!
This is a good example of how the liberal media dupes fools like Joe.

The lib MSM has been saying Trump has little money. So naturally Joe being a lib, he believes every word.
Man..... You know the wheels are starting to come off when they cling to hopes that Donald Trump is out of money. The chance of Trump running out of funds is about the same as Hillary running out of lies to tell. ....Not gonna happen!

NaziTrump isn't going to bankrupt himself on his own scam. The point is, it costs about a billion dollars to run for President, and the Koches and Adelson and that lot aren't opening their checkbooks for NaziTrump.

Why hasn't NaziTrump released his June fundraising numbers?
Um, yeah, they usually dismiss charges when nobody did anything wrong.

The reality is, people who know the law have been saying for MONTHS that Clinton was in no legal jeopardy, because she hadn't actually broken any laws here.

What amazes me is how little you Right Wingers learn. The classic definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

It's been 23 years since you guys started these legal hunts against the Clintons, and every single time, you've come up short.

Are you seeing a pattern here, buddy?

“It takes a very conscious effort to move a classified email or cable from the classified systems over to the unsecured open system and then send it to Hillary Clinton’s personal email account,” said Raymond Fournier, a veteran Diplomatic Security Service special agent. “That’s no less than a two-conscious-step process.”

He says it’s clear from some of the classified emails made public that someone on Clinton’s staff essentially “cut and pasted” content from classified cables into the messages sent to her. The classified markings are gone, but the content is classified at the highest levels — and so sensitive in nature that “it would have been obvious to Clinton.” Most likely the information was, in turn, emailed to her via NIPRNet.

To work around the closed, classified systems, which are accessible only by secure desktop workstations whose hard drives must be removed and stored overnight in a safe, Clinton’s staff would have simply retyped classified information from the systems into the non-classified system or taken a screen shot of the classified document, Fournier said. “Either way, it’s totally illegal.”

FBI agents are zeroing in on three of Clinton’s top department aides. Most of the Clinton emails deemed classified by intelligence agency reviewers were sent to her by her chief of staff Cheryl Mills or deputy chiefs Huma Abedin and Jake Sullivan.

In one email, Clinton pressured Sullivan to declassify cabled remarks by a foreign leader.

“Just email it,” Clinton snapped, to which Sullivan replied: “Trust me, I share your exasperation. But until ops converts it to the unclassified email system, there is no physical way for me to email it.”

In another recently released email, Clinton instructed Sullivan to convert a classified document into an unclassified email attachment by scanning it into an unsecured computer and sending it to her without any classified markings. “Turn into nonpaper w no identifying heading and send nonsecure,” she ordered.

Top Secret/SCI emails received by Clinton include a 2012 staff email sent to the then-secretary containing investigative data about Benghazi terrorist suspects wanted by the FBI and sourcing a regional security officer. They also include a 2011 message from Clinton’s top aides that contains military intelligence from United States Africa Command gleaned from satellite images of troop movements in Libya, along with the travel and protection plans for Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who was later killed in a terrorist attack in Benghazi.

“Receiving Top Secret SAP intelligence outside secure channels is a mortal sin,” said Chris Farrell, director of investigations for Judicial Watch, the Washington-based public law firm that has successfully sued State for Clinton’s emails.

“A regular government employee would be crucified, and they are, routinely,” added Farrell, who as a former Army counterintelligence agent investigated such violations.

The prosecution of former CIA Director David Petraeus for mishandling secret intelligence centered on a classified-information nondisclosure form he signed swearing to protect such information. Clinton signed the same agreement on Jan. 22, 2009.

As a result of Clinton’s negligence, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in a recent interview he thinks “the odds are pretty high” that hostile foreign powers like Iran, China and Russia hacked Clinton’s homebrew email server and stole US secrets.
If that were true, Ross Perot would have been one of our ex-presidents in this country. Money doesn't always mean a win. Look how much Jeb spent and didn't even show in the primaries yet alone be a contender to Trump.

Ross Perot didn't spend that much of his own money and was never a serious candidate.

Guy, NaziTrump only got 13 million votes. Where are the other 50 million going to come from?
Apples to Oranges. Ross was a 3rd party candidate. Not so with Trump. Hillary cannot hide from her past...............And it will be used against her. The only downside are ignorant idiots like you who still support her even though she is corrupt as hell.

You are more of the problem than she is...........
As a result of Clinton’s negligence, former Defense Secretary Robert Gates said in a recent interview he thinks “the odds are pretty high” that hostile foreign powers like Iran, China and Russia hacked Clinton’s homebrew email server and stole US secrets.

and again, where is your evidence they did this?
Joe, I didn't say it. Secretary Gates is the one that said it. We know for a fact that Hillary’s boy Sid, who was prohibited from working for the administration by Obama, was hacked. Hillary’s unsecured home brew server wouldn't be much of a challenge.
Apples to Oranges. Ross was a 3rd party candidate. Not so with Trump. Hillary cannot hide from her past...............And it will be used against her. The only downside are ignorant idiots like you who still support her even though she is corrupt as hell.

You are more of the problem than she is...........

Guy, you tried to use that "corrupt" label on Bill and it never worked. It won't work here, either.

Trump might as well be a third party candidate the way GOP politicians are running away from him.
Joe, I didn't say it. Secretary Gates is the one that said it. We know for a fact that Hillary’s boy Sid, who was prohibited from working for the administration by Obama, was hacked. Hillary’s unsecured home brew server wouldn't be much of a challenge.

Except, again, neither your nor Gates (who was kind of useless, anyway) have provided any PROOF that she was hacked.

You know, where's your proof, guy?

And how is this any worse than the thousands of hacks that happen against government servers?

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