The Fix is In!

Yes, and with the polls nearly tied, sure that will happen, especially when people believe the fix was really in.

Except the polls aren't nearly tied. Hillary has a comfortable lead on NaziTrump.

It will get wider after the conventions.

There is a great distrust in our government and officials right now. That's what brought us Donald Trump and nearly Bernie Sanders. Neither should have had a chance in hell of getting close to the nomination.

I agree, there is a lot of anger out there, and the messed up way we select nominees contributed to a lot of that. The difference is the Democrats had a defense against crazy that the Republicans didn't. After NaziTrump loses , expect the GOP to put something like Superdelegates in place.

The attitude of America is changing. We want something different than a status quo or a dynasty. We want something fresh and new, and Hillary certainly isn't that.

Except she got more votes in the primaries than any other candidate.
What do you think she had on her server they could blackmail her with, exactly? Because frankly, a lot more damning stuff came out from Snowden and Manning.

sorry, guy, your argument has too many maybes. MAYBE she got hacked and MAYBE the hackers got something sensitive and MAYBE they'll use it to blackmail her and MAYBE she'll actually give in to that, even though the one thing we've seen about this woman is that she really doesn't back down.

hey, Ray, tell us about how totally not racist you are, because that shit never gets old.

Then you haven't been paying attention to the right wing rants about 9/11. Every time someone mentions that that happened under Bush's watch, the go to response is to scream, "But Clinton knew about him, and didn't get him! It's all his fault!!!!"

I don't have a problem with others fighting our battle for us. I have a problem with stupidly choosing our "allies of the day". We put the Ayatollah in place. We put Hussein in power. We trained the mujahideen, who would become Al Qaida. We supported the new regime in Iraq that ousted all of the Bathist leaders who would go on to form the core of the ISIS leadership. Do you see a pattern developing here. As far as the Iran/Contra thing, I have no problem with it, except...welll...brokering the deals the way we did? It broke the law. You guys are shitting yourselves over some e-mails, and this fuckwit of a president armed the Columbian Drug Cartels, and the very terrorists who are killing everyone now! But...since it was Saint Ronnie, that's okay, right?

So, the last eight years of Republicans talking about how Obama tripled the debt was all a lie? Well, thanks for that.

why should they be. You guys totally embarrassed yourselves with the Monica thing. Clinton kept his job and Newt lost his.

If erasing e-mails were a crime, we'd all be going to jail. I erase emails every day.

If that hacker did it, he should be able to produce the classified e-mail with no problem.

Uh, nobody is voting about the "constitution". They vote for the guy who they think can make their life better. It's why your party has lost fiveof the last six popular votes.

Except she got more votes in the primaries than any other candidate.

I agree, there is a lot of anger out there, and the messed up way we select nominees contributed to a lot of that. The difference is the Democrats had a defense against crazy that the Republicans didn't. After NaziTrump loses , expect the GOP to put something like Superdelegates in place.

The GOP knows the mood of their constituents are changing as well. If they were going to do something to piss them off even more, they won't nominate Trump this time around. But they are walking on thin ice, and super delegates could really put them over the edge.

Except the polls aren't nearly tied. Hillary has a comfortable lead on NaziTrump.

It will get wider after the conventions.

Hardly. Some polls show her just up by one or two percentage points, and a lot can happen between now and November. With Obama's failed record, we probably will see another terrorist attack or two. The FBI isn't quite done yet. And no matter what happens, there is a lot of suspicion about the Clinton's from a witness accidentally killing himself with weights to half-mil speaking engagements.
For those of you who have been holding out hopes that Hillary Clinton could be indicted through the criminal investigation currently being undertaken by the FBI... forget about it. It's not going to happen. The fix is in.

First of all, we have Bill Clinton meeting secretly (and unethically) with Loretta Lynch... shortly after blowing that off as a "casual coincidence" where nothing was discussed other than "grandchildren and such" --Lynch informs us that she will essentially do her job and follow the recommendations of the FBI. All of this follows Obama's rather late endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Putting two and two together, this means they have been given a heads-up by someone inside the FBI on what is about to go down and Hillary will be completely exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. Obama would never risk his legacy and name to endorse someone who stood any kind of chance of criminal indictment. Lynch would certainly not announce she planned to follow the recommendations of the FBI... unless they knew for a fact that Hillary was about to be let off the hook.

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.

Nixon was never put in jail, so why does anyone think Hillary will be either?
This is one the very best opening statements of the Judge!!!!!!!!

Bravo Judge BRAVO!! :clap::clap::clap::clap:

Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - July 2, 2016 - Hillary Clinton Interrogation , Lynch Meeting

Now that we know Hillary is not getting indicted.

Have the Republicans woke to the fact what a disaster this election season is?
Hardly. Some polls show her just up by one or two percentage points, and a lot can happen between now and November. With Obama's failed record, we probably will see another terrorist attack or two. The FBI isn't quite done yet. And no matter what happens, there is a lot of suspicion about the Clinton's from a witness accidentally killing himself with weights to half-mil speaking engagements.

dude, you need to stop spooging on your keyboard. Seriously, you are hoping for terrorist attacks to make your guy look good? That's fucking sick.
Yes, it should be a great concern. Of course, you are relying on "maybe" they don't have classified information from her server. Make sure she doesn't get near that White House, and all those maybes disappear because it won't matter as much.

Hillary was SOS. She had way more sensitive information about our country than either Snowden or Manning. But what the hell. Since they had damning information, why should we care about what Hillary had, right????? In fact, just put all our security information on public record so anybody can look it up. As long as Hillary is President, that's all that matters.

Again, you have yet to prove anything was compromised.

Again, tell me how your guy is going to make mmy life better, then we can talk.
or you can tell me how your whore is going to make our lives better.
Maybe you can convince us to see it your way.
Hardly. Some polls show her just up by one or two percentage points, and a lot can happen between now and November. With Obama's failed record, we probably will see another terrorist attack or two. The FBI isn't quite done yet. And no matter what happens, there is a lot of suspicion about the Clinton's from a witness accidentally killing himself with weights to half-mil speaking engagements.

dude, you need to stop spooging on your keyboard. Seriously, you are hoping for terrorist attacks to make your guy look good? That's fucking sick.

But then again, a liberal like you would blame it on gun violence. Using terrorist attacks to push gun control, now that's fucking sick.
dude, you need to stop spooging on your keyboard. Seriously, you are hoping for terrorist attacks to make your guy look good? That's fucking sick.

Show me where I hoped there was another terrorist attack.

The problem with you libs is your mind. You read words, and then convert those words in your minds to words you would rather see.
Since Bill made Precedent, next time a family member is a under investigation, I'm gonna meet privately with the DA. What? is that illegal?
That is because you think Trump can win.

But if you really sit down and recall all the picks you could have had, Trump is one of the choices that can definitely lose.

I disagree completely. Trump is the only way Democrats can be defeated at this point... and an argument can be made that he is possibly the only one who could've defeated them. Take anyone else in the GOP field... they can't take it to Hillary as brutally and viciously as Donald Trump. If they attempted to, they would be crucified in the media and would have no idea how to deal with the nasty and hideous backlash. That's what's been happening.... Romney was fucking embarrassing... he spent most of his campaign apologizing for his success instead of taking it to Obama like he deserved.

The 2nd place guy... Ted Cruz.. I love him to death, he was MY man.... I think he would be a brilliant president... And in a fair and clean vacuum where all things are equal, he could defeat Clinton resoundingly on every issue. BUT... that's not reality. We have enormous bias, the constant political noise machine, the incessant activism on all sides going on through social media and traditional media like electricity through the power lines. Cruz would have spent his campaign deflecting the various and sundry memes designed specifically for him... the Canadian thing... his ties to the religious right... he looks and sounds creepy... gun totin' Texan... hates gays... pro-life... etc., etc., etc. He wouldn't be able to focus on his message any better than he did in the primaries and again... the Democrats would win at their own game.

Trump knows that game and can play it like a Master. He may not be a Conservative president. In fact, he may be loathed and hated by Conservatives before it's all said and done. He may actually not be much better than Obama or Clinton in domestic policy or economic issues... but he is not an activist liberal progressive ideologue and he's not part of the Washington political establishment. That final point is Yuuuuuge! ...That, I can tell you!
That is because you think Trump can win.

But if you really sit down and recall all the picks you could have had, Trump is one of the choices that can definitely lose.

I disagree completely. Trump is the only way Democrats can be defeated at this point... and an argument can be made that he is possibly the only one who could've defeated them. Take anyone else in the GOP field... they can't take it to Hillary as brutally and viciously as Donald Trump. If they attempted to, they would be crucified in the media and would have no idea how to deal with the nasty and hideous backlash. That's what's been happening.... Romney was fucking embarrassing... he spent most of his campaign apologizing for his success instead of taking it to Obama like he deserved.

The 2nd place guy... Ted Cruz.. I love him to death, he was MY man.... I think he would be a brilliant president... And in a fair and clean vacuum where all things are equal, he could defeat Clinton resoundingly on every issue. BUT... that's not reality. We have enormous bias, the constant political noise machine, the incessant activism on all sides going on through social media and traditional media like electricity through the power lines. Cruz would have spent his campaign deflecting the various and sundry memes designed specifically for him... the Canadian thing... his ties to the religious right... he looks and sounds creepy... gun totin' Texan... hates gays... pro-life... etc., etc., etc. He wouldn't be able to focus on his message any better than he did in the primaries and again... the Democrats would win at their own game.

Trump knows that game and can play it like a Master. He may not be a Conservative president. In fact, he may be loathed and hated by Conservatives before it's all said and done. He may actually not be much better than Obama or Clinton in domestic policy or economic issues... but he is not an activist liberal progressive ideologue and he's not part of the Washington political establishment. That final point is Yuuuuuge! ...That, I can tell you!
This is as ridiculous as it is delusional.

And again: there is no 'fix.'
That is because you think Trump can win.

But if you really sit down and recall all the picks you could have had, Trump is one of the choices that can definitely lose.

I disagree completely. Trump is the only way Democrats can be defeated at this point... and an argument can be made that he is possibly the only one who could've defeated them. Take anyone else in the GOP field... they can't take it to Hillary as brutally and viciously as Donald Trump. If they attempted to, they would be crucified in the media and would have no idea how to deal with the nasty and hideous backlash. That's what's been happening.... Romney was fucking embarrassing... he spent most of his campaign apologizing for his success instead of taking it to Obama like he deserved.

The 2nd place guy... Ted Cruz.. I love him to death, he was MY man.... I think he would be a brilliant president... And in a fair and clean vacuum where all things are equal, he could defeat Clinton resoundingly on every issue. BUT... that's not reality. We have enormous bias, the constant political noise machine, the incessant activism on all sides going on through social media and traditional media like electricity through the power lines. Cruz would have spent his campaign deflecting the various and sundry memes designed specifically for him... the Canadian thing... his ties to the religious right... he looks and sounds creepy... gun totin' Texan... hates gays... pro-life... etc., etc., etc. He wouldn't be able to focus on his message any better than he did in the primaries and again... the Democrats would win at their own game.

Trump knows that game and can play it like a Master. He may not be a Conservative president. In fact, he may be loathed and hated by Conservatives before it's all said and done. He may actually not be much better than Obama or Clinton in domestic policy or economic issues... but he is not an activist liberal progressive ideologue and he's not part of the Washington political establishment. That final point is Yuuuuuge! ...That, I can tell you!

The best thing about Trump (compared to Cruz) is that he has no political record. That can be a good thing or a bad. But when candidates run for the presidency, they have a mound of history on their political foes: how they voted on bills, what they said about this or that on video, who they palled around with, what they did in their current or past seats or positions that they had.

Hillary does have that extensive record, and Trump may have commented on issues a couple of times. In that respect, Trump has a huge advantage over Hillary.
That is because you think Trump can win.

But if you really sit down and recall all the picks you could have had, Trump is one of the choices that can definitely lose.

And Hillary isn't? What does she have going for her? Her last name is Clinton and people know who she is. That's it.

If you look at the people that attend her rallies, it's hardly impressive. Trump on the other hand has sell out crowds no matter how large the facility. The places are packed. Outside are Trump supporters all over the place. There are arguments, fights, arrests, a lot of activity and passion at Trump rallies.

Sure, the polls say this or the polls say that. But what they are asking people is who "would" they vote for, not if they are actually going to vote. And even if they say they will vote, will they?

Trump made history with his record mount of people voting for him in the primary. His supporters are charged up. They will climb a mountain of snakes to get to the polls come election day. I just don't see that with Hillary. She's dull, shady and corrupt, and she brings no excitement to this race.
For those of you who have been holding out hopes that Hillary Clinton could be indicted through the criminal investigation currently being undertaken by the FBI... forget about it. It's not going to happen. The fix is in.

First of all, we have Bill Clinton meeting secretly (and unethically) with Loretta Lynch... shortly after blowing that off as a "casual coincidence" where nothing was discussed other than "grandchildren and such" --Lynch informs us that she will essentially do her job and follow the recommendations of the FBI. All of this follows Obama's rather late endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the presumptive Democrat nominee.

Putting two and two together, this means they have been given a heads-up by someone inside the FBI on what is about to go down and Hillary will be completely exonerated of any and all wrongdoing. Obama would never risk his legacy and name to endorse someone who stood any kind of chance of criminal indictment. Lynch would certainly not announce she planned to follow the recommendations of the FBI... unless they knew for a fact that Hillary was about to be let off the hook.

So... there will be no indictment, no special prosecutor and no further investigation into Hillary's emails or violation of the Espionage Act. It's all going to be dismissed, swept under the rug, and the left will discount it as just another right-wing smear attempt that failed. Like it or not, the fix is clearly in and that's what is about to go down.

Loretta said she will essentially do her job? Try to get hired at a job interview and say you will essentially do your job. Loretta should have said she will effectively do her job.
or you can tell me how your whore is going to make our lives better.
Maybe you can convince us to see it your way.

well, to start with, we are going to see more laws that protect the rights of workers and consumers. We'll get some fixes on the ACA that will benefit working people.
Your immature and naive belief in big government is Lil' Joey.

Glad you weren't murdered in a home invasion in gun-control Shitcago. What would we do without you silly childish posts?

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