The flaw of capitalism is Income inequality

If it is true that the average age of a fast food worker is 29 then we are even more screwed than I thought. For ChrissSakes, if you are working at Shake Shack at 29 possibly with a family, this is somehow the fault of Capitalism? Capitalism is all about the freedom to choose and that includes how you choose to live your life. You make bad choices, you end up at Shake Shack at 29.

It can happen, although nobody ever posted any proof of the average age of fast food workers.

I have a couple I rent one of my apartments to. They are in their early 20's, and both work fast food jobs.

Why don't they try and get better employment? Because they both smoke pot, and jobs at better companies often drug test their employees.

In my opinion, drug tests are one of the reasons people don't secure better jobs. Where I work, we were looking for a competent driver in the middle of the recession and couldn't find one. Oh yes, we had people that would accept the job, up to the point my employer asked them to pass a drug test. Then they turned around and walked out of the building.

My father is a retired bricklayer. His former union got so desperate to find workers that they solicited their retirees to find people for them. Again, people looked into a new career in construction, but none that could pass a drug test.

So to increase wages and get people working, we need to do several things: One is get people off of pot. Or two, make it illegal for companies and government to drug test employees. And most of all, reduce the qualifications to receive federal or state aid. If you are physically and mentally capable of sustaining employment, you should be working because there is no advancement on social programs.
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.




What exactly is your solution to these people learning new skills if they can't afford the education for it? 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. How many more do you think make less than 15 and have kids?

You've hit on the problem, plan your life, don't have kids you can't afford, anyone can get loans to go to school. Nobody owes someone that isn't qualified $15 bucks an hour
Who decides what 15 is worth exactly? You do understand inflation right? Do you know what 15 per hour pays for now?

The laws of supply and demand determine what $15 is worth. You obviously don't understand the basic fundamentals of economics, yet you are always submitting posts that pontificate on economics.
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

wages increase because of competition for the supply of labor. If productivity increases, then businesses will use their extra profits to bid up the price of labor since they can earn more by hiring more people. They don't maximize their profits by keeping wages low.

For the last 15 years, wages have remained constant because the USA has been importing cheap labor from third world countries. More labor competing for the same number of jobs means lower wages. It's as simple as that.

The minimum wage has nothing to do with it. Socializing the economy is what will cause economic collapse. Socialism has never worked, and it never will.
What are we importing exactly? 10s of thousands?

Oh and productivity in the lower classes has skyrocketed in the last few decades yet wages have remained flat. These are facts.

As I already explained, wages are flat because we are importing cheap labor from third world countries. This goes especially for the H1-B coolies who take STEM jobs from American college graduates.
Do you really think employers give a shit WHO is working for them? Being a red blooded American is not going to get you a higher wage than some foreigner.

It is if the employer can't hire the foreigner, dumbass. H1-Bs make it possible for American corporations to hire cheap foreign labor instead of your ugly ass.
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.




What exactly is your solution to these people learning new skills if they can't afford the education for it? 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. How many more do you think make less than 15 and have kids?

You've hit on the problem, plan your life, don't have kids you can't afford, anyone can get loans to go to school. Nobody owes someone that isn't qualified $15 bucks an hour
Who decides what 15 is worth exactly? You do understand inflation right? Do you know what 15 per hour pays for now?

The laws of supply and demand determine what $15 is worth. You obviously don't understand the basic fundamentals of economics, yet you are always submitting posts that pontificate on economics.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.
No,it's not a flaw of capitalism - it's flaw of human nature. This is what people do when set free, and there is NO REASON to believe that this isn't what people do when they are NOT set free. In that case the political class just drains every last penny of the wealth.

Now, in certain instances income inequality in fact IS fair. Such as the cases where people just decide that they would rather slouch. Then, it is a choice.

Funny thing is that these liberal regressives who complain the most about income inequality, donate to worse off people (who are in a adverse situation due to no cause of their own) the least. These people care about the poor the least (=couldn't care less). They view them as vote farms to be used and then disposed of.
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If it is true that the average age of a fast food worker is 29 then we are even more screwed than I thought. For ChrissSakes, if you are working at Shake Shack at 29 possibly with a family, this is somehow the fault of Capitalism? Capitalism is all about the freedom to choose and that includes how you choose to live your life. You make bad choices, you end up at Shake Shack at 29.

It can happen, although nobody ever posted any proof of the average age of fast food workers.

I have a couple I rent one of my apartments to. They are in their early 20's, and both work fast food jobs.

Why don't they try and get better employment? Because they both smoke pot, and jobs at better companies often drug test their employees.

In my opinion, drug tests are one of the reasons people don't secure better jobs. Where I work, we were looking for a competent driver in the middle of the recession and couldn't find one. Oh yes, we had people that would accept the job, up to the point my employer asked them to pass a drug test. Then they turned around and walked out of the building.

My father is a retired bricklayer. His former union got so desperate to find workers that they solicited their retirees to find people for them. Again, people looked into a new career in construction, but none that could pass a drug test.

So to increase wages and get people working, we need to do several things: One is get people off of pot. Or two, make it illegal for companies and government to drug test employees. And most of all, reduce the qualifications to receive federal or state aid. If you are physically and mentally capable of sustaining employment, you should be working because there is no advancement on social programs.

This is pretty much true. I've fired a lot of people for drug use.

Firing people for drug use is just plain smart for some employers. When I was young, one of my friends was stoned and ran a drill right through his hand. What was his reaction? He was able to take a few days and be stoned all the time.

Before some moron says "alcohol is worse", if I could breathalyzer them, I would.

Until enough morons starve because they can't figure out work is not a place to go if you're impaired by some sort of substance use, this will be the norm.



What exactly is your solution to these people learning new skills if they can't afford the education for it? 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. How many more do you think make less than 15 and have kids?

You've hit on the problem, plan your life, don't have kids you can't afford, anyone can get loans to go to school. Nobody owes someone that isn't qualified $15 bucks an hour
Who decides what 15 is worth exactly? You do understand inflation right? Do you know what 15 per hour pays for now?

The laws of supply and demand determine what $15 is worth. You obviously don't understand the basic fundamentals of economics, yet you are always submitting posts that pontificate on economics.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.

Wrong. inflation is a change in the value of money. That's like saying weather causes it to rain.

Inflation is an increase in the supply of money. When the government creates dollars out of nothing, then there are more dollars in circulation and each one is worth less. The price of money is where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect.

That's basic economics. That's why you believe all the nonsense you post in this forum: you don't understand the first thing about economics.
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What exactly is your solution to these people learning new skills if they can't afford the education for it? 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. How many more do you think make less than 15 and have kids?

You've hit on the problem, plan your life, don't have kids you can't afford, anyone can get loans to go to school. Nobody owes someone that isn't qualified $15 bucks an hour
Who decides what 15 is worth exactly? You do understand inflation right? Do you know what 15 per hour pays for now?

The laws of supply and demand determine what $15 is worth. You obviously don't understand the basic fundamentals of economics, yet you are always submitting posts that pontificate on economics.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.

Wrong. inflation is a change in the value of money. That's like saying weather causes it to rain.

Inflation is an increase in the supply of money. When the government creates dollars out of nothing, then there are more dollars in circulation and each one is worth less. The price of money is where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect.

That's basic economics. That's why you believe all the nonsense you post in this forum: you don't understand the first thing about economics.
You're such an idiot. Of course inflation is change in value of money. That's why it dictates how much a wage is worth. Are you this dumb?
You've hit on the problem, plan your life, don't have kids you can't afford, anyone can get loans to go to school. Nobody owes someone that isn't qualified $15 bucks an hour
Who decides what 15 is worth exactly? You do understand inflation right? Do you know what 15 per hour pays for now?

The laws of supply and demand determine what $15 is worth. You obviously don't understand the basic fundamentals of economics, yet you are always submitting posts that pontificate on economics.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.

Wrong. inflation is a change in the value of money. That's like saying weather causes it to rain.

Inflation is an increase in the supply of money. When the government creates dollars out of nothing, then there are more dollars in circulation and each one is worth less. The price of money is where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect.

That's basic economics. That's why you believe all the nonsense you post in this forum: you don't understand the first thing about economics.
You're such an idiot. Of course inflation is change in value of money. That's why it dictates how much a wage is worth. Are you this dumb?

I think someone needs to go back to school. If you can't even form a proper sentence, it's no wonder you have problems finding a job paying more than the minimum wage. Inflation does not dictate how much wages are worth, whatever that even means.

But all right, real wages have been stagnant for some time, therefore is it time to:

1. Go back to smaller government and taxation and to a time wages grew more rapidly, aka. Capitalism?
2: Increase taxation and size of the government even more aka. Socialism?

Glad we both agree...
You've hit on the problem, plan your life, don't have kids you can't afford, anyone can get loans to go to school. Nobody owes someone that isn't qualified $15 bucks an hour
Who decides what 15 is worth exactly? You do understand inflation right? Do you know what 15 per hour pays for now?

The laws of supply and demand determine what $15 is worth. You obviously don't understand the basic fundamentals of economics, yet you are always submitting posts that pontificate on economics.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.

Wrong. inflation is a change in the value of money. That's like saying weather causes it to rain.

Inflation is an increase in the supply of money. When the government creates dollars out of nothing, then there are more dollars in circulation and each one is worth less. The price of money is where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect.

That's basic economics. That's why you believe all the nonsense you post in this forum: you don't understand the first thing about economics.
You're such an idiot. Of course inflation is change in value of money. That's why it dictates how much a wage is worth. Are you this dumb?

No, inflation is one factor affecting the value of money. There are others, such as increases in productivity. Again, if you ever read a book on economics you would know that price is where the supply and demand curves cross.
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? 18 million people make less than 10.10 per hour. How many more do you think make less than 15? How many of them have kids?Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES.

We've been importing millions of low-skilled illegal aliens who compete with low-skilled Americans for low paying jobs.

What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low?

Boot 10 million illegals, businesses will be forced to pay more.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage.

We can use the money saved, after we boot the illegals, to increase the EITC, if we have to......

More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding.

Stop importing so many poor, that'll certainly help.

I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

Intervene to regulate the border and boot the lawbreakers.
Protip #1

McDonald's is NOT a career choice it is a kids job
A kid's jo? The average fast food worker is 29 years old. Why? Because in today's economy low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs. People take what they can get you wanker.

The average fast food worker is 29 years old. Why?

Illegal aliens are more dependable than your typical American teenager.

Because in today's economy low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs.

Yeah, Obamacare didn't improve that situation, did it?
Conservatives answer this question: wages in the lower classes have remained stagnant for DECADES. What is the incentive for businesses to pay more if they can maximize their profits by keeping wages low? Corporate profits are already at an an all time high.

The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage. History has shown this to be true. More socialization in our private economy is the only way to save the middle class and keep the poor class from expanding. Eventually, the top heavy economy will cause a collapse from a lack of sufficient consumer spending.

Do I want to end the private market? Of course not. I just understand the need for government intervention and regulation.

wages increase because of competition for the supply of labor. If productivity increases, then businesses will use their extra profits to bid up the price of labor since they can earn more by hiring more people. They don't maximize their profits by keeping wages low.

For the last 15 years, wages have remained constant because the USA has been importing cheap labor from third world countries. More labor competing for the same number of jobs means lower wages. It's as simple as that.

The minimum wage has nothing to do with it. Socializing the economy is what will cause economic collapse. Socialism has never worked, and it never will.
What are we importing exactly? 10s of thousands?

Oh and productivity in the lower classes has skyrocketed in the last few decades yet wages have remained flat. These are facts.

Oh and productivity in the lower classes has skyrocketed in the last few decades yet wages have remained flat

I don't think it has skyrocketed. You have a link?
If it has, why? Have the "lower classes" brought new skills to their employers?
The ONLY way to boost wages for the poor is by raising the minimum wage.

Yes, the only way to boost wages for the poor is to make it illegal for them to work. Awesome advice, if only it wasn't so regressive...
Who decides what 15 is worth exactly? You do understand inflation right? Do you know what 15 per hour pays for now?

The laws of supply and demand determine what $15 is worth. You obviously don't understand the basic fundamentals of economics, yet you are always submitting posts that pontificate on economics.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.

Wrong. inflation is a change in the value of money. That's like saying weather causes it to rain.

Inflation is an increase in the supply of money. When the government creates dollars out of nothing, then there are more dollars in circulation and each one is worth less. The price of money is where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect.

That's basic economics. That's why you believe all the nonsense you post in this forum: you don't understand the first thing about economics.
You're such an idiot. Of course inflation is change in value of money. That's why it dictates how much a wage is worth. Are you this dumb?

I think someone needs to go back to school. If you can't even form a proper sentence, it's no wonder you have problems finding a job paying more than the minimum wage. Inflation does not dictate how much wages are worth, whatever that even means.

But all right, real wages have been stagnant for some time, therefore is it time to:

1. Go back to smaller government and taxation and to a time wages grew more rapidly, aka. Capitalism?
2: Increase taxation and size of the government even more aka. Socialism?

Glad we both agree...
Obviously we don't because as usual you are wrong. The tax rate on the wealthy in the 50s was 90% yet we had great economic growth. Why? Because the wealthy were forced to invest more to make money. Nowadays they don't have to invest as much because they just keep the ridiculous amount of money they save through a low EFFECTIVE tax rate.
The laws of supply and demand determine what $15 is worth. You obviously don't understand the basic fundamentals of economics, yet you are always submitting posts that pontificate on economics.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.

Wrong. inflation is a change in the value of money. That's like saying weather causes it to rain.

Inflation is an increase in the supply of money. When the government creates dollars out of nothing, then there are more dollars in circulation and each one is worth less. The price of money is where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect.

That's basic economics. That's why you believe all the nonsense you post in this forum: you don't understand the first thing about economics.
You're such an idiot. Of course inflation is change in value of money. That's why it dictates how much a wage is worth. Are you this dumb?

I think someone needs to go back to school. If you can't even form a proper sentence, it's no wonder you have problems finding a job paying more than the minimum wage. Inflation does not dictate how much wages are worth, whatever that even means.

But all right, real wages have been stagnant for some time, therefore is it time to:

1. Go back to smaller government and taxation and to a time wages grew more rapidly, aka. Capitalism?
2: Increase taxation and size of the government even more aka. Socialism?

Glad we both agree...
Obviously we don't because as usual you are wrong. The tax rate on the wealthy in the 50s was 90% yet we had great economic growth. Why? Because the wealthy were forced to invest more to make money. Nowadays they don't have to invest as much because they just keep the ridiculous amount of money they save through a low EFFECTIVE tax rate.

The tax rate on the wealthy in the 50s was 90% yet we had great economic growth. Why? Because the wealthy were forced to invest more to make money.

You think investment will increase when government will take 90% of the profit? LOL!
Will you work more hours, or fewer, if the government took 90% of your income?
The laws of supply and demand determine what $15 is worth. You obviously don't understand the basic fundamentals of economics, yet you are always submitting posts that pontificate on economics.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.

Wrong. inflation is a change in the value of money. That's like saying weather causes it to rain.

Inflation is an increase in the supply of money. When the government creates dollars out of nothing, then there are more dollars in circulation and each one is worth less. The price of money is where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect.

That's basic economics. That's why you believe all the nonsense you post in this forum: you don't understand the first thing about economics.
You're such an idiot. Of course inflation is change in value of money. That's why it dictates how much a wage is worth. Are you this dumb?

I think someone needs to go back to school. If you can't even form a proper sentence, it's no wonder you have problems finding a job paying more than the minimum wage. Inflation does not dictate how much wages are worth, whatever that even means.

But all right, real wages have been stagnant for some time, therefore is it time to:

1. Go back to smaller government and taxation and to a time wages grew more rapidly, aka. Capitalism?
2: Increase taxation and size of the government even more aka. Socialism?

Glad we both agree...
Obviously we don't because as usual you are wrong. The tax rate on the wealthy in the 50s was 90% yet we had great economic growth. Why? Because the wealthy were forced to invest more to make money. Nowadays they don't have to invest as much because they just keep the ridiculous amount of money they save through a low EFFECTIVE tax rate.

The effective tax rate was much lower than 90% because of all the deductions and tax shelters.

So they invest it to avoid taxation only to have all the return on their investment taxed away? Do you ever think about the idiocies you spew into this forum?

We had strong economic growth in the 50s because we had the only economy that wasn't bombed into the stone age during the war. If other countries wanted cars, heavy equipment, aircraft or computers, the USA was the only place they could get them.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.

Wrong. inflation is a change in the value of money. That's like saying weather causes it to rain.

Inflation is an increase in the supply of money. When the government creates dollars out of nothing, then there are more dollars in circulation and each one is worth less. The price of money is where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect.

That's basic economics. That's why you believe all the nonsense you post in this forum: you don't understand the first thing about economics.
You're such an idiot. Of course inflation is change in value of money. That's why it dictates how much a wage is worth. Are you this dumb?

I think someone needs to go back to school. If you can't even form a proper sentence, it's no wonder you have problems finding a job paying more than the minimum wage. Inflation does not dictate how much wages are worth, whatever that even means.

But all right, real wages have been stagnant for some time, therefore is it time to:

1. Go back to smaller government and taxation and to a time wages grew more rapidly, aka. Capitalism?
2: Increase taxation and size of the government even more aka. Socialism?

Glad we both agree...
Obviously we don't because as usual you are wrong. The tax rate on the wealthy in the 50s was 90% yet we had great economic growth. Why? Because the wealthy were forced to invest more to make money. Nowadays they don't have to invest as much because they just keep the ridiculous amount of money they save through a low EFFECTIVE tax rate.

The tax rate on the wealthy in the 50s was 90% yet we had great economic growth. Why? Because the wealthy were forced to invest more to make money.

You think investment will increase when government will take 90% of the profit? LOL!
Will you work more hours, or fewer, if the government took 90% of your income?

This is what passes for thought among liberals. This guy doesn't even know how wages are determined, but he's telling us what made the economy grow in the 1950s?
The laws of supply and demand determine what $15 is worth. You obviously don't understand the basic fundamentals of economics, yet you are always submitting posts that pontificate on economics.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.

Wrong. inflation is a change in the value of money. That's like saying weather causes it to rain.

Inflation is an increase in the supply of money. When the government creates dollars out of nothing, then there are more dollars in circulation and each one is worth less. The price of money is where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect.

That's basic economics. That's why you believe all the nonsense you post in this forum: you don't understand the first thing about economics.
You're such an idiot. Of course inflation is change in value of money. That's why it dictates how much a wage is worth. Are you this dumb?

I think someone needs to go back to school. If you can't even form a proper sentence, it's no wonder you have problems finding a job paying more than the minimum wage. Inflation does not dictate how much wages are worth, whatever that even means.

But all right, real wages have been stagnant for some time, therefore is it time to:

1. Go back to smaller government and taxation and to a time wages grew more rapidly, aka. Capitalism?
2: Increase taxation and size of the government even more aka. Socialism?

Glad we both agree...
Obviously we don't because as usual you are wrong. The tax rate on the wealthy in the 50s was 90% yet we had great economic growth. Why? Because the wealthy were forced to invest more to make money. Nowadays they don't have to invest as much because they just keep the ridiculous amount of money they save through a low EFFECTIVE tax rate.

You do know moron the study of micro economics you also have to put history in fucking context

Again for the 100,000,000,000,000,000 time the nations of Europe and Asia were in ruins we were the only manufacturing nation on the block. We were an exporter nation till we finally started running a trade deficit mid 1980s.
Um no inflation does. Wages have been stagnant and productivity has skyrocketed for decades. Get a clue.

Wrong. inflation is a change in the value of money. That's like saying weather causes it to rain.

Inflation is an increase in the supply of money. When the government creates dollars out of nothing, then there are more dollars in circulation and each one is worth less. The price of money is where the supply curve and the demand curve intersect.

That's basic economics. That's why you believe all the nonsense you post in this forum: you don't understand the first thing about economics.
You're such an idiot. Of course inflation is change in value of money. That's why it dictates how much a wage is worth. Are you this dumb?

I think someone needs to go back to school. If you can't even form a proper sentence, it's no wonder you have problems finding a job paying more than the minimum wage. Inflation does not dictate how much wages are worth, whatever that even means.

But all right, real wages have been stagnant for some time, therefore is it time to:

1. Go back to smaller government and taxation and to a time wages grew more rapidly, aka. Capitalism?
2: Increase taxation and size of the government even more aka. Socialism?

Glad we both agree...
Obviously we don't because as usual you are wrong. The tax rate on the wealthy in the 50s was 90% yet we had great economic growth. Why? Because the wealthy were forced to invest more to make money. Nowadays they don't have to invest as much because they just keep the ridiculous amount of money they save through a low EFFECTIVE tax rate.

The effective tax rate was much lower than 90% because of all the deductions and tax shelters.

So they invest it to avoid taxation only to have all the return on their investment taxed away? Do you ever think about the idiocies you spew into this forum?

We had strong economic growth in the 50s because we had the only economy that wasn't bombed into the stone age during the war. If other countries wanted cars, heavy equipment, aircraft or computers, the USA was the only place they could get them.
Even if there were a lot of deductions and shelters which there really weren't, it wouldn't matter because we have those in spades in today's economy. Do you even know the effective tax rate on the wealthy? Of course not because you believe everything republicans and Fox News tells you.

Christ, given just how wealthy the top 1% is and how much they actually pay in taxes through the effective rate, do you really think they are going to invest when they already a save a shit load? Investment is down considerably from the 50s. These are facts.

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