The Florida Governor Is Now Threatening To Withhold Pay From School Districts That Require Masks In The Fall

I'm not being dramatic. Ours is not the side who made vaccines into profile frames and carry their vaccine cards in their wallets and made all kinds of memes out of MY MASK PROTECTS YOU YOUR MASK PROTECTS ME and moralized an airborne respiratory virus

That's all on you, over there. We're just watching the fallout and trying to retain a little cultural sanity
That’s called public safety and trying to mitigate a pandemic. Acting safely and trying to save lives is a moral thing. Acting recklessly and spreading lies and pretending a virus isn’t dangerous when millions have died from it all over the world is a moral thing
Of course he is....they would be breaking state law to force a mask mandate at their schools....breaking the law means something in Florida....
Desantis painted himself into a corner so now he's screwed. He's a rat cornered. All he had to do was listen to experts but he chose not to. What kind of an idiot is against kids eearing a mask which can protect them from a virus that they have no immunity from? Desantis, that's who.

Desantis should do his job & protect childten instead of worrying about the tourist industry who are bankrolling his campaign & who he's looking out for as reflected by his isane policies. He's another Trump more concerned with his own sorry ass.
You're doung more harm with your cult stupidity then any mask ever did to any kid, moron. Pediatric wards are filling up with kids because of this virus, Trumptard.

Get a grip.
Desantis painted himself into a corner so now he's screwed. He's a rat cornered. All he had to do was listen to experts but he chose not to. What kind of an idiot is against kids eearing a mask which can protect them from a virus that they have no immunity from? Desantis, that's who.

Desantis should do his job & protect childten instead of worrying about the tourist industry who are bankrolling his campaign & who he's looking out for as reflected by his isane policies. He's another Trump more concerned with his own sorry ass.
How about this guy?! Dumb and Dumber
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I don't know if desantis can withhold anyone's pay for requiring masks in schools.

All he is doing is exposing children to the virus. Some will end up in the hospital fighting for their lives. Some will die.

This might play well in the southern red states but not in the rest of the nation. If desantis thinks he can get elected president with this record the man is out of his mind.

The Obama rule, he threatened to withhold funding if public schools didn't allow trans kids to use the bathroom. Of their choice, so yes DeSantis has the right.
I don't know if desantis can withhold anyone's pay for requiring masks in schools.

All he is doing is exposing children to the virus. Some will end up in the hospital fighting for their lives. Some will die.

This might play well in the southern red states but not in the rest of the nation. If desantis thinks he can get elected president with this record the man is out of his mind.

I believe that FL is up to 8 districts (some of the largest) who are giving Butthole Ronnie the flying fickle finger of fate. And two judges in Texas have told their idiot governor that he couldn't force anti-mask mandates. Same will happen to Ronnie. No court anywhere in the land will uphold his bullshit either on masks or on holding pay. He'll be bitch slapped just like he was on cruise lines.

And this just in:

Florida’s hospitalization rate for Covid is now about three times the national average, according to data from the US Department of Health and Human Services. And the American Academy of Pediatrics reports that the US added 94,000 child Covid cases in just a week.​

DeSantis actually doesn’t have the authority to ‘ban’ masks in schools; and given his EO isn’t legally valid, so too is his effort to withhold the pay of school officials and administrators.

It’s another example of DeSantis’ arrogance, authoritarianism, and contempt for the rule of law.

‘“The (executive order) is actually pretty toothless in that all of the sections of law he invokes do not deprive the Department of Health of its power as the ultimate decision maker regarding measures necessary to inhibit the spread of communicable diseases as outlined in Section 1003.22(3) of Florida Statutes.”

“It is highly unlikely that the courts would permit the state to withhold funding from school districts which insist on masking children as a necessary health measure particularly when the CDC recommends masking,” Callan said.’

Nope Obama threatened to withhold pay to schools if trans kids couldn't use the bathroom of their choice. So shut up.
More likely that parents will support DeSantis giving THEM the right to decide for their children. Poor baby, you don’t get to act like a Nazi and tell people to do what you say or else.

WHO is acting like a Nazi? Get real .. attempting to tell school districts and private business what they can and cannot do is big government socialist behavior.
The man just shows how stupid he is.

One of the main reasons why trump lost was the way he handled the virus.

The stupid people in the southern red states may not care about spreading the virus but most of the rest of the nation does.

The stupid people in the southern red states may not care that children are suffering, fighting for their lives and some dying from the virus.

The rest of the nation does.

If desantis is nominated as presidential candidate for the republicans, he will lose big time.

He may as well just stick to running for office in Florida. Most of the rest of the nation wouldn't vote for him for dog catcher.

I've vote Ronnie in as a dog catcher. But he'd make a better cock holster - For you know who ;)

How abou this guy?! Dumb and Dumber

Of course, Biden is helping Florida too with tens of millions in assistance, but DeSandToes denies he asked for it or needed it.

But this is what these assholes do. They spend 24/7 ragging on big gub-ment and POTUS, and then the second they need help they're on bended knee.

I'm inclined to encourage them to secede. See how they do without federal assistance assuming they're still alive after Delta finishes off their idiot unvaccinated.

I love it. The entire teachers union admin should be brutally shot to piecs by a machine gun

Yes I would expect such behavior from you and people like you.

Your first reaction to things you don't like is to be violent.

So much for "pro life." Just like almost everything republicans claim to believe, the pro life garbage is another republican lie.
This post is from a typical uneducated Moon Bat that didn't take their Trump Derangement Syndrome medication today. The medication prescribed by a mental health specialist.

Go take your medication and then lie down and take a nap. You will feel better when you wake up and you won't come across as a fucking Moon Bat moron when you post.

Would you like to concentrate on the topic instead using you vast reservoir of medical knowledge to deride others.
You're problem is I got a nerve with and you don't like it. Desantis is barking mad and a trump clone and you suckers are backing another loser again.

You haven't got the smarts to realise he's setting you all up. He s a nothing like trump. Big mouth. No brains like all republicans including you.
If anyone needs meds for trump defeat syndrome it's morons like you.
Uncle Joe gave all of you a big smack up the chops and it's still hurting.

Are you pleased you replied and giving me another chance to cut you up? I am.
Have another go.
Would you like to concentrate on the topic instead using you vast reservoir of medical knowledge to deride others.
You're problem is I got a nerve with and you don't like it. Desantis is barking mad and a trump clone and you suckers are backing another loser again.

You haven't got the smarts to realise he's setting you all up. He s a nothing like trump. Big mouth. No brains like all republicans including you.
If anyone needs meds for trump defeat syndrome it's morons like you.
Uncle Joe gave all of you a big smack up the chops and it's still hurting.

Are you pleased you replied and giving me another chance to cut you up? I am.
Have another go.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental Illness. You are infected with it! Go see a Mental Health Specialist. Preferably one Board Certified. They will give medication for it and you won't act like an idiot so much when you post your stupid unedcated Moon Bat hate on this forum.

DeSantis is the best Governor in the United States. Unlike those yahoos in the Federal Government and those morons in the Communist states he understands the concept of Liberty and understand personal responsibility. Things that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats hate.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a serious mental Illness. You are infected with it! Go see a Mental Health Specialist. Preferably one Board Certified. They will give medication for it and you won't act like an idiot so much when you post your stupid unedcated Moon Bat hate on this forum.

DeSantis is the best Governor in the United States. Unlike those yahoos in the Federal Government and those morons in the Communist states he understands the concept of Liberty and understand personal responsibility. Things that you stupid uneducated Moon Bats hate.

Keep believing that. You had the same thoughts about trump. The silent majority showed what an idiot he was and the same will happen to that ratbag.
I don't know if desantis can withhold anyone's pay for requiring masks in schools.

All he is doing is exposing children to the virus. Some will end up in the hospital fighting for their lives. Some will die.

This might play well in the southern red states but not in the rest of the nation. If desantis thinks he can get elected president with this record the man is out of his mind.

Did it ever occur to you that Trump won the presidency in 2016 and that he got millions more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016?

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