The Florida School Board Shooter was a liberal

The point which all the usmb elite have over looked was made in the comment to elvis.

Evasion number....hell, I lost count.

One more time for the mentally challenged: What point about "The Left" were you attempting to make? What are you insinuating but don't have the balls to come out and say?

We all know what it is. But you gotta man up and say it.

Not evading anything I made my point in the post to elvis I am not fetching it for the princess. You want to find out you go fecth it yourself.

You haven't made a point on this thread yet. It's highly likely you've never made a point on this entire board. Possibly in your whole existence on this planet.

But no matter. You've proven yourself once again to be not just a foulmouthed fucktard, but a gutless deep fried camel turd as well.

Which means my work here is done, not that you needed any help.

My advice to you is to grow up and grow a pair before you spout a load of bullshit and make yourself look like an ass. You wanna spout crazy, grow some balls and own it.
You're right. A conservative wouldn't have let the women and children go. Can't take any chances in a situation like that. I mean look where it got him? One of the women he let go got the drop on him and nailed him with her handbag yet he still lets her go! Totally a limp wristed lib move. A conservative would have snuffed her out.

But as a liberal he did something a conservative never would do. Go there with the intent of getting revenge.


It goes directly against the turn the other cheek mentality, a foundation block of conservative thinking for years ... especially since 9/11.

As a corollary, Martha Stewart, when suspicions first surfaced of insider trading charges, her very first public utterance was "I am not a Republican," no doubt believing putting some distance between herself and the possibility of anyone, particularly in the media assuming she might be a Republican because that perception would hurt her in the court of public opinion.

No one ever had such doubts about Charley Rangel's party affiliation, nor that the most egregious abuses of his office and violations of tax law for personal gain would ever come to much of anything, owing in large part to party affiliation.
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At least the media doesn't cheer when people go postal (well maybe they cheer inside because it's a great opportunity to jump on it for ratings). The man had a wife, do you really think she considers it a happy ending he's now dead?

EDIT: Since the threads were merged I should point out this reply was aimed specifically at Philobeado.
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Evasion number....hell, I lost count.

One more time for the mentally challenged: What point about "The Left" were you attempting to make? What are you insinuating but don't have the balls to come out and say?

We all know what it is. But you gotta man up and say it.

Not evading anything I made my point in the post to elvis I am not fetching it for the princess. You want to find out you go fecth it yourself.

You haven't made a point on this thread yet. It's highly likely you've never made a point on this entire board. Possibly in your whole existence on this planet.

But no matter. You've proven yourself once again to be not just a foulmouthed fucktard, but a gutless deep fried camel turd as well.

Which means my work here is done, not that you needed any help.

My advice to you is to grow up and grow a pair before you spout a load of bullshit and make yourself look like an ass. You wanna spout crazy, grow some balls and own it.

Now whos talking about being a fucktard? For the clueless the reply I made to elvis twice was my point. Don't like it pound sand
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The Florida School Board Shooter was a liberal

Who would have thought?

I do not understand why you imagine that people (who you imagine are liberals) are pacifists.

Conservative wishful thinking, I guess.

Here's some good advice for ya'

Never underestimate the anger of patient people, lad.
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Funny, I was just reading elsewhere that on weekends he liked to cruise bars dressed as Glenn Beck and that he based his exercise routine on Rush Limbaugh's.
The Florida School Board Shooter was a liberal

Who would have thought?

I do not understand why you imagine that people (who you imagine are liberals) are pacifists.

Conservative wishful thinking, I guess.

Here's some good advice for ya'

Never underestimate the anger of patient people, lad.

I do not understand why you imagine that people (who you imagine are liberals) are pacifists.

Never said that, but if had he had been someone who listen to rush or Beck the media would have let that be their talking point.

Never underestimate the anger of patient people, lad.
Hers some advice I don't
Funny, I was just reading elsewhere that on weekends he liked to cruise bars dressed as Glenn Beck and that he based his exercise routine on Rush Limbaugh's.

Sure doing anything to make the good guys look bad that is a usseful liberal tactic.:clap2:
Funny, I was just reading elsewhere that on weekends he liked to cruise bars dressed as Glenn Beck and that he based his exercise routine on Rush Limbaugh's.

Sure doing anything to make the good guys look bad that is a usseful liberal tactic.:clap2:
Clay Duke was not a good should stop drinking and get some sleep.

Lets rewind you said or it was said clay duke like to be dressed as glenn beck and did his exercise routine based on Rush Limbaugh's.
Here's a hint
beck and rush are the good guys, liberal will do anything to make the good guys look bad. now do you get it?
Of course this Duke guy was a "liberal". He couldn't hit a man 10' away. We all know "liberals" can't shoot.

He also supposedly put a link from media matters on his facebook page.

He couldn't hit anyone because adrenaline was causing his arm to shake. Notice he squeezed off a round accidentally in the floor. Typical accidental-discharge caused from being scared. If you've ever been in a life or death situation you'll know this sometimes happens.
Of course this Duke guy was a "liberal". He couldn't hit a man 10' away. We all know "liberals" can't shoot.

He also supposedly put a link from media matters on his facebook page.

1. you might want to discuss that with the libs on the board who served in the military

2. my lib husband would love for you to say that to his face...

at the range.

just sayin'
Of course this Duke guy was a "liberal". He couldn't hit a man 10' away. We all know "liberals" can't shoot.

He also supposedly put a link from media matters on his facebook page.

He couldn't hit anyone because adrenaline was causing his arm to shake. Notice he squeezed off a round accidentally in the floor. Typical accidental-discharge caused from being scared. If you've ever been in a life or death situation you'll know this sometimes happens.

I don't know mudwhistle. When I go to the range I get my blood pumping by doing a few quick sprints then while my heart is beating I will shot.
Here is my last target I shot at doing it that way.
The target was at 50 yeards shot with a 45


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Oh my god.

Another excuse for the gun queers to show their fellow gun queers their...their.... hmmmm.... their hardware.

I'll show you my gun if you'll show me yours.

Do these boys have any idea how obviously they're telegraphing their can I say this without being offensive? ... their shortcomings?
Oh my god.

Another excuse for the gun queers to show their fellow gun queers their...their.... hmmmm.... their hardware.

I'll show you my gun if you'll show me yours.

Do these boys have any idea how obviously they're telegraphing their can I say this without being offensive? ... their shortcomings?

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