The Flynn Affair Could Bring Down Trump’s Presidency

This is funny. The hillary gave speeches to foreign leaders and countries passing along info and yet no big deal. What exactly did flynn pass along? Of course we havent seen anything.
You conservatives had better learn neither Obama or Hillary are in D.C. anymore. Its the Orange Prick that has the bulls-eye on his back! CENTER!!!

O or hillary never had a bullseye on their back. They were part of the old tired establishment.
You know, I hate hyperbole on either side because all it does is muddy the waters.

No, it is NOT a Russian destroyer off our East Coast. It is a Russian spy ship, totally different animal.

However, Russian planes DID buzz a US Navy destroyer today. Trump hasn't said squat about either because he's too busy bitching about Nordstrom's and the unfair treatment the media did to Flynn.

And when they did the same to our ships under DumBama, what was the excuse then? Oh that's right, it wasn't a story then.

Actually, Russia thought that our response to them buzzing our warships under Obama was a bit over the top.

Russia slams US reaction to jets flying over Navy destroyer

And when it happened, Trump called Obama a weak leader. Seems that Russia is checking what kind of response Trump would have as well, and not a peep out of Trump yet.

Russia tests Trump’s nerve by ordering fighter jets to buzz US warship
The story that trump's aides were in contact with Russian intelligence a year before the election has now been updated to they were in CONSTANT contact with Russia.
Yet not one deplorable can come up with a plausible reason why they would be in constant contact with Russia other than working on the stealing the election from Hillary and making sure the steady drip of stolen emails were released.

LOL --- the lack of proof constitutes proof.... typical liberal misdirection.
Meh! Flynn's 3 star general retirement is at stake!!!!! How much does a 3-star general gets in retirement every month?????

The only way he could lose his retirement pay is if he was charged with a crime, convicted of a felony and thrown in jail.

Actually, it's even tighter than that ... the crime would have to have been committed while he was on active duty. We have people in jail who are receiving a monthly retirement check.
You know, I hate hyperbole on either side because all it does is muddy the waters.

No, it is NOT a Russian destroyer off our East Coast. It is a Russian spy ship, totally different animal.

However, Russian planes DID buzz a US Navy destroyer today. Trump hasn't said squat about either because he's too busy bitching about Nordstrom's and the unfair treatment the media did to Flynn.

And when they did the same to our ships under DumBama, what was the excuse then? Oh that's right, it wasn't a story then.

Actually, Russia thought that our response to them buzzing our warships under Obama was a bit over the top.

Russia slams US reaction to jets flying over Navy destroyer

And when it happened, Trump called Obama a weak leader. Seems that Russia is checking what kind of response Trump would have as well, and not a peep out of Trump yet.

Russia tests Trump’s nerve by ordering fighter jets to buzz US warship

Oh yes, "A painful reaction" My how threatening. Of course your link didn't say what that reaction was other than words. Speaking of words, in other words, DumBama didn't do shit. So how can you criticize what Trump didn't do?
Dumbest Democrat Demands Investigation Based on Parody Twitter Account
February 15, 2017
Daniel Greenfield


Not Michael Flynn‏@GenMikeFlynn Feb 13

While I accept full responsibility for my actions, I feel it is unfair that I have been made the sole scapegoat for what happened. (1/2)


"Madame Leader, just this morning, Flynn tweeted that he is a 'scapegoat.' I believe we need to hold a public hearing with Flynn to get to the bottom of this," Cummings said at a press conference.

We need to hold a hearing into why Elijah Cummings is in Congress.

Then again Nancy Pelosi is just as stupid.


Ladies and gentlemen, the Democratic Party.

Dumbest Democrat Demands Investigation Based on Parody Twitter Account
No Do Over you stupid idiot conservative. But the drums of Impeachment are now BEATING.

Oh. Impeachment for what might I ask??

So far according the NY Slimes there has been no wrongdoing whatsoever.

More important are the leaks to the media.

Rhodes is the prime suspect for that. He's an Obama holdover. Seems he hates Trump and doesn't mind leaking things to the press and god knows who else. All those Obama holdovers should be losing their jobs.

Let us know what Trump will be impeached for. Inquiring minds want to know.
I wonder if Democrats consider the economic disaster this country would experience if Trump was impeached?
There's no way Flynn was acting without Trump's go-ahead. This needs to be investigated.
Investigate away snowflake. As a private citizen - Donald Trump is allowed to talk to anyone he wants, including Russia. As president or president-elect, Donald Trump is allowed to discuss with foreign heads of state his administration.

I know this is "shocking" to you fascists - but conversations are still permitted in the U.S. (even though you don't want them to be).
There's no way Flynn was acting without Trump's go-ahead. This needs to be investigated.
Investigate away snowflake. As a private citizen - Donald Trump is allowed to talk to anyone he wants, including Russia. As president or president-elect, Donald Trump is allowed to discuss with foreign heads of state his administration.

I know this is "shocking" to you fascists - but conversations are still permitted in the U.S. (even though you don't want them to be).

It's not so much that he was talking to the Russians, it is what he was talking to the Russians about. Flynn was telling the diplomat not to worry about Obama's sanctions, because Trump was going to be in office soon and would get rid of them.

You aren't supposed to directly contradict a sitting admin if you are the incoming. You are supposed to wait until you are sworn in.
There's no way Flynn was acting without Trump's go-ahead. This needs to be investigated.
Investigate away snowflake. As a private citizen - Donald Trump is allowed to talk to anyone he wants, including Russia. As president or president-elect, Donald Trump is allowed to discuss with foreign heads of state his administration.

I know this is "shocking" to you fascists - but conversations are still permitted in the U.S. (even though you don't want them to be).

It's not so much that he was talking to the Russians, it is what he was talking to the Russians about. Flynn was telling the diplomat not to worry about Obama's sanctions, because Trump was going to be in office soon and would get rid of them.

You aren't supposed to directly contradict a sitting admin if you are the incoming. You are supposed to wait until you are sworn in.
I see no problems with that. The sanctions were still in place. All he did was inform Russia of his plans (which everyone knew anyway).
There's no way Flynn was acting without Trump's go-ahead. This needs to be investigated.
Investigate away snowflake. As a private citizen - Donald Trump is allowed to talk to anyone he wants, including Russia. As president or president-elect, Donald Trump is allowed to discuss with foreign heads of state his administration.

I know this is "shocking" to you fascists - but conversations are still permitted in the U.S. (even though you don't want them to be).
Go comfort jobless Flynn by telling him that, cupcake :itsok:
There's no way Flynn was acting without Trump's go-ahead. This needs to be investigated.
Investigate away snowflake. As a private citizen - Donald Trump is allowed to talk to anyone he wants, including Russia. As president or president-elect, Donald Trump is allowed to discuss with foreign heads of state his administration.

I know this is "shocking" to you fascists - but conversations are still permitted in the U.S. (even though you don't want them to be).
Go comfort jobless Flynn by telling him that, cupcake :itsok:
Flynn isn't jobless for speaking snowflake. Flynn is jobless for lying. He denied his conversations to Vice President Pence.

You know - lying. That thing you do every day in every post here on USMB. Like you just did here.
There's no way Flynn was acting without Trump's go-ahead. This needs to be investigated.
Investigate away snowflake. As a private citizen - Donald Trump is allowed to talk to anyone he wants, including Russia. As president or president-elect, Donald Trump is allowed to discuss with foreign heads of state his administration.

I know this is "shocking" to you fascists - but conversations are still permitted in the U.S. (even though you don't want them to be).

It's not so much that he was talking to the Russians, it is what he was talking to the Russians about. Flynn was telling the diplomat not to worry about Obama's sanctions, because Trump was going to be in office soon and would get rid of them.

You aren't supposed to directly contradict a sitting admin if you are the incoming. You are supposed to wait until you are sworn in.
,,, and you know this because you have private access to the classified documents. I would challenge you to find a source that says this is so, not that speculates it MIGHT be so.

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