The Flynn Affair Could Bring Down Trump’s Presidency

You do know Melania is "creeping" in her NY penthouse!!! Meanwhile Trump spends his night's in the WH and in Fl. "Melargo"!!! Trump and Melania have an OPEN MARRIAGE!!!
Breaking news!!!!! Hope you are sitting down. President Trump's approval rating is rising!

Gallup poll: Trump approval rating at new low
Gallup poll: Trump approval rating at new low -

CNN)President Donald Trump's approval rating reached a new low Saturday, according to a poll from Gallup, as the new administration has struggled to find its footing nearly a month into the term.

The daily tracking poll found that just 40% of Americans approve of President Trump's job as president so far, compared to 55% who say the disapprove. The negative 15-point spread is the highest recorded in the poll since Trump took office January 20.

Trump's approval rating has hovered in the mid-to-low 40s since the second week of his presidency, but the new poll suggests growing dissatisfaction with his performance amid the chaotic rollout of his controversial travel ban and a series of divisive Cabinet confirmation fights.

Trump's low approval rating is atypical for a new president. Former presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton all enjoyed approval ratings in the high 50s in Gallup tracking polls during the early months of their administrations.

Gallup's presidential approval is based on telephone interviews over a three-day time period, a rolling average of approximately 1,500 US adults daily, and has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 3 percentage points.
You do know Melania is "creeping" in her NY penthouse!!! Meanwhile Trump spends his night's in the WH and in Fl. "Melargo"!!! Trump and Melania have an OPEN MARRIAGE!!!
Breaking news!!!!! Hope you are sitting down. President Trump's approval rating is rising!

Gallup poll: Trump approval rating at new low
Gallup poll: Trump approval rating at new low -

CNN)President Donald Trump's approval rating reached a new low Saturday, according to a poll from Gallup, as the new administration has struggled to find its footing nearly a month into the term.

The daily tracking poll found that just 40% of Americans approve of President Trump's job as president so far, compared to 55% who say the disapprove. The negative 15-point spread is the highest recorded in the poll since Trump took office January 20.

Trump's approval rating has hovered in the mid-to-low 40s since the second week of his presidency, but the new poll suggests growing dissatisfaction with his performance amid the chaotic rollout of his controversial travel ban and a series of divisive Cabinet confirmation fights.

Trump's low approval rating is atypical for a new president. Former presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton all enjoyed approval ratings in the high 50s in Gallup tracking polls during the early months of their administrations.

Gallup's presidential approval is based on telephone interviews over a three-day time period, a rolling average of approximately 1,500 US adults daily, and has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 3 percentage points.
Bill O'Reilly
How long has Trump been a HOMO?????
Have you seen his wife? come now everything will be okay :itsok:
Yes Melania is USED GOODS. Trump doesn't "Fit" very well!!!! He has a 2 X 4 on his ass so he doesn't fall in.

So, let me ask the left wing females on this board how they feel about this comment.

You do know Melania is "creeping" in her NY penthouse!!! Meanwhile Trump spends his night's in the WH and in Fl. "Melargo"!!! Trump and Melania have an OPEN MARRIAGE!!!
Breaking news!!!!! Hope you are sitting down. President Trump's approval rating is rising!
Trump will never ever ever make it pass the 40's and if your only asking rednecks....duh!!
The Flynn Affair Could Bring Down Trump’s Presidency

Something needs to and I'm not all that picky about what it is. As much as I'm not fond of Pence's likely policies, I know he's not governmentally ignorant, egotistically driven, and basically "bat shit crazy." Those things alone are enough to prefer him to Trump.
So if Trump knew Obama intel folks leaked & took down Flynn, why did Trump fire Flynn? Why give em what they wanted? Doesn't make sense.
Going against the policy of the current US president for one. Their admin hadn't come into power yet, so they aren't supposed to make policy that is against the incumbent president. On the day that Obama put sanctions on Russia for possible interference in our elections, Flynn told the Russian diplomat to not worry about the sanctions that evening, because Trump was going to be president and would get rid of them.


Even if that was the case, HTF would that be going against a sitting President's policy? He could tell Russia Trump plans to do this or that, and it's not going against anything or anybody because he has no power to change anything a sitting President does.
The sitting President will now be blackmailed by Putin over the next 4 years!!!! As we speak there is a Russian destroyer although in international water off the coast of Delaware!!!! AND Trump hasn't said SHIT! Hell for all we know Putin has told Trump the destroyer stays where it is or your taxes over the last 20 years get released!!!!

You know, I hate hyperbole on either side because all it does is muddy the waters.

No, it is NOT a Russian destroyer off our East Coast. It is a Russian spy ship, totally different animal.

However, Russian planes DID buzz a US Navy destroyer today. Trump hasn't said squat about either because he's too busy bitching about Nordstrom's and the unfair treatment the media did to Flynn.
So if Trump knew Obama intel folks leaked & took down Flynn, why did Trump fire Flynn? Why give em what they wanted? Doesn't make sense.

Nope, in Trump world, it's the person who leaked the information that is at fault, not the person who actually did the act that the leak is about.

Wikileaks is equal to a whistleblower and they are patriotic because they prevented the election of Hillary. The person who leaked about Flynn is a traitor and needs to be thrown in jail according to the Trumptards.
You know, I hate hyperbole on either side because all it does is muddy the waters.

No, it is NOT a Russian destroyer off our East Coast. It is a Russian spy ship, totally different animal.

However, Russian planes DID buzz a US Navy destroyer today. Trump hasn't said squat about either because he's too busy bitching about Nordstrom's and the unfair treatment the media did to Flynn.

And when they did the same to our ships under DumBama, what was the excuse then? Oh that's right, it wasn't a story then.

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