The Flynn Affair Could Bring Down Trump’s Presidency

An Obama hack, have you no honor? That is not "evidence"

you're an idiot .. I never voted for Obama OR Hillary


LOL, you are an illiterate aren't you? SHE is an Obama hack you dumbass. You? You're just a hack.

DUMBASS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I just said I've never voted for either ...


That has nothing to do with you being a hack. God you are a dense one.

You called me an Obama hack you fucking idiot .. just because I wouldnt piss on Trumps feet doesnt mean Im a hack .. it means youre a partisan piece of shit.

Show where I called you that dumbass.
Obama assures Medvedev more flexibility after election

President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.

Afghanistan (July 20, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Obama reiterated his call for additional U.S. forces to deal with conditions in that he described as "precarious and urgent”. Obama spent time talking to U.S. military and diplomatic leadership, and to the leaders of Afghanistan, about whether the U.S. has the right strategy and the right resources to defeat the Taliban and al Qaeda, and to support lasting stability. The message from Obama to the Afghan government is this: we want a strong partnership based on "more for more" - more resources from the United States and NATO, and more action from the Afghan government to improve the lives of the Afghan people.

Anbar Province, Western Iraq (July 21, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama held talks with Sunni tribal leaders and stated, “There is security progress, but now we need a political solution” and he repeated his goal of withdrawing US combat troops from Iraq within 16 months should he become president.

Ramadi, Iraq (July 21, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama met with militiamen of the US-backed Awakening Councils movement - a tribal alliance whose members turned against al-Qaeda last year. Ahmed Abu Risha, head of the Awakening Councils, said tribal chiefs told Mr Obama that any withdrawal of US forces from Anbar should be carried out cautiously.

Baghdad, Iraq (July 21, 2008) U.S. Sen. met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki who told Obama that he hoped US troops could be withdrawn from Iraq by 2010. Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain, said that Obama was "completely wrong" to press for withdrawal timetables. Sen. McCain stated "When you win wars, troops come home”. (Sept. 2008) The New York Post has Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on record, stating Barack Obama tried to interfere with ongoing negotiations with Iraqi leaders while on his trip to Iraq recently. While telling his supporters his plan to withdraw troops from Iraq within 16 months, Barack Obama was doing something far different while he was in Iraq. He was trying to talk Iraqi officials into delaying the agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence from Iraq, Zebari said in an interview with the New York Post. According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July. "He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington”.

Amman, Jordan (July 22, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama met with Jordan’s King Abdullah Tel Aviv, Israel U.S. Sen. Obama held talks with Israeli leaders U.S. Sen. Obama held talks with Palestinian leaders

Britain (July 2008) Quote from British prime Minister, Gordon Brown: "The decision on the American election is a matter entirely for the American people and I have ….met with ….Senator Obama and talked to [him] about the issue that affect our two countries and the future of global issues."

France (July 25, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama held a joint news conference with French President Nicolas Sarkozy (whose country holds the European Union presidency) at the Elysée Palace in Paris.

Berlin, Germany (July 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama drew huge crowds in Berlin where he addressed them, oddly enough, as "fellow citizens of the world." Obama went on to state, “People of Berlin – people of the world – this is our moment. This is our time. ... With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again."

In 1985, John Kerry traveled to Nicaragua for a friendly pow-wow with the Sandinista president, Daniel Ortega. Of course back then, when he had a real president and not a Kardashian wannebe like Obama, that was in violation of the Logan Act. The Reagan administration supported the Contras against the Sandinistas and then president, Daniel Ortega.

Democrats John Kerry, Chris Dodd and Bill Nelson traveled to Damascus to meet with Bashir al-Assad. In 2006, Bush was trying to isolate the Syrian regime because of its aggression in Lebanon support for terrorism. Again, a violation of the Logan Act. yet you don’t hear a peep out of Democrats or their media sycophants about this.

Illegal Diplomacy
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may well have committed a felony in traveling to Damascus this week, against the wishes of the president, to communicate on foreign-policy issues with Syrian President Bashar Assad. The administration isn't going to want to touch this political hot potato, nor should it become a partisan issue.
From the OP:

Suppose Flynn testifies that Trump actively directed his communications about the sanctions with the Russian ambassador. Or even that he knew about them. That would mean that Trump was complicit in highly improper, and possibly illegal, communications prior to his taking office. It would also mean that after he became president, he stood mute for weeks while his vice president, national security advisor, chief of staff, press secretary and communications director all made repeated public statements that he knew were untrue.

Bill Clinton was impeached for less. And that’s not the worst of it. What if it turns out that the discussions of sanctions were only part of a greater perfidy? What if it starts to look like Trump favored the Russians with a wink and a nod on sanctions to thank them for helping him win the election? Any evidence of a quid pro quo and Trump is toast.
Sunni Man - not right in the head. Identifies with Trump.
Obama assures Medvedev more flexibility after election

President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.

Afghanistan (July 20, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Obama reiterated his call for additional U.S. forces to deal with conditions in that he described as "precarious and urgent”. Obama spent time talking to U.S. military and diplomatic leadership, and to the leaders of Afghanistan, about whether the U.S. has the right strategy and the right resources to defeat the Taliban and al Qaeda, and to support lasting stability. The message from Obama to the Afghan government is this: we want a strong partnership based on "more for more" - more resources from the United States and NATO, and more action from the Afghan government to improve the lives of the Afghan people.

Anbar Province, Western Iraq (July 21, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama held talks with Sunni tribal leaders and stated, “There is security progress, but now we need a political solution” and he repeated his goal of withdrawing US combat troops from Iraq within 16 months should he become president.

Ramadi, Iraq (July 21, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama met with militiamen of the US-backed Awakening Councils movement - a tribal alliance whose members turned against al-Qaeda last year. Ahmed Abu Risha, head of the Awakening Councils, said tribal chiefs told Mr Obama that any withdrawal of US forces from Anbar should be carried out cautiously.

Baghdad, Iraq (July 21, 2008) U.S. Sen. met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki who told Obama that he hoped US troops could be withdrawn from Iraq by 2010. Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain, said that Obama was "completely wrong" to press for withdrawal timetables. Sen. McCain stated "When you win wars, troops come home”. (Sept. 2008) The New York Post has Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on record, stating Barack Obama tried to interfere with ongoing negotiations with Iraqi leaders while on his trip to Iraq recently. While telling his supporters his plan to withdraw troops from Iraq within 16 months, Barack Obama was doing something far different while he was in Iraq. He was trying to talk Iraqi officials into delaying the agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence from Iraq, Zebari said in an interview with the New York Post. According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July. "He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington”.

Amman, Jordan (July 22, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama met with Jordan’s King Abdullah Tel Aviv, Israel U.S. Sen. Obama held talks with Israeli leaders U.S. Sen. Obama held talks with Palestinian leaders

Britain (July 2008) Quote from British prime Minister, Gordon Brown: "The decision on the American election is a matter entirely for the American people and I have ….met with ….Senator Obama and talked to [him] about the issue that affect our two countries and the future of global issues."

France (July 25, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama held a joint news conference with French President Nicolas Sarkozy (whose country holds the European Union presidency) at the Elysée Palace in Paris.

Berlin, Germany (July 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama drew huge crowds in Berlin where he addressed them, oddly enough, as "fellow citizens of the world." Obama went on to state, “People of Berlin – people of the world – this is our moment. This is our time. ... With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again."

In 1985, John Kerry traveled to Nicaragua for a friendly pow-wow with the Sandinista president, Daniel Ortega. Of course back then, when he had a real president and not a Kardashian wannebe like Obama, that was in violation of the Logan Act. The Reagan administration supported the Contras against the Sandinistas and then president, Daniel Ortega.

Democrats John Kerry, Chris Dodd and Bill Nelson traveled to Damascus to meet with Bashir al-Assad. In 2006, Bush was trying to isolate the Syrian regime because of its aggression in Lebanon support for terrorism. Again, a violation of the Logan Act. yet you don’t hear a peep out of Democrats or their media sycophants about this.

Illegal Diplomacy
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may well have committed a felony in traveling to Damascus this week, against the wishes of the president, to communicate on foreign-policy issues with Syrian President Bashar Assad. The administration isn't going to want to touch this political hot potato, nor should it become a partisan issue.
Oh look a squirrel. If we had the internet backin Nixon's time as the noose started to tighten around his neck the bonehead wingnuts would be flooding the internet trying to deflect by talking about Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy.
"Feed the beast"? Which beast, the psychotic left wing anarchists or the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media? There is no other beast. Lefties are acting like the British after they executed King Charles and finally had a shot at government by the people. They chickened out and called the Monarchy back.
Youre a good little Trump whore trying to demonized the media for fact checking all ofTrump's lies.
Do you know who else tried to demonize the media?
Nixon, Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler.
Enjoy the company you keep.
"Feed the beast"? Which beast, the psychotic left wing anarchists or the criminal enterprise known as the mainstream media? There is no other beast. Lefties are acting like the British after they executed King Charles and finally had a shot at government by the people. They chickened out and called the Monarchy back.
Youre a good little Trump whore trying to demonized the media for fact checking all ofTrump's lies.
Do you know who else tried to demonize the media?
Nixon, Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler.
Enjoy the company you keep.

You forgot Obama and both Clinton's.
Just like the Deplorables here FoxNews is in an alternate reality.
One of the bleach blonds there tried to pin the Flynn/ Trump s scandal on Obama.
No really.
From the OP:

Suppose Flynn testifies that Trump actively directed his communications about the sanctions with the Russian ambassador. Or even that he knew about them. That would mean that Trump was complicit in highly improper, and possibly illegal, communications prior to his taking office. It would also mean that after he became president, he stood mute for weeks while his vice president, national security advisor, chief of staff, press secretary and communications director all made repeated public statements that he knew were untrue.

Bill Clinton was impeached for less. And that’s not the worst of it. What if it turns out that the discussions of sanctions were only part of a greater perfidy? What if it starts to look like Trump favored the Russians with a wink and a nod on sanctions to thank them for helping him win the election? Any evidence of a quid pro quo and Trump is toast.

What if??? What if??? Could of, should of, would of.........

Make up your own stories as you go along. You've done it so many times in the past and have disappointed yourself repeatedly.
Obama assures Medvedev more flexibility after election

President Barack Obama was caught on camera on Monday assuring outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election.

Afghanistan (July 20, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama met with Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Obama reiterated his call for additional U.S. forces to deal with conditions in that he described as "precarious and urgent”. Obama spent time talking to U.S. military and diplomatic leadership, and to the leaders of Afghanistan, about whether the U.S. has the right strategy and the right resources to defeat the Taliban and al Qaeda, and to support lasting stability. The message from Obama to the Afghan government is this: we want a strong partnership based on "more for more" - more resources from the United States and NATO, and more action from the Afghan government to improve the lives of the Afghan people.

Anbar Province, Western Iraq (July 21, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama held talks with Sunni tribal leaders and stated, “There is security progress, but now we need a political solution” and he repeated his goal of withdrawing US combat troops from Iraq within 16 months should he become president.

Ramadi, Iraq (July 21, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama met with militiamen of the US-backed Awakening Councils movement - a tribal alliance whose members turned against al-Qaeda last year. Ahmed Abu Risha, head of the Awakening Councils, said tribal chiefs told Mr Obama that any withdrawal of US forces from Anbar should be carried out cautiously.

Baghdad, Iraq (July 21, 2008) U.S. Sen. met with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki who told Obama that he hoped US troops could be withdrawn from Iraq by 2010. Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain, said that Obama was "completely wrong" to press for withdrawal timetables. Sen. McCain stated "When you win wars, troops come home”. (Sept. 2008) The New York Post has Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, on record, stating Barack Obama tried to interfere with ongoing negotiations with Iraqi leaders while on his trip to Iraq recently. While telling his supporters his plan to withdraw troops from Iraq within 16 months, Barack Obama was doing something far different while he was in Iraq. He was trying to talk Iraqi officials into delaying the agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence from Iraq, Zebari said in an interview with the New York Post. According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July. "He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington”.

Amman, Jordan (July 22, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama met with Jordan’s King Abdullah Tel Aviv, Israel U.S. Sen. Obama held talks with Israeli leaders U.S. Sen. Obama held talks with Palestinian leaders

Britain (July 2008) Quote from British prime Minister, Gordon Brown: "The decision on the American election is a matter entirely for the American people and I have ….met with ….Senator Obama and talked to [him] about the issue that affect our two countries and the future of global issues."

France (July 25, 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama held a joint news conference with French President Nicolas Sarkozy (whose country holds the European Union presidency) at the Elysée Palace in Paris.

Berlin, Germany (July 2008) U.S. Sen. Obama drew huge crowds in Berlin where he addressed them, oddly enough, as "fellow citizens of the world." Obama went on to state, “People of Berlin – people of the world – this is our moment. This is our time. ... With an eye toward the future, with resolve in our hearts, let us remember this history, and answer our destiny, and remake the world once again."

In 1985, John Kerry traveled to Nicaragua for a friendly pow-wow with the Sandinista president, Daniel Ortega. Of course back then, when he had a real president and not a Kardashian wannebe like Obama, that was in violation of the Logan Act. The Reagan administration supported the Contras against the Sandinistas and then president, Daniel Ortega.

Democrats John Kerry, Chris Dodd and Bill Nelson traveled to Damascus to meet with Bashir al-Assad. In 2006, Bush was trying to isolate the Syrian regime because of its aggression in Lebanon support for terrorism. Again, a violation of the Logan Act. yet you don’t hear a peep out of Democrats or their media sycophants about this.

Illegal Diplomacy
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may well have committed a felony in traveling to Damascus this week, against the wishes of the president, to communicate on foreign-policy issues with Syrian President Bashar Assad. The administration isn't going to want to touch this political hot potato, nor should it become a partisan issue.
Oh look a squirrel. If we had the internet backin Nixon's time as the noose started to tighten around his neck the bonehead wingnuts would be flooding the internet trying to deflect by talking about Marilyn Monroe and Kennedy.

Just pointing out that everything you are basing your "articles of impeachment" on for Trump, the Democrats are guilty of in spades.

You got nothing!
Imagine the outcry from conservatives if this was a democratic president embroiled in this very same scandal.
Instead we get excuses and flights from reality by the Deplorables and its very telling and hilarious..

Correct, you on the left never tried to defend DumBama when it was realized he had personal relations with a domestic terrorist, nor did you back down when it was found he had a relationship with a shady criminal real estate guy, or his preacher.

For crying out loud, this was the guy who went to bed during the Benghazi tragedy because he had to get up early for a fund raiser.
It just got one liar out of the White House. The swamp's a little emptier today.

You're so harsh on fuctard Obama....
Heal the nation....impeach TRUMP.

Heal the nation --- shoot liberals.
Typical right wingers. Violent fucks. More dangerous than Isis.

Most are very happy that guns can now be old to the mentally challenged...

Well then you're in luck if you want to buy a gun! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
This is potentially much worse than Watergate! Back then, Republicans had the balls and integrity to investigate Nixon.

Investigate what? If you didn't know, he got fired and you're still not happy. Making a mountain out of a mole hill.
Correct, you on the left never tried to defend DumBama when it was realized he had personal relations with a domestic terrorist, nor did you back down when it was found he had a relationship with a shady criminal real estate guy, or his preacher.

For crying out loud, this was the guy who went to bed during the Benghazi tragedy because he had to get up early for a fund raiser.

Not only that, but he repeatedly did the very same thing Flynn is being accused of, numerous times before he was elected president.

They want to totally ignore that, along with the actions of Dick Durbin, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry and Ted Kennedy. When THEY violate the Logan Act, it's perfectly fine.. no problem... nothing to see here folks!


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