The Food Stamp Capital of the U.S. is WHITE and REPUBLICAN

Anyone really think a rural county has more food stamp users than Chicago? Another confused individual that doesn't understand the difference between the largest number and percentages.
Anyone really think a rural county has more food stamp users than Chicago? Another confused individual that doesn't understand the difference between the largest number and percentages.

Obama used to say that he shared 1 million votes with Bush since one million who voted for Bush also voted for Obama. Therefore it is not surprising that a county that gets lots of food stamps gets lots of Republican votes too. Voters are often stupid and they often have conflicting thoughts.
About this ^^^^^


Eddy dear wants us to think he wrote it but, being a self-described professional, published author, he actually lifted it from here -

united states - Does majority-white and majority-republican Owsley county have the highest SNAP usage - Skeptics Stack Exchange

dear, the question is not who wrote but is it true and what are its implications.

Tell it to the mods because that's not what the rules say.

You have bragged about being a "professional, published author". I've seen some of the garbage you've written so I know that's laughable but tell me -

Its okay with you if people pass off your words as their own?
Anyone really think a rural county has more food stamp users than Chicago? Another confused individual that doesn't understand the difference between the largest number and percentages.

Obama used to say that he shared 1 million votes with Bush since one million who voted for Bush also voted for Obama. Therefore it is not surprising that a county that gets lots of food stamps gets lots of Republican votes too. Voters are often stupid and they often have conflicting thoughts.


Eddy dear -- Don't DO that!!

Don't say this stupid crap when I've got a mouthful cuz I could accidentally spray my keyboard.

Or, do you have a link that proves "Obama used to say that he shared 1 million votes with Bush since one million who voted for Bush also voted for Obama."

You do this all the time. You steal other people's writing and pass it off as your own and damn, you say some of the dumbest crap I've ever read.

Do I know how to get rid of EdwardBaiamonte or what.


Remember this if you want to get rid of him. He steals, plagiarizes and then tries to pass it off as his own. Just do a search, post the actual source and POOF!! He's gone.

About this ^^^^^

Eddy dear wants us to think he wrote it but, being a self-described professional, published author, he actually lifted it from here -

united states - Does majority-white and majority-republican Owsley county have the highest SNAP usage - Skeptics Stack Exchange
Hah busted. Special Ed has already admitted to being a compulsive liar so lifting other people's work as his own isn't too much of a stretch.

I've seen him do it before but just never bothered with it.

To heck with that.

Ed dear - you're on notice. I'm not ignoring your plagiarism any more.
From the comments section"

I grew up in Appalachia and still have relatives who are miners. And yes, they ARE bigoted and YES they vote primarily GOP, and YES, they ARE on welfare/black lung/social security. I left because my parents were professionals and told me to get out into the real world and don't EVER look back.
They were right.

Education is key and we all know that RWs believe education is a liberal plot and kinds of "elitist" and "snobby". Betcha too that these sad folks think homeschooling is just nifty, good book crap and all that.

If you live there, you better hope your own parents somehow got an education because if they didn't, you're likely stuck in that hell hole and digging for coal - not for your own enrichment but to line the pockets of the 1%.
Don't believe you at all,after the number of untruths you have posted ,calling BULL SHIT
yes they lack IQ for substance so Dean cuts and pastes and Luddy uses personal attack.
Hah you just got caught submitting someone else's content as your own, and you call out others for cutting and pasting?

Irony level 900.

still waiting for liberal to state conclusion about food stamps in KY.
Or New York
Yes, still waiting for liberal to state conclusion about food stamps in KY or anywhehre else.

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