the foolish statements of the NRA


Mar 6, 2013
The NRA'w Wayne LaPierre claims we could end much of the increasing and spectacular gun violence plaguing the country by simply removing obviously dangerous psychotics from the street.
It is not that easy.
The proof is in the pudding.
The NRA could not spot a future mass murderer in Lanza - they issued him a certificate as proof of that inability.
That understandable failure of the NrA - it's inability to predict future behavior - has been documented in almost every mainstream publication in the country
Here the Atlantiic gives a full rundown of the certificate issued to Lanza by the NRA
Newtown Documents Reveal Adam Lanza's Massive Arsenal & NRA Papers - Dashiell Bennett - The Atlantic Wire
and here Newsweek's online organ tells of it:
The news that Adam Lanza had an NRA certificate is sure to further deepen the anger of many Newtown residents toward the organization, which recently began making robocalls to area residents asking them to oppose gun-control measures being considered by the Connecticut Legislature.

These residents are sure to be only more determined in their efforts to press not just the state legislature but the U.S. Congress for meaningful measures to prevent such a horror from happening again. A particularly moving and articulate statement was posted on the Newtown Action Alliance Facebook page by a mother of two Sandy Hook kids, a 6-year-old daughter in the first grade and a 7-year-old son in the second grade. Susan Ludwig had just arrived outside the school when the shooting began.
New Details Are Released About Contents of the Lanza House - The Daily Beast
This has nothing to do with any conspiracy - it speaks to a simple human limitation. No one can predict the future behavior of most individuals well. Despite what the NRA claims!
You would deny our protected rights to prevent a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the population from committing crimes that they would just use another method to commit or get a weapon from an illegal source?

You don't like the 2nd Amendment, pass an new Amendment that removes the 2nd. The Courts are clear, military style weapons and their magazines are protected under the 2nd Amendment and it is an INDIVIDUAL right.
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Their are limits to the 2nd Amendment
There should be and are limitations on the right to carry firearms.
People are not allowed guns while forced to live in the most dangerous places in the country - our prisons. are you going to argue for unrestricted access to guns by inmates?
You don't believe in unrestricted gun rights then.
For what it's worth you will always be able to own a gun for protection and to hunt provided you are not a felon or demonstrably mentally unstable.
But you do not have the right to any weapon for any reason regardless of your past record or current incompetence - and the people that wrote the constitution never claimed you should have such an untrammeled right. what do you think the words well regulated mean in that 2nd amendent?
I just read that whole article where they claim Adam had accumulated that "arsenal".

Hell's bells if he was such a collector, why was he not allowed to buy a gun a few days before the massacre? And why would he even need to buy another gun if he had access to "his supposed arsenal?

And why has it been continually reported that these guns were registered to Nancy Lanza?

What bullshit is going on here?
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Their are limits to the 2nd Amendment
There should be and are limitations on the right to carry firearms.
People are not allowed guns while forced to live in the most dangerous places in the country - our prisons. are you going to argue for unrestricted access to guns by inmates?
You don't believe in unrestricted gun rights then.
For what it's worth you will always be able to own a gun for protection and to hunt provided you are not a felon or demonstrably mentally unstable.
But you do not have the right to any weapon for any reason regardless of your past record or current incompetence - and the people that wrote the constitution never claimed you should have such an untrammeled right. what do you think the words well regulated mean in that 2nd amendent?

Check out Heller vs DC and most importantly McDonald vs Chicago.

The 14th backs up the 2nd.
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Lanza's mother bears most the responsibility for the arsenal at Lanza's disposal.
There were guns in that arsenal that should not be at the disposal of any civilian.
The fact those guns are in private hands is ddue mainly to the gun nut lobby.
But as for the news in this piece - we can't know who shouldn't b among us, who might become deadly - obviously not even the expert gun nuts at the NRA can determine who is dangerous - or they never would have issued Lanza a certificate.
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Since you like Heller - here's the key to understanding your errors regarding your favorite opinion:
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA et al. v. HELLER from the majority opinion:
Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.
Lanza's mother bears most the responsibility for the arsenal at Lanza's disposal.
There were guns in that arsenal that should not be at the disposal of any civilian.
The fact those guns are in private hands is ddue mainly to the gun nut lobby.
But as for the news in this piece - we can't know who shouldn't b among us, who might become deadly - obviously not even the expert gun nuts at the NRA can determine who is dangerous - or they never would have issued Lanza a certificate.

What guns are the "bad" guns sock puppet?

And I'm still not getting the whole "certificate" bullshit. If one is a member, you have a membership card.
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You would deny our protected rights to prevent a fraction of a fraction of a percent of the population from committing crimes that they would just use another method to commit or get a weapon from an illegal source?

You don't like the 2nd Amendment, pass an new Amendment that removes the 2nd. The Courts are clear, military style weapons and their magazines are protected under the 2nd Amendment and it is an INDIVIDUAL right.

do you have a citation?
i see trollcusssmith, having had his ass handed to him in the other thread about virtually the same issue, decided to create another thread to avoid that embarrassment.

And politico has just been freaking busted! Have I negged the OP yet for lying again?

The NRA pushed back on an association with the Lanzas later on Thursday.

“There is no record of a member relationship between Newtown killer Adam Lanza, nor between Nancy Lanza, A. Lanza or N. Lanza with the National Rifle Association,” the organization said in a statement. “Reporting to the contrary is reckless, false and defamatory.”

A review of the NRA website shows that the organization offers a variety of education and training programs, and also provides online templates for certificates. Organizations around the country also offer what they bill as NRA certificates upon completion of certain classes.

A spokeswoman for the NRA confirmed to POLITICO that it is possible to possess a certificate from the NRA without being a full-fledged member of the organization.

The OP is busted again.

Politico's Glueck Spends Four Paragraphs Smearing the NRA Before Noting Lanzas Were Never Members | NewsBusters
Any weapon that has a design allowing it to kill scores in seconds - as opposed to a gun designed for self defense or hunting - can be adjudged by the peoples representatives to be a dangerous weapon and banned according to this opinion. We successfully removed machine guns from use by people like Machine Gun Kelly and Bonnie and Clyde and we can remove large magazine assault weapons and guns that shoot at a high enough velocity to pierce police armor as well. The right to hunt and protect your family does not entail the right to own bazookas, 30 round mags or 50 cal guns.
So many of your intellectually challenged peers totally misinterpreted a quote from a magazine posted earlier that it seemed likely impossible to salvage meaning from their incoherent blabbering - so I started anew here with a segue that even you mental misfits wouldn't again mangle in the same way.
Any weapon that has a design allowing it to kill scores in seconds - as opposed to a gun designed for self defense or hunting - can be adjudged by the peoples representatives to be a dangerous weapon and banned according to this opinion. We successfully removed machine guns from use by people like Machine Gun Kelly and Bonnie and Clyde and we can remove large magazine assault weapons and guns that shoot at a high enough velocity to pierce police armor as well. The right to hunt and protect your family does not entail the right to own bazookas, 30 round mags or 50 cal guns.


2nd and the 14th. Those pesky Amendments just get in the way of your argument.
And politico has just been freaking busted! Have I negged the OP yet for lying again?

The NRA pushed back on an association with the Lanzas later on Thursday.

“There is no record of a member relationship between Newtown killer Adam Lanza, nor between Nancy Lanza, A. Lanza or N. Lanza with the National Rifle Association,” the organization said in a statement. “Reporting to the contrary is reckless, false and defamatory.”

A review of the NRA website shows that the organization offers a variety of education and training programs, and also provides online templates for certificates. Organizations around the country also offer what they bill as NRA certificates upon completion of certain classes.

A spokeswoman for the NRA confirmed to POLITICO that it is possible to possess a certificate from the NRA without being a full-fledged member of the organization.

The OP is busted again.

Politico's Glueck Spends Four Paragraphs Smearing the NRA Before Noting Lanzas Were Never Members | NewsBusters

The radical right wing newsbusters is your source? :lol: :lol: what a fucking idiot you are.
Despite the self serving statements of the NRA - there was a certificate issued to Lanza by the NRA and they have never denied that fact!
The NRA membership rolls are secret. we can't count the number of gangsters, drug runners and assorted cutthroats that along with well meaning dupes contribute to the criminal class number one lobby. But if the NrA wants to open up it's rolls and let us verify their claim here - that would be great. Meanwhile the certificate remains evidence that not even gun nuts can tell who might go off on a killing jag for sure!
And politico has just been freaking busted! Have I negged the OP yet for lying again?

The NRA pushed back on an association with the Lanzas later on Thursday.

“There is no record of a member relationship between Newtown killer Adam Lanza, nor between Nancy Lanza, A. Lanza or N. Lanza with the National Rifle Association,” the organization said in a statement. “Reporting to the contrary is reckless, false and defamatory.”

A review of the NRA website shows that the organization offers a variety of education and training programs, and also provides online templates for certificates. Organizations around the country also offer what they bill as NRA certificates upon completion of certain classes.

A spokeswoman for the NRA confirmed to POLITICO that it is possible to possess a certificate from the NRA without being a full-fledged member of the organization.

The OP is busted again.

Politico's Glueck Spends Four Paragraphs Smearing the NRA Before Noting Lanzas Were Never Members | NewsBusters

The radical right wing newsbusters is your source? :lol: :lol: what a fucking idiot you are.

FACT: neither Mrs. Lanza or her son were NRA members.

FACT: Politico busted

FACT: even HuffPo is accurately reporting that neither the mother or the son were members

FACT: your enema obviously didn't work today because you are full of shit

And politico has just been freaking busted! Have I negged the OP yet for lying again?

The NRA pushed back on an association with the Lanzas later on Thursday.

“There is no record of a member relationship between Newtown killer Adam Lanza, nor between Nancy Lanza, A. Lanza or N. Lanza with the National Rifle Association,” the organization said in a statement. “Reporting to the contrary is reckless, false and defamatory.”

A review of the NRA website shows that the organization offers a variety of education and training programs, and also provides online templates for certificates. Organizations around the country also offer what they bill as NRA certificates upon completion of certain classes.

A spokeswoman for the NRA confirmed to POLITICO that it is possible to possess a certificate from the NRA without being a full-fledged member of the organization.

The OP is busted again.

Politico's Glueck Spends Four Paragraphs Smearing the NRA Before Noting Lanzas Were Never Members | NewsBusters

The radical right wing newsbusters is your source? :lol: :lol: what a fucking idiot you are.

FACT: neither Mrs. Lanza or her son were NRA members.

FACT: Politico busted

FACT: even HuffPo is accurately reporting that neither the mother or the son were members

FACT: your enema obviously didn't work today because you are full of shit


FACT: The NRA trained Lanza on how to be a cold blooded killer, and he had the certificates to prove it.

FACT: Newsbusters is a radical right wing propaganda site and it's fun to laugh at pieces of shit like you that think it's factual

FACT: Who cares if they were NRA members or not? Do you actually think the NRA would tell the truth and say they were members? :lol:

FACT: Kicking your ignorant ass up and down the block with every post brings a smile to my face, please keep posting tinydipshit, I'm just getting warmed up :lmao: :up:
When the NRA opens it's membership and contributions rolls to the public we can verify the nRA claims about membership.
But we know that Lanza got a gold star from them - and that he was likely, therefore, a member - and so we can rest assured that lobbyists groups like the NRA lie like cheap hairpieces, very unconvincingly.
But membership or not - the NrA gave Lanza a seal of certification. No one at the NrA disputes that!
So now having 5-6 guns is a massive arsenal, really? Sorry, I can't count any BB gun as being part of an arsenal. And the simple fact that this little creep attended an NRA sanctioned training class means squat. I think the shit head that made the OP needs to take up the gay marriage fight, he's much better suited of that one.

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