The Foreign Rioters We Cannot Deport Because Of Their 'Right To Family Life'


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
It appears the British government is almost about immigration as clueless as ours:

Two foreign criminals jailed for their part in English riots have been allowed to stay in this country because of their "right to family life" under the Human Rights Act.
The foreign rioters we cannot deport because of their 'right to family life'
Rioting in London in 2011 was used by Ubong-Luke Nkanta, bottom, to commit burglary. TS, top, took part in copycat riots in Buckinghamshire Photo: Getty Images
David Barrett

By David Barrett, Home Affairs Correspondent

The Telegraph can reveal for the first time how the two rioters - who were both made an example of by the criminal courts for their roles in the 2011 disorder - have since overturned the Home Office’s attempts to have them sent home.

One was convicted of violent disorder after rampages involving attacks on shops and cars by a gang in two Home Counties towns, while the other was convicted of burglary for his part in the London riots.

The successful appeals by the rioters - under the "right to family life" - demonstrate how the immigration courts’ leniency sharply contradicts the determination of politicians and the criminal justice system to have exemplary action taken against those who caused £200 million damage in an orgy of violence.

The foreign rioters we cannot deport because of their 'right to family life' - Telegraph
It's an invitation to come and wreak havoc with no worry of reprisals. If people are truly interested in family and a better life, the last thing they would be doing is committing violent crimes.
I agree with BriPat on this one - one cannot commit a serious crime and then claim rights.

I'd like to see any immigrant committing a serious crime within the first few years of residency deported immediately.

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