The Forward Party

I don't think you understand what makes capitalism successful or understand that it's success doesn't necessarily translate into adequately shared benefits.
spoken like a true Marxist.

I don't think you understand what makes something valuable. I don't think you understand that "shared benefits" is a direct result of value.

Take this back to the caveman times. The successful hunter is way more valuable than the shitty, lazy, or stupid Hunter.

And why should there be "shared benefits" with the worthless?
It's about freedom of travel, not wage slavery.

You cultural Marxist fucks are the worst enemy the working class ever had....You can stop pretending otherwise.
What wage slavery? Libertarians would tell you that you are free to refuse to work for a job who's compensation you find inadequate. Just because someone else is willing to work for that wage doesn't make you a slave. (According to Libertarian doctrine)
Personal attack out of the gate? What's wrong, no arguments or ideas?

Yeah. We should fix that. And we can do that without turning the nation into an exclusive country club.

That's just horseshit. There are as many jobs as there are people willing to do them. Jobs are not a finite resource.
I wish it were but it isnt

The law of supply and demand applies to the labor market too

If you have one job to fill and $5 to pay for it and 10 people want he job why not hire 5 of them at $1 each?

Certainly no libertarian is going to complain
He's right....Yo look down your nose at people with alarming regularity,
Yes, yes, yes - I'm a lib, and a democrat, and a Nazi, etc, etc .... all because I won't climb aboard the Trump crazy train. Got it.
Strawman argument....Wanting secure borders and an orderly immigration regime isn't turning the nation into a country club.
Agreed, but that's not what most of the "wall builders" are after. They aren't concerned with security or orderly immigration. They want to keep out the "teeming masses yearning to breathe free".
That's true. Free markets are just free. They don't ensure "adequately shared" benefits. They let society decide how to share its benefits.
What do you mean by "free"? How can a market ever really be free when it is a creation of society? It's manufactured, it's not a naturally occuring phenomenon.
What wage slavery? Libertarians would tell you that you are free to refuse to work for a job who's compensation you find inadequate. Just because someone else is willing to work for that wage doesn't make you a slave. (According to Libertarian doctrine)

You are a fucking joke. Unbelievable.

This is the kind of trash we have in our country.
I wish it were but it isnt

The law of supply and demand applies to the labor market too

If you have one job to fill and $5 to pay for it and 10 people want he job why not hire 5 of them at $1 each?

Certainly no libertarian is going to complain
I'll say again, jobs are not a finite resource.
spoken like a true Marxist.

I don't think you understand what makes something valuable. I don't think you understand that "shared benefits" is a direct result of value.

Take this back to the caveman times. The successful hunter is way more valuable than the shitty, lazy, or stupid Hunter.

And why should there be "shared benefits" with the worthless?
You're not a hunter gatherer my guy and meat was just one item on a menu that was more varied than your average American's. You know very little about actual history. 😄
What do you mean by "free"? How can a market ever really be free when it is a creation of society?
What do mean by "mean"? Not interested in sophistry.
It's manufactured, it's not a naturally occuring phenomenon.
Property is, in fact, a naturally occurring phenomenon. We create laws to codify property rights and avoid unnecessary conflict, but the idea of owning and trading property predates government.
Yes, yes, yes - I'm a lib, and a democrat, and a Nazi, etc, etc .... all because I won't climb aboard the Trump crazy train. Got it.
Didn't say that....I said that you're a snob, which is true.....You've demonstrated such to me numerous times.
Agreed, but that's not what most of the "wall builders" are after. They aren't concerned with security or orderly immigration. They want to keep out the "teeming masses yearning to breathe free".
Total projection of ill-intent.

Hate on Orange Man all you want, you cannot deny that the southern border was orderly and secure for his four years.
Agreed, but that's not what most of the "wall builders" are after. They aren't concerned with security or orderly immigration. They want to keep out the "teeming masses yearning to breathe free".
Here you are, assuming the motives of those who wish to secure the Texas border. (Me)

If only that were the case that these illegals are "yearning to breathe free."

They are yearning to earn some money and send it back home or drop an anchor and take advantage of our welfare state.

Not to mention the whole five people chasing one job problem, driving down the entire labor market. Allowing employers to avoid taxation at our expense.

This is all a big money shift that burdens median household.

It has nothing to do with liberty. At all.
Exactly. You're just another protectionist. You think the Law should protect Americans from the market forces of cheap foreign labor and so you're not a real libertarian. You're just a poser.
Yes, and proudly so

I’m American and I want whats best for America

You are a fucking joke. Unbelievable.

This is the kind of trash we have in our country.
Have you ever actually read any libertarian philosophy? 😄

Frederic Bastiat called the Law, the collective organization of the individual right to self defense. He argued that government had no moral authority to do anything collectively that people didn't have a moral right to do individually. Expanding on that concept, what individual right would you have to deny a private company like say, Ford, from hiring cheaper foreign labor?
What do you mean by "free"? How can a market ever really be free when it is a creation of society? It's manufactured, it's not a naturally occuring phenomenon.
You're telling me that caveman hunters didn't trade their meat for other goods?
You are the perfect little proletariat marxist aren't you? You frame everything in this tiny little bubble of Marxism just like you've been taught.
That's the other side of libertarianism, the faithful belief in righteous liberty. 😄
UH.... libertarianism advocates for liberty. Religious liberty is just one variety. There are plenty of atheist libertarians.

Out of curiosity, do you think religious liberty is a bad idea?
Exactly. You're just another protectionist. You think the Law should protect Americans from the market forces of cheap foreign labor and so you're not a real libertarian. You're just a poser.
That may be the first correct point you've made. You're getting there!
I don't think you understand what makes capitalism successful or understand that it's success doesn't necessarily translate into adequately shared benefits.

I don't think you understand what makes capitalism successful or understand that it's success doesn't necessarily translate into adequately shared benefits.
Its not supposed to. You really dont have any idea what you are talking about, do you?
You're not a hunter gatherer my guy and meat was just one item on a menu that was more varied than your average American's. You know very little about actual history. 😄

I was using that as an example of how markets have ALWAYS been a part of human history, but good job miss point again.....AGAIN.

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