The Forward Party

Yang is a lib who failed when he ran as a democrat
Yang is Asian.

Democrats have had a problem with Asians since FDR.

It's a racist thingy.

Other than that, they are carbon copies of each other.
Like what?
Like exactly what you said above this
That's not what libertarians are after. We want open, but secure, borders. There are legitimate reasons to keep bad actors out of the country. But "they took er jerbs" isn't one. Some people want the security, status and privilege of living in a "gated community". Fuck them.

Like what?

And in your view, what would they do differently, if they were "serious"? The bottom line is that until we change the voting system, or voters actually grow up and quit falling for LO2E, a third party has very little chance of winning, or even getting a meaningful minority of the votes. So their goals are different.

I get frustrated with it too. Part of it is just built in to the libertarian ethos. People committed to the idea of live-and-let-live don't have quite as much "civic ambition" as those with grand plans for society. But mostly it's the stranglehold that the two parties have on the process. Libertarians start out the race a lap down, bound and gagged, and you criticize them for not being "serious"? C'mon.
In my opinion, the only person capable of actually getting anywhere other than less than 5% of the vote was Austin Petersen. And I actually believe the party torpedoed his campaign in favor of Johnson.

Austin is now a Republican.

That tells me all I need to know.

Some party heads need to roll, and some new blood needs to get in there before I will take that party seriously again.

Until then, I see that party is nothing more than a wing of the Democratic Party trying to re-direct votes away from the Republicans. It's not a real party.
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Then why did they go for Jo Jorgensen?

Talk about a nobody.
And still would have been a better president than either Biden or Trump.
No. They didn't. They picked the candidate they knew would be the worst candidate.
On purpose? WTF? You think the Libertarian party is another conspiracy?
The party is nothing but a vote drain.
Good. Anything that "drains" votes from the duopoly is a win.
Given the drain is way more "red" than "blue" I have my suspicions about who really runs the Libertarian party.
Jesus fuck. Now you're shilling for the "lesser-of-two-evils" nonsense? Everything is a conspeeeeracy and everything - EVERYTHING is to be measured in terms of the two-party shitfest!!! :rolleyes:
Which in my book is a good thing.

The LP made a big mistake picking Johnson just because of his name recognition.
Well, Johnson got a hell of a lot more votes than Jorgenson did so somehow that doesn't make sense. Unfortunately, I think both the 2016 and the 2020 elections created what should have been a very ripe situation for third parties to do well. Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect and people doubled down on both Republicans and Democrats in order to make sure the other side didn't win, ignoring third party choices. I see the same thing happening in 2024.
That's not what libertarians are after. We want open, but secure, borders. There are legitimate reasons to keep bad actors out of the country. But "they took er jerbs" isn't one. Some people want the security, status and privilege of living in a "gated community". Fuck them.

Like what?

And in your view, what would they do differently, if they were "serious"? The bottom line is that until we change the voting system, or voters actually grow up and quit falling for LO2E, a third party has very little chance of winning, or even getting a meaningful minority of the votes. So their goals are different.

I get frustrated with it too. Part of it is just built in to the libertarian ethos. People committed to the idea of live-and-let-live don't have quite as much "civic ambition" as those with grand plans for society. But mostly it's the stranglehold that the two parties have on the process. Libertarians start out the race a lap down, bound and gagged, and you criticize them for not being "serious"? C'mon.
That's not what libertarians are after. We want open, but secure, borders. There are legitimate reasons to keep bad actors out of the country. But "they took er jerbs" isn't one.

You are a typical lib who looks down on other Americans if they have the same job you have

Two million shoeless migrants per year have to be fed, clothed, housed, sent to school, and arrested for crimes all at taxpayer expense

Some do work, but when they do they take jobs and depress wages for the poorest Americans
she's terrible.

She has no sense of libertarianism. Liberty is the last thing on her mind.

This is the problem with most libertarians. They're not actually libertarians.

The party is a fucking joke and so is she.

Remember Austin Petersen? He dominated the debates and was a much more polished candidate than Gary Johnson.

I firmly believe the party torpedoed Austin because it never wants to win.

Winning is not the purpose of the libertarian party.

Siphoning votes is the purpose of the libertarian party.
I don't know if they actually do it on purpose but Libertarians do have the "L" on their foreheads. It's a requirement in order to be nominated.
Yang is Asian.

Democrats have had a problem with Asians since FDR.

It's a racist thingy.

Other than that, they are carbon copies of each other.
I concede that many asians typically vote democrat and support the lib wipe-every-nose big government agenda

But not all of them do
That's not what libertarians are after. We want open, but secure, borders. There are legitimate reasons to keep bad actors out of the country. But "they took er jerbs" isn't one.

You are a typical lib who looks down on other Americans if they have the same job you have

Two million shoeless migrants per year have to be fed, clothed, housed, sent to school, and arrested for crimes all at taxpayer expense

Some do work, but when they do they take jobs and depress wages for the poorest Americans
No you dumbass, have you ever read libertarian philosophy? Free Market Capitalism has no qalms about replacing a more expensive white work force with a cheaper, browner one. 😄 Those are just market forces. Maybe you whites should work for less and compete in the free market.
No you dumbass, have you ever read libertarian philosophy? Free Market Capitalism has no qalms about replacing a more expensive white work force with a cheaper, browner one. 😄 Those are just market forces. Maybe you whites should work for less and compete in the free market.
I've read it ant you are lying out your ass again.

Libertarians support open borders in the context of no socialistic welfare moocher state....Then all who came to Murica would be here for the tight reasons and pull their own weight.
I've read it ant you are lying out your ass again.

Libertarians support open borders in the context of no socialistic welfare moocher state....Then all who came to Murica would be here for the tight reasons and pull their own weight.
I never said they believed in socialism, I said they have no problems with a browner workforce coming here and displacing a more expensive, white one. Read what's there and not what's in your imagination you damn LARPer.
i'll put it this way.

Jo Jorgensen was the best the Libertarian party had to offer in 2020.

Prior to that, the best Libertarian party EVER had to offer (Austin Petersen) was torpedoed in favor of Gary Johnson.

Now the best libertarian party ever had to offer is a Republican.

That pretty much sums up the libertarian party.
Then why did they go for Jo Jorgensen?

Talk about a nobody.

Did they have a change of heart on "known" candidates?

No. They didn't. They picked the candidate they knew would be the worst candidate.

The party is nothing but a vote drain.

Given the drain is way more "red" than "blue" I have my suspicions about who really runs the Libertarian party.
The last LP candidate worth a fuck was Harry Browne.
i'll put it this way.

Jo Jorgensen was the best the Libertarian party had to offer in 2020.

Prior to that, the best Libertarian party EVER had to offer (Austin Petersen) was torpedoed in favor of Gary Johnson.

Now the best libertarian party ever had to offer is a Republican.

That pretty much sums up the libertarian party.
Libertarians are largely morons who believe the market is some divinely tuned instrument that will always produce the best outcomes for everybody.
Like exactly what you said above this
You said "If the libertarians would maintain that stance subject to removing a whole bunch of other bullshit ..."

Just wondering what you were referring to.
In my opinion, the only person capable of actually getting anywhere other than less than 5% of the vote was Austin Petersen. And I actually believe the party torpedoed his campaign in favor of Johnson.

Austin is now a Republican.

That tells me all I need to know.
That he wants to win and realizes the system is rigged against third-parties?
Some party heads need to roll, and some new blood needs to get in there before I will take that party seriously again.
Maybe. I'm not enamored with the party leadership, but blaming libertarians for not being serious enough is like blaming the crippled kid for not trying hard enough at the school track meet.
Until then, I see that party is nothing more than a wing of the Democratic Party trying to re-direct votes away from the Republicans.
As I said, anything that drains votes from the duopoly is a win. Your concern over whether it hits Rs or Ds harder is just a confession that you're playing the lesser-of-two-evils game. Enjoy your evil.

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